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Plánované webináře

Plánované webináře

Neuigkeiten in Zabbix 7.2 Novinka
Nehmen Sie an unserem Webinar teil und erfahren Sie, warum dieses neue Release so wichtig ist. Entdecken Sie verbesserte Möglichkeiten zur Datenvisualisierung, optimierte Monitoring-Funktionen und Workflows sowie eine Vielzahl neuer Templates, die Ihrem Monitoring zusätzlichen Mehrwert bieten. Bleiben Sie außerdem für eine Q&A-Session dabei, um all Ihre Fragen beantwortet zu bekommen!
Stefan Matzek

Zabbix Certified Trainer IntelliTrend GmbH, Germany Premium Partner


60 min.

Зачем нужен мониторинг
Мониторинг не ограничивается сбором информации. Существует множество аспектов мониторинга - от работы с данными до обнаружения проблем, визуализации состояния инфраструктуры и многое другое. Присоединяйтесь к нам и узнайте о различных аспектах мониторинга, а так же о том, какую пользу может принести надежное решение для мониторинга вашей организации.
Aleksandrs Petrovs-Gavrilovs

Training Technical Administrator, Trainer Zabbix SIA, Latvia


60 min.

Hvad er nyt i Zabbix 7.2 Novinka
Tilmeld dig vores webinar og find ud af, hvad der gør denne nye release så vigtig. Udforsk de forbedrede muligheder for datavisualisering, overvågningsfunktioner og arbejdsgange og en række nye skabeloner designet til at tilføje ekstra værdi til din Zabbix overvågning. Og husk den efterfølgende Q&A-session hvor du kan få besvaret alle dine spørgsmål!
Kim Anthonisen

Zabbix Certified Trainer itm8, Denmark Premium Partner


60 min.

Neuigkeiten in Zabbix 7.2 Novinka
Nehmen Sie an unserem Webinar teil und erfahren Sie, warum dieses neue Release so wichtig ist. Entdecken Sie verbesserte Möglichkeiten zur Datenvisualisierung, optimierte Monitoring-Funktionen und Workflows sowie eine Vielzahl neuer Templates, die Ihrem Monitoring zusätzlichen Mehrwert bieten. Bleiben Sie außerdem für eine Q&A-Session dabei, um all Ihre Fragen beantwortet zu bekommen!
Jochen Weschta

Zabbix Certified Trainer Inqbeo GmbH, Germany Certified Partner


60 min.

Zabbix - Security introduction
As Zabbix is holding a lot of data about your environment with access to a lot of systems, security is of top priority. But where to start? What’s possible? Tip, tricks and hints? Join this webinar and learn about it!
Brian van Baekel

Certified Trainer Opensource ICT Solutions LLC, USA Certified Partner


60 min.

Neuigkeiten in Zabbix 7.2 Novinka
Nehmen Sie an unserem Webinar teil und erfahren Sie, warum dieses neue Release so wichtig ist. Entdecken Sie verbesserte Möglichkeiten zur Datenvisualisierung, optimierte Monitoring-Funktionen und Workflows sowie eine Vielzahl neuer Templates, die Ihrem Monitoring zusätzlichen Mehrwert bieten. Bleiben Sie außerdem für eine Q&A-Session dabei, um all Ihre Fragen beantwortet zu bekommen!
Jochen Weschta

Zabbix Certified Trainer Inqbeo GmbH, Germany Certified Partner


60 min.

Install Zabbix in 5 minutes
There are many methods how to get Zabbix up and running in your environment. Choose the one which is more suitable for you. May it be a good old installation or just deployment in the clouds.
Vittorio Cioe

Technical Account Manager Zabbix SIA, Latvia


60 min.

Zabbix - HA Setup
Before Zabbix 6.0 High Availability was already possible but Zabbix made this a native option in the new 6.0LTS and we love it! In this webinar we’ll discuss how to configure it, the pro’s and the cons and of course troubleshooting.
Brian van Baekel

Certified Trainer Opensource ICT Solutions B.V., The Netherlands Premium Partner


60 min.

Zabbix - Configuration management
Ever imported a template, that replaced an already existing template? That hurts! With Zabbix 6.0 there are some good improvements preventing this scenario, but of course there are other options as well. Ready to learn about configuration management of your Zabbix environment? Join this webinar!
Brian van Baekel

Certified Trainer Opensource ICT Solutions LLC, USA Certified Partner


60 min.

Zabbix - Predict your future!
No, there is no crystal ball within Zabbix, or at least, we haven’t discovered it yet! Still prediction of future values is possible using statistics. It actually is not too complicated and once you know the options you can drastically decrease downtime by proactive reactions to metrics Join this webinar and we’ll show you the ins and outs of Trend Prediction.
Brian van Baekel

Certified Trainer Opensource ICT Solutions LTD, UK Certified Partner


60 min.

Zabbix - SNMP traps, tips and tricks
Once you’ve got the hang of SNMP polling, it’s time to add traps into the mix. But what’s going on with that perl script, snmptrapd and itemkeys in the frontend? Join this webinar and you know how to get snmp traps into your Zabbix environment in a efficient way!
Brian van Baekel

Certified Trainer Opensource ICT Solutions LLC, USA Certified Partner


60 min.

Zabbix - an introduction to SNMP
If you are using Zabbix and planning to start monitoring network equipment, you will come to the topic of SNMP. In this webinar we will give you a brief overview of what SNMP is, and how to use it within Zabbix in an efficient way to get the most valuable information!
Brian van Baekel

Certified Trainer Opensource ICT Solutions B.V., The Netherlands Premium Partner


60 min.

Zabbix - LLD Overrides
Probably Low Level Discovery is still one of the most powerful features within Zabbix. It was already extended and flexible, but recently Zabbix introduced the concepts of “overrides” within the discovery rules, to add another layer of flexibility! Want to get familiar with the concept, and learn the basics? Join this webinar and after one hour you’re up to date again!
Brian van Baekel

Certified Trainer Opensource ICT Solutions LLC, USA Certified Partner


60 min.

Zabbix - Frontend scripts to the rescue!
Frontend scripts are available already for a long period of time. Nevertheless, there are not many people using them and that’s a shame. In this one hour webinar we will show you how to configure them, and why they are so extremely useful in your day to day operation.
Brian van Baekel

Certified Trainer Opensource ICT Solutions LTD, UK Certified Partner


60 min.

Zabbix - Scheduled reports
Yes! This is a thing within Zabbix! Although it is not complicated to configure in the frontend, the pre-requisites are not too clear and a few steps are needed to make this work. Want to get your knowledge kickstarted and learn how to get it going? Join this webinar and you’re covered
Brian van Baekel

Certified Trainer Opensource ICT Solutions LLC, USA Certified Partner


60 min.

Zabbix - The joy of escalations
Although no one likes alerts, they happen. But what if you miss the notification? What if you want to execute an action and if that didn’t help, send out a message? How to create a trouble ticket and send an message? All these questions will be covered in this webinar!
Brian van Baekel

Certified Trainer Opensource ICT Solutions B.V., The Netherlands Premium Partner


60 min.

Install Zabbix in 5 minutes
Ok, this sounds a bit too ambitious, but we’ll promise - there will a demo in this webinar proving it’s possible. It seems quite complex to install Zabbix, but once you’ve got the Linux machine in place, it’s pretty straight forward to install it. Of course there are pre-requisites and things to consider. This webinar will cover those and get you going.
Brian van Baekel

Certified Trainer Opensource ICT Solutions LLC, USA Certified Partner


60 min.

Zabbix - Visualisation
Every version of Zabbix there are new features regarding visualisation added or improved. In this webinar we would like to introduce you these options, and how to make your precious data available in such a way they are easy to read!
Brian van Baekel

Certified Trainer Opensource ICT Solutions LTD, UK Certified Partner


60 min.

Nahrané webináře

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