Letter to complain if your energy supplier overcharges you

No-one wants to pay more than they should for their energy use. If your energy supplier has overcharged you, make a complaint using this template letter.
Which?Editorial team
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[Your address]

[Energy provider]

To [the Complaints Manager]

Account Number: [Details]

I write in connection with the above account.

On [date] I received a bill for energy usage between [start date] and [end date] and I have been charged the sum of [state amount that has been charged].

[The energy consumption/ meter reading] stated on the bill is inaccurate because [give reasons for challenging the bill and provide any information that could help support your complaint eg what your quarterly or monthly consumption would ordinarily be or what the correct meter reading is].   

I would request that you review this bill and send me a revised, accurate bill in its place along with confirmation [that your records have been amended accordingly/ of the sum that has been credited to my account].   

I look forward to hearing from you within the next 14 days

Yours faithfully,

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