Elisa Gabbert is WordStream’s Director of Content and SEO. Likes include wine, karaoke, poker, ping-pong, perfume, and poetry.
Finding the right agency to manage your PPC marketing campaigns is quite similar to making an internal hire – in addition to evaluating the agency's background and reputation, you'll want to ask a series of questions to help you better understand what they're about.
At WordStream, we're a fan of guest posting as a way of building links and relationships. But sometimes you put in the effort to write a post and the blog editor rejects it, or never gets back to you at all. That adds up to disappointment and a big waste of your time.
What's the difference between keywords and search queries? Though sometimes used interchangeably, these terms don’t mean the same thing. Search queries are the actual terms that search engine users type into the search box…
Unsurprisingly – since this is a mainstream magazine we’re talking about – the topic is nothing new. Journalists have been wringing their hands over the supposed loss of the clever headline since SEO first started, well, making headlines (making waves? making hearts go pitty-pat?) five or six years ago.
Signaling theory posits that the purpose of most human behavior is to signal value and status to others. How is marketing like signaling?
The headline is the most important part of your pay-per-click ad. Learn what to do and what not to do when writing headlines for PPC.
Don't resort to a generic, pushy call to action like BUY NOW in your PPC ad. Here are 7 more creative ideas for the CTA.
Learn how to target relevant keyword phrases with your blog posts in three steps.
Sometimes it feels like the Internet and social media are making us dumber and slower, but some authors argue they actually make us smarter.