YouAligned™ Mind, Body, Life Wellness. Wed, 11 Sep 2024 17:56:40 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Is Tracking Your Macros Actually Good for You? Here’s the Lowdown Wed, 11 Sep 2024 17:56:40 +0000 The health and fitness community are often abuzz with the term “macros.” You may even know people who organize their daily meals based on macros counts or ratios. Facilities like personal training gyms and weight loss clinics often give clients a daily calorie goal as the key component of their nutrition plan, with counting, or […]

The post Is Tracking Your Macros Actually Good for You? Here’s the Lowdown appeared first on YouAligned™.


The health and fitness community are often abuzz with the term “macros.” You may even know people who organize their daily meals based on macros counts or ratios.

Facilities like personal training gyms and weight loss clinics often give clients a daily calorie goal as the key component of their nutrition plan, with counting, or tracking macros as a way of tracking and meeting that goal. But is this method a safe and effective way to maintain a well-balanced diet and a healthy relationship to food?

This article will explain what macros are and the functions they do for the body, the factors that go into following a macros diet, and the evidence for and against tracking macros as a dietary regimen.

Let’s start off by defining what macros are.

What are Macros?

In the nutrition context, macros is the abbreviation for macronutrients. The prefix comes from the Greek word makros, which means large.

Simply put, macronutrients are the kinds of nutrients your body needs daily in large amounts (think grams) to maintain optimum function. Meanwhile, micronutrients, or micros, are nutrients that the body also requires, but in smaller amounts (such as milligrams or micrograms).

A note that the term “macros” is not the same as the macrobiotic diet. Macrobiotic refers to an alternative or complementary lifestyle characterized by a largely vegetarian, whole foods diet and a goal of acquiring a natural and calm way of life.


These Are the 3 Primary Macronutrients:

There are three primary macronutrients: carbohydrates, fat, and protein. They each fuel the body with energy (in the form of calories) and help it metabolize and absorb nutrients.

1. Carbohydrates are the body’s preferred source of energy and get broken down into glucose in the bloodstream. Glucose provides fuel for the brain, central nervous system, and red blood cells, and it can also be stored as glycogen in the liver for energy that the body can use at a later time.

There are simple carbs, like white bread and white rice, which are digested and used for energy quickly, and complex carbohydrates, like those in whole grains like whole wheat bread and quinoa and legumes like beans and lentils, which are metabolized more slowly.

Fiber, a complex carbohydrate found in many whole fruits, vegetables, and legumes, supports healthy digestion and helps lower cholesterol. Carbohydrates contain 4 calories per gram.

2. Fats contribute to the membranes of the body’s cells, provide an energy reserve for the body, and aid in the absorption of Vitamins A, D, E, and K (which is why they are classified as fat-soluble vitamins). During digestion fats get broken down into fatty acids and glycerol, and there are certain fatty acids that cannot be made in the body and must be obtained through the diet, like omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids.

There are saturated fats, which have only single bonds between carbon and hydrogen atoms in their chemical structure, and unsaturated fats with at least one double bond between a carbon and hydrogen atom in the fatty acid. Saturated fats break down more easily (single bonds are easier to break) and are more readily used for storage in the liver, while unsaturated fats take longer to metabolize.

Saturated fats are primarily found in meat, poultry, egg yolks, dairy, and coconut products (like coconut milk and coconut oil), while unsaturated fats are commonly found in fatty fish (like salmon and tuna), nuts (like walnuts and almonds), nut butters (like peanut and almond butter), seeds (like pumpkin and sunflower), avocados, olives, and vegetable oils like olive oil and canola oil.

Omega-3 fatty acids are a well-known unsaturated fat which have many health benefits like reducing inflammation and supporting cognitive and neurological health. Fats contain 9 calories per gram.

Read: These Health Benefits of Omega-3s Will Surprise You

3. Proteins are digested into amino acids, which are the building blocks of muscle and allow the body to build, maintain, and repair its tissues. They also help with the creation of enzymes and hormones which help the body function properly.

Similar to fatty acids, there are 9 amino acids that are considered essential because in order to be made in the body they must be consumed in the diet. Meat, poultry, fish, eggs, dairy, and soy are considered complete proteins because they contain all 9 of the essential amino acids.

Other plant foods like seitan, nuts, nut butters, seeds and legumes can also contribute protein to the diet (and can provide all essential amino acids if a wide variety of these foods are consumed regularly). Proteins contain 4 calories per gram.

Many foods rich in macronutrients also contain micronutrients like vitamins and minerals. Plant-based foods like vegetables, nuts, and seeds are particularly rich in micros like magnesium.

Learn All About Mighty Magnesium and the Many Ways It Benefits You!

Because it is critical to get enough of each macronutrient in the diet, some fitness and nutrition practices recommend tracking macros in developing a healthy eating plan. Let’s explore what tracking macros looks like in more detail.

Tracking Macros: Here’s How It Works

The tracking macros approach starts with figuring out how many calories you need in a given day. Each person will have a different daily calorie need based on their height, weight, age, activity level, health status, and personal goals.

For example, a professional athlete who is looking to put on muscle will have different needs than a less active older adult who is trying to lower their cholesterol.

Once the daily calorie amount is determined, you will establish how many of each macro you need based on the percentages of the overall daily calories. The USDA recommends the following macronutrient ranges in the official Dietary Guidelines for Americans:

Carbs: 45-65% of total daily calories, with a recommended amount of at least 130 grams/day.

Protein: 10-35% of total daily calories
The recommendation for most people is 0.8 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight (1 kg is approximately 2.2 pounds), but studies have shown that adults age 65 and older would likely benefit from a higher amount of 1-1.2 g protein/kg body weight.

Fat: 20-35% of total daily calories

Once you’ve gotten each macro value in terms of calories, you then calculate how many grams of each macro you need. Remember, carbs and protein each have 4 calories per gram and fat has 9 calories per gram.

For a person needing 1800 calories per day, the macro breakdown looks like this:

  • Carbohydrate (45-65%, 4 cal/gm): 810-1170 calories, 202-293 grams
  • Fat (20-35%, 9 cal/gm): 360-630 calories, 40-70 grams
  • Protein (10-35%, 4 cal/gm): 180-630 calories, 45-158 grams

This plan allows for some variance: The athlete may opt for the higher end of the protein percentage and need more carbs because of how much they’re exercising, while the older adult may decide to go for the lower percentage of calories from fat.

While it is recommended to work with a professional to determine a daily calorie goal and macros breakdown that is unique to your needs, it can be expensive and time-consuming. Some people opt to count macros on their own, following a diet pattern focused on macros breakdowns and may also use programs which track macros and calorie intake (like My Fitness Pal™).

Let’s take a closer look at the most well-known macros diets.


Examples of Common Macros Diets

There are multiple popular diets that center on following specific daily macronutrient ranges. However, the diets can drastically differ from one another in terms of the macro breakdown percentages and the types of foods that are allowed and not allowed.

1. If It Fits Your Macros (IIFYM):

The IIFYM method is considered a more flexible diet as it doesn’t have any restrictions on the types of foods you can eat, so long as you maintain the appropriate ratio of carbs, fat, and protein per day. The official IIFYM website offers an individualized macros calculator which determines macros needs based on factors like a person’s age, height, weight, biological sex, body fat percentage, and activity level.

IIFYM is an approach that is well-regarded in many fitness communities, including powerlifters.

2. Ketogenic (Keto) Diets:

This diet is characterized by low amounts of carbohydrates (typically less than 50 grams per day) alongside high intakes of fat and protein. The standard keto diet has a usual macro breakdown of 70% calories from fat, 20% from protein, and 10% from carb, while the high-protein keto diet has a breakdown of 60% calories from fat, 35% from protein, and 5% from carb.

A note that the keto diet is designed to put the body in a state of ketosis, where the body’s fuel source switches from glucose to ketones produced from the breakdown of fats. It is a very restrictive diet and should be undertaken while under the care of a medical professional.

Read: A Closer Look at the Keto Diet: Is It Really All It’s Cracked Up to Be?

3. Paleo Diet:

The paleo diet is designed to resemble the foods eaten by hunter-gatherers in the Paleolithic Era, with a particular focus on whole, unprocessed foods.

Foods permitted on the paleo diet include unprocessed meats, fish, seafood, eggs, whole fruits and vegetables, nuts, seeds, herbs and spices, and healthy oils (like extra virgin olive oil) while excluding dairy, grains, legumes, processed oils (like soybean, sunflower, and cottonseed oils), sugar, high fructose corn syrup, and artificial sweeteners.

While a typical Paleo diet doesn’t necessarily include specific percentages or ratios for each macro, a recent study in Cureus calculated a healthy, balanced paleo diet to be 37% protein, 41% carb, and 22% fat.

The Pros and Cons of Tracking Macros

Should you count macros? Short answer: it depends, and here are the factors to consider.

For some people, tracking macros provides a structured approach to eating that can be helpful for putting meals together. It can also be done in a flexible enough way so you don’t feel deprived of the foods you enjoy. In this sense, and for the above macro diets, tracking macros can be a helpful tool.

However, it is important not to neglect the quality of the nutrients in the diet, such as a wide variety of fruits and vegetables, healthy fats, whole grains, and lean proteins in pursuit of specific macro and calorie ranges.

There are also concerns about macro tracking because it can involve a lot of tracking of what foods and how much of each are eaten. This has the potential to result in disordered eating, such as rigid beliefs about what foods are considered acceptable, fears about deviating from allowed foods and/or macros/calorie counts, and constant monitoring of weight.

A recent article in Body Image found that college-aged women who desired a “toned-muscular” appearance were more likely to engage in disordered eating behaviors like excessive scrutiny of macronutrient content of food. There was also a study which found that more than 70% of undergraduate students with eating disorders who had used a calorie and food tracking software reported that it contributed to their eating disorder.

If you are considering tracking macros as part of your dietary regimen, make sure you work with a doctor or Registered Dietitian to set realistic goals and a diet pattern that is safe and balanced.

Macros and Their Role In Your Diet: The Takeaway

Macros are the macronutrients that you need in large amounts in your daily diet, which are carbohydrates, fat, and protein. Macros help with all sorts of essential functions, like fueling the body and brain and digesting and absorbing nutrients.

The USDA-recommended macronutrient ranges for adults are 45-65% for carbohydrates, 20-35% for fat, and 10-35% for protein. The ranges allow for customization amongst individual needs and goals, while certain macros-based diets have more fixed macros ratios.

Tracking macros can be an organized method for some people to meet their nutrition and fitness needs, and approaches like the IIFYM diet offer flexibility in the types of foods permitted to put together a balanced, sustainable diet. However, given that tracking macros is often a calorie-centric approach with constant tracking of food, it is likely not appropriate for those with a history of eating disorders and/or disordered eating.

At the end of the day, it is important to get a variety of quality macros at each meal such as fruits, vegetables, complex carbohydrates, unsaturated fats, and lean proteins, whether macros are counted or not. Tracking macros can be a helpful starting place for your nutrition goals, but this approach may not be for everyone.

All included information is not intended to treat or diagnose. Always consult your healthcare provider for medical questions and before beginning or changing any dietary, supplementation, and/or exercise regimen.

The post Is Tracking Your Macros Actually Good for You? Here’s the Lowdown appeared first on YouAligned™.

These 5 Facial Exercises Help With Everything From Jaw Tension to Wrinkles Mon, 05 Aug 2024 18:59:20 +0000 A simple facial exercise routine can improve not just your skin’s appearance, but your entire quality of life. Because while we often think of facial exercises (also referred to as face yoga) as a natural alternative to botox, they do so much more for your overall wellness. More on the immense benefits below, so keep […]

The post These 5 Facial Exercises Help With Everything From Jaw Tension to Wrinkles appeared first on YouAligned™.


A simple facial exercise routine can improve not just your skin’s appearance, but your entire quality of life. Because while we often think of facial exercises (also referred to as face yoga) as a natural alternative to botox, they do so much more for your overall wellness.

More on the immense benefits below, so keep reading!

If you spend time online, you may have noticed people making targeted movements and massage on their face and neck. They’re likely doing facial exercises that have become more popular on platforms like YouTube and TikTok.

Learn more about facial exercises and how to do them to start enjoying their benefits today.

New to Facial Yoga Exercises? Start By Reading This Introductory Article

The Immense Benefits of Doing Facial Exercises

If you are curious about these exercises, learn about the fascinating benefits of doing facial exercises on a regular basis! The results speak for themselves, and the practice does much more than help people maintain a youthful appearance. It’s really fascinating once you dive in!

1. Minimize Signs of Aging

Face yoga is a gentle exercise that stretches the muscles and effectively reduces visible signs of aging compared to procedures like face lifts or injections.

Many people try facial exercises to reduce common signs of aging, like wrinkles. Costly topical treatments or injections may take longer than they want to wait for results. The idea of signing up for an anti-aging surgery procedure also doesn’t appeal to everyone.

Face yoga is a non-invasive anti-aging technique that creates tighter skin elasticity without anything other than the muscles in your targeted facial regions. You can start naturally tightening wrinkles today without paying for a product or waiting for an appointment.

Jump right in with these 3 Anti-Aging Face Yoga Exercises for Healthy, Firm, Glowing Skin


2. Helps You Sleep Better

Massaging your facial muscles doesn’t just help your skin. The gentle movements also relieve tension that might keep you up at night. Some people store their stress in their bodies by contracting their muscles. You might not notice the tension until you feel too wound up to fall asleep.

Completing facial exercises before bed could improve your sleep quality after your first attempt. Gently press around your face to see if one area feels tighter than another. You can target your tension or try a comprehensive massage to fall asleep faster. A common area in the face for people to store tension is the jaw.

3. Clears Sinuses

Dealing with a stuffy nose doesn’t always mean you have a cold. The same stuffy tension also occurs during a sinus infection or allergy flare-up. Face yoga may help relieve this symptom alongside your preferred sinus infection or allergy treatments.

Interestingly enough, chiropractors use facial massages to drain mucus and reduce inflammation in clients suffering from sinusitis, also known as sinus swelling. Ease your tense or stuffy sinuses at home with face yoga videos focusing on the nose and forehead (we have one in this article!).

If you don’t get the relief you need, you can always get professional help from a doctor or chiropractor to learn the best way to reduce the pressure in your sinuses.

Need more allergy support? Try These 6 Effective and All-Natural Allergy Remedies

4. Can Help Reduce Anxiety

When people leave a traditional yoga class, they often feel the pleasant relief of post-exercise endorphins. While yoga often isn’t as intense as cardio or weight lifting, the movements still relieve the anxiety or stress you might feel.

Facial yoga movements create the same effect. You’ll apply gentle pressure around your face and neck to work your muscle groups. The pressure soothes the nervous system, allowing you to gain greater control over your anxiety.

Try These Online Yoga Classes for Stress Relief on YA Classes!


Parts of the Face That Benefit From Regular Exercise

Let’s break down the idea of facial exercises to better understand which parts of your face would be part of each exercise. Check out the specific regions that benefit the most from gentle facial exercises like the ones included in this article.

1. Mouth and Jaw Muscles

Many face yoga routines involve applying light pressure around the mouth and jaw. It’s part of easing the tension and improving the circulation in those areas. You might not think these areas have many muscles, but the tongue and neck muscles meet along your jaw and mouth.

Applying light pressure could reduce your typical daily tension or minimize the signs of aging in those areas if facial exercises become a consistent part of your routine.

2. Forehead

The forehead is another area in your face that tends to store a lot of tension. Your forehead muscles get a workout every day. They’re how you non verbally express your shock, frustration and confusion without saying a word.

The muscles controlling your brows and forehead benefit from facial yoga exercises. You’d ease them with a light touch, ultimately reducing your stress and decreasing the appearance of wrinkles as you age.



3. Neck

The neck can hold significant amounts of tension. Your shoulders constantly pull against your neck while your head uses your neck muscles for support. Trying facial yoga on your neck muscles could ease your daily neck pain.

It’s crucial to know that if your neck is sore after a weight-lifting workout or another form of physical exertion, don’t push yourself to do facial yoga. You should warm up your muscles with gentle stretches to improve your blood flow and reduce your risk of injury.

Afterward, you can apply the kind of light pressure that’s a core part of facial exercises without potentially damaging your recovering muscles.

4. Tongue

Your tongue may become your favorite place to focus your facial exercises because the high amount of nerve endings makes any pain relief more noticeable. It’s one large muscle connected to your jaw and neck. Working it with specialized face yoga techniques will relieve any tension held in the muscle so talking and eating are more comfortable.

Who Can Benefit From Doing Facial Exercises?

Anyone with facial aches or tension will benefit the most from facial exercises. People dealing with continuous high stress levels or anxiety may feel better after completing a strategic massage around their neck or face. Those living with sinus swelling can also relieve the pressure in their head with quick facial yoga routines.

If you feel recurring aches in the same areas (like your jaw for example), face yoga could be an effective pain management solution in addition to what already works for you. Follow along with a few of the facial yoga exercise videos below to experience relief today.

Anyone looking for a self-care practice that revolves around skincare will greatly appreciate these facial exercises. Also, anyone interested in natural skincare maintenance and prevention, since face yoga techniques are so effective.

Explore These 5 Facial Exercise Tutorial Videos on YouTube:

The following facial exercise tutorial videos are categorized by their specific focus and benefits. Press play on one or all of these YouTube videos based on your specific needs. These popular videos will help relieve tension, reduce the signs of aging or even support lymphatic drainage, depending on your goal.

1. Ease Your Jaw Tension

Learn how to relieve your jaw tension with Danielle Collins in her quick YouTube tutorial. The face yoga expert will lead you through a series of steps that are easy for beginners to follow and fast enough for people that don’t have a lot of time. Add this facial exercise to your skincare self-care routine, especially if you grind your teeth or clench your jaw frequently.

Reference these steps as you follow along to help learn the technique:

  • Inhale, then exhale while letting your jaw rest completely open
  • Repeat the first step two more times for a total of three exhales
  • Massage the left and right sides of your jaw with the pointer and middle fingers on each hand, working upward toward your ears in small circular motions
  • Once you reach the ears, continue the circular motions beneath and behind the ear lobes, applying as much pressure as feels comfortable


2. Reduce and Prevent Forehead Wrinkles

The precise movements of this facial exercise reduce forhead wrinkles by activating your facial muscles. This video from Sonali Beauty is perfect for beginners and takes about five minutes to complete (the first minute and a half is an overview before diving into the facial exercises).

Use these steps to follow along with the video:


  • Apply medium to light pressure with all four fingertips from each hand on your forehead and gently rub
  • Use three fingers in a zigzag motion in parallel lines across your forehead while the other hand’s fingers keep the forehead skin pulled taught
  • Use the heel of the palm to gently yet firmly press the area between the eyebrows. Then repeat the same motion in an upward direction over each eyebrow. Repeat each side three times
  • Use peace sign fingers to pull up from between the eyes, tracing over the eyebrows, and all the way down the sides of the neck
  • Make a J-hook with your fingers to trace above the eyebrows to the temples with medium pressure. Repeat 3-5 times
  • Make a fist with both hands and place your knuckles against the middle of your forehead. While applying light pressure, drag your knuckles toward your temple and down to your cheekbones


3. For Glowing Skin

If you want glowing, tighter skin, this face yoga exercise gently increases circulation for brighter, radiant skin. This tutorial from the All You Can Face YouTube channel takes about 10 minutes.

Adding this exercise to your schedule increases your commitment by automatically saving time for your facial yoga exercises each day or week. Watch the video while following along with these steps:


  • Rub from the corner of your jaw down your neck and shoulder twice. Continue the same movement while patting along your neck muscle for another 25 seconds
  • Repeat this step on the other side of your neck for the same length of time
  • Curl your pointer fingers in toward your palms. Press them against your chin and rub one along your jaw to your earlobe repeatedly for 30 seconds. Repeat this step on the other side of your jaw for the same length of time
  • While still curling your pointer fingers, place one against the upper curve of one nostril. Rub it in one continuous J-hook under your cheekbone and up to your ear. Repeat this step on the other side of your nose for the same length of time
  • Place the tip of your pointer finger by each nostril, like you’re pointing at your nose. Massage both fingers in continuous circles for 30 seconds
  • Place the pointer and middle finger of each hand on one of your cheeks. For 30 seconds, run them briskly up toward your eye so you’re only ever touching your cheekbone in a brief upward motion. Continue this movement quickly throughout the 30 seconds. Repeat this step on the other cheek for the same length of time
  • Place the knuckle of your middle finger on the inner corner of your brow while putting the knuckle of your pointer finger against the same side of your nose. Do this on both brows and cheeks. Move both hands out toward your ears repeatedly for 30 seconds, applying light pressure with each movement
  • Place the pointer and middle finger of each hand between your brows. For 30 seconds, run them up toward your hairline in quick upward motions
  • While keeping your head still, move your eyes up and down for 30 seconds
  • Still keeping your head in place, move your eyes left and right for 30 seconds
  • Gently tap around your neck, face, forehead and head for 45 seconds
  • Place the pointer and middle finger of each hand on your forehead. Rub two circles around your forehead and down your temples. Repeat this motion for 30 seconds


4. Face Lifting with Lymphatic Drainage

Give yourself a natural cheek and eyebrow lift while benefiting from lymphatic drainage in this facial exercise tutorial with The Moments YouTube channel. It’s an upper cheek, eyebrow, and forehead exercise that works the muscles while increasing circulation and lymphatic drainage.

Follow along with the video and read the highlight steps below:

  • Using three fingers, pull them down along the side of your face, down the sides of your neck. Repeat three times
  • Pull three fingers from each hand parallel across your forehead and down to your temples. Repeat three times
  • Using middle and ring fingers, gently sweep up over your eyebrow towards your hairline
  • Using ring fingers on each hand, start with inner corner of eye, then sweeping down, over cheekbone and up to the temples
  • Gently draw small figure eights around the sides of your eyes and temples
  • Using peace sign fingertips to frame the corners of each eye, gently apply pressure, then release three times
  • Ring fingers of each hand will gently trace the outer lower perimeter of the nostrils three times
  • Using all four fingers of each hand, horizontally pull fingers from nose to ears, then pull them down the sides of your neck
  • Relax your neck and shoulders as you rest your cheeks on the heel of your palms with your elbows resting on a table and remain here for at least three seconds


5. Clear Your Sinuses

Clear the stuffiness in your sinuses with these simple movements demonstrated in this YouTube video from Rehab My Patient. The routine takes less than two minutes to complete and is especially helpful when you have a stuffy nose due to allergies or a cold.

Follow along with these steps as you watch the face exercise tutorial video:

  • Place your pointer finger above the inner corner of one eyebrow and repeatedly massage in a clockwise direction
  • Continue the clockwise massage between your brows, down the side of your nose and below your cheekbone
  • Place your pointer finger in the same starting position above the inner corner of the same eyebrow. Massage clockwise while moving your finger along the top of your eyebrow
  • Continue the massage down to your temple, upper cheekbone, the corner of your jaw and just under your jaw bone
  • Repeat these steps on the other side of your face, switching back and forth until you feel sinus pressure relief


Now You’re Ready to Reap the Benefits of These Facial Exercises!

While some practitioners might think that one form of face yoga exercise is more effective than another, all of them can be beneficial when practiced regularly. Whether your goal is tightening wrinkles or easing sinus tension, choosing the right facial exercises tailored to those needs will yield the best results.

Any face yoga routine, when done regularly, will tighten the skin on your face by promoting better circulation to the muscles and skin cells. Increased blood flow means your skin receives more oxygen, aiding in muscle repair and strengthening over time.

Facial exercises like these offer numerous benefits, from improved circulation in your face, reducing tension, and diminishing wrinkles. You can easily do them at home or with an expert’s guidance, depending on your schedule, goals, and priorities.

Incorporate these face yoga exercises into your daily routine to enhance your overall facial health, skin health and wellbeing.

The post These 5 Facial Exercises Help With Everything From Jaw Tension to Wrinkles appeared first on YouAligned™.

It’s Leo Season! Learn All About the Leo Zodiac Sign Here Thu, 25 Jul 2024 14:13:18 +0000 You can spot a Leo a mile away. This fire sign naturally gravitates to the center of any crowd, captivating everyone with their commanding presence and infectious energy. Ruled by the sun and symbolized by the lion, Leos embody strength and confidence, exuding an undeniable charisma that draws people in effortlessly. Their dynamic personalities and […]

The post It’s Leo Season! Learn All About the Leo Zodiac Sign Here appeared first on YouAligned™.


You can spot a Leo a mile away. This fire sign naturally gravitates to the center of any crowd, captivating everyone with their commanding presence and infectious energy. Ruled by the sun and symbolized by the lion, Leos embody strength and confidence, exuding an undeniable charisma that draws people in effortlessly.

Their dynamic personalities and love for the spotlight make them natural-born leaders, unafraid to take charge and inspire those around them. Leos love seeking out new challenges and living for the thrill of the moment.

With their boldness and unyielding determination, they leave a lasting impression on everyone they meet. Their genuine warmth and generosity make them loyal friends and passionate partners.

A Leo lives fully in the moment and enchants everyone that crosses their path with their charm and warmth.

Leos are uninterested in dwelling in the past, and after taking a few precious moments to reflect, their action-oriented nature propels them onto the next big adventure or exciting opportunity.

A few famous Leo zodiacs you may know: Barack Obama, Madonna, Whitney Houston, Arnold Schwarzenegger, J.K. Rowling, Joe Rogan, Viola Davis, Lucille Ball, Bill Clinton, Jennifer Lopez, and also our founder, Ashton August!

There’s so much more to learn about the Leo zodiac, so read on!


Leo Zodiac Sign Qualities at a Glance

Dates: July 23 – August 21
Duality: Masculine
Element: Fire
Quality (Cardinal, Fixed, Mutable): Fixed
Ruling Planet: Sun
Zodiac Symbol: The Lion
Dominant Keyword: I Will
Polarity: Aquarius
Body Part: Heart, spine, upper back
Birthstone: Ruby
Color: Orange, gold
Most Compatible With: Aries, Gemini, Libra, Sagittarius

Do You Know Your Ruling Planet? Learn About the “Boss” of Your Zodiac Sign

Leo Zodiac Traits: These Are the Defining Characteristics of the Leo Sign

This article explores the main characteristics that define the Leo zodiac sign. Whether you’re this fire sign or know someone who is, the following information will give you everything you want to know about the firey Leo.

1. Strengths

This sign is strong-minded with an ambition and drive unparalleled by any other in the zodiac. If there’s one thing you should know about a Leo, it’s that they have a hunger for authority, and line each of their actions with deliberate focus and passion.

Inspiring and motivating others comes effortlessly, making the Leo sign a skilled leader not only among their friends and loved ones, but in the workplace as well.

Leos thrive best in a position that lets them call the shots.

You won’t find a Leo sign settling for anything less than the top, either. They don’t take being bossed around or dismissed well, and are aggressive and driven in their ambitions to make it to the top. Leos thrive best in a position that lets them call the shots, and won’t be subtle about voicing their thoughts on matters important to them.

If you decide to challenge a Leo’s authority, you better approach them with a well-thought out plan. Their intelligence and intensity is difficult to match, and nearly impossible to overthrow.

And, their relentless loyalty comes free of conditions. In fact, one of the most special qualities about this fire sign is their innate ability to forgive and move on. They’d rather leave a grudge behind than waste time analyzing, and despite their tremendous sense of pride, they can let it go in the name of salvaging an important friendship.

But don’t mistake their generosity for weakness . . . Leos can instinctively sniff out B.S.


2. Weaknesses

While Leo signs are often known and praised for their many strengths, they also have the potential for some of the following weaknesses that can affect their relationships and endeavors.

Leos can sometimes come across as overly proud or arrogant, believing their way is the best and undervaluing others’ contributions. This is largely due to their self-confidence, but is often misunderstood or misinterpreted. Sometimes a Leo’s focus on their inner goals and outward pursuits can make them seem self-absorbed.

Their strong will and determination can turn into stubbornness, making it difficult for them to accept alternative viewpoints or admit when they’re wrong. They can develop a narrow-minded perspective when this goes unchecked.

Having a natural desire to be in the spotlight, some Leos tend to overly seek attention and feel insecure or neglected when they’re not the center of attention. Their desire for admiration and attention can sometimes lead to feelings of jealousy and possessiveness, especially in relationships.

Since Leos are natural leaders, they can come across bossy, controlling, or overbearing to others if they feel like they aren’t being respected or their suggestions aren’t being followed.

Leos can be impatient! They want things done their way, and they want them done now! Highly energetic, if you aren’t on their level of go-go-go, this can also aggravate their impatience. Dramatic? Sometimes. Leos are firey! Fire signs ruled by the sun are known to have heightened emotions.

Understanding these weaknesses can help Leo sun signs and Leo rising signs work on balancing their traits.

3. Love and Intimacy

Ruled by the sun and the element of fire, you can imagine that the same passion burns brightly in a romantic relationship. Be prepared to make a Leo the center of your world, showering them with attention, respect and adoration.

Ignite Your Fire Element: 4 Yoga Poses to Boost Confidence and Feel the Burn!

In return, you’ll have a devoted partner that will remain just as exciting as the day you met, whether you’ve been together for six days or six decades.

Leo’s set their standards high.

Another one of this fire sign’s striking qualities is that they don’t need you to fulfill any voids. This astrological sign is confident, secure and independent, which means if they’re with you, it’s a choice made on their own accord and not because they’re seeking any kind of validation.

Because of this, Leo’s set their standards high. Those who appear nervous or fickle in their displays of affection will be quickly dismissed, as Leos crave a strong personality with a wit that can match their own.

Leos are passionate and generous partners who crave admiration and loyalty, showering their significant others with affection and grand gestures, but they also require constant appreciation and validation to feel secure and fulfilled.

Want to learn more about what your zodiac and how it impacts your love life? Read What’s the Best Type of Yoga Based on Your Zodiac Sign?

3. Career

Leos excel in careers where they can showcase their leadership qualities, creativity, and charisma. Professions in management, entertainment, politics, and public relations are particularly well-suited to Leos, because these roles allow Leo to take charge, inspire others, and thrive in the spotlight.

Leos’ natural flair for drama and performance makes them excellent actors, musicians, and public speakers. They also do well in entrepreneurial ventures, where their vision, confidence, and determination can drive them to success. Marketing, advertising, and event planning let Leos leverage their creativity and organizational skills.

Their natural leadership and confidence inspire and motivate others, which creates a positive and dynamic work environment. Leos are also highly creative, often coming up with innovative ideas and solutions that drive projects forward. Their charisma and excellent communication skills enable them to build strong relationships with colleagues and clients.

Leos’ determination and drive typically make them dedicated and hardworking, consistently striving to achieve their goals and exceed expectations. Their enthusiasm and passion for their work make them invaluable team members that are passionate, productive, and compelling. People love a Leo co-worker or boss!

Celebrate the Leo Fire Sign’s Lion Energy

Leos are incredible beings with so much passion, potential, and light to share with the world. Their strong personality and penchant for success will inspire and uplift those around them.

Leos are dynamic and charismatic individuals who naturally command attention and respect in every area of their lives. Ultimately, Leos’ vibrant energy and unyielding drive to succeed make them unforgettable and influential figures, capable of leaving a lasting impact on the world.

These are the zodiac traits of the sign of Leo. Are you a Leo? Which do you identify with most?

Wondering which zodiac signs are compatible with different types of yoga? This is The Best Type of Yoga For You Based On Your Zodiac Sign

The post It’s Leo Season! Learn All About the Leo Zodiac Sign Here appeared first on YouAligned™.

Testosterone Replacement Therapy: Is TRT Safe, Effective, and Worthwhile? Sat, 06 Jul 2024 16:51:46 +0000 Testosterone Replacement Therapy (TRT) is gaining attention as a treatment for men experiencing low testosterone levels. But is it safe, effective, and worthwhile? The claims make TRT sound like the next miracle in medicine, but is it true? As a hormone that plays a crucial role in male health, testosterone impacts various bodily functions, including […]

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Testosterone Replacement Therapy (TRT) is gaining attention as a treatment for men experiencing low testosterone levels. But is it safe, effective, and worthwhile? The claims make TRT sound like the next miracle in medicine, but is it true?

As a hormone that plays a crucial role in male health, testosterone impacts various bodily functions, including muscle mass, bone density, and sexual health. However, as with any medical treatment, it’s important to know everything involved before making a decision.

This article explores the ins and outs of TRT therapy (also called TRT treatment), offering a balanced perspective on what men need to know, who might benefit, the advantages, and the potential dangers associated with this treatment.

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What to Know About Testosterone Replacement Therapy

TRT therapy involves the administration of testosterone to men whose bodies produce insufficient levels of this hormone. Low testosterone, or hypogonadism, can result from various factors, from aging, to medical conditions, and lifestyle choices.

The goal of TRT treatment is to restore testosterone levels to a normal range, in turn alleviating symptoms associated with low testosterone.

It is crucial to undergo a thorough medical evaluation before starting TRT to determine whether it is appropriate for your specific situation.

There are multiple methods of administering TRT: injections, patches, gels, and pellets implanted under the skin. Each method has its own set of pros and cons, and the choice of treatment often depends on individual preferences and medical advice.

Dr. Abraham Morgentaler, an associate clinical professor of urology at Harvard Medical School, notes, “TRT can be life-changing for many men suffering from low testosterone. It’s important to approach it with a thorough understanding and proper medical guidance.”


Who Is a Candidate for Testosterone Replacement Therapy?

TRT therapy is typically recommended for men who have been diagnosed with clinically low testosterone levels and exhibit symptoms such as fatigue, decreased libido, erectile dysfunction, and loss of muscle mass.

Aging Men

As men age, testosterone levels naturally decline. TRT can help lessen the effects of aging, such as reduced energy levels and muscle mass.

Men with Medical Conditions

Conditions like hypogonadism, pituitary disorders, and certain genetic conditions can lead to low testosterone levels that may benefit from TRT treatment.

Men with Lifestyle-Related Declines

Obesity, chronic stress, and poor lifestyle choices can also contribute to low testosterone levels, and TRT may be considered as part of a comprehensive treatment plan.

It is crucial to undergo a thorough medical evaluation before starting TRT treatment to determine whether it is appropriate for your specific situation.

The Potential Benefits of Testosterone Replacement Therapy

The following list of potential benefits of using TRT therapy is based on scientific studies. It’s important to note that some areas of research are still developing and further testing needs to be done.

1. Improved Sexual Function

TRT can significantly enhance libido and sexual performance in men with low testosterone. Men often report increased sexual desire and better erectile function.

2. Increased Muscle Mass

Testosterone plays a vital role in muscle development. TRT treatment can help men gain muscle mass and strength. This can be of particular benefit for those who experience muscle wasting caused by low testosterone.


3. Enhanced Mood and Mental Clarity

Interestingly enough, low testosterone levels are often associated with depression, cognitive difficulties, and mood swings. TRT can help improve mental clarity and work as a mood-stabilizer. Many men report feeling more focused, energetic, and less irritable after starting TRT therapy.

4. Improved Bone Density

Testosterone is key for maintaining bone density. Men undergoing TRT therapy may experience improvements in bone strength, which can in turn reduce the risk of fractures and osteoporosis. This is particularly important as men age.

5. May Support Cardiovascular Health

Some studies show that TRT may have positive effects on cardiovascular health by reducing cholesterol levels and improving heart function. However, this area of research is still evolving, and more studies are needed to confirm these benefits.

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The Potential Risks and Dangers of Testosterone Replacement Therapy

The following list of potential risks and dangers associated with TRT therapy is based on scientific studies.

1. Increased Cardiovascular Risk

While some studies show potential benefits (listed above), others indicate potential cardiovascular risks associated with TRT treatment. The dangers include a potential increased risk of heart attack and stroke. It is crucial to monitor heart health closely and discuss any preexisting conditions with your healthcare provider.

2. Increased Risk of Prostate Cancer (Maybe…)

Testosterone can stimulate prostate growth, potentially exacerbating conditions like benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) or increasing the risk of prostate cancer. Regular prostate screenings are essential for men undergoing TRT therapy to detect potential issues early on. However, recent studies show that the appropriate use of testosterone therapy does not appear to raise prostate cancer risk.

Dr. Shalender Bhasin, professor of medicine at Harvard Medical School shares that “While TRT can offer significant benefits, it’s vital to be aware of its potential effects on prostate health. Regular monitoring is key.”

3. Acne

An increase in testosterone levels beyond the body’s natural production can impact the skin’s oil-producing glands (sebaceous glands), this can cause an overproduction of sebum, an oily substance that contributes to acne formation. Men that had acne as in their teens are more likely to experience this side affect from TRT.

4. Can Lead to Erythrocytosis

TRT can lead to an increase in red blood cell count, or erythrocytosis, which can thicken the blood and increase the risk of clotting. Those on TRT therapy should take regular blood tests to monitor this side effect and manage it as needed.

5. May Cause Hormonal Imbalances and Infertility

Introducing external testosterone can disrupt the body’s natural hormone production, which could lead to hormonal imbalances. This can affect fertility, as TRT can reduce sperm production and testicular size. Men considering fatherhood should discuss this potential risk with their healthcare provider.

6. Ongoing Cost/Expense

TRT therapy can be a long-term treatment requiring ongoing costs for medications, doctor’s visits, and monitoring tests. These expenses can add up over time, making it a significant financial commitment. It is essential to consider the long-term financial implications of TRT and discuss these with your healthcare provider and insurance company.

Weigh the Potential Risk Vs. Benefit of TRT Treatment

Testosterone Replacement Therapy offers numerous potential benefits for men suffering from low testosterone, including improved sexual function, increased muscle mass, better mood, enhanced bone density, and possibly better cardiovascular health.

However, it also carries risks such as cardiovascular issues, prostate health concerns, oily skin, erythrocytosis, hormonal imbalances, and ongoing costs.

Before deciding on TRT treatment, it is essential to have a comprehensive discussion with a healthcare provider to weigh these benefits and risks based on your individual health profile, lifestyle, and needs. Regular monitoring and follow-up are crucial to ensure the therapy’s safety and effectiveness.

Final Advice and Resources

First, it’s important to consult with a TRT specialist. Seek advice from a healthcare provider that specializes in hormone therapy.

Regular monitoring is key. If you decide that testosterone replacement therapy is right for you, it is crucial to commit to regular blood tests and health check-ups.

Finally, maintaining a healthy lifestyle has never been more important! Complement TRT treatment with a healthy diet, regular exercise, and stress management techniques to help maximize the benefits, reduce the risks, and support your physical and mental wellbeing.

Testosterone Replacement Therapy Resources:

The following resources offer additional information, peer-reviewed studies, and support for anyone wanting to learn more about testosterone replacement therapy.


This article is for informational purposes only and should not be considered medical advice. Consult a healthcare provider for personalized medical advice and before starting any new treatment.

The post Testosterone Replacement Therapy: Is TRT Safe, Effective, and Worthwhile? appeared first on YouAligned™.

Meal Plan Like a Pro: Create a Healthy Weekly Menu With These Tips Tue, 18 Jun 2024 17:30:05 +0000 You want to create a healthy meal plan so you can eat well, keep fit, and stay sane doing it – all within the 24 hours we’re allotted each day. The challenge? Designing a weekly meal plan menu that doesn’t require a culinary degree or keep you in the kitchen. Meal planning sounds easy on […]

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You want to create a healthy meal plan so you can eat well, keep fit, and stay sane doing it – all within the 24 hours we’re allotted each day. The challenge? Designing a weekly meal plan menu that doesn’t require a culinary degree or keep you in the kitchen.

Meal planning sounds easy on paper, but simplicity requires in-depth knowledge, especially when it comes to maintaining a healthy lifestyle. The good news is that you don’t have to compromise – it may take a bit of learning and some experimenting, but you can learn how to design a weekly menu to fit your dietary needs.

Simplicity requires in-depth knowledge, especially when it comes to maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

In this article, we’ll offer a few smart hacks and culinary strategies to help you sharpen your meal planning skills. Let’s roll up our sleeves and let’s get to planning!


A Healthy Meal Plan Starts With a Solid Foundation

Have you ever stared into the fridge wondering what to cook without finding a satisfying solution?

A well-structured weekly meal plan menu means you’ll never have to do that again. You can also shop with purpose, reducing both cost and food waste, and you can focus on bringing more diversity to your diet.

But before you can start your meal planning, you need a solid foundation. This way, if things don’t go as expected (which rarely happens), you have other options. Plus, a strong foundation helps you significantly reduce decision fatigue, which most parents have to deal with day in and day out.

So, how do you lay down the foundation of a healthy weekly menu without getting bogged down in nutritional charts or elaborate cooking?

Start by considering the core elements of a good menu:

  • Versatility
  • Variety
  • Nutritional value

Bonus tip: If you don’t have the time or mental space to plan an entire week of meals and go shopping for ingredients, consider trying a meal delivery service. With a few clicks, you can have low-calorie meals delivered to your doorstep, delivered every week. No shopping, no prep, and no cleanup – just heat and enjoy!

Check Out 6 Healthy Grocery Delivery Services (Plus the Pros and Cons of Each)

Be Versatile In Your Meal Planning With These Healthy Staples

You need a mix of foods that keep things interesting, ingredients flexible enough for multiple meals, and each bite packed with health benefits. There are many health benefits that come with eating a colorful variety of fruits and veggies.

A well-varied diet is the ideal way to intake a wide range of nutrients, which will help you stay healthy and feel energetic.

Let’s take spinach as an example – it works in your morning omelet and smoothies, but you can also add it to your dinner salad or pasta dish. Plus, spinach is a healthy and nutritious ingredient.

Do the same with proteins and fats. You also want to focus on produce that stands the test of time, like carrots, bell peppers, and kale. Whole grains like brown rice or farro are also great options.

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Healthy Meal Planning Ingredient Staples:

To make things easier, here is a list of ingredients you should always have at the ready for cooking a wide range of healthy meals in minutes.

  • Garlic: infuse oils and dressings; minced in marinades; roast whole as a savory spread.
  • Onion: caramelize to top burgers; chop raw for tangy pico de gallo; simmer finely sliced in French onion soup.
  • Good olive oil: perfect for dressings and also handles sautéing nicely.
  • Canned beans (black and chickpeas): throw into salads, mash into burger patties, or simmer in chili.
  • Brown rice: serve as a base for stir-fries, mix into burrito bowls, or pair with grilled vegetables.
  • Oats: cook as a morning porridge, blend to form pancake batter as needed, and bake in cookies.
  • Quinoa: a protein-rich grain for cold salads, hot side dishes, or as a stuffing for roasted vegetables.
  • Almonds: chop and sprinkle over oatmeal, blend into almond butter, or add a crunch to stir-fries.
  • Nuts and seeds: sprinkle effortlessly over breakfast bowls, just as they add crunch to your evening meal.
  • Apples: bake with cinnamon desserts, crisp up in salads, or slow cook into homemade applesauce


Fresh Veggie Inspo:

  • Bell peppers: chop for fajitas, dice for omelets, or snack on them raw.
  • Sweet potatoes: bake whole as a filling lunch option, cube into hash browns, or slice into homemade fries.
  • Carrots: roast with herbs, shred into slaws, or dip in hummus for a crunchy snack.
  • Tomatoes (fresh or canned): dice as salsa fresca ingredient, cook down into sauces or enjoy fresh in salads.
  • Avocados: slice onto toast, mash for guacamole, or blend into chocolate mousse.


Refrigerated Goods:

  • Whole chicken: roast for a main course, shred for tacos, or use leftovers to make stock.
  • Eggs: hard-boil for easy snacks, scramble with veggies for breakfast, or incorporate into fried rice.
  • Greek yogurt: enjoy at breakfast with fruit and honey, use as a tangy marinade, or swap in place of sour cream.
  • Feta cheese: crumble over watermelon slices, fold into spinach pies, or enhance pasta dishes.
  • Frozen mixed berries: whip up nutrient-rich smoothies, fold into yogurt parfaits, or top off oatmeal bowls.

Also, don’t forget about herbs and spices so your food will have flavor!

how to meal prep

Unsplash: Tina Dawson


Meal Planning Variety and Nutritional Value

Now, it’s time to build your recipe database. This can be a fun thing you do every Sunday for an hour or so, or it can be something you do instead of mindlessly scrolling on social media.

To find interesting and nutritional recipes, follow healthy food blogs, browse Pinterest, or subscribe to YouTube culinary channels you enjoy. The point is to make the process fun and relaxing so you’ll feel motivated to find new recipe ideas and continue meal planning each week or month.

Pro tip: Use a note-taking app and write down recipes you want to try, with their nutritional information. That way, when the week gets hectic and food shopping is the last thing on your mind, you’ll have a list at the ready.

Focus on creating variety using wholefood ingredients that have well-known health benefits for your gut and brain. A well-varied diet is the ideal way to intake a wide range of nutrients, which will help you stay healthy and feel energetic. Supplements can help boost memory and focus and improve your immune system, but nutrition must always come first.

Mix Your Menu Up

Once you have your foundation of ingredients and recipes, you have everything you need to design a healthy weekly meal plan menu in minutes. Simply go through the list of available ingredients and pair them with the recipes you want to try based on your current dietary and nutritional needs.

The point is to make the process fun and relaxing so you’ll feel motivated to find new recipe ideas each week or month.

Here are a few tips to make sure you maintain a good level of variety and nutrients without spending half your life in the kitchen:

Target meals with minimal ingredients. This often means fewer steps and less cooking time. Lean towards one-pot wonders or sheet pan dinners that deliver flavor without dirtying every dish in the house.

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Include superfoods in your diet. They provide a concentrated dose of nutrients, antioxidants, and essential elements that support health. Plus, superfoods boost energy levels, enhance immunity, and can help ward off chronic diseases, all while delivering maximum nutritional value with minimal calories.

Check Out These 7 Immunity-Boosting Foods to Add to Your Grocery List

Prioritize ingredients known for their health benefits like quinoa, which cooks quickly and is packed with protein, or canned legumes that can be rinsed and used straightaway for fiber richness.

Don’t forget about frozen fruits and veggies. Frozen produce is as nutritious as their fresh counterparts and are harvested at peak nutrition time. Similarly, pre-washed salad greens can be the base of multiple meals.

What these meals should look like will depend on individual taste and dietary requirements, but the mantra is clear: keep it straightforward yet substantial.

Meal Plan Recipe Ideas

If you’re lacking inspiration (which often happens when you’re in a hurry), here are a few meal prep recipes that take less than 30 minutes to prepare and stay fresh in the fridge for several days.

1. Lemony Chickpea Tuna Salad

Chickpea and tuna go well together and bring an infusion of protein and carbs without jumping the fence on calories. This recipe, which serves four people, brings in 20-25g of protein, around 300 kcal, and 20 to 30g of carbs per serving.


  • 1 can chickpeas (drained and rinsed)
  • 1 can tuna in water (drained)
  • 2 tablespoons mayo or Greek yogurt for a healthier twist
  • Zest and juice of one lemon
  • Salt and cracked black pepper to taste
  • Chopped cucumber for extra crunch
  • Optional add-ins: chopped celery, diced red onion, fresh parsley


1. Mash the chickpeas in a large bowl using a fork until they reach a chunky and spreadable consistency.
2. Fold in the drained tuna, mixing well with the mashed chickpeas.
3. Stir in mayo or Greek yogurt (lower in fat and calories) until the mixture is well combined and creamy.
4. Add lemon zest and juice to infuse a bright flavor into the salad.
5. Season with salt and cracked black pepper.
6. Gently mix in chopped cucumber to add freshness and crunch to each bite.
7. For more complexity, consider adding chopped celery, red onion, or fresh parsley if on hand.

Serve this versatile salad over greens for lunch as an accompaniment with crackers for snacking, or scoop into a hollowed-out tomato or avocado half for an elegant presentation.

2. Quinoa Taco Bowls

Whenever you’re in a hurry but need something flavorful and filled with protein and good fats, try this recipe. It doesn’t require much cooking, and one serving amounts to 350-400 kcal, 15-20g of protein, and 8-12g of fat. The ingredients are enough for four servings.


  • 2 cups cooked quinoa
  • 1 can black beans (drained and rinsed)
  • 1 can corn kernels (drained)
  • 1 cup cherry tomatoes, halved
  • Shredded lettuce
  • Shredded cheddar cheese
  • 1 ripe avocado, diced
  • Juice of one lime
  • Salt and pepper to taste


1. Divide the cooked quinoa among four bowls as a base.
2. Layer each bowl with equal parts black beans, corn, and cherry tomatoes.
3. Top with shredded lettuce and cheddar cheese for that taco essence.
4. Add in diced avocado for creamy richness.
5. Squeeze fresh lime juice over each bowl and season with salt and pepper to taste.

3. Chicken and Vegetable Stir-Fry

This is a high-protein recipe (around 30g of protein/serving) that’s quite low in calories (350-400 kcal/serving). The ingredients listed below are enough to prepare 4 servings, and you can keep leftovers in the fridge, preferably in a closed container, for up to 4 days.

Vegetarian or vegan? Swap out the chicken for tofu and/or double up on the broccoli.


  • 1 lb boneless, skinless chicken breasts, thinly sliced (or swap for tofu)
  • 2 cups of bell peppers, julienned
  • 1 cup broccoli florets
  • 1 medium carrot, thinly sliced
  • 3 tablespoons soy sauce
  • 2 tablespoons honey
  • 1 tablespoon freshly grated ginger
  • 2 garlic cloves, minced
  • Sesame seeds for garnish (optional)
  • Cooked brown rice or quinoa


1. In a hot skillet or wok over medium-high heat, cook the chicken slices (or tofu) until they’re just cooked through.
2. Remove the chicken and add bell peppers, broccoli, and carrots to the pan; stir-fry until they’re tender-crisp.
3. While vegetables are cooking, mix soy sauce, honey, ginger, and garlic in a small bowl.
4. Add the chicken back to the pan with the vegetables and pour your sauce over it all.
5. Cook everything together for another few minutes until heated through.
6. Serve over a bed of brown rice or quinoa and sprinkle with sesame seeds if desired.

Key Takeaways

Simplicity is only challenging when you lack all the necessary parts to achieve it. So, if you want to create weekly healthy meal planning menus in minutes, take the time to restock your pantry and fridge and take good care of your recipe database.

Also, make use of all the shortcuts you need to ensure you stay on track. The main reason we slip up and fall under the spell of fast foods or sweet goodness is a lack of preparation. With the right plan and backups, you’ll be the one in control of your diet!

The post Meal Plan Like a Pro: Create a Healthy Weekly Menu With These Tips appeared first on YouAligned™.
