The overall Which? test score is made up of the following star ratings, all determined by our rigorous lab tests.
How we test cooking performance
This rating takes five different factors into account. How evenly food cooks through, including whether the outside burns easily or cooks before the middle (evenness); whether it remains moist or becomes dry (succulence); how tasty the food is and whether it has that distinctive, char-grilled barbecue taste (flavour); how appetising the food looks and whether it has a nicely char-grilled appeal (appearance); and the overall quality of the cooked food. This rating accounts for 30% of the total score.
How we test convenience
We time how long it takes for the barbecue to reach cooking temperature and rate the ease of using the controls and components. We also measure the cooking time, how easy it would be to clean the barbecue, and how much the barbecue flares up whilst cooking.
How we test assembly
We assemble each barbecue using the instructions provided, timing how long it takes to build, how easily the components fit together and how easy the instructions are to follow.
How we test build quality
We take into account whether the components are well-made and free from faults and sharp edges, and assess how good the quality of finish is after assembly and whether it shows signs of wear and tear after we have conducted our cooking tests on it.
How we test stability
We test stability with a full fuel and food load, and assess how likely the barbecue is to move or topple if accidentally knocked or kicked.
How we test manoeuvrability
We rate how heavy the barbecue is to move, whether it tips as you move it and how easy it is to manoeuvre.