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object host.create(object/array hosts)

This method allows to create new hosts.

This method is only available to Admin and Super admin user types. Permissions to call the method can be revoked in user role settings. See User roles for more information.


(object/array) Hosts to create.

Additionally to the standard host properties, the method accepts the following parameters.

Parameter Type Description
object/array Host groups to add the host to.

The host groups must have the groupid property defined.
interfaces object/array Interfaces to be created for the host.
tags object/array Host tags.
templates object/array Templates to be linked to the host.

The templates must have the templateid property defined.
macros object/array User macros to be created for the host.
inventory object Host inventory properties.

Restituisce i valori

(object) Restituisce un oggetto contenente gli ID degli host creati sotto la proprietà hostids. L'ordine degli ID restituiti corrisponde a ordine degli host passati.


Creating a host

Create a host called "Linux server" with an IP interface and tags, add it to a group, link a template to it and set the MAC addresses in the host inventory.


           "jsonrpc": "2.0",
           "method": "host.create",
           "params": {
               "host": "Linux server",
               "interfaces": [
                       "type": 1,
                       "main": 1,
                       "useip": 1,
                       "ip": "",
                       "dns": "",
                       "port": "10050"
               "groups": [
                       "groupid": "50"
               "tags": [
                       "tag": "Host name",
                       "value": "Linux server"
               "templates": [
                       "templateid": "20045"
               "macros": [
                       "macro": "{$USER_ID}",
                       "value": "123321"
                       "macro": "{$USER_LOCATION}",
                       "value": "0:0:0",
                       "description": "latitude, longitude and altitude coordinates"
               "inventory_mode": 0,
               "inventory": {
                   "macaddress_a": "01234",
                   "macaddress_b": "56768"
           "auth": "038e1d7b1735c6a5436ee9eae095879e",
           "id": 1


           "jsonrpc": "2.0",
           "result": {
               "hostids": [
           "id": 1

Creating a host with SNMP interface

Create a host called "SNMP host" with an SNMPv3 interface with details.


           "jsonrpc": "2.0",
           "method": "host.create",
           "params": {
               "host": "SNMP host",
               "interfaces": [
                       "type": 2,
                       "main": 1,
                       "useip": 1,
                       "ip": "",
                       "dns": "",
                       "port": "161",
                       "details": {
                           "version": 3,
                           "bulk": 0,
                           "securityname": "mysecurityname",
                           "contextname": "",
                           "securitylevel": 1
               "groups": [
                       "groupid": "4"
           "auth": "038e1d7b1735c6a5436ee9eae095879e",
           "id": 1


           "jsonrpc": "2.0",
           "result": {
               "hostids": [
           "id": 1

Creating a host with PSK encryption configured

Create a host called "PSK host" with PSK encryption configured only for connections from Zabbix server to host. Note that the Zabbix agent that is installed on the host has to be configured to use PSK.


           "jsonrpc": "2.0",
           "method": "host.create",
           "params": {
               "host": "PSK host",
               "interfaces": [
                       "type": 1,
                       "ip": "",
                       "dns": "",
                       "port": "10050",
                       "useip": 1,
                       "main": 1
               "groups": [
                       "groupid": "2"
               "tls_connect": 2,
               "tls_psk_identity": "PSK 001",
               "tls_psk": "af8ced32dfe8714e548694e2d29e1a14ba6fa13f216cb35c19d0feb1084b0429"
           "id": 1


           "jsonrpc": "2.0",
           "result": {
               "hostids": [
           "id": 1

See also


CHost::create() in ui/include/classes/api/services/CHost.php.