+ When We All Vote Continue to Lead Corporate Engagement on the Urgent Need for Federal Voting Rights Legislation

Last updated on August 18, 2021

First and foremost, a tremendous thank you to Stephanie Young and our amazing partners at When We All Vote.

Thanks to each of our 90 corporate signatories who boldly and bravely committed to defending our democracy by signing onto our S.1 pledge, publicly showing their support for the critical need for federal legislation to protect access to the ballot box for all Americans.

Modern businesses cannot thrive without a free and fair democracy, which is why we also must express gratitude to those who joined our first corporate update call, where and When We All Vote explained the nuances of current state and federal legislation and what needs to be done next to keep pressure on Congress to ensure the For the People Act and the John Lewis Voting Rights Act are passed.

Corporations hold a powerful and important place in the public forum. Each and every one of their consumers is a voter with a voice, expecting the brands they trust to speak up and speak out in the face of injustice as they’ve done on many issues in the past, from marriage equality to climate change, the cost of inaction is severe. Customers, employees and board members are increasingly willing to express support for companies aligned with their values and shun those who remain silent.

Our hope is that together we will continue to build the momentum needed to not only safeguard the freedom to vote but give everyday Americans the confidence and security they are not powerless or alone in this fight. Together, we have the capacity and influence to preserve our constitutionally protected freedoms for every voter, irrespective of party affiliation, age, income, or geographic location.

Democracy works at its best when everyone is invited to the table and given a true opportunity to be heard. As a business or corporate leader in any field, we hope you too will exhaust any and every opportunity to help us secure voting rights for all Americans on behalf of your employees, stakeholders, and the communities you serve.

Andrea Hailey


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