Notas de Lançamento para o Zabbix 2.5.0

A Equipe Zabbix tem o prazer de anunciar a disponibilidade do Zabbix 2.5.0.

O Zabbix é uma solução de monitoramento distribuído empresarial de código aberto. O Zabbix é distribuído sob a GPL, portanto, é gratuito para uso comercial e não comercial. A licença completa está disponível em

Este documento contém as notas de lançamento do Zabbix 2.5.0. Para efetuar o download clique aqui.

As seções a seguir descrevem o lançamento em detalhes e fornecem as informações mais recentes ou outras informações que complementam a documentação principal.

New Features and Improvements

ZBXNEXT-2662 Implemented a new design for the Zabbix Web interface Frontend
ZBXNEXT-2703 Implemented feature to filter dashboard by trigger name Frontend
ZBXNEXT-2892 Increased IP range length and added support for tabulation, carriage return and newline characters API Frontend Installation Server
ZBXNEXT-2760 Added zabbix[host,,items] and zabbix[host,,items_unsupported] keys to monitor the number of (unsupported) items per host Server
ZBXNEXT-1219 Added application prototype support to low level discovery rules API Frontend Installation Proxy Server
ZBX-4344 Added functionality to stop processing escalations if dependent trigger fires Server
ZBXNEXT-679 Implemented SMTP authentication support API Documentation Frontend Installation Proxy Server
ZBXNEXT-1368 Added Windows service discovery and[] item; thanks to Ryan Armstrong for patch Frontend Agent Installation
ZBX-8297 Removed "Triggers info" top line from Monitoring > Triggers page fullscreen view Frontend
ZBXNEXT-786 Renamed net.tcp.service[ntp] and net.tcp.service.perf[ntp] to net.udp.service[ntp] and net.udp.service.perf[ntp] API Frontend Agent Installation Proxy Server
ZBXNEXT-1229 Added support of trigger prototype dependencies API Frontend Server
ZBXNEXT-210 Added displaying of the available user macros on host and template level Frontend
ZBX-7654 Implemented XML import versioning and fixed various XML validation issues API Frontend
ZBXNEXT-2800 Increased error field lengths in "hosts" table from 128 to 2048 Frontend Installation Proxy Server
ZBXNEXT-2495 Improved performance of maps; changed triggers_2 index Installation
ZBXNEXT-2474 Improved value cache low memory mode handling by switching back to normal mode once per day. The current value cache operational mode now can be checked with zabbix[vcache,cache,mode] interval item Server
ZBXNEXT-2462 Improved nodata() function calculation Server
ZBX-5813 Added support for spaces in IP ranges in network discovery and action conditions API Frontend Proxy Server
ZBXNEXT-866 Added IP address in the messages about connections between server and proxy Proxy Server
ZBXNEXT-2724 Removed all deprecated "exists" and "getObjects" API methods, "expandData" parameter in various *.get methods and "selectHosts" parameter from application.get method API
ZBXNEXT-2357 Added MVC framework, some pages already take advantage of the framework Frontend
ZBXNEXT-444 Improved log file monitoring by saving log file meta information which was previously lost during agent restart Agent Installation Proxy Server
ZBXNEXT-1128 Added support of {HOST.*} and user macros in trigger URL Frontend Server
ZBXNEXT-2619 Added an item for VMware virtual machine CPU ready state monitoring Proxy Server
ZBXNEXT-1493 Changed activity dropdowns at the bottom of various pages to buttons Frontend
ZBXNEXT-1554 Added multiple OID support to SNMP low-level discovery rules Installation Proxy Server
ZBXNEXT-2321 Added support for "db.odbc.discovery[]" item for low-level discovery through ODBC API Frontend Proxy Server
ZBXNEXT-2637 Changed the DB user in the default configuration files to "zabbix", server and proxy timeouts to 4 seconds, LogSlowQueries to 3 seconds and MaxHousekeeperDelete to 5000; listed characters, prohibited in user parameters Installation
ZBXNEXT-756 Added function percentile() to calculated items and trigger expressions API Frontend Proxy Server
ZBX-9006 Added support for IPv6 addresses to Java gateway Java gateway
ZBXNEXT-1821 Added "Zabbix" as default user agent, updated outdated user agent strings in web scenario form and improved selection of other user agents API Frontend
ZBXNEXT-1036 Improved "Most busy triggers top 100" page filter Frontend
ZBXNEXT-2602 Minor design and layout improvements Frontend
ZBXNEXT-2471 Improved value cache management by resetting item's cached range to the daily request range once per day Server
ZBXNEXT-2320 Added agent crash handling on Windows to log its stack trace Agent
ZBXNEXT-1078 Added 'proc.mem[]' 5th parameter (memtype) on AIX, FreeBSD, Linux, Solaris; thanks to Johan Fischer and gescheit for agent patches for Linux and FreeBSD Frontend Agent
ZBXNEXT-2006 Added {#FSDRIVETYPE} macro to vfs.fs.discovery on Windows Agent
ZBXNEXT-207 Added a runtime control option to force execution of housekeeper Proxy Server
ZBXNEXT-1799 Added support of low-level discovery macros in the "IPMI sensor" field Server
ZBXNEXT-2079 Added support of low-level discovery macros in the "Units" field Server
ZBXNEXT-689 Added protocol option to net.dns and net.dns.query keys to enable TCP based queries Agent
ZBXNEXT-2325 Added CPU guest and guest priority metrics to system.cpu.util[] item, supported on Linux kernels starting from 2.6.24 and 2.6.33 respectively Agent

Correções de bugs

ZBX-9608 Improved the aggregate item key description in the frontend Frontend
ZBX-9519 Fixed vfs.fs.inode[] behaviour in case of CephFS Agent
ZBX-8902 Made messages 'database is down...' and 'database connection re-established' appear in log at DebugLevel=2 Proxy Server
ZBX-8725 Enabled setting DebugLevel=5 in configuration files Agent Proxy Server
ZBX-9699 Optimized initial cache allocation parameters so that server in default configuration would start with minimum cache settings Proxy Server
ZBX-7821 Removed restriction to have log type information for items with key "log", "logrt" and "eventlog" API
ZBX-8252 Renamed "Retries" to "Attempts" in web scenario edit form and list view Frontend
ZBX-9623 Fixed possible SQL error when network discovery rule and LLD rule are processed at the same time Server
ZBX-9540 Fixed import/export of the "Host time" clock screen element API Frontend
ZBX-9142 Made vm.memory.size[available] read MemAvailable from /proc/meminfo on Linux kernels 3.14 and above Agent
ZBX-9414 Fixed sorting, displaying and filtering by trends and interval in items, item prototypes and discovery rules API Frontend Installation
ZBXNEXT-2791 Synchronised item key helper descriptions and return values from the Zabbix manual Frontend
ZBX-9470 Fixed bug when sometimes value cache would try to cache already cached time based request Server
ZBX-9317 Changed proc.mem[] and proc.num[] to return 0 if the specified user does not exist Agent
ZBX-8513 Changed vm.memory.size[available] key on AIX to return the sum of free and cached memory Agent
ZBX-8993 Added check for a valid reference of a global regular expression for snmptrap[], log[], logrt[] and eventlog[] items and logeventid(), regexp() and iregexp() trigger functions Agent Proxy Server
ZBX-8698 Fixed "Unlink and clear" button being displayed when cloning or full cloning host or template and fixed spacing between "Name" and "Action" in "Linked templates" block in template edit form Frontend
ZBX-9018 Fixed updating of "config" table in Administration -> General pages Frontend
ZBX-9002 Fixed log file locking during logging Agent Proxy Server
ZBX-8943 Fixed script ordering when using backslashes in popup script menus Frontend
ZBX-8922 Fixed form element positioning issues in host add/edit form Frontend
ZBX-8934 Removed translation for the bytes unit prefixes (KB, MB, etc) Frontend
ZBX-8888 Fixed history.php showing data for 11 more seconds than the defined interval Frontend
ZBX-9005 Fixed aggregate item check to make forth parameter not mandatory when third parameter is set to 'last' Frontend Server
ZBX-3437 Fixed Windows agent to use the configured timeout option when establishing TCP connection Agent
ZBX-8542 Improved performance and reduced configuration cache locking when evaluating trigger expressions Server
ZBX-8470 Fixed possible crash condition in agent, proxy and server daemons where a memory corruption might occur during module unloading Agent Proxy Server
ZBX-8780 Removed hover effect from readonly and disabled fields Frontend
ZBX-8844 Fixed testing LDAP authentication Frontend
ZBX-8851 Added "-1" and "0" as allowed values for "max_execution_time" and "max_input_time" PHP configuration settings Frontend Installation
ZBX-8720 Fixed resolving of macros in graph names when graph name contains strings similar to macros API Frontend
ZBX-6163 Added session restoring to MySQL connections in case of losing connection to the database Proxy Server
ZBX-8761 Fixed potential lockup if signal is received during message logging Agent Proxy Server
ZBX-8837 Added bypassing of DNS resolver cache on Windows systems for net.dns items Agent
ZBX-8660 Fixed API to disallow deleting of discovered items, triggers and graphs, and add validation so that only allowed fields of discovered entities can be updated API
ZBX-8728 Changed item key parameter parsing to use dynamic buffers for parsed parameters Agent Proxy Server
ZBX-8713 Improved screen element resource parameter labels Frontend
ZBX-8643 Fixed performance problem in action configuration pages Frontend
ZBX-8545 Rewrote net.tcp.listen for Linux kernels 2.6.14 and above to employ the kernel NETLINK interface. Old method of information retrieval also improved Agent
ZBX-8796 Added get_process_info_by_thread() function prototype and renamed server_num, process_type and process_num local variables to eliminate conflict with the local ones Agent Proxy Server
ZBX-8763 Fixed log message printing to syslog and undefined type log if debug level 5 is set Agent Proxy Server
ZBX-8671 Fixed missing existence and permission checks for hosts and host groups Frontend
ZBX-7176 Removed empty space in icon buttons and removed help icons from pop-ups Frontend
ZBX-8736 Added validation of timestamp values received by the server and sent via zabbix_sender Agent Proxy Server
ZBX-8560 Fixed web scenario HTTP proxy field placeholder content not fitting into input field Frontend
ZBX-8570 Fixed colons in frontend filters Frontend
ZBX-8659 Fixed graphs in screens not respecting "Show legend" setting when in dynamic mode Frontend
ZBX-5166 Replaced '-' with '\-' in man-pages Documentation
ZBX-8391 Added stronger command-line parameter validation, revised help and version messages, revised man-pages for Zabbix server, proxy, agent, sender and get utilities Agent Proxy Server
ZBX-8658 Made various changes to ODBC related m4 scripts to improve readability and library function availability Installation

Notas de instalação e atualização


Veja Manual do Zabbix para maiores detalhes.


Veja Procedimento de atualização for upgrade options and instructions. For version specific upgrade notes, see Upgrade notes for 2.5.0.

Suporte comercial

A empresa Zabbix fornece uma completa Serviços profissionais. Também fornecemos sem problemas Serviço de atualização para uma migração fácil de versões anteriores do Zabbix. Por favor Contato de vendas para preços e mais detalhes.


Zabbix 2.5 Manual

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O Zabbix é um software gratuito e de código aberto. Sem limites ou custos ocultos.