UnbrandedWhite smoke alarm

  • Smoke alarm
  • Battery only
  • Optical smoke alarm
£5Typical price
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This dangerous smoke alarm failed all eight of our smoke detection tests when we tested it back in 2018 and that’s why we’re warning you about it and why we’ve made it a Don’t Buy. It’s not from a recognisable brand - we bought it from eBay but it’s also available on other online marketplaces. It’s made in China and you’ll see the model number JTY-GD-SA1201W and an image of a burning house on the box. On test, it’s among the most worrying products we’ve ever tested – it simply can’t detect smoke. So, your best course of action is to avoid this unsafe smoke alarm.


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  • Aug 2024Last checked by Which?
  • May 2019First reviewed by Which?
  • Jun 2018Released