Mailing Address:
U.S. Department of Education
Office of Career, Technical, and Adult Education,
LBJ, Room 4A197,
400 Maryland Avenue, SW
Washington, DC 20202-7100
U.S. Department of Education Information Resource Center:
1-800-872-5327 (toll-free)
Key Staff
Office of the Assistant Secretary: Vacant, Assistant Secretary
Office of the Assistant Secretary: Vacant, Deputy Assistant Secretary
Office of the Assistant Secretary: Vacant, Chief of Staff
Office of the Assistant Secretary: Gregory Fortelny, Deputy Assistant Secretary for Management and Planning
Office of the Assistant Secretary: Stacey St. Holder, Executive Officer
Division of Adult Education and Literacy: LaToya Newson, Director
Division of Academic and Technical Education: Dr. Sharon Miller, Director
Policy, Research, and Evaluation Staff: Adam Flynn-Tabloff, Director