Interest Groups
Interest Groups, like Working Groups, are the heart of the W3C Process. Most Interest Groups provide a forum for the exchange of ideas, and bring together people who wish to evaluate potential Web technologies and policies.
Interest Groups do not publish Recommendation Track technical reports.
More information about the role of Interest Groups can be found in the Process document.
Chinese Web Interest Group
The Chinese Web Interest Group provides a forum for W3C members to enhance the participation in Web standards work from the Chinese Web community.
Internationalization Interest Group
The mission of the Internationalization (I18n) Interest Group, part of the Internationalization Activity, is to help the Working Groups within the Internationalization Activity and provide a forum to discuss issues related to the internationalization of the Web.
Media and Entertainment Interest Group
The mission of the Media and Entertainment Interest Group is to provide a forum for media-related technical discussions to track progress of media features on the Web within W3C groups and use of Web technologies by external organizations, and to identify use cases and requirements that existing and/or new specifications need to meet to achieve a tighter support of media services on the Web.
- Ecosystem
- Media & Entertainment
Patents and Standards Interest Group
The Patent and Standards Interest Group (PSIG) is a forum for W3C Members and Invited Experts to discuss policy issues regarding the implementation of the W3C Patent Policy as well as new Patent-related questions that arise which require action or attention from the W3C Membership. The PSIG has no authority to create new policy. However, input from the PSIG on the operation of the policy and areas that might require further policy development by a W3C Working Group is welcome.
Security Interest Group
The mission of the Security Interest Group is to improve Security on the Web by advising groups developing standards on how to avoid and mitigate security issues with their technologies. Security Interest Group also suggests changes to existing standards and technologies to improve the security of existing systems.
Sustainable Web Interest Group
The mission of the Sustainable Web Interest Group is to improve digital sustainability so that the Web works better for all people and the planet.
WAI Interest Group
The mission of the WAI Interest Group (WAI IG) is to promote awareness of, and engagement in, accessibility-related work throughout W3C. This includes augmenting wide reviews of WAI deliverables, and augmenting APA WG's review and discussion of accessibility aspects of deliverables being developed in W3C groups, including specifications, research topics, and educational materials; exploring web accessibility issues and solutions; and sharing information about web accessibility activities around the world.
Web & Networks Interest Group
The mission of the Web & Networks Interest Group is to explore solutions for web applications to leverage network capabilities in order to achieve better performance and resources allocation, both on the device and network.
- Ecosystem
- Network & Communications
Web of Things Interest Group
The mission of the Web of Things Interest Group is to counter the fragmentation of the Internet of Things by complementing available standards through Web technology capable of interconnecting existing Internet of Things platforms, devices, gateways, and cloud services. We aim to reduce costs through the global reach of Web standards, to enable open markets of services, and to unleash the power of the network effect. As a W3C Interest Group, we are seeking to build a deeper understanding of the Web of Things by investigating consumer, industrial, environmental, energy management, and smart city scenarios. This is intended to identify demand for further standards-track work within W3C working groups and to better align with the established W3C liaisons.
- Ecosystem
- Web of Things
Web Payment Security Interest Group
The mission of the Web Payment Security Interest Group is to enhance the security and interoperability of various Web payments technologies. The group pursues its mission by creating a forum for organizations to define areas of collaboration and identify gaps between existing technical specifications in order to increase compatibility among different technologies.
- Ecosystem
- E-commerce
Web-based Digital Twins for Smart Cities Interest Group
The mission of the Web-based Digital Twins for Smart Cities Interest Group is to identify and document use cases and requirements that W3C specifications need to meet to support various services within Smart Cities, obtain feedback from all stakeholders on the usage of Web technologies for those services, gather expert input on important features for those services based on the Web technology, and provide a forum for technical and business discussions related to those services.
- Ecosystem
- Smart Cities