
September 04, Surpasses One Million New Voter Registrations For The 2024 Cycle

Leading nonpartisan voter registration platform continues to break new ground with younger voters, with voters under 35 accounting for nearly 80% of new voters registered this cycle

August 30, 2024Vote.Org: Court Ruling To Block Arkansas’ Wet Signature Requirement A Major Win For Voters, Democracy and local plaintiffs challenged Arkansas’ “emergency” rule instructing clerks to reject voter registration forms submitted with electronic signatures

August 27, Kicks Off National Campaign Challenging U.S. Businesses to Give Employees Paid Time Off to Vote initiative is designed to ensure workers have the flexibility and resources they need to cast a ballot

July 19,, Propel Relaunch Partnership To Reach Millions of SNAP Recipients With Convenient Voter Registration Tools

Collaboration enabling more than five million low-income Americans to register inside the app they use to manage food stamp benefits helps register over 16,000 in first months

June 06, 2024Voting Advocates Challenge New Wet Signature Rule in Arkansas

Get Loud Arkansas (GLA),, and two Arkansas voters filed a federal lawsuit in the Western District of Arkansas challenging the state’s new “wet signature rule”.

April 23, Condemns New Arkansas Rule Stripping Registration Status From Tens of Thousands of Voters

New “emergency” rule by State Board of Election Commissioners could overturn tens of thousands of registrations submitted with electronic signatures

April 22,, Snap Inc. Partner to Launch Voter Engagement Tool Ahead of 2024 Election announces a major partnership with Snap Inc. to make voter engagement and registration as easy as possible for millions of Snapchatters.

April 05, 2024Thank You from’s Board of Directors

Thank you for your continued support of’s critical mission of ensuring that every American has everything they need to register and to vote.

February 29, Statement on Senate Reintroduction of John R. Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act released the following statement on the reintroduction of the John R. Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act in the United States Senate.

February 17, Announces NBA All-Star 2024 Activation Powering a Spotlight on Voting and Action as part of NBA All-Star 2024

December 18, Statement on Anti-Voter Ruling from the Fifth Circuit on Texas “Wet Signature” Lawsuit

The Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals has overturned a lower court ruling that found that Texas’ “wet signature” law is unconstitutional

November 14, Reports Big Spikes in Voter Registrations in Key States Across the Country, Among Younger Voters sees strength among younger voters in 2023 elections

October 11, Statement on Newly Passed Anti-Democracy and Voter Suppression Laws in North Carolina

The North Carolina legislature overrode Gov. Roy Cooper’s veto of two voter suppression bills, including restructuring of state election boards

September 20, 2023157,041 Eligible Voters Visited On National Voter Registration Day, Including 35,252 New Registrations

Following Taylor Swift’s Instagram Story driving her followers to, the organization sees its highest traffic on National Voter Registration Day since 2020

June 27, 2023Moore v. Harper Decision from the U.S. Supreme Court Upholds Election Fairness released the following statement after the U.S. Supreme Court released its decision in the voting rights and redistricting case Moore v. Harper.

May 26, Releases 2022 Impact Report, Showing High Youth Voter Engagement released its 2022 Impact Report, which reveals the data and analytics from’s work for the 2022 midterm elections. specifically focused on engaging and activating younger voters and voters of color, and its work reached millions of voters from coast to coast.

May 17, Builds on “Plan Your Vote” Arts Initiative at Frieze New York with “Banned” Water Bottles Supporting’s Litigation Efforts re-launched its partnership with international art organization Frieze at its New York City art fair. is handing out water bottles marked “BANNED,” to visitors at the event, raising awareness about the Georgia legislation that bans organizations like from handing out water to voters waiting in long lines.

April 07, releases statement on actions in the Tennessee legislature on April 6., the largest 501(c)(3) nonprofit, nonpartisan voting registration and get-out-the-vote (GOTV) technology platform in America, released a statement on actions in the Tennessee legislature on April 6.

April 04, Statement on Wisconsin Supreme Court Election released the following statement on the Wisconsin Supreme Court election on Tuesday, April 4. encourages Wisconsin voters to participate in today’s election, as the outcome of the race will impact critical issues for Wisconsinites and have huge implications for congressional and legislative maps and election administration in the state.

March 16, Files Lawsuit to Fight Florida Voter Suppression Law

A similar law in Texas was overturned by a federal judge in a lawsuit; Florida is the 3rd state has challenged to prevent wet signature laws from disenfranchising voters

March 06, 2023U.S. Justice Dept. Joins for Oral Arguments in Texas Voter Suppression Case

Oral arguments in the case, v. Callanen, against Texas’ wet signature law will be heard March 6 and will be live streamed.

November 15, 2022Younger voters just shaped the midterm elections. Why this will be the new normal.

In critical states like Florida, Georgia, Michigan and Nevada, the youngest generation of voters headed to the polls at their second-highest rate for a midterm in 30 years.

October 28, 2022The Art of Neighborhood Diplomacy

How to help neighbors get out the vote

October 11, Applauds Judge’s Decision to Open More Polling Locations in Texas

Decision comes on the deadline for Texas voters to register to vote in the midterm elections

October 11, 2022Key Voter Registration Deadlines Coming Up Across the Country

Over the next few weeks, key deadlines will come up in states from coast to coast, including in some of the states with the smallest margins of victory in the 2020 election.

September 06, Launches $10 Million “Vote Ready” Midterms Campaign to Register and Turn Out Young Voters will engage more than 4 million younger voters, via registrations, absentee ballot requests, and voter resource tools by Election Day

August 19, 202280 days from midterm elections, is more prepared than ever to reach voters has reached more voters than ever before, exponentially expanded its team and broken internal records on philanthropic fundraising, strengthening its efforts to ensure younger Americans and voters of color turn out to vote this November and beyond.

July 08, Responds to Wisconsin Supreme Court Ruling Restricting Access to Voting responds to the news that the Wisconsin Supreme Court ruled against the use of drop boxes for absentee ballot submissions, restricting access to the ballot box.

June 23, 2022BREAKING: and NAACP Announce Partnership to Mobilize Black Voters Across the Country Ahead of 2022 Midterms will provide digital voting tools and training to the NAACP's network of over 2 million activists and leaders in all 50 states

June 17, 2022BREAKING: and Elias Law Group Lawsuit Succeeds in Striking Down “Wet Signature” Law in Texas

The law, which forced voters to provide a copy of their voter registration application with their original signature, has been permanently enjoined

January 20, Vows to Register More Voters of Color and Voters Under 40, Following Senate Inaction

Statement from Andrea Hailey, CEO of, in response to yesterday’s Senate vote to block the Freedom to Vote John R. Lewis Act from advancing to a final passage vote:

August 25, Statement on U.S. House Passage of H.R. 4, the John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act

Members of the United States House of Representatives successfully pass H.R. 4 the John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act. Now the Senate must act.

August 18, + When We All Vote Continue to Lead Corporate Engagement on the Urgent Need for Federal Voting Rights Legislation

Modern businesses cannot thrive without a free and fair democracy. Thank you to each business leader who joined our first corporate update call, identifying the nuances of current state and federal legislation, and what needs to be done to keep pressure on Congress to ensure the For the People Act and the John Lewis Voting Rights Act are passed.

March 08, 2021What is the For the People Act?

The House of Representatives has passed the For the People Act, a landmark democracy reform package that will expand and protect voting rights.

November 13, breaks voting records across the United States in 2020

We serve the hardest to reach voters, the people our election systems are designed to leave behind. And this year we reached more underserved, first-time voters than any other voting platform.

July 21, Doubles Down on Paid Time Off To Vote was founded on a simple principle: democracy is a cause worth fighting for. That’s why our team is committed to eradicating any and every barrier standing between Americans and our electoral process.

May 27, 2020The Truth About Vote by Mail

In these uncertain times, voting needs to be as safe, secure, and easy as possible. At, we believe that no American should have to put their health at risk to vote. That's why we strongly encourage election officials at the federal, state, and local levels to adopt policy changes that would allow any voter to safely cast a ballot this November by expanding everyone and anyone's opportunity to vote by mail.

April 23, & the 2020 Election - Part 1 is here, working for voters. This is not a moment, or just a movement. This is a mission. In these uncertain times, our commitment to helping all voters navigate the rapid and unprecedented changes in voting in 2020 has not wavered. In particular, we know the barriers our most vulnerable populations face, and we are focused on ensuring that COVID-19 is not leveraged to further disenfranchise any voter. No one should ever have to choose between their health and participating in democracy. We’ve done the work to foster the relationships, collaborations, and the partnerships that will help voters cast their ballot during this crisis.

April 10, 2020Turning COVID-19’s Threat into Democracy’s Blessing

In a few short weeks, COVID-19 has upended life as we know it. This is understandable, given the threat this virus poses to our health. Less understandable is the upending of our election process, which undermines the very foundation upon which our nation was built: a shared commitment to strengthening America’s democratic process.

September 20, 2018Voter suppression exists, it’s blatant, and is fighting back.

In 2010, almost 100 billboards popped-up in Milwaukee, Wisconsin warning citizens that “voter fraud is a felony.” The billboards were paid for by an anonymous private family foundation (Clear Channel declined to identify the buyer), and they appeared primarily in low-income black and brown neighborhoods.

December 13, 2017Invest in Voters of Color

“Once a Long Shot, Democrat Doug Jones Wins Alabama Senate Race.” That’s the headline the New York Times is running on Election Night. The postmortems of this election promise to be interesting, but let’s be clear about the reason for last night’s historic result: black voters. Early voting data shows that black voters turned out at 2016 Presidential levels all across the state.

November 02, 2017Modernizing voter registration is an easy call for cost savings

Red and blue states alike are adopting automatic voter registration and online voter registration because they encourage voter participation, clean up the rolls and secure our system. Beyond that, online voter registration and automatic voter registration present significant cost savings for the states. We set out to determine how much money states could save by modernizing their elections by surveying election officials in 34 states.

October 19, 2017Can text messages save democracy?

Chances are you’ve seen a young person standing in the sweltering sun, holding a clipboard and trying to register people to vote. If so, you have firsthand experience with “site-based voter registration” — one of the most common forms of voter registration in the United States. Site-based registration is expensive, time-consuming, and a bit unpleasant for all involved. But thanks to the antiquated nature of voter registration in America, site-based registration dominates the civic engagement space.

Looking to start your own voter engagement drive?

While reaches voters directly through a multi-tiered approach, we also partner with key organizations, businesses, public figures and influencers to ensure that voters are receiving timely, accurate election information from the sources they already trust.

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