Voter ID Laws

It's best to double check with your state for any recent changes to election rules in your state.
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  • Military and overseas voters who vote by absentee ballot under the federal Uniformed and Overseas Citizen Absentee Voting Act (UOCAVA) are exempt from ALL voter ID requirements.
  • Elderly and disabled voters are exempt from federal first-time voter ID requirements but might not be exempt from state voter ID laws.
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Voter ID laws change frequently. We make every effort to keep this data up-to-date, but if you have any questions you should contact your Local Election Official.
In-Person and Absentee Voter ID Laws by State
StateIn-Person Voter ID LawsAbsentee Voter ID Laws


If you are voting in person, you must show photo identification at the polls to vote. A voter can use any of the following forms of photo ID:

  • Valid Driver's License (not expired or has been expired less than 60 days)
  • Alabama Law Enforcement Agency Digital Driver's License
  • Valid Non-driver ID (not expired or has been expired less than 60 days)
  • Alabama Law Enforcement Agency Digital Non-driver ID
  • Valid Alabama Photo Voter ID
  • Valid State Issued ID (Alabama or any other state), such as: a Valid AL Department of Corrections Release- Temporary ID (Photo Required), a Valid AL Movement/Booking Sheet from Prison/Jail System (Photo Required), or a Valid Pistol Permit (Photo Required)
  • Valid Federal Issued ID
  • Valid US Passport
  • Valid Employee ID from Federal Government, State of Alabama, County Government, Municipality, Board, Authority, or other entity of Alabama
  • Valid student or employee ID from a college or university in the State of Alabama (including postgraduate technical or professional schools)
  • Valid Military ID
  • Valid Tribal ID

Voters are required to include a copy of valid photo ID with their application for an absentee ballot. A voter can use any of the following forms of voter ID:

  • Valid Driver's License (not expired or has been expired less than 60 days)
  • Valid Non-driver ID (not expired or has been expired less than 60 days)
  • Valid Alabama Photo Voter ID
  • Valid State Issued ID (Alabama or any other state), such as: a Valid AL Department of Corrections Release- Temporary ID (Photo Required), a Valid AL Movement/Booking Sheet from Prison/Jail System (Photo Required), or a Valid Pistol Permit (Photo Required)
  • Valid Federal Issued ID
  • Valid US Passport
  • Valid Employee ID from Federal Government, State of Alabama, County Government, Municipality, Board, Authority, or other entity of this state
  • Valid student or employee ID from a college or university in the State of Alabama (including postgraduate technical or professional schools)
  • Valid Military ID
  • Valid Tribal ID


If you are voting in person in Alaska, you must present one of the following forms of ID when you vote:

  • Driver's license or state ID
  • Voter ID Card
  • Birth Certificate
  • Military ID
  • Passport
  • Hunting or fishing license
  • Any other current and valid photo ID
  • A current utility bill, bank statement, paycheck, government check, or other document issued by the government with the name and current address of the voter

An election official may waive the ID requirement if an Election Day official can vouch for your identity, unless you are voting in Alaska for the first time, registered to vote by mail, and didn't provide ID when you registered.

If you're not voting for the first time in Alaska, or provided a copy of your ID when you registered, you don't need to provide ID to vote by mail, but you will need to sign your ballot in the presence of a witness.

If you're voting for the first time in Alaska, registered by mail, and didn't provide a copy of your ID when you registered, then attach a copy of one of the following with your completed absentee ballot:

  • Driver's license, state ID card, birth certificate, passport, hunting or fishing license, or another current photo ID
  • Utility bill, bank statement, paycheck, government check, or other government document that shows your name and address


If you are voting in person in Arizona, you must present an acceptable form of ID at the time you vote. Acceptable forms of ID include one of the following "Option 1" photo IDs with your name and address:

  • Valid Arizona driver's license
  • Valid Arizona non-operating identification license
  • Tribal enrollment card or other form of tribal identification
  • Valid US federal, state, or local government issued identification

If you don't have a photo ID with your name and address you have 2 other options:

Option 2: You can provide any 2 of the following forms of non-photo ID so long as they both have your name and address:

  • Utility bill, such as for electric, gas, water, solid waste, sewer, telephone, cellular phone, or cable television
  • Bank or credit union statement dated within 90 days of the election date
  • Valid Arizona vehicle registration
  • Indian census card
  • Property tax statement of the elector's residence
  • Tribal enrollment card or other form of tribal identification
  • Arizona vehicle insurance card
  • Recorder's Certificate
  • Valid US federal, state, or local government issued identification, including a voter registration card issued by the County Recorder
  • Any mailing to the elector marked “Official Election Material”

Option 3: You can provide any of the following in combination:

  • Any valid photo identification from Option 1 in which the address does not match your registration address, accompanied by a non-photo identification from Option 2 in which the address does match your registration address
  • US Passport without address and one valid item from Option 2
  • US Military identification without address and one valid item from Option 2

If you're not voting for the first time in Arizona, you don't need to provide ID to vote by mail.

If you're a first time Arizona voter who registered by mail and you didn't provide ID when you registered, you'll need to provide a photocopy of one of the following forms of ID along with your mail ballot:

  • A copy of a current photo ID showing your name and photograph
  • A copy of a current utility bill, bank statement, government check, paycheck, or other government document that shows your name and address


To vote in person, you must verify your registration by providing ID or documentation that (1) shows your name and photo; (2) is issued by the United States, the State of Arkansas, or an accredited postsecondary educational institution in the State of Arkansas; and (3) has not been expired for more than four years before the date of the election

If you're voting absentee in Arkansas, you will need to submit a copy of a photo ID that is issued by the United States, state of Arkansas, or a college in Arkansas (such as a driver’s license, a photo identification card, a concealed carry handgun permit, a U.S. Passport, a student ID or employee badge from an accredited postsecondary institution, a military ID, a voter verification card, or a public assistance card that shows a photo of the cardholder) along with your ballot.


If you're not voting for the first time in California, you don't need to show ID to vote.

If you're a first-time voter, you are voting in a federal election, you registered by mail, and didn't include your driver's license or California ID number or the last 4 digits of your Social Security number on your registration, you may be asked to provide ID if you vote in person.

Acceptable forms of ID include a current and valid photo ID that includes your name and photograph. Examples:

  • Driver's license or ID card of any state
  • Passport
  • Employee ID card
  • ID card provided by a commercial establishment
  • Credit or debit card
  • Military ID card
  • Student ID card
  • Health club ID card
  • Insurance plan ID card
  • Public housing ID card

You can also use any of the following documents that includes your name and address as long as the document is dated since the last general election:

  • Utility bill
  • Bank statement
  • Government check
  • Government paycheck
  • Document issued by a governmental agency
  • Sample ballot or other official elections document issued by a governmental agency dated for the upcoming election
  • Voter notification card issued by a governmental agency
  • Public housing ID card issued by a governmental agency
  • Lease or rental statement or agreement issued by a governmental agency
  • Student ID card issued by a governmental agency
  • Tuition statement or bill issued by a governmental agency
  • Insurance plan card or drug discount card issued by a governmental agency
  • Discharge certificates, pardons, or other official documents issued to you by a governmental agency in connection with the resolution of a criminal case, indictment, sentence, or other matter
  • Public transportation authority senior citizen and disabled discount cards issued by a governmental agency
  • ID documents issued by governmental disability agencies
  • ID documents issued by government homeless shelters and other government temporary or transitional facilities
  • Drug prescription issued by a government doctor or other governmental health care provider
  • Property tax statement issued by a governmental agency
  • Vehicle registration issued by a governmental agency
  • Vehicle certificate of ownership issued by a governmental agency

If you're not voting for the first time in California, you don't need to provide a copy of your ID with your absentee ballot.

If you're a first time California voter who registered by mail and you didn't provide your driver's license or California ID number or the last 4 digits of your Social Security number when you registered, you'll need to provide a photocopy of one of the following forms of ID along with your mail ballot:

  • A copy of a recent utility bill
  • The sample ballot booklet you received from your county elections office
  • Another document sent to you by a government agency
  • Your passport
  • Your driver license
  • Your official state identification card, or
  • Your student identification card showing your name and photograph.


If you are voting in person in Colorado, you will need to provide a valid form of ID at the time you vote. All the forms of ID that show your address must be a Colorado address in order for the form of ID to qualify.

Valid forms of ID include:

  • A valid Colorado driver's license or valid ID card issued by the Colorado Department of Revenue
  • A valid US passport
  • A valid employee ID card with a photograph issued by any branch, department, agency, or entity of the US government or of Colorado, or by any county, municipality, board, authority, or other political subdivision of Colorado
  • A valid pilot's license issued by the federal aviation administration or other authorized agency of the US
  • A valid US military ID card with a photograph
  • A copy of a current (within the last 60 days) utility bill, bank statement, government check, paycheck, or other government document that shows your current name and address
  • A certificate of Degree of Indiana or Alaskan Native Blood
  • A valid Medicare or Medicaid card
  • A certified copy of a US birth certificate
  • Certified documentation of naturalization
  • A valid student ID card with a photograph issued by an institute of higher education in Colorado
  • A valid veteran ID card with photo
  • An valid ID card issued by a federally recognized tribal government certifying tribal membership

If you're not voting by mail for the first time in Colorado, you don't need to show ID to vote.

If you're a first time Colorado voter who registered by mail and you didn't provide ID when you registered, you'll need to provide a photocopy of one of the following forms of ID along with your mail ballot:

  • A valid Colorado driver's license or valid ID card issued by the Colorado Department of Revenue
  • A valid US passport
  • A valid employee ID card with a photograph issued by any branch, department, agency, or entity of the US government or of Colorado, or by any county, municipality, board, authority, or other political subdivision of Colorado
  • A valid pilot's license issued by the federal aviation administration or other authorized agency of the US
  • A valid US military ID card with a photograph
  • A copy of a current (within the last 60 days) utility bill, bank statement, government check, paycheck, or other government document that shows your current name and address
  • A certificate of Degree of Indiana or Alaskan Native Blood
  • A valid Medicare or Medicaid card
  • A certified copy of a US birth certificate
  • Certified documentation of naturalization
  • A valid student ID card with a photograph issued by an institute of higher education in Colorado
  • A valid veteran ID card with photo
  • An valid ID card issued by a federally recognized tribal government certifying tribal membership


Connecticut has 2 different ID requirements, depending on when you registered to vote. Most voters must present one of the following forms of ID to vote in person:

  • Social Security card; or
  • Any pre-printed form of ID that shows your name and address, name and signature, or name and photo

If you cannot present an ID, you'll be required to sign a brief statement confirming your identity.

But, if you're a first time voter who registered by mail, and you didn't provide ID when you registered, you must present one of the following forms of ID to vote in person:

  • A copy of a current photo ID that shows your name and address; or
  • A copy of a current utility bill, bank statement, government check, paycheck, or other government document that shows your name and address

If you're not voting for the first time in Connecticut, you don't need to provide ID to vote absentee.

If you're a first time Connecticut voter who registered by mail and you didn't provide ID when you registered, you'll need to provide a photocopy of one of the following forms of ID along with your absentee ballot:

  • A copy of a current photo ID showing your name and photograph or
  • A copy of a current utility bill, bank statement, government check, paycheck, or other government document that shows your name and address


You are not required to show ID to vote, but you will need to provide proof of identification, which may include:

  • A current Delaware Drivers License or State ID
  • U. S. passport
  • Signed social security card, polling place card, or vehicle registration
  • Signed credit card with photo
  • A similar document that identifies you by photo or signature

If you don't present any ID, you'll need to fill out a form before you can vote.

You do not need to provide ID to vote by absentee ballot.

District of Columbia

If you're not voting for the first time in DC, you don't need to provide ID to vote in person.

If you registered to vote by mail and you're voting in DC for the first time, bring one of the following to vote in person early or on Election Day:

  • A government-issued photo ID
  • A utility bill, bank statement, government check, paycheck, student housing statement/tuition bill, homeless shelter occupancy statement, lease, or other government document within 90 days of Election Day that shows your name and address

If you're not voting for the first time in Washington DC, you don't need to provide ID to vote by mail.

If you're a first time Washington DC voter who registered by mail and you didn't provide ID when you registered, you'll need to provide a photocopy of one of the following forms of ID along with your mail ballot:

  • A copy of a current photo ID showing your name and photograph
  • A copy of a current utility bill, bank statement, government check, paycheck, or other government document within 90 days of Election Day that shows your name and address


If you are voting in person in Florida, you must present one of the following valid forms of ID that shows your photo and signature at the time you vote:

  • Florida driver's license
  • Florida ID card
  • US passport
  • Debit or credit card
  • Military ID
  • Student ID
  • Retirement center ID
  • Neighborhood association ID
  • Public assistance ID
  • Veteran health ID card
  • License to carry a concealed weapon or firearm
  • Employee ID card issued by the federal government, the state of Florida, or any county or municipality

If your ID does not contain your signature, then you need to bring another ID that contains your signature.

When requesting an absentee ballot, you must provide your: 

  • Florida driver license number
  • Florida ID card number or
  • Last four digits of your social security number

If you're a first time Florida voter who registered by mail and you didn't provide ID when you registered (or any time prior to voting for the first time in Florida), you'll also need to provide a photocopy of one of the following forms of ID along with your mail ballot:

  • An ID which must include your name and photograph: United States passport; debit or credit card; military identification; student identification; retirement center identification; neighborhood association identification; public assistance identification; veteran health identification card issued by the United States Department of Veterans Affairs; a Florida license to carry a concealed weapon or firearm; or an employee identification card issued by any branch, department, agency, or entity of the Federal Government, the state, a county, or a municipality or
  • And ID which shows your name and current residence address: current utility bill, bank statement, government check, paycheck, or government document (excluding voter information card)

This requirement for first-time voters does not apply if the voter fits into one of the following categories: (a) is 65 years of age or older; (b) has a temporary or permanent physical disability; (c) is a member of the uniformed service on active duty who, by reason of such active duty, is absent from the county on election day; (d) is a member of the Merchant Marine who, by reason of service in the Merchant Marine, is absent from the county on election day; (e) is the spouse or dependent of a member referred to in (c) or (d) who, by reason of the active duty or service of the member, is absent from the county on election day; (f) is a person currently residing outside the United States who is eligible to vote in Florida.


If you are voting in person in Georgia (including voting early), you must present one of the following forms of ID at the time you vote:

  • Georgia driver's license
  • Georgia voter ID or other ID card issued by the State of Georgia, any other state, or the US government
  • Employee photo ID issued by the US government, Georgia government, or any county, municipality, board, authority, or other Georgia government entity
  • Valid US passport
  • Valid US military photo ID
  • Student photo ID card issued by a Georgia public college, university, or technical school
  • Valid tribal photo ID

If you are voting absentee-by-mail, you must

  • Provide your Georgia driver's license or ID card number; or
  • If you do not have a Georgia driver's license or ID card, you must provide a copy of one of the following IDs:
    • Georgia voter ID or other ID card issued by the State of Georgia, any other state, or the US government
    • Employee photo ID issued by the US government, Georgia government, or any county, municipality, board, authority, or other Georgia government entity
    • Valid US passport
    • Valid US military photo ID
    • Valid tribal photo ID
    • A current utility bill, bank statement, government check, paycheck, or other government document that shows your name and address


If you're not voting for the first time in Hawaii, you don't need to provide ID to vote. If you're a first time voter and did not provide a Hawaii Driver's License number, Hawaii State ID number, or the last four digits of your Social Security Number when you registered, you will need to provide a copy of one of the following forms of ID:

  • Current photo ID
  • A current utility bill, bank statement, government check, paycheck, or other government document that shows your name and address

If you're not voting for the first time in Hawaii, you don't need to provide ID to vote by mail. If you're a first time voter and did not provide a Hawaii Driver's License number, Hawaii State ID number, or the last four digits of your Social Security Number when you registered, be sure to attach a copy of one of the following forms of ID to your absentee ballot:

  • Current photo ID
  • A current utility bill, bank statement, government check, paycheck, or other government document that shows your name and address


If you are voting in person in Idaho (including during early voting), you must present one of the following forms of ID at the time you vote:

  • Idaho driver's license or ID card issued by the Idaho transportation department
  • US passport or federal photo ID
  • Tribal photo ID
  • Idaho license to carry concealed weapons

If you don't have ID, you can still cast a ballot by signing an affidavit at the polling place swearing to your identity and address.

If you've voted in Idaho before or provided ID at the time of registration or on your absentee request form, you don't need to provide ID to vote by absentee. Starting in 2023, all new voter registrations will need to provide an approved proof of residence document in order to complete the registration process. A new voter will be unable to request an absentee ballot until this requirement is satisfied.

If you don't have ID, you can still cast a ballot by signing an affidavit at the polling place swearing to your identity and address.


If you've voted in Illinois before or provided ID when you registered, you do not need to show ID to vote.

If you're voting in Illinois for the first time and didn't provide proof of ID when you registered, you'll need to show one of the following items when you vote in person during early voting or on Election Day:

  • Current and valid photo ID
  • Utility bill
  • Bank statement
  • Paycheck
  • Government check
  • Other government documentation indicating your name and address
  • Student ID containing your photo along with i. a copy of your lease or ii. a postmarked piece of mail at your current residence

If you've voted in Illinois before or provided ID at the time of registration, you don't need to provide ID to vote by mail.

If you are a first-time voter and did not provide proof of ID at the time of registration (either with a driver's license, state ID, or social security number), you are not eligible to vote by mail and instead should vote in-person and provide proof of ID to the election official at the polling place. 


If you are voting in person in Indiana, you must present an ID that meets the following 4 requirements at the time you vote:

  • Displays your photo
  • Displays your name (conforming to voter registration record)
  • Has an expiration date that shows the ID hasn't expired or expired after November 7, 2023 (military ID or ID from a recognized Native American tribe is not required to have an expiration date)
  • Is issued by Indiana or the US government

Examples of IDs that meet this criteria are:

  • Indiana driver's license
  • Indiana photo ID card
  • Military ID
  • US passport
  • A student ID from an Indiana State school may only be used if it meets all of the 4 criteria specified above. A student ID from a private institution may not be used for voting purposes

If you've voted in Indiana before or provided ID at the time of registration, you don't need to provide ID to vote absentee by mail.

If you're a first time Indiana voter who registered by mail and you didn't provide ID when you registered, you'll need to provide a copy of one of the following forms of ID along with your mail ballot:

  • A copy of a current photo ID showing your name and photograph
  • A copy of a current utility bill, bank statement, government check, current paycheck, or other current government document that shows your name and address (excluding a voter information card

Please note, however, that when requesting an absentee ballot, a voter must provide either (1) a photocopy of their identification card that complies with the state’s photo ID law OR (2) one or more of the following voter identification numbers: (a) the voter’s Indiana driver’s license number or Indiana identification card number; (b) the voter’s unique voter ID number assigned to their voter registration record in SVRS; or (c) the last four digits of the voter’s Social Security number.


If you are voting in person in Iowa, you will be required to show a valid form of ID before voting at the polls.

Acceptable forms of ID include:

  • Your valid Iowa Driver's License or non-operator ID
  • Your US passport
  • Your Military ID
  • Your Veterans ID
  • Your Voter ID Card
  • Tribal ID Card/Document

A voter without one of the listed forms of ID may have the voter’s identity attested to by another registered voter in the precinct or may prove identity and residence using Election Day Registration documents.

You'll need to provide a copy of one of the following Voter Verification Numbers (ID Number) along with your absentee ballot:

  • Iowa Driver's License or Non-Operator ID Number OR
  • Four digit Voter PIN located on the voter's Iowa Voter ID Card

Any voter may request an Iowa Voter ID Card by contacting their County Auditor's Office


If you are voting in person in Kansas, you must present one of the following forms of unexpired photo ID (unless you are 65 or older, in which case the ID can be expired) when you vote:

  • Driver's license or nondriver's ID card issued by Kansas or another state
  • U.S. passport
  • Concealed carry of handgun license issued by Kansas or another state
  • Employee badge or ID document issued by a government office
  • U.S. military ID
  • Student ID card issued by an accredited Kansas postsecondary educational institution
  • Public assistance ID card issued by a government office
  • An ID card issued by a Native American tribe

You must provide the number from your current and valid Kansas driver's license or Kansas nondriver's ID card when you request your advance ballot.

If you do not have a valid Kansas driver's license or Kansas nondriver's card, you must provide a copy of one of the following forms of photo ID with your application in order to receive a ballot:

  • Driver's license or nondriver's ID card issued by Kansas or another state
  • U.S. passport
  • Concealed carry of handgun license issued by Kansas or another state
  • Employee badge or ID document issued by a government office
  • U.S. military ID
  • Student ID card issued by an accredited Kansas postsecondary educational institution
  • Public assistance ID card issued by a government office
  • An ID card issued by an Native American tribe


If you are voting in person in Kentucky, you must present one of the following forms of ID that includes your name and photograph:

  • ID issued by the Kentucky government
  • ID issued by the US government, including the United States Department of Defense, a branch of the uniformed services, the Merchant Marine, or the Kentucky National Guard
  • ID issued by a public or private college, university, or postgraduate technical or professional school located in the US
  • ID issued by a city, county, or other local government in Kentucky

Most eligible voters must use the state's online portal to request their absentee ballot. To request your ballot using the state's portal, you will need your Social Security number. To vote absentee in-person, you will also need a copy of one of the following forms of ID that includes your name and photograph:

  • ID issued by the Kentucky government
  • ID issued by the US government, including the United States Department of Defense, a branch of the uniformed services, the Merchant Marine, or the Kentucky National Guard
  • ID issued by a public or private college, university, or postgraduate technical or professional school located in the US
  • ID issued by a city, county, or other local government in Kentucky


If you are voting in person in Louisiana (including during early voting), you must present one of the following forms of valid photo ID at the time you vote:

  • A Louisiana driver's license or special ID card
  • A Louisiana wallet digital driver's license
  • A US military ID card that contains your name and picture or
  • Another generally recognized picture ID card that contains your name and signature

If you don't have any of the above IDs, you can still cast a ballot by completing a sworn statement.

No ID is required when voting absentee. 


If you've voted in Maine before or provided ID at the time of registration, you don't need to provide ID to vote in person.

If you're voting for the first time in Maine; submitted your registration by mail; and didn't provide a copy of your Maine driver's license, Maine state ID card, or a current utility bill, bank statement, government check, paycheck, or government document that shows your name and address when you registered, you may need to show one of these items to vote.

If you've voted in Maine before or provided ID at the time of registration, you don't need to provide ID to vote by mail.

If you're a first time Maine voter who registered by mail and you didn't provide ID when you registered, you'll need to provide a photocopy of one of the following forms of ID along with your mail ballot:

  • A copy of a current photo ID showing your name and photograph
  • A copy of a current utility bill, bank statement, government check, paycheck, or other government document that shows your name and address


If you've voted in Maryland before or provided ID at the time of registration, you don't need to provide ID to vote in person. If you're voting for the first time in Maryland and submitted your registration by mail you may be asked to show one of the following forms of ID:

A copy of a current and valid photo ID card (i.e., Maryland driver's license, MVA-issued ID card, student, employee, or military ID card, U.S. passport, or any other State or federal government-issued ID card); or a copy of a utility bill, bank statement, government check, paycheck or other government document that shows your name and address and that is dated within 3 months of the election.

If you're not voting for the first time in Maryland or provided ID at the time of registration, you don't need to provide ID to vote by mail.

If you're a first time Maryland voter who registered by mail and you didn't provide ID when you registered, you'll need to provide a photocopy of one of the following forms of ID along with your mail ballot:

  • A copy of a current photo ID showing your name and photograph
  • A copy of a current utility bill, bank statement, government check, paycheck, or other government document that shows your name and address and that is dated within 3 months of the election


If you are voting in person in Massachusetts, you may need to show ID if one of the following applies to you:

  • You're voting for the first time in Massachusetts
  • Your registration status is inactive because you haven't voted recently
  • The poll worker has some reasonable suspicion that leads them to request ID
  • You have to complete a provisional or challenged ballot at the polls

If asked to show an ID to a poll worker, you may show one of the following documents that shows your name and address where you are registered to vote:

  • A Massachusetts driver's license
  • A Massachusetts-issued ID
  • A recent utility bill
  • A signed lease
  • A rent receipt
  • A copy of a voter registration affidavit
  • Any other printed identification showing your name and address

If you're not voting for the first time in Massachusetts or provided ID at the time of registration, you don't need to provide ID to vote by mail.

If you're a first time Massachusetts voter who registered by mail and you didn't provide ID when you registered, you'll need to provide a photocopy of one of the following forms of ID along with your mail ballot:

  • A copy of a current photo ID showing your name and photograph
  • A copy of a current utility bill, bank statement, government check, paycheck, or other government document that shows your name and address (excluding a voter information card)


If you have a photo ID, you are required to show it. If you do not have one, you may still vote by signing an affidavit. Acceptable forms of photo ID include:

  • Michigan driver's license or state-issued ID card
  • Driver's license or personal identification card issued by another state
  • Federal, state, or local government-issued photo identification
  • US passport
  • Military ID with photo
  • Tribal ID card with photo
  • Student identification with photo from an educational institution

If you have a valid form of photo ID, you must show it when asked. If you don't have one of these forms of ID, you may sign a simple form called an affidavit stating that you are not in possession of photo identification, and then you may vote a regular ballot.

However, if you are a first time Michigan voter and registered to vote by mail or through a voter registration drive without providing ID on your application (such as a driver's license number, state ID number, or last four digits of your social security number), you will be required to show photo ID or a utility bill or other government document that shows your name and current address.

If you've voted in Michigan before or provided ID at the time of registration, you don't need to provide ID to vote by mail.

If you're a first time Michigan voter who registered by mail or through a voter registration drive and you didn't provide ID when you registered (such as a driver's license number, state ID number, or last four digits of your social security number), you'll need to provide either:

  • A copy of a current and valid photo ID showing your name and photograph
  • A copy of a current utility bill, bank statement, government check, paycheck, or other government document that shows your name and address


If your Minnesota voter registration is current and active, you do not need to show ID when you vote in person in Minnesota.

If you need to register or to update your registration for any reason when you vote, you will need to show proof of residence to vote. Proof of residence includes:

  • A Minnesota driver's license, learner's permit, ID, or receipt for any of these that has your current name and address
  • A tribal ID with your name, address, photo, and signature

If you don't have one of those, bring a combination of other photo ID (it can be expired) and another document that shows your current name and address:

  • Accepted alternate photo IDs include an out-of-state driver's license or ID, US passport, US military or veteran ID, or Minnesota university, college, technical college, or high school ID
  • Accepted documents to prove your residence include a current residential lease or rental agreement valid through Election Day, current student fee statement, or a utility bill or bank statement with a date less than 30 days old. You can show this document on an electronic device

If you've voted in Minnesota before or provided an ID number at the time of registration, you don't need to provide ID to vote by mail.

If you're a first time Minnesota voter who registered by mail and you didn't provide an ID number when you registered, or if you are registering to vote and casting your absentee ballot at the same time, you'll need to fill out a registration form and show a copy of one of these forms of ID to the witness signing your absentee ballot envelope: 

  • A Minnesota driver's license, learner's permit, ID, or receipt for any of these that has your current name and address
  • A tribal ID with your name, address, photo, and signature

If you don't have one of those, show a combination of a different photo ID and another document that shows your current name and address:

  • Accepted photo IDs include an out-of-state driver's license or ID, US passport, US military or veteran ID, or Minnesota university, college, technical college, or high school ID
  • Accepted documents to prove your residence include a current residential lease or rental agreement valid through Election Day, a current student fee statement, or a utility bill or bank/credit card statement with a date less than 30 days old


If you are voting in person in Mississippi, you must present one of the following forms of photo ID at the time you vote:

  • A Mississippi driver's license
  • A US passport
  • A photo ID card issued by a branch, department, or entity of the State of Mississippi
  • An employee photo ID card issued by a branch, department, or entity of the US government
  • A photo ID issued by any branch, department, agency or entity of the US government, the State of Mississippi, or any state government including, but not limited to, a driver's license of another state 
  • A student ID card containing a photograph issued by an accredited institution of higher education in Mississippi
  • A US military ID card containing a photograph
  • A tribal ID card containing a photograph
  • A Mississippi license to carry a gun containing a photograph
  • A Mississippi voter identification card containing a photograph

You may use an expired photo ID as long as it is an acceptable form of photo ID and is not more than 10 years old.

If you've voted in Mississippi before or provided ID at the time of registration, you don't need to provide ID to vote by mail.

If you're a first time Mississippi voter who registered by mail and you didn't provide ID when you registered, you'll need to provide a copy of one of the following forms of ID along with your mail ballot:

  • A copy of a current photo ID showing your name and photograph
  • A copy of a current utility bill, bank statement, government check, paycheck, or other government document that shows your name and address


If you are voting in person in Missouri, you must present one of the following forms of ID at the time you vote:

  • A Missouri driver license that is nonexpired or expired after the date of the most recent general election;
  • A Missouri non-driver license that is nonexpired or expired after the date of the most recent general election;
  • A nonexpired military ID, including a veteran’s ID card;
  • A nonexpired United States passport; or
  • Another photo ID issued by the United States or the state of Missouri which is either not expired or expired after the date of the most recent general election.

If you've voted in Missouri before or provided a qualifying ID at the time of registration, you don't need to provide ID to vote by mail.

If you registered by mail and this will be your first time voting and you did not include a form of ID when you registered, you must include a copy of a ID with your ballot request form. Examples of acceptable ID include:

  • A Missouri driver license that is nonexpired or expired after the date of the most recent general election;
  • A Missouri non-driver license that is nonexpired or expired after the date of the most recent general election;
  • A nonexpired military ID, including a veteran’s ID card;
  • A nonexpired United States passport; or
  • Another photo ID issued by the United States or the state of Missouri which is either not expired or expired after the date of the most recent general election.

If you are voting by no-excuse absentee ballot in person before Election Day, you must present one of the following forms of ID at the time you vote:

  • A Missouri driver license that is nonexpired or expired after the date of the most recent general election;
  • A Missouri non-driver license that is nonexpired or expired after the date of the most recent general election;
  • A nonexpired military ID, including a veteran’s ID card;
  • A nonexpired United States passport; or
  • Another photo ID issued by the United States or the state of Missouri which is either not expired or expired after the date of the most recent general election.


If you are voting in person in Montana, you must present one of the following forms of ID:

  • Montana driver's license, state ID card, military ID card, tribal photo ID, U.S. passport, School District or Postsecondary Education Photo ID, or Montana concealed carry permit
  • Any other form of photo ID containing your name, combined with a utility bill, bank statement, pay statement, confirmation of voter registration, government check, or other government document that that shows your name and current address

If you've voted in Montana before, registered in person, or provided ID at the time of registration, you don't need to provide ID to vote by mail.

If you're voting in Montana for the first time, registered to vote by mail, and didn't provide ID when you registered, be sure to enclose a copy of your photo ID, or a current utility bill, bank statement, government check, paycheck, or government document that shows your name and address when you return your ballot.


All in-person voters are required to present a valid photo ID containing the voter's name and photo, such as a Nebraska driver's license or state ID, Passport, Military ID, Tribal ID, Hospital, assisted living or nursing home record, Nebraska political subdivision (state, county, city, school, etc.), or Nebraska college or university ID.

Voters are required to write their driver's license or state ID number on their absentee ballot applications, or enclose a copy of a valid photo ID or reasonable impediment certification with their applications. 


If you've voted in Nevada before, registered in person, or provided ID at the time of registration, you don't need to show ID to vote.

If you're voting in Nevada for the first time, registered to vote by mail or online, and didn't provide ID when you registered, be sure to bring a copy of your photo ID, or a current utility bill, bank statement, government check, paycheck, or government document that shows your name and address when you vote.

If you've voted in Nevada before, registered in person, or provided ID at the time of registration, you don't need to provide ID to vote by mail.

If you're voting in Nevada for the first time, registered to vote by mail, and didn't provide ID when you registered, be sure to enclose a copy of your photo ID, or a current utility bill, bank statement, government check, paycheck, or government document that shows your name and address when you return your ballot.

New Hampshire

If you are voting in person in New Hampshire, you must present one of the following forms of photo ID at the time you vote:

  • A driver's license issued by any state or the federal government
  • An ID card issued by any state
  • A New Hampshire photo ID issued for voting identification only
  • A US armed services ID card
  • A US passport
  • A valid student ID card from a college, university, or career school approved or licensed to operate in New Hampshire; a public or accredited private high school in New Hampshire; Dartmouth College; or a college or university operated by the university system or community college system of New Hampshire

If you don't have one of these IDs, you can:

  • Present any other form of photo ID that can be verified by a voting official at your voting location
  • Have your identity verified by a voting official at your voting location

If you've voted in New Hampshire before, registered in person, or provided ID at the time of registration, you don't need to provide ID to vote by mail.

If you're voting in New Hampshire for the first time, registered to vote by mail, and didn't provide ID when you registered, be sure to enclose a copy of your photo ID, or a current utility bill, bank statement, government check, paycheck, or government document that shows your name and address when you return your ballot.

New Jersey

If you've voted in New Jersey before or provided ID at the time of registration, you don't need to show ID to vote.

If you're voting in New Jersey for the first time, registered to vote by mail, and didn't provide ID when you registered, be sure to bring a copy of your photo ID, or a current utility bill, bank statement, government check, paycheck, or government document that shows your name and address when you vote.

If you've voted in New Jersey before or provided ID at the time of registration, you don't need to provide ID to vote by mail.

If you're voting in New Jersey for the first time, registered to vote by mail, and didn't provide ID when you registered, be sure to enclose a copy of your photo ID, or a current utility bill, bank statement, government check, paycheck, or government document that shows your name and address when you return your ballot.

A person who delivers an absentee ballot to the county board in person must provide proof of their identity in the form of a New Jersey driver’s license or another form of identification issued or recognized as official by the federal government, the state of New Jersey, or any of its subdivisions, provided that the identification carries the full address and signature of the person.

New Mexico

New Mexico doesn't require voter ID at the state level, but some municipal jurisdictions do require voter ID, including the City of Rio Rancho. 

If you're voting in New Mexico for the first time, registered to vote by mail, and didn't provide ID when you registered, be sure to bring a copy of your photo ID issued by a government or educational institution, or a current utility bill, bank statement, government check, paycheck, or government document, including identification issued by an Indian nation, tribe or pueblo, that shows your name and address when you vote.

If you've voted in New Mexico before, registered in person, or provided ID at the time of registration, you don't need to provide ID to vote by mail.

If you're voting in New Mexico for the first time, registered to vote by mail, and didn't provide ID when you registered, be sure to enclose a copy of your photo ID, or a current utility bill, bank statement, government check, paycheck, or government document, including identification issued by an Indian nation, tribe or pueblo that shows your name and current address when you return your ballot.

New York

If you've voted in New York before, registered in person, or provided ID at the time of registration, you don't need to show ID to vote.

If you're voting in New York for the first time, registered to vote by mail, and didn't provide ID when you registered, be sure to bring a copy of your photo ID, or a current utility bill, bank statement, government check, paycheck, or government document that shows your name and address when you vote.

If you've voted in New York before, registered in person, or provided ID at the time of registration, you don't need to provide ID to vote by mail.

If you're voting in New York for the first time, registered to vote by mail, and didn't provide ID when you registered, be sure to enclose a copy of your photo ID, or a current utility bill, bank statement, government check, paycheck, or government document that shows your name and address when you return your ballot.

North Carolina

Voters must show an acceptable photo ID that is unexpired or expired for one year or less, including a North Carolina Driver's License, State ID, student ID approved by the State Board of Elections, or U.S. passport, or complete an ID Exception Form and vote provisionally.

Voters who vote by mail must include a photocopy of an acceptable ID when returning their ballot, or complete an ID Exception Form. 

North Dakota

If you are voting in person in North Dakota, you must present one of the following forms of ID that shows your name, residential address and your birth date at the time you vote:

  • Current driver's license or non-driver's identification card
  • Tribal government issued identification
  • For an individual living in a long-term care facility, a long-term care certificate (provided by a North Dakota facility)
  • If your ID does not contain this information or is not current, it can be supplemented by another form of ID that shows your name, residential address, and birth date, such as:
    • A current utility bill
    • A current bank statement
    • A check or document issued by a federal, state, local, or tribal government
    • A paycheck
    • A student ID 

North Dakota requires you to provide the ID number from one of the following forms of ID containing your name, residential address, and date of birth when you apply to vote by absentee ballot:

  • Current driver's license or non-driver's identification card
  • Tribal government issued identification
  • Long term care identification certificate (provided by North Dakota facility)
  • If your ID does not contain this information or is not current, it can be supplemented by another form of ID that shows your name, residential address, and birth date, such as:
    • A current utility bill
    • A current bank statement
    • A check or document issued by a federal, state, local, or tribal government
    • A paycheck
    • A student ID with a different North Dakota address

In addition, individuals living in special circumstances may provide a copy of one of the following IDs: 

  • For North Dakota residents living outside the U.S., a passport or military ID (who do not possess one of the other IDs)
  • For an individual living with a disability that prevents the individual from traveling away from the individual’s home to obtain an acceptable form of identification, they may have another individual attest to their identification. The attester must provide their name, North Dakota driver’s license, nondriver’s, or tribal identification number, and sign the absentee/mail ballot application form to attest to the applicant’s North Dakota residency and voting eligibility


If you are voting in person in Ohio, you must present one of the following forms of ID at the time you vote:

  • An unexpired Ohio driver's license or state ID that includes your name and photo
  • An unexpired U.S. passport
  • A military ID

When you send in your absentee ballot application, you will have to provide one of the following forms of ID:

  • Your driver's license number (which begins with two alphabet letters followed by six numbers) or Ohio state ID card number
  • The last four digits of your Social Security number
  • A photocopy of a current and valid U.S. passport, Ohio driver’s license or state ID, or a military ID that contains your name and photo


If you are voting in person in Oklahoma, you must present one of the following forms of ID at the time you vote:

  • A current Oklahoma driver's license
  • A current photo ID issued by Oklahoma, the US government, or a federally recognized tribal government
  • A county election board voter ID card

Oklahoma voters must provide proof of identity each time they vote. If you are voting absentee, you must show proof of identity by having your absentee ballot affidavit notarized. 


Oregon does not provide for in-person voting.

If you've voted in Oregon before, registered in person, or provided ID at the time of registration, you don't need to provide ID to vote by mail.

If you're voting in Oregon for the first time, registered to vote by mail, and didn't provide ID when you registered, be sure to enclose a copy of your photo ID, or a current utility bill, bank statement, government check, paycheck, or government document that shows your name and address when you return your ballot.


If you're voting for the first time, you must present one of the following photo IDs in-person:

  • Pennsylvania driver's license or PennDOT ID
  • Photo ID issued by any Pennsylvania agency or the US government
  • US passport
  • US Armed Forces ID
  • Student ID
  • Employee ID

If you don't have a photo ID from the list above, you can bring non-photo ID that shows your name and address, such as:

  • Confirmation from a county voter registration office
  • Non-photo ID issued by Pennsylvania or the US government
  • Firearm permit
  • Current utility bill, bank statement, paycheck, or government check

Pennsylvania requires you to provide your Pennsylvania driver's license, PennDOT ID number, or the last four digits of your Social Security number when you apply for an absentee ballot.

If you don't have any of those forms of ID, you must attach a copy of one of the following IDs with your ballot application, which must show your name, photo, and has an expiration date that is current:

  • US Passport
  • Photo ID from an accredited Pennsylvania public or private institution of higher learning, including colleges, universities, seminaries, community colleges and other two-year colleges
  • Photo ID issued by a Pennsylvania care facility, including long-term care facilities, assisted living residences or personal care homes
  • US Military ID
  • Employee photo ID issued by Federal, Pennsylvania, Pennsylvania county, or Pennsylvania municipal government

Rhode Island

If you are voting in person in Rhode Island, you must present one of the following forms of ID (unexpired) at the time you vote:

  • Rhode Island driver's license 
  • Rhode Island voter ID card
  • US passport
  • Photo ID issued by a school or college in the US
  • US military ID
  • Photo ID issued by the US government or State of Rhode Island
  • Government issued medical photo ID

If you've voted in Rhode Island before, registered in person, or provided ID at the time of registration, you don't need to provide ID to vote by mail

If you're voting in Rhode Island for the first time, registered to vote by mail, and didn't provide ID when you registered, be sure to enclose a copy of your unexpired photo ID, or a recent utility bill, lease or rental statement, bank statement, government check, paycheck, or government document that shows your name and address when you return your ballot.

South Carolina

You must bring one of the following photo IDs with you to vote early in person or on Election Day:

  • South Carolina driver's license
  • South Carolina Department of Motor Vehicles ID Card
  • South Carolina voter registration ID card
  • US military ID with a photo
  • US passport

If you've voted in South Carolina before, registered in person, or provided ID at the time of registration, you don't need to provide ID to vote by mail

If you're voting in South Carolina for the first time, registered to vote by mail, and didn't provide ID when you registered, be sure to enclose a copy of your photo ID, or a current utility bill, bank statement, government check, paycheck, or government document that shows your name and address when you return your ballot.

South Dakota

You must provide one of the following forms of photo ID when you vote early or on Election Day:

  • A South Dakota driver's license
  • A South Dakota non-driver ID card
  • A US government photo ID card (such as a passport) 
  • A US Armed Forces ID card
  • A current student photo ID card from a South Dakota high school or accredited college, university, or postsecondary institution of higher education
  • A photo ID card from a federally recognized tribal government
If you don't have any of these when you vote early or on Election Day, you can fill out an affidavit confirming your identity and still be allowed to vote.

If you're submitting an affidavit but are voting in South Dakota for the first time, registered to vote by mail, and did not provide ID when you registered, you should still bring a copy of your photo ID, or a current utility bill, bank statement, government check, paycheck, or government document that shows your name and address when you vote.

You must include a copy of one of the following forms of photo ID with your absentee application form when you mail it:

  • A South Dakota driver's license
  • A South Dakota non-driver ID card
  • A passport or other photo ID issued by the US government
  • A current student photo ID card from a South Dakota high school or postsecondary institution
  • A photo ID card from a federally recognized tribal government

Alternatively, the application can be notarized.

If you submit a notarized application, but are voting in South Dakota for the first time, registered to vote by mail, and didn't provide ID when you registered, you should still enclose a copy of your photo ID, or a current utility bill, bank statement, government check, paycheck, or government document that shows your name and address when you return your ballot.


If you are voting in person in Tennessee, you must present one of the following forms of photo ID when you vote early or on Election Day:

  • A Tennessee driver's license
  • A US passport
  • Photo ID issued by the Tennessee Department of Safety and Homeland Security
  • Photo ID issued by the federal or Tennessee state government
  • US military photo ID
  • Tennessee handgun carry permit with your photo

A student ID or an ID issued by another state will NOT meet this requirement.

First time voters who register by mail or using Online Voter Registration must also present one of the following if their ID is expired:

  • A copy of a current utility bill
  • Bank statement
  • Government check, 
  • Paycheck
  • Other government document that shows the voter’s name and address

You are not required to provide a copy of your ID when voting absentee. 


If you are voting in person in Texas, you must present photo ID at the time you vote. Your photo ID must be current or expired for no more than 4 years. (If you are 70 years old or more, your ID can be expired for any length of time, as long as it is otherwise valid.)

Acceptable forms of ID include:

  • Texas driver license
  • Texas election ID certificate
  • Texas personal ID card
  • Texas license to carry a handgun
  • US military ID card with your photograph
  • US citizenship certificate containing your photograph
  • US passport

To vote by mail, you must provide ONE of the following numbers on your application:

(1) Texas Driver’s License, Texas Personal Identification Number or Election Identification Certificate Number issued by the Texas Department of Public Safety (NOT your voter registration VUID number); 

(2) If you have not been issued one of the numbers above, the last 4 digits of your Social Security Number.

 If you have not been issued a Texas Driver’s License, Texas Personal Identification Number or Texas Election Identification Certificate Number or a Social Security Number, you must indicate so by checking the appropriate box on the ABBM.


If you are voting in person in Utah (early or on Election Day), you must present one of the following forms of photo ID at the time you vote:

  • Utah driver's license
  • Utah ID card
  • ID issued by Utah or a federal government agency
  • Utah permit to carry a concealed weapon
  • US passport
  • A US military ID card
  • Tribal ID card, Bureau of Indian Affairs card, or tribal treaty card (even if it doesn't include your photo)

If you don't have a photo ID you can bring any two documents showing your name and address, such as:

  • A utility bill or copy of a utility bill dated within the last 90 days
  • A bank or other financial account statement or copy of a statement
  • A certified birth certificate
  • A Social Security card
  • A check issued by the state or federal government or a copy of a check
  • A paycheck from your employer (or copy of a paycheck)
  • A currently valid Utah hunting or fishing license
  • Certified naturalization documents, but not a green card
  • A certified copy of court records showing your adoption or name change
  • A Medicaid or Medicare or Electronic Benefits Transfer card;
  • An ID card issued by a local government within Utah
  • An ID card issued by your employer
  • An ID card issued by a college, university, technical school or professional school within Utah
  • A current Utah vehicle registration

If you've voted in Utah before, registered in person, or provided ID at the time of registration, you don't need to provide ID to vote by mail.

If you're voting in Utah for the first time, registered to vote by mail, and didn't provide ID when you registered, be sure to enclose a copy of your photo ID, or a current utility bill, bank statement, government check, paycheck, or government document that shows your name and address when you return your ballot.


If you've voted in Vermont before, registered in person, or provided ID at the time of registration, you don't need to show ID to vote.

If you're voting in Vermont for the first time, registered to vote by mail or online, and didn't provide ID when you registered, be sure to bring a copy of your photo ID, or a current utility bill, bank statement, government check, paycheck, or government document that shows your name and address when you vote.

If you've voted in Vermont before, registered in person, or provided ID at the time of registration, you don't need to provide ID to vote by mail.

If you're voting in Vermont for the first time, registered to vote by mail, and didn't provide ID when you registered, be sure to enclose a copy of your photo ID, or a current utility bill, bank statement, government check, paycheck, or government document that shows your name and address when you return your ballot.


All Virginia voters must bring one of the following forms of ID to vote early or on Election Day:

  • A Virginia driver’s license (regardless of expiration date)
  • Any identification issued by Virginia, one of its political subdivisions (including the 11 Indian tribes recognized in Virginia), or the United States, other than a driver privilege card
  • Voter confirmation documents received after registering to vote
  • A copy of a current utility bill, bank statement, government check, paycheck, or other government document containing the name and address of the voter

The following IDs are also acceptable if they are valid. “Valid” means genuinely issued by the agency or issuing entity appearing on the document and current or not expired for more than 12 months.

  • A U.S. passport
  • A student identification card issued by any institution of higher education located in Virginia or any private school located in Virginia
  • A student identification card containing a photograph of the voter and issued by any institution of high education located in any other state or territory of the United States
  • An employee identification card containing a photograph of the voter and issued by an employer of the voter in the ordinary course of the employer’s business

If you've voted in Virginia before, registered in person, or provided ID at the time of registration, you don't need to provide ID to vote by mail.

If you're voting in Virginia for the first time, registered to vote by mail, and didn't provide ID when you registered, be sure to enclose a copy of your current and valid photo ID, or a current utility bill, bank statement, government check, paycheck, or other government document that shows your name and address when you return your ballot.


All Washington counties now vote by mail. However, county auditors must open at least one vote center where voters can cast their ballot in person. Voters who wish to vote in person are subject to ID requirements. Be sure to bring one of the following photo IDs:

  • A Washington driver's license or state ID card
  • A student ID card
  • A tribal ID card
  • Employer ID card

If you've voted in Washington before, registered in person, or provided ID at the time of registration, you don't need to provide ID to vote by mail.

If you're voting in Washington for the first time, registered to vote by mail, and didn't provide ID when you registered, be sure to enclose a copy of your photo ID, or a current utility bill, bank statement, government check, paycheck, or government document that shows your name and address when you return your ballot.

West Virginia

If you are voting in person in West Virginia early or on Election Day, you will need to provide one of the following identifying documents when you vote:

  • Valid West Virginia driver's license or ID card
  • A valid driver's license issued by a state other than West Virginia
  • A valid US passport or passport card
  • A valid employee ID card with your photo issued by a West Virginia state or local government or by the federal government
  • A valid student ID with your photo issued by a high school or institution of higher education in West Virginia
  • A valid military ID card with your photo
  • A valid concealed carry permit with your photo
  • A valid Medicare card or Social Security card
  • A valid birth certificate
  • A valid West Virginia voter registration card
  • A valid hunting or fishing license issued by the State of West Virginia
  • A valid identification card issued to the voter by the West Virginia Supplemental Nutrition Assistance (SNAP) program, Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) program, or Medicaid
  • A valid bank card or valid debit card
  • A valid utility bill or bank statement issued within six months of the date of the election
  • A valid health insurance card issued to the voter

A voter does not have to show an ID to vote if:

  • The voter is accompanied by an adult who has known the voter for at least 6 months, has a photo ID with name and address, and signs an affidavit confirming the voter's identity
  • A poll worker has known the voter at least 6 months
  • The voter is a resident of a WV state care facility that is the voter's polling place

If you've voted in West Virginia before, registered in person, or provided ID at the time of registration, you don't need to provide ID to vote by mail.

If you're voting in West Virginia for the first time, registered to vote by mail, and didn't provide ID when you registered, be sure to enclose a copy of your photo ID, or a current utility bill, bank statement, government check, paycheck, or government document that shows your name and address when you return your ballot.


In Wisconsin, you must provide a valid photo ID to vote in person. The following forms of ID are acceptable if they are unexpired or if they expired after the date of the most recent general election:

  • Wisconsin driver license or ID card
  • Military ID card issued by a U.S. uniformed service
  • U.S. passport
  • An identification card issued by a federally recognized Indian tribe in Wisconsin (May be used even if expired before the most recent general election)

These photo IDs are also acceptable for voting purposes, but must be unexpired:

  • Certificate of naturalization that was issued within two years of the date of Election Day
  • Veteran's photo identification card issued by the Veterans Health Administration
  • Driving receipt issued by Wisconsin DOT (valid for 45 days)
  • ID card receipt issued by Wisconsin DOT (valid for 45 days)
  • Photo ID card issued by a Wisconsin accredited university, college or technical college that contains your signature, a date of issuance, and an expiration date no later than two years after date it was issued. The ID must be accompanied by a separate document that proves enrollment

If you have not previously provided proof of ID when applying for an absentee ballot, you must include a copy of your photo ID with your ballot application. When voting your absentee by mail ballot, you do not need to provide a copy of your ID.


You are required to show an acceptable form of identification when voting in person. 

Any of the following documents are accepted: 

  • Wyoming driver's license or ID card
  • Tribal ID card
  • Valid US passport
  • US military card
  • Driver's license or ID card from another state
  • University of Wyoming student ID
  • Wyoming Community College student ID
  • Wyoming public school student ID
  • Valid Medicare or Medicaid insurance card

If you do not have one of the documents in the list above, you may obtain a free Wyoming Identification Card from your local Driver Services office.

If you've voted in Wyoming before, registered in person, or provided ID at the time of registration, you don't need to provide ID to vote by mail.

If you're voting in Wyoming for the first time, registered to vote by mail, and didn't provide ID when you registered, be sure to enclose a copy of your photo ID, or a current utility bill, bank statement, government check, paycheck, or government document that shows your name and address when you return your ballot.

Resources and off-site links

  • The bulk of our in-person voter ID information comes from the National Conference of State Legislatures, which is a fantastic resource.
  • We contacted the Secretaries of State and/or Local Election Officials directly to gather the absentee voter ID information.

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