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General booking conditions

General booking conditions

You can book various accommodations or (combi) tickets via our website The following general booking conditions apply. Articles 2 to 19 of these booking conditions apply specifically to booking an accommodation. Article 20 applies to booking a ticket.

1. About VVV Waterland van Friesland

You can book accommodations in Friesland through the VVV Waterland van Friesland website, In addition, it is possible to buy various (combination) tickets.

VVV Waterland van Friesland is entered in the register of the Chamber of Commerce under number 40001779. Our contact details:

VVV Waterland van Friesland
Midstraat 99
8501 AH Joure
KvK: 40001779
BTW-nummer: NL002667733B01
Tel: +31 513 250450

2. Accommodation

When you book accommodation on our website, the host - the owner or manager of the (holiday) accommodation - provides the accommodation. You can use our online reservation system through the website. VVV Waterland van Friesland acts through this system as an intermediary in the conclusion of a travel contract between you and the host. The host - the actual provider of accommodation or (holiday) accommodation - is always the one who makes the accommodation you have booked available.

If you book a holiday through the booking system on our website, you can choose from different types of accommodation, such as hotels, holiday homes, group accommodation, vessel, camping and bed & breakfast (B&B).

Which meals are included?

- Lodging only: breakfast is not included.
- Bed and breakfast: breakfast is included from the day after arrival until the day of departure.
- Half board: dinner on the day of arrival until breakfast on the day of departure.
If you are travelling alone, a single supplement may be charged if you stay in a double room. Booking is made even easier: no deposit or credit card guarantee. This is possible at a number of hotels.

Holiday home
Holiday homes in parks and belonging to private individuals are available on the website. Many of the homes in the holiday parks are also privately owned. This means that their layout may differ from the photograph. However, the holiday homes belong to the same class and are of similar quality. The holiday home description also explain what is – and is not – included and provides information on arrival time, changeover day, location, discounts, etc.

Group accommodation
Group accommodation options differ in size and choice. This accommodation is particularly suitable for groups such as schools, corporate getaways, etc. The group accommodation description explains exactly what is offered and the maximum number of people who can stay in that accommodation.

This relates mainly to a pitch that you can book, usually located in a camp site. The camp sites differ in size and choice. The camp site description explains the facilities on offer and, for example, whether any activities are organised. There are sanitary blocks for general use, while some camp sites also offer sanitary facilities at the pitch itself.

Bed & Breakfast
If you opt for bed & breakfast accommodation, you are choosing in most cases to stay in a private individual’s house. You will often share the bathroom with any other guests and the owner. This type of accommodation thus involves a lot of contact with the host. Breakfast is not always included. The description confirms whether the room includes breakfast, whether breakfast can be ordered separately (at a fee), or that no breakfast is booked. Coffee/tea making facilities are sometimes available and the room may be equipped with a mini-fridge, for example. This is all explained in the bed & breakfast description.

On the website, you will find different types of vessels which are offered by different hire companies. A vessel is an object made to reside and move on water, including its equipment and inventory. These conditions explicitly concern a vessel that is suitable for overnight stays for leisure activities. NOTE! If you hire a vessel from a hire company under HISWA conditions, the HISWA General Terms and Conditions for Vessel Hire apply in addition to these General Travel Conditions. When booking a vessel, we clearly communicate whether these HISWA conditions apply in addition.

3. Pets

Since not all accommodation is pet friendly, you must always indicate when booking if you wish to bring your pet. The following conditions normally apply
- you must provide a basket or rug for your pet’s stay;
- pets are not allowed in a dining room (of a hotel, for example);
- pets may never be left alone in the accommodation;
- most hosts charge a fee for your pet’s stay;
- if the accommodation is pet friendly, the maximum number of pets is often stipulated. This is set out in the description of the accommodation.

4. Information on our websites

Although we do our best to give you accurate information, unintentional errors may appear on our website. Photographs and other information may unintentionally create an inaccurate image. As soon as we notice any issues, we will make the necessary corrections. The definitive arrival and departure times are always specified in your booking confirmation.

5. Reviews

On our website, you will find reviews from other guests about the accommodations. These reviews are always from guests who have stayed at the property themselves and the experiences are personal. VVV Waterland van Friesland places the reviews, without editorial interference, on the day they are made by the guest. If you think a review is inappropriate, you can always let us know. Please contact us by e-mail or telephone: or Tel. +31 513 416030.

6. Bookings and your data

As soon as you reserve an accommodation through our website for a certain period at the specified price, a booking exists: a travel contract between you and the host. You will immediately receive confirmation of your booking by e-mail. This is your booking confirmation. During the booking process, we request your personal data and that of your fellow guests. We trust that this data is correct. You are responsible for the obligations arising from the travel contract; your fellow guests are responsible for their own part. We process the personal data you provide during the booking process in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and our Privacy Statement. We forward the personal data from your booking to the host. We also ask the host to handle your personal data with all due care in compliance with the applicable regulations.

7. Travel sum and other costs

The applicable prices for the use of accommodation or a package holiday are specified on the website. Prices are subject to change. The costs for supplements, options and extras are specified in the booking process.

Booking costs
The reservation costs amount to max. € 24,50 per reservation, depending on the accommodation type.

Tourist tax
Tourist tax within our region varies by municipality. For the municipality of Súdwest-Fryslân, the tourist tax is € 1,25 per person per night, babies free. The municipality of de Fryske Marren charges a tourist tax of € 1,20 per person per night, babies and children free of charge. For accommodations outside our region, the tourist tax is set according to the published tourist tax per municipality.

Cancellation insurance
You have the option to take out cancellation insurance via Allianz via our website. The conditions for this insurance can be found here.

Vessel operating costs
The costs that are directly related to the use of the vessel, such as port, bridge, quay, lock and mooring fees and costs for fuel and/or other matters are additional costs for you.

Explanation and trial run when hiring a vessel
Before your departure, you always receive an explanation about the use of the vessel. A trial run is not included unless explicitly stated on the booking confirmation.

8. Discounts

Applicable discounts are shown during the booking process. It is not possible to combine discounts. One discount – i.e. the one that benefits you most – is automatically selected during the booking process. If a last-minute or early-bird discount applies, no other discount will be calculated.

9. Payment

When the travel agreement is concluded, an amount (deposit) must be paid. The down payment is  30% of the total agreed travel sum plus the reservation costs and any additional items and  cancellation insurance. If the booking is the same or less than 8 weeks before arrival date is made, that booking will be through the guest guaranteed by payment of the entire travel sum plus the reservation costs and any insurance costs, costs of payment convenience and additional items ordered must be paid within 1 week, but must be received at all times before the arrival date by VVV Waterland van Friesland.

Remaining payment
Any remainder of the travel sum (70%) must be paid within the term indicated on the booking confirmation. In the event of late payment, you are in default. You will be informed of this by VVV Waterland van Friesland on behalf of the host in writing or by e-mail and you will have the option to pay the amount within 7 days. If payment is still not forthcoming, the agreement will be deemed to have been canceled on the day of default. The host has the right to charge the cancellation costs due. In that case, the provisions of article 11 apply and the amount already paid by you will be set off against the cancellation costs due.

10. No withdrawal - someone else in your place?

If you, as the main person making the booking or main guest, have agreed to these conditions and confirmed the booking details, a screen message stating that the booking is final will be displayed, so concluding the contract online via our website. Immediately after the booking, VVV Waterlan van Friesland sends confirmation by e-mail to the main guest. The confirmation is deemed to have reached the main guest when he/she could have read it, or when he/she can reasonably be deemed to have read it. We wish to point out that bookings that you make via our website are final.

The statutory cooling-off period provided for in the Dutch Distance Selling Act (Wet koop op afstand) does not apply to the travel contract that you conclude via our site.

Your booking can be transferred to another person, who then substitutes you.

The following conditions apply for this purpose:

a. the other person must comply with all the contractual conditions, including the payment obligations;
b. the request must be submitted seven days prior to arrival, so all formalities can be still be completed;
c. the host concerned must give consent. The host may require payment for any additional costs associated with making the substitution.

11. Cancellation

You may cancel the travel contract with the host. The cancellation costs as set out below will then be payable.

Holiday homes (including bungalows, chalets, mobile homes, apartments, camping pitch, etc.):

- For cancellation more than three months before the arrival date: 15% of the rental sum;
- For cancellation within three to two months before the arrival date: 50% of the rental sum;
- For cancellation within two to one month before the arrival date: 75% of the rental sum; 
- In case of cancellation within one month before the arrival date: 90% of the rental sum;
- For cancellation on the day of arrival or later: the full rent.

For hotel accommodation and bed & breakfast:

- cancellation up to 42 days before the arrival date: 15% of the rental sum;
- cancellation from the 42nd day (inclusive) to the 28th day before the arrival date: 30% of the rental sum;
- cancellation from the 28th day (inclusive) to the 7th day before the arrival date: 60% of the rental sum;
- cancellation from the 7th day (inclusive) to the arrival date: 75% of the rental sum;
- cancellation on the arrival date or later: the full rental sum.

In case of vessels:

- For cancellation up to 3 months before the start of the rental period: 15% of the rental price;
- In case of cancellation up to 2 months before the start of the rental period: 50% of the rental price;
- In case of cancellation up to 1 month before the start of the rental period: 75% of the rental price;
- For cancellation within 1 month before the start of the rental period or on the commencement date of the rental period: 100% of the rental price.

In addition, we cannot refund the booking fee or the premium for any insurance you have taken out. If a travel contract involving several guests is cancelled, cancellation costs must be paid for all guests. Different cancellation conditions may apply to some parts of package holidays, boat trips or tours.

The cancellation costs of a travel contract - rebooked at your request - are minimally based on the cost percentage valid on the date of rebooking of the original travel contract.

If you wish to cancel, this can be done by telephone or e-mail. You can also do this yourself by logging into your account. The cancellation date is the day on which you inform us of the cancellation by e-mail or telephone.

Free cancellation
Some accommodations offer 'flexible cancellation'. This means that you can cancel this accommodation free of charge up to a certain number of days before your arrival date. This is apparent from the presentation on our website and will be stated on your booking confirmation.

Cancellation insurance
Optional cancellation insurance can be taken out through our website. The applicable insurance terms and conditions are stated on the VVV Waterland van Friesland website.

12. Changes to your travel contract

If you have booked your accommodation and wish to make changes to your booking, this is sometimes possible. However, there may be associated costs. VVV Waterland van Friesland will submit your change request to the host, who determines whether the change is possible and whether there are additional costs. VVV Waterland van Friesland will let you know the outcome as soon as possible. If it is not possible to make the requested change, you must choose whether to maintain or cancel your booking. If you fail to make a choice, or do not make one in time, the contract will be performed in accordance with the original booking and you will remain liable for the costs payable. VVV Waterland van Friesland charges a fee of max. € 22,50 to make changes. You may, of course, always cancel.

13. Changes by the host

The host may make changes to the travel contract for compelling circumstances. These are circumstances under which the host cannot reasonably be expected to perform the travel contract. As soon as these circumstances arise, the host must make you an alternative, equivalent offer at no further cost within 48 hours (two business days). This obligation does not apply if the reason for the change can be attributed to the guest(s). The alternative offer must take the following into account:

1) the location of the accommodation at the destination;
2) the nature and class of the accommodation;
3) the further facilities offered by the accommodation;
4) the composition of the travelling party;
5) any special characteristics of the guest(s) involved known to and confirmed by the host in writing;
6) any personal circumstances that were made known and recorded at the time of booking, which the guest(s) indicated as being of significant importance.

If you wish to make use of the alternative offer, you must inform the host within three business days. If you do not wish to make use of the alternative offer, you must give notice that you reject it and are terminating the travel contract, also within three business days. VVV Waterland van Friesland will then refund the amount you have paid, on behalf of the host, unless the host refunds the amount directly.

14. Your host’s obligations

Your host is in possession of all the required permits and has taken out the necessary insurance that provides cover against damage caused by fire, floods, storms and any other external contingency, as well as against statutory liability. Unless expressly agreed otherwise in writing between you and the host, your host is obliged to perform the travel contract in accordance with the information on the website and as specified in the booking confirmation. Your host must compensate any damage relating to loss of travel enjoyment that is directly attributable to him/her because of a breach in the performance of the travel contract. The maximum compensation for which your host can be held liable is the rental sum you have paid. You will not receive any compensation if the damage is not attributable to your host or to the third person whose assistance he/she relies on for the performance of the contract, because:

a. you are personally responsible for the damage caused;
b. of unforeseen circumstances for the host or a third party involved in the performance of the travel contract;
c. of force majeure according to its statutory definition.

15. Limitation of liability

Damage to the host is always limited or excluded in accordance with the applicable international conventions. Nor does the host accept any liability for damage for which there is a claim for compensation under cancellation insurance. Without prejudice to the other provisions of these terms and conditions, the host's liability for damage other than caused by death or injury to the guest is limited to a maximum of three times the rent, unless there is intent or gross negligence on the part of the host. In that case, his liability is unlimited. The exclusions and/or limitations of the host's liability that are included in this article also apply to employees of the host, VVV Waterland van Friesland and the involved service providers, as well as their staff, unless this is excluded by treaty or law.

16. Your obligations

You are obliged to follow the host’s instructions during your stay in the accommodation. You, the guest, are/is liable for damage that occurs to or in the accommodation during your stay. The host may require a security deposit from you. If you and/or your fellow guests misbehave during your stay in the accommodation, the host may terminate your stay immediately. You will remain responsible for the costs of the accommodation and be liable for all damage that arises from your misconduct or that of your fellow guests. You must be in possession of the correct documents, including an ID document such as a passport or driving licence.

17.   Additional obligations for you when hiring a vessel

In addition to vessels, the following additional obligations apply to you:

  • You are obliged to comply with the laws and regulations applicable to the water where you are; if you do not comply with this legislation, the consequences and secondary consequences are at your expense and risk at all times;
  • The vessel is delivered to you at the location specified in the hire contract and must also be returned to the location specified in the hire contract;
  • Before sailing, you must check the vessel, the safety equipment present (tailored to the relevant sailing area) and inventory and report any defects to the host as soon as possible;
  • You use the vessel as a prudent customer and skipper. You may not make any changes to the vessel or give it to anyone else to use without the written consent of the host;
  • You are responsible for ensuring the crew required for the trip refrains from excessive use of alcohol and/or drugs during the trip;
  • You are obliged to comply with the host’s instructions. This includes a prohibition to sail or return to the boatyard, and an order to sail to a mooring location to be determined by the host due to bad weather conditions and/or excessive alcohol and/or drug use;
  • You declare that you are authorised to operate the vessel and able to control the vessel;
  • A host may set a minimum age limit for you as a vessel hirer;
  • You are not permitted to use the vessel with more people than the host has determined it is suitable for;
  • Because every vessel is different, a host may impose additional conditions on hiring his vessel out to you. If applicable, these will be shared with you by the host prior to departure.

18.   The host’s liability during vessel hire

The host is liable for damage suffered by the hirer that is the direct and exclusive result of a shortcoming attributable to the host. If the vessel cannot be made available to the hirer on the agreed date or during the entire hire period, the host will make every effort to offer a vessel that is as equivalent as possible. In the event of a malfunction of the vessel, attempts will be made to give instructions by telephone, otherwise the host will arrange for an engineer to arrive on site who will try to solve the malfunction and otherwise try to arrange a replacement vessel. Consequential damage and damage caused by intent or deliberate recklessness on the part of auxiliary persons are not eligible for compensation.

19.   Your liability during vessel hire

You are liable for damage and/or loss of the vessel during the period that you have hired the vessel. You are not liable if you can demonstrate that the damage and/or loss was not caused by you or one of your co-passengers or cannot be attributed to you and/or those on board. Damage also includes consequential damage.

You are always liable for (consequential) damage you cause if:

  • You wilfully and knowingly use the vessel outside the sailing area agreed on with the host;
  • You wilfully and knowingly fail to comply with the instructions of the host to preserve the vessel and/or to preserve the rights of the host.

This liability is limited to an amount equal to the amount of the deposit and applies regardless of the vessel’s insurance.

The host is not liable for damage to property or for any bodily injury or accident. He is only liable for this if that damage and/or injury is the direct result of a defect in the hired vessel.

20. Tickets

When you buy tickets on our website or at the information desk for an event or attraction, for example, a guided tour, museum, concert, lecture, excursion, boattour or workshop, the following additional booking conditions apply:

Ticket purchase
Through our website you can buy a ticket directly from the ticket seller for access to an event or location. VVV Waterland van Friesland fulfills a mediating role and does not become a party to that agreement. During the purchase process you may be asked to accept terms and conditions from a third party ticket provider.

Receive tickets
After completing the ordering process and your payment, you will receive the tickets by email.

Inaccuracies and liability
You must immediately report any inaccuracies in the data on the access card to VVV Waterland van Friesland. VVV Waterland van Friesland cannot be held liable for any form of injury or damage as a result of incorrect information on the ticket or for injury to participant(s) or third parties or damage to the property of the participant(s) or third parties, incidents for, during or after an activity, excursion or event, for which the entrance ticket has been obtained at or through VVV Waterland van Friesland.

Should you change your mind, it will not be possible to cancel and there is no statutory cooling-off period (unless stated otherwise).

Cancellation by the organizing party

If admission to the event is subject to other conditions, such as a minimum number of participants or certain weather conditions, the ticket vendor will notify you no less than 48 hours prior to the event as to whether the event will go ahead. If the event is cancelled, you will receive a voucher for participation in or admission to the event on another date, or your money will be refunded.

On submission of your ticket you have access to the event or attraction of the ticket vendor.

Can someone else go in your place?
When you buy a ticket through our website, it is for a specific date chosen by you. However, your tickets can be transferred to another person who can go in your place. The ticket vendor will grant this other person admission to the event or attraction on submission of the ticket.

21. Complaints

Dutch law applies to the travel agreement and other agreements. We are naturally disappointed if you are not satisfied. If you have complaints about the accommodation, let your host know as soon as possible, preferably still during your stay. Your host will deal with your complaints and search for a suitable solution with you. If you are unable to resolve the matter with your host, let us know within two weeks of returning home. We will then try to find a solution with you. If you have any complaints about our website or the booking process, please let us know as soon as possible. We will be happy to help you. You are therefore assured of a quick answer.

Joure, mei 2024

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