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How to buy a cheap and energy efficient tumble dryer this Black Friday

Vented and condenser dryers tend to be cheaper than heat pump models, but low running costs are the real key to saving money
A man and a woman look at a tumble dryer in a shop

Before being sucked in by a tempting Black Friday tumble dryer deal, consider how much the dryer actually costs to run – a bargain isn't really a bargain if it hikes up your energy bills.  

Vented and condenser dryers can be cheaper to buy than heat pump models, but owning one will push up your energy bills. Opt for an energy-saving heat pump tumble dryer instead. Although you might have to fork out more initially, it will pay for itself in the long run with hugely reduced running costs – saving more than £75 a year when compared with condenser dryers and £88 when compared with vented machines.

The best heat pump dryers will do a great job of drying clothes while keeping energy costs low. The most energy-efficient tumble dryers get our Eco Buy seal of approval, and our Great Value recommendation highlights those that cost less while still drying clothes effectively.

Read our tumble dryer reviews to compare more than 100 tumble dryers we've tested, to find the best one for you this Black Friday

Black Friday tumble dryer deals – bargain or bust?

A man is loading a tumble dryer in a kitchen

The cheapest tumble dryers you’ll see for sale in the run-up to Black Friday are vented and condenser models, which aren’t going to be the most energy efficient to use. And with energy prices staying high, lifetime running costs for these energy-guzzling dryers will eat away at the savings you might make from the lower purchase price. 

Here's what you need to bear in mind when shopping for a tumble dryer this Black Friday. 

Heat pump tumble dryers

The most energy efficient way of drying clothes in a tumble dryer is by using a heat pump machine. They keep bills low because of the way they heat and reuse warm air efficiently. 

In a heat pump dryer, air passes over pipes filled with coolant gas, which warms up when compressed. The moisture from drying clothes is then extracted from the air, leaving the drum before the cycle repeats.

Heat pump dryers tend to dry clothes at slightly cooler temperatures, and take longer to get them dry, than more energy-hungry vented and condenser models.

But they get the job done using less than half the energy needed by other kinds of dryer.

Beko B3T48231DG heat pump dryer
Beko B3T48231DG heat pump dryer

A year of drying in a heat pump dryer will cost you around £51 – that's around £77 cheaper than a conventional condenser dryer.

  • Pros: Energy efficient, less than half the energy cost of other dryer types, average annual running costs of just £51.
  • Cons: They can be quite pricey, but you can find a great one from around £400.
  • Verdict: If you’re in the market for a new tumble dryer, buying a heat pump machine is a no-brainer – it will halve your tumble drying energy bill, saving you around £77 a year compared to a conventional condenser. And purchase prices are falling and drying times are getting faster.

Our tests show that the Beko B3T48231DG heat pump dryer, for example, will cost just £56 a year to run if you use it three times a week.

Compare prices for this tumble dryer at various retailers:

Find some of the best heat pump tumble dryers we've tested for under £500Prices start at £495.

Condenser tumble dryers

Condenser dryers are cheaper than others to buy, convenient to use and can be quick to dry clothes. 

But high annual running costs of around £127 will soon mean that the lower purchase price wasn’t such a bargain. 

Indesit I2D81WUK condenser tumble dryer
Indesit I2D81WUK

Condenser dryers remove moisture from the warm air leaving the drum, turning it back into water to be drained away or captured in a tank. In that regard, they work just like heat pump machines, but without the energy-saving technology. And because of this they need more than twice as much energy to get the job done.

  • Pros: Cheaper to buy, quick to dry
  • Cons: Wasteful when heating, annual running costs of around £127 are more than twice that of heat pump dryers
  • Verdict: Expensive to run and wasteful of energy.

In our tests we found that the Indesit I2D81WUK, for example, costs around £118 a year to run, based on using it three times a week. 

Compare prices for this tumble dryer at various retailers:

To find the best condenser dryer for you, read our condenser tumble dryer reviews. Prices start from £220.

Vented tumble dryers

Vented tumble dryers work differently from condenser dryers, but they will still cost just as much to run. Keep this in mind when looking for a tumble dryer deal this Black Friday – your energy bills could soar with regular use.

Vented dryers are simple machines – they’re really just a heater, fan and motor with a drum inside a box, so there’s not a lot that can go wrong. Warm damp air is vented away through a hose and a vent in the wall.

Hoover HLEV10LG white vented tumble dryer with coloured towels in the drum.
Hoover HLEV10LG

Because of this, they can be cheap to buy – the vented tumble dryers we've reviewed start at around £238. 

  • Pros: Cheaper than other types of tumble dryer, simple to use, little can go wrong
  • Cons: High average running costs of £139 on average, more than twice that of heat pump dryers
  • Verdict: Cheaper to buy but very expensive to run

The Hoover HLEV10LG will cost £179 a year to run if you use it three times a week.

Compare prices for this tumble dryer at various retailers:

If you definitely want a vented dryer, read our vented tumble dryer reviews to find the best model for you.

Great Value and Eco Buy tumble dryers to look for this Black Friday

We know that great value and energy efficiency matter, and that’s why we make a point of flagging when a dryer gives you either or both.

If a tumble dryer does a good job of drying clothes and is among the cheapest to buy, we’ll add our Great Value logo to its review.

Take a look at the best Great Value tumble dryers to buy this Black Friday.

Eco badge

If a tumble dryer can be impressively energy efficient while still doing a good job of getting clothes dry, we’ll make it an Eco Buy. 

Take a look at the best Eco Buy tumble dryers to buy this Black Friday.

Read our guide to the best energy efficient tumble dryers.