Pictorial health warnings on tobacco products database
This online resource provides access to pictorial health warnings to be used or adapted by countries and Parties to the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (WHO FCTC) to warn the public about the dangers of tobacco use.
Article 11 of the WHO FCTC requires Parties to the Convention to implement large and rotating health warnings on all tobacco products packaging and labelling. According to a decision by the 3rd Conference of Parties to the WHO FCTC (FCTC/COP3(10)), WHO is responsible for maintaining a database of Member States’ pictorial health warnings for tobacco products (also known as warning labels).
In case a Party to the WHO FCTC would like to use pictorial warnings from another Party, the request is handled by the WHO FCTC Secretariat. WHO addresses requests coming from Non-Parties and from Non-State actors.
Database entries
Being exposed to the smoke of cigarette, hookah and tobacco products using by parents and relatives...
Beurger disease
Can he choose? - Image 1
Cigar smoke is toxic - Back of pack
Cigar smoking causes lung cancer
Cigarette can cause premature death
Cigarette causes gangrene
Cigarette causes lung cancer
Cigarette causes miscarriage
Cigarette causes mouth cancer
Cigarette causes neck cancer
Cigarette smoke also damages non-smokers - Image 1
Cigarette smoke also damages non-smokers - Image 2
Cigarette smoke also damages non-smokers - image 3
Cigarettes Hurt Babies
Compared to non-smokers, smokers are at risk in different skin cancers by two times
Compared to non-smokers, smokers are exposed by two times to be infected by different skin...
Don't let others breathe your smoke
Don't Poison Us
Every puff of tobacco kills
Get free - Image 1
Girls and boys start smoking when they see adults smoking - Image 1
Girls and boys start smoking when they see adults smoking - Image 2
Girls and boys start smoking when they see adults smoking - image 3
How free are you? - Image 1
Humanicide - Image 1
I died of smoking
Idle But Deadly
Judge Yourself: Death/Life
Lung cancer
No Smoking At Home
Oral Cancer
Protect children: don't make them breathe your smoke - Image 1
Protect children: don't make them breathe your smoke - Image 2
Protect children: don't make them breathe your smoke - Image 3
Quit before it is too late - New Zealand
Quit cigarette smoking can improve health and increase longevity
Quit now, save money
Quitting smoking improves your health and prolongs life
Quitting will improve your health
Second hand smoke kills
Second-hand smoke kills - Bangladesh
Sensual? - Image 1
Shisha Smoking is as harmful as other types of tobacco
Shisha smoking is as harmful as other types of tobacco smoking
Smoke Causes Hemorrhagic Stroke
Smoke contains benzene, nitrosamines, formaldehyde and hydrogen cyanide - Image 1
Smoke contains benzene, nitrosamines, formaldehyde and hydrogen cyanide - Image 2
Smoke contains benzene, nitrosamines, formaldehyde and hydrogen cyanide - Image 3
Smokers die early
Smokers die younger - Costa Rica
Smokers die younger - Image 1
Smokers die younger - Image 2
Smoking affects your health
Smoking around children is dangerous
Smoking blocks your arteries - Back
Smoking blocks your arteries - Front
Smoking burns away your family's money-Solomon Islands
Smoking can accelerate ageing of skin
Smoking can accelerate aging of skin
Smoking can cause a slow and painful death - Image 1 - European Union
Smoking can cause a slow and painful death - Image 2
Smoking can cause a slow and painful death - Image 3
Smoking can damage the sperm and decreases fertility - Image 1
Smoking can damage the sperm and decreases fertility - Image 2
Smoking can damage the sperm and decreases fertility - Image 3
Smoking can harm your child-Solomon Islands
Smoking can make you impotent - Back
Smoking can make you impotent - Front
Smoking causes ageing
Smoking causes ageing of the skin - Image 1
Smoking causes ageing of the skin - Image 2
Smoking causes ageing of the skin - Image 3
Smoking causes bad breath, tooth loss and oral cancer - image 3
Smoking causes bad breath, tooth loss, oral cancer - Image 1
Smoking causes bad breath, tooth loss, oral cancer - Image 2
Smoking causes bladder cancer
Smoking causes blindness - Back
Smoking causes blindness - New Zealand
Smoking causes blindness-Solomon Islands
Smoking causes breast cancer
Smoking causes breathing problem
Smoking causes cancer - image 1
Smoking causes cancer - image 2
Smoking causes cancer - image 3
Smoking causes cancer - image 4
Smoking causes early death
Smoking causes early death
Smoking causes emphysema
Smoking causes emphysema - Back
Smoking causes fatal emphysema
Smoking causes fatal lung cancer - Image 1 - European Union
Smoking causes fatal lung cancer - Image 2 - European Union
Smoking causes fatal lung cancer - Image 3
Smoking causes fatal lung cancer - Russian Federation
Smoking causes foot gangrene - Russian Federation
Smoking causes gangrene
Smoking causes gangrene - Back
Smoking causes gangrene - Front
Smoking causes gangrene - Image 1
Smoking causes gangrene-Solomon Islands
Smoking causes heart attack - Image 1 - Venezuela
Smoking causes heart attack - Image 1 - Venezuela 2
Smoking causes heart attacks
Smoking causes heart attacks - Back
Smoking causes heart attacks - Front
Smoking causes heart attacks - image 3
Smoking causes heart disease
Smoking causes heart diseases
Smoking Causes Heart Failure
Smoking causes impotence
Smoking causes impotence - Image 1
Smoking causes impotency in males - Image 1
Smoking causes impotency in males - Image 2
Smoking causes impotency in males - image 3
Smoking causes kidney cancer
Smoking causes laryngeal cancer
Smoking causes laryngeal cancer - Venezuela image 2
Smoking causes larynx cancer
Smoking causes larynx cancer
Smoking causes leukemia
Smoking causes lung cancer
Smoking causes lung cancer
Smoking causes lung cancer - Brunei Darussalam
Smoking causes lung cancer - Costa Rica
Smoking causes lung cancer - image 1
Smoking causes lung cancer - image 2
Smoking causes lung cancer - New Zealand
Smoking causes lung cancer, cough, pulmonary emphysema and chronic bronchitis - Image 1
Smoking causes lung cancer, cough, pulmonary emphysema and chronic bronchitis - Image 2
Smoking causes lung cancer, cough, pulmonary emphysema and chronic bronchitis - image 3
Smoking causes lung cancer-Solomon Islands
Smoking causes miscarriages
Smoking causes mouth cancer
Smoking causes mouth cancer - Back
Smoking causes mouth cancer - Front
Smoking causes mouth cancer-Solomon Islands
Smoking causes neck cancer
Smoking causes oral cancer
Smoking causes oral cancer
Smoking causes oral cancer
Smoking causes oral cancer
Smoking causes oral cancer - Costa Rica
Smoking causes pain
Smoking causes peripheral vascular disease
Smoking causes peripheral vascular diseases
Smoking causes premature ageing
Smoking causes premature ageing
Smoking causes premature birth - Russian Federation
Smoking causes premature birth and infant death
Smoking causes premature death
Smoking causes self-destruction
Smoking causes serious lung diseases - Back
Smoking causes sexual impotence
Smoking causes sexual impotence - Russian Federation
Smoking causes stillbirth
Smoking causes stillbirths
Smoking causes stroke
Smoking causes stroke
Smoking causes stroke - Bangladesh
Smoking causes stroke - Image 1
Smoking causes strokes
Smoking causes suffering, not just death
Smoking causes throat and lung cancer
Smoking causes throat cancer
Smoking causes thrombosis
Smoking causes tooth loss
Smoking causes vascular diseases
Smoking cigarettes during the use of oral contraceptives increase the risk of thrombosis
Smoking damages your arteries
Smoking damages your bones
Smoking damages your gums
Smoking damages your gums and teeth
Smoking damages your lungs
Smoking damages your teeth - Image 1
Smoking destroys your heart
Smoking during pregnancy damages the health of your baby - Image 1
Smoking during pregnancy damages the health of your baby - Image 2
Smoking during pregnancy damages the health of your baby - image 3
Smoking harms baby in mother's womb
Smoking harms health
Smoking harms unborn babies
Smoking harms your children
Smoking harms your family
Smoking harms your family - Image 1
Smoking harms your family -- image 2
Smoking harms your pets
Smoking harms your unborn baby-Solomon Islands
Smoking increases the risk of breast cancer
Smoking increases the risk of thrombosis
Smoking is addictive
Smoking is addictive - Back of pack
Smoking is highly addictive
Smoking is highly addictive - Back
Smoking is highly addictive - Front
Smoking is highly addictive, don't start - Image 1
Smoking is highly addictive, don't start - Image 2
Smoking is highly addictive, don't start - Image 3
Smoking is highly addictive-Solomon Islands
Smoking is not attractive - New Zealand
Smoking is one of the major factors of mouth and lip cancers. This type of cancer will cause...
Smoking kills
Smoking kills - Australia
Smoking kills - Costa Rica
Smoking kills - Image 1 - Brunei Darussalam
Smoking kills - Image 1 - Seychelles
Smoking kills you
Smoking kills-Solomon Islands
Smoking may cause impotence
Smoking may reduce the blood flow and causes impotence.
Smoking offence: fixed penalty HK$1,500
Smoking poisons us
Smoking reduces sperm quality
Smoking takes away my voice
Smoking when pregnant harms your baby - Image 1
Smoking when pregnant harms your baby - Image 2
Smoking when pregnant harms your baby - Image 3
Smoking will cause irremediable damages to the eye tissue, vision central nerves and finally...
Smoking will cause the onset of serious harms to the mucus of mouth and tongue and finally...
Stopping smoking benefits your health and increases your lifetime
Stopping smoking reduces the risk of fatal heart and lung diseases - Image 1
Stopping smoking reduces the risk of fatal heart and lung diseases - Image 2
Take the step to quit now
Take today your first step - stop
Take your first step today - Quitting smoking improves your health
This product is dangerous to your health and causes addictiveness
This product is dangerous to your health and produces addictiveness - Image 1
This product is dangerous to your health and produces addictiveness - Image 2
Tobacco causes poverty - Le tabac entraîne la pauvreté
Tobacco causes poverty - Le tabac entraîne la puvreté
Tobacco smoke can kill babies - Image 1 - Brunei Darussalam
Tobacco smoke harms your baby - Image 1
Tobacco smoke is poisonous - Back
Tobacco smoke is poisonous - Front
Tobacco smoke is poisonous-Solomon Islands
Tobacco use causes impotence - Image 1
Tobacco use makes you impotent
Toxic product
WARNING - Smoking causes gangrene
WARNING - Smoking causes lung cancer
WARNING - Smoking causes miscarriage
WARNING - Smoking causes mouth cancer
WARNING - Smoking causes stroke
WARNING - Smoking causes various cancers
WARNING - Smoking damages your teeth
Warning! Cigarette can cause gradual death of lung tissue and breathless
Warning! Cigarette is highly addictive
You are killing him
Your future lungs - image 1
Your future lungs - image 2
Your smoke harms me
Your smoking can harm your kids - Back
Your smoking can harm your kids - Front
Your smoking harms children - New Zealand
Your smoking harms others - New Zealand
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