Strategic and Technical Advisory Group for Antimicrobial Resistance (STAG-AMR)
The Strategic and Technical Advisory Group for Antimicrobial resistance (STAG-AMR) is the principal advisory group to the World Health Organization (WHO) on antimicrobial resistance.


The Strategic and Technical Advisory Group for Antimicrobial resistance (STAG-AMR) is the principal advisory group to the World Health Organization (WHO) on antimicrobial resistance. The STAG-AMR has the mandate to provide advice to the WHO Director-General and the AMR Division on overall global policies and strategies to address AMR within the context of human health, while considering relevant World Health Assembly (WHA) resolutions and decisions. The mandate of the STAG-AMR is to provide strategic and technical advice. STAG-AMR members serve in their personal capacities to represent areas of technical expertise.

Members of the WHO Strategic and Technical Advisory Group for Antimicrobial Resistance (STAG-AMR), 2024-2027*


Fourth meeting of the Strategic and Technical Advisory Group on Antimicrobial Resistance (STAG-AMR)
11-13 June 2024 

WHO Headquarters, Geneva  

Provisional agenda

Third meeting of the Strategic and Technical Advisory Group on Antimicrobial Resistance (STAG-AMR)
13-15 June 2023

WHO Headquarters, Geneva

Second meeting of the Strategic and Technical Advisory Group for Antimicrobial Resistance (STAG-AMR)
14-16 June 2022

WHO Headquarters, Geneva

First meeting of the Strategic and Technical Advisory Group for Antimicrobial Resistance (STAG-AMR)
22-24 June 2021

Virtual Meeting

Related Documents

STAG-AMR Terms of Reference

