Zenphoto 1.4.4 January 01, 2013
- GitHub replaces SVN for managing Zenphoto source. This migration eliminates the need for nightly builds as updates to the Zenphoto release may be easily downloaded from the Zenphoto repository. A further advantage of this change is that fixes are available immediately, no need to wait until the next morning to try a fix. Trac has also been discontinued. Submit bug reports and new feature requests with GitHub Issues. [Thanks to Trisweb for managing the migration.]
- Better support of non-Apache WEB servers. [sbillard ”“Thanks to Fretzl and Michgagnon for test environments.]
- Pagination added to the plugin & plugin options tabs. In addition, plugins are now organized by class and there is a sub-tab for each class (as well as a subtab for the complete list.) [sbillard]
- Portable URLs: Zenphoto will now store URLs in a WEB path independent form if embedded into content of articles and pages or image/album descriptions using tinyZenpage manually. When the data is retrieved the current WEB path will be used for these URLs. This simplifies moving your WEBsite or replicating the content to a new location. NOTE: this change is in effect only when you "save" the content. Changing URLs that already exist in your database requires that you re-save the object containing them [sbillard]
- Image caching: Zenphoto now limits the number of worker processes that may resize images in parallel [sbillard, d4gurasu]
- jQuery updates: jQuery to 1.8.3 and jQuery UI 1.9.1
- Multiple security threats closed.
- New stronger password hashing algorithm pbkdf2.
- Password hashing may be changed without impacting existing password cookies so you can strengthen your security and it will be applied whenever a user changes is password. (See also the user_expiry plugin below.)
New plugins
- favoritesHandler (NEW): Means for registered users to mark and view "favorites" [sbillard]
- markRelease(NEW): switches the installation between a "debug" and a "standard" installation [sbillard]
- ipBlocker (NEW): IP address filtering and detection of password probing attempts [sbillard]
- Captcha and Spam filters are now plugins. Spam filter developers should migrate their filters to the plugin model. However, legacy Spam filters are supported by the legacySpam plugin. [sbillard]
Updated plugins
- userGroups: User group templates are now additive when applied to an existing user. Users may be members of multiple groups--the user's rights will be the super-set of the group rights for which he is a member [sbillard]
- show_not_loggedin now preserves the original login state in the global variable $_showNotLoggedin_real_auth so that other plugins can know this information. [sbillard]
- themeSwitcher now has options for which themes to show and for enabling only for users with Themes rights. (The latter is determined from $_showNotLoggedin_real_auth if it is available.) Themes and plugins may provide extensions to the selection. [sbillard]
- related_items: Combined item lists plus thumbs for image/album entries and text excerpts [acrylian]
- comment_form: Comments may now be edited with the TinyMCE editor. All comment handling is now part of this plugin so no comment code exists if the plugin is not enabled. [sbillard]
- comment_form, contact_form, register_user: Honeypot spam check [acrylian, SubJunk]
- contact_form: Sender is now added as "reply to" [sbillard]
- user_expiry now has an option to force users to change their passwords on a regular interval. [sbillard]
- slideshow: Support for cacheManager and option parameter (jQuery mode only) for linking slides on direct slideshow calls; cycle script update [sbillard, acrylian]
- jPlayer: Update to 2.2; Dynamic album support [acrylian, sbillard]
- flowplayer3: Script updates [acrylian]
- colorbox: Script updated [acrylian]
- TinyMCE: Update to 3.5.8 [acrylian]
- zpMobile: jQueryMobile 1.2.0 update [acrylian]
- Danish [jesdnissen]
- Dutch [fretzl]
- French [Michel Gagnon]
- Galician [abotana]
- German [acrylian]
- Japanese [momo]
- Slovak [tangorn]
Developers' Note
The setup script has been revamped. The actual setup code is now handled by setup/index.php. The setup.php script in zp-core will redirect to setup/index.php if the file exists, otherwise it will display the missing setup files message. Documentation should be changed to show that manually running setup uses the link .../zp-core/setup/ although, of course, the old way will still work.
Thanks to
All that use Zenphoto and contributed, be it patches, ideas, feedback and bug reports on the forum and bugtracker.
For questions and comments please use the forum or discuss on the social networks.