
ISQ as a guide for implant rehabilitations

Long-term success in implant therapy is an aim that all clinicians strive for. Fundamental to this is proper implant placement, surgical site preparation, and good osseointegration after insertion. Although a torque value is a basic prerequisite for primary stability, it alone does not provide complete information for the clinician. Therefore, knowledge of ISQ values is fundamental to assess both primary implant stability (mechanical stability) and secondary implant stability (biological stability or osseointegration).

Snus causes mucosal lesions & gingival recession

Snus is usually brought into contact with the oral mucosa via its placement beneath the upper lip, and in some cases under the lower lip, whereby the nicotine it contains can enter the bloodstream via the oral mucosa

Stress + poor sleep = even more periodontitis …?

Stress, defined as a state in which the affected individual perceives a sense of threat or lack of control, as well as sleep disorders and poor sleep quality, are both undeniably issues that cause a significant degree of difficulty in today’s society.

Innovation and problem-solving with W&H's Synea Power Edition

The concept of using rotary tools to cut hard materials, such as granite, is at least 6,000 years old. As early as 25,000 BCE, our ancestors were using hand-held lithic borers to cut through shells without breaking them. These tools were generally made of flint, and pressed against the object to be perforated and then rotated back and forth at low speed and relatively high torque. Powerful modern handpieces have elevated the principle of variable speed and high torque to enable precise cuts into much harder materials like zirconia.

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