The Global RECAP Programme
The Global RECAP: Global Regulatory and Fiscal Capacity Building Programme is a collaborative project between the International Development Law Organization (IDLO) and the World Health Organization (WHO), supported by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) and the European Union (and during Phase I the OPEC Fund for International Development), in coordination with the International Development Research Centre (IDRC).
The rationale and logic for Global RECAP can be summarized as follows:
- If capacity of government officials, regulators, policy makers, academia and CSOs to understand, develop and implement regulatory and fiscal measures that promote healthy diets and physical activity is strengthened; and
- If an enabling environment is strengthened to support the needed reforms through social mobilization and multi-stakeholder collaboration; and
- If evidence-based research is available/produced to inform and support decision making,
A. Programme Purpose
To promote healthy lives and well-being for all, including poor and vulnerable people, through strengthened regulatory and fiscal measures that promote and create conducive environments for healthy diets and physical activity.
B. Programme impact goal
Evidence-based regulatory and fiscal measures designed to promote healthy diet and increase physical activity for the prevention of NCDs are implemented, revised and adjusted as needed, including appropriate feedback and accountability mechanisms.
C. Programme outcomes
- Strengthened capacity of government officials, regulators, policymakers, academia and civil society to understand, develop and implement (as appropriate) regulatory and fiscal measures that promote healthy diets and physical activity.
- Strengthened enabling environment on healthy diets and physical activity through national and international collaboration among policy makers, regulatory bodies, lawyers, public health and nutrition experts, civil society actors, academics, funders and communities.
- Increased generation and use of relevant evidence and research from different disciplines to develop and implement effective regulatory and fiscal measures to promote healthy diets and physical activity.
These outcomes will be achieved through the collaborative delivery of complementary components of:
- Capacity building activities led by WHO
- Social mobilization activities led by IDLO
- Research activities to support policy reform, under the IDRC research program and other research supported by IDLO and WHO.
D. Programme policy focus areas
E. Participating Countries
Bangladesh, Ghana, Indonesia, Kenya, Mauritius, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Tanzania, Thailand and Uganda.
Fact sheet
Technical products
Implementing policies to restrict food marketing: a review of contextual factors
Implementing nutrition labelling policies: a review of contextual factors
WHO guidelines on physical activity and sedentary behaviour
Global action plan on physical activity 2018–2030: more active people for a healthier world
SHAKE the salt habit
Set of recommendations on the marketing of foods and non-alcoholic beverages to children
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