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Next, sort of

It only counts in horseshoes and hand grenades, Sans. This would fall sometime after the plate aftermath, but it's not a direct continuation, really.

The WD Alphys app is something that Alphys and Gaster have been working on together to let them communicate via phone, since Alphys can’t speak Wingdings (I’m starting to think that only font skeletons can speak wingdings, actually). Once it keys into Gaster’s magical signature, it follows the movements of the magic hands he creates and transmits it to her phone, along with an attempt at a translation. It’s still in beta and hasn’t been released yet, but they’re hoping once they iron out the bugs and refine it that it can come in handy for other monsters who use sign language. I figure if Alphys can turn phones into functioning jetpacks then something like this wouldn’t be impossible, haha.
He talks while he signs because he likes the sound of his own voice, the egomaniac. The little sprites were Alphys’s idea. I dunno why the idea of Gaster with a flip phone cracks me up so much. It has Gameboy colors!

Gaster is tired and stressed out, thus why he’s not paying a lot of attention. Also why his coat’s unbuttoned and he left his phone on and why he’s trying to do work while Sans is doing an IQ test (IQ days are kind of “free” days for the three of them to recover from previous experiments).

For something that ends on such an ominous note, this sure has a lot of weird little cute moments and details to it. If it's any consolation I don't think their punishment for this was that bad, actually, I think he mostly just wanted to scare them.


Edit - Check out these dubs!
Christy the Puppet
Gatupaba (Spanish)
Nintendo Boomer
Adrixx Ontis (Spanish)
Starbot Dubs
Deathstar 813
S.R. Hunt
Jamadubs (Spanish)
Fiore!Sans (Spanish)
Sombra Oscura (Spanish)
Phoenix Prime
Puzzle Channel (Russian)
Frank Hyuga (Spanish)
Dat Kooby

Español - One / Two / Three
русский язык
中文 - One / Two
Português do Brasil
Polski - One / Two
Suomen Kieli
Magyar nyelv

Done entirely digitally, these just get longer and longer.

Sans, Papyrus, Gaster (c) Undertale: I think this is the first time anyone's referred to him by name in the main comics, isn't it
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mon4mi's avatar

why does gasper use sign lenguague?