The overall Which? test score is made up of the following star ratings, all determined by our rigorous lab tests.
How we test sound quality
We rate sound quality using a professional panel of five expert listeners with a range of ages and musical tastes. They listen to nine recordings per turntable which cover a wide range of music and radio genres, giving a rating per recording and an overall verdict (not an average).
How we test maximum volume
We test how loud speakers will go before the sound distorts, so you know how loud it can actually go and still sound at its best, rather than the claimed maximum by the manufacturer that can stretch the speaker beyond its limits. Choose a speaker with a louder maximum volume to fill larger spaces.
How we test voice assistant integration
Our experts assess how well the smart speaker or smart display has integrated its voice assistant. We ask each device a series of typical questions and see how well it responds. Different devices with the same voice assistant will often get different ratings. For example, the voice assistant may be poorly integrated into the device's software, or the microphones may be too poor for the voice assistant to pick up what you're saying reliably.
How we test ease of use
The overall ease of use as rated by our lab professionals. Includes how easy it is to set up, the quality of the instruction manual and the labelling of sockets. Everyday use includes how easy it is to connect devices, wirelessly stream music and control playback features. Multi-room use includes how easy it is to set up and connect to a wireless multi-room speaker system. The portability rating only applies to models with a battery.
How we test energy efficiency from mains
If a speaker can be powered off batteries, the energy efficiency rating is based on battery life from a single charge compared to the competition - in this case, it's therefore not a measure of total energy consumption, as a speaker could have a better battery life through having a larger battery. If the speaker is mains-powered only, the energy efficiency rating is based on power consumption from the mains - we test both when the speaker is playing and when it is on standby. Power consumption tends to be pretty low for speakers, but can add up particularly for mains-powered speakers you have plugged in a lot of the time.