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Wordpress, Shopify, PHP, WIX, Bootstrap

$15 USD / giờ
Cờ của
India (8:59 CH)
Đã tham gia vào tháng 12 16, 2017
$15 USD / giờ
*********** لَآ اِلٰهَ اِلَّا اللّٰهُ مُحَمَّدٌ رَّسُوْلُ اللّٰهِؕ ********** I am a highly skilled freelancer with a passion for web development and design. With expertise spanning WordPress, Shopify, Bootstrap, HTML, CSS, Photoshop, responsive design, and PHP, I am well-equipped to bring your digital visions to life. My experience includes crafting visually appealing and user-friendly websites that align perfectly with client requirements. Whether it's creating stunning layouts, optimizing responsiveness for diverse devices, implementing e-commerce solutions on Shopify, or coding in PHP for dynamic functionality, I am your go-to professional. I have an eye for detail and a commitment to delivering top-notch results on time. Let's collaborate to turn your ideas into engaging, functional, and aesthetically pleasing digital experiences. From Past 6 years I am providing Incredible values to my clients through the strategy I develop and implement for them. I must say I have done great job as a Developer whenever client can back with new work packages they particularly request me for the same. Project Delivery On Time. 24/7 Support, Follow High Coding Standards. Expertise in Develop and design website from scratch for startup business and maintain existing website of enterprises. Thanks, BMS
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4.9 · 363 Reviews
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he was great. fast and got it done.
Elaine C.
Cờ của
white rock, Canada
20 ngày trước
Chia sẻ
gedalifthuren €700 EUR
Great work, good website.
Shahab M.
Cờ của
Rijswijk, Netherlands
24 ngày trước
Chia sẻ
Aanhangerlifthuren.nl €100 EUR
Amazing work on the website, also very fast.
Shahab M.
Cờ của
Rijswijk, Netherlands
25 ngày trước
Chia sẻ
Make wordpress form $320 USD
Very good, glad with the service
Shahab M.
Cờ của
Rijswijk, Netherlands
1 tháng trước
Chia sẻ
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I do not know how this freelancer has such a great rating. He did not follow directions, did not do quality work, and when I pressed him, he had the excuses I really don't appreciate hearing. I will never hire again, especially because I specifically hired him to do a job due to his apparent experience and high ratings, not someone who had just a few 5 stars.
Troy D.
Cờ của
Dublin, United States
2 tháng trước
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