Letter to use if your contractor doesn't respond to your complaint

If a contractor has not responded to your initial letter to remedy poor workmanship, you can use this template letter as a follow up.
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[Your address]

[Trader address]


[Reference: contract number]

I write further to my letter dated [date] regarding problems with the work carried out at the above property on [date].

I am disappointed that you have not contacted me to make arrangements for the remedial work to be carried out and as you will appreciate this matter must now be brought to a conclusion.

As stated in my previous letter, you are in breach of contract and I am entitled to request that you carry out the necessary remedial work. 

I am prepared to allow you a further 7 days to reconsider your position and to confirm that remedial work will commence within 14 days. 

Should I not receive this confirmation I will be left with no alternative but to instruct another contractor to carry out the necessary remedial work. 

Should you refuse to reimburse the sum incurred, I will have no alternative but to take a claim through the courts to recover this outlay from you.

In closing I hope that this course of action will not be necessary but as stated above, I must hear from you within the next seven days.

Yours faithfully,

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