I think my energy meter is faulty, what can I do?

If you think your energy meter is faulty, don't be left out of pocket. We guide you through the process of getting it fixed and claiming a refund.
Hannah Downes

Faulty electricity and gas meters can cause problems with your energy bill, meaning you could end up paying the wrong amount. 

If you suspect your energy meter is faulty, you can ask your provider to test and fix it. It needs to do this within a time limit and you should be given a refund if you have been paying too much. 

Check if your energy meter is faulty 

It can be hard to spot a faulty energy meter, particularly if it’s only off by a small amount. Unusual bills, meter readings, or error messages are generally the best clues.

If you’re on a time-of-use tariff, you should be able to check the clock on your meter or see if the rate changes at the time of day it’s supposed to.

If you’re worried your meter is running fast, you could try turning off all your appliances and watching the meter. It shouldn’t still be registering significant amounts of energy.

If you suspect your meter is faulty, you should take regular meter readings. These will help prove your case.

In some cases, if it’s a gas meter you suspect of being faulty, you may have a gas leak. This needs to be reported straight away to the National Grid emergency line on 0800 111 999.

You could also invest in an energy monitor. These let you view your real-time energy use. Although an energy monitor isn't a perfect way of checking meter accuracy, it can be a good guide if you already have suspicions.   

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Top tips

  • Take regular meter readings and make a note of what appliances you've been using.
  • If you're on a time-of-use tariff, check that the clock on the meter is working properly.
  • If you're still unsure, ask for your meter to be tested.

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How to get your meter tested

Suppliers are required to investigate faulty energy meters, so the first step is to get in touch and ask for the meter to be tested.

Electricity meters are initially tested on-site by your supplier, who will carry out a preliminary check. If the test is inconclusive or if you're unhappy with the findings, you can request that an independent expert tests the meter.

Gas meters can’t easily be tested on-site so will be sent away to an independent laboratory. You have the right to witness tests being carried out if you wish. 

The results will show if the meter was inaccurate and by how much. If your meter is sent away to be tested, your supplier will fit a new meter beforehand so you won't be left without one for the duration of the test.

Suppliers have a time limit they must follow when dealing with faulty meters, under Ofgem’s Guaranteed Standard of Performance (GSOP). 

The supplier needs to investigate the problem, take action if needed, and put this in writing to you. 

If it doesn't do this within five working days, it must pay you £30 in compensation. A further £30 is paid if it doesn’t pay the initial sum within 10 working days. 

If you have a prepayment meter 

Your prepayment meter is usually faulty if it’s blank or an error message is showing. 

If this is the case, contact your supplier straight away. If your energy supply has stopped, it should send someone to repair or replace the meter within three hours (four on a weekend or bank holiday).

This time limit also applies to your supplier taking action to fix or test the prepayment meter if your energy supply is still working. If this doesn’t happen, you’ll be due compensation of £30 within 10 working days. If this isn’t paid on time, it will owe you a further £30.

You might be charged for a new meter

Testing of meters is free but suppliers can charge for the cost of removing and replacing your meter.

Unfortunately there is no set rule on how much this should cost. Ask your supplier about the cost up front so you're happy with how much you'll have to pay.

Be aware that any cost will only be refunded if your meter is proven to be inaccurate, so try to gather as much evidence as possible before reaching the test stage.

How to get a refund from your energy supplier

If you have been overcharged, your supplier should refund you for the period that your meter was faulty.

You can use our letter template to write to your energy supplier if they've overcharged you.

If you have been undercharged, your supplier shouldn’t back-bill you for more than 12 months.

If you’re not happy with the service, or your provider doesn’t refund you, you can complain about your energy supplier

What to do if you have a smart meter

Smart meters should mean more accurate bills because they send readings directly to your supplier, meaning no more estimated bills or manual readings.

But they are still machines and can go wrong. 

If you think your smart meter is faulty, see our guide to smart meter problems and how to solve them.