Report a scam

Reporting a scam is important to help stop criminals and to prevent others from falling victim.

Report scams to warn others

  • Report fraud to your bank or payment provider

    If you’ve lost money to a scam and you paid with a credit or debit card, or transferred money from your account, tell your bank or payment provider as soon as possible. Reports of fraud should be investigated quickly and all efforts should be made to recover the money if possible.

    Read our guide on how to get your money back from a scam.

  • Report the scam to Action Fraud and the police

    Action Fraud is the fraud and cybercrime reporting centre for England, Wales and Northern Ireland. It gathers intelligence on scams and passes it onto the National Fraud Intelligence Bureau for analysis by the police.

    You can report any attempt to steal your money or personal information to Action Fraud by calling 0300 123 2040 or reporting it online.

    If you live in Scotland, you can report a scam directly to the police by calling 101.

    If your money has been stolen as the result of a scam, you can also report it to the police by calling 101.

    You can also report an attempted scam, even if the fraudsters were unsuccessful. Not every report results in a police investigation, but any information you give will help build a clearer picture of how scams work, and who is behind them.

Sign up for scam alerts

Our emails will alert you to scams doing the rounds, and provide practical advice to keep you one step ahead of fraudsters.

Sign up for scam alerts
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How to report a scam

Seen or been affected by a scam? Tell us about it

Emotional support after a scam

Being scammed can take a huge toll on your mental health. You might find it helpful to talk to someone about what you’re going through. It’s not your fault, and there are plenty of non-judgemental advice lines you can call who will understand.



Mind has a confidential information and support line, Mind Infoline, available on 0300 123 3393 (lines open 9am - 6pm, Monday - Friday).

Visit Mind
Victim support

Victim Support

Victim Support has a free helpline where you can speak to someone confidentially available on 0808 16 89 111 (lines open 24/7).

Visit Victim Support

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