Vows to Register More Voters of Color and Voters Under 40, Following Senate Inaction

Last updated on January 20, 2022

Washington, D.C. — Statement from Andrea Hailey, CEO of, in response to yesterday’s Senate vote to block the Freedom to Vote John R. Lewis Act from advancing to a final passage vote:

“Yesterday, the Senate failed to protect the rights of American voters. Congress willfully ignored the supermajority of Americans across the political spectrum who support voting rights legislation. This should not be about partisanship, but ensuring free and fair elections for all eligible voters, no matter their race, background, or beliefs.

“Our leaders failed American voters, but voting rights organizations will get up tomorrow ready to get to work. In the 2020 elections, reached 39 million voters with registration tools and made over 650 million voter contacts to help get out the vote. This isn’t the first time local organizers have had to overcome the failure of national leaders, we know how to make a way out of no way. From registration to the ballot box, we will continue to serve all American voters.”

ABOUT VOTE.ORG: is the largest 501(c)(3) nonprofit, nonpartisan voting registration and get-out-the-vote (GOTV) technology platform in America, with the goal of reaching historically underserved voters of color and underrepresented young voters.


The Senate failed to protect the rights of American voters. Congress willfully ignored the supermajority of Americans across the political spectrum who support voting rights legislation. This should not be about partisanship, but ensuring free and fair elections for all eligible voters, no matter their race, background, or beliefs.

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