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Sikander K.



Expertise: Web Designing, Web and App Development

$35 USD / giờ
Cờ của
India (12:58 SA)
Đã tham gia vào tháng 10 27, 2017
$35 USD / giờ
*** WITHIN TOP 5K MEMBERS ON THIS PLATFORM*** ***TOP 4% OF FREELANCERS*** My main motto is to provide the clients with 100% satisfaction, I believe in quality and not quantity and hence take one to one projects. I am highly qualified professional who have worked with over 150+ companies in their respective domains . *DESIGNING* PHOTOSHOP,HTML,HTML5,CSS & JavaScript, BOOTSTRAP,PSD TO HTML,PSD TO WORDPRESS *DEVELOPMENT* PHP,JAVA,PYTHON,C#,C++,C, ROR *DATABASE* MY SQL,SQL *MOBILE APPS* NATIVE AND CROSS PLATFORM FOR ANDROID AND IOS IN FLUTTER *DOMAINS* WORDPRESS, LARAVEL, PRESTASHOP, .NET MVC,LOGO DESIGN, MOCKUP DESIGN WHY HIRE US? * Competitive rates * Website Development as per SEO Standards * Regular Project Updates * Extended support post delivery * On-Time Delivery * Free Unlimited Revisions on the selected template (Before integration) * Free Quality Testing * Free On-Page Updating of the website * Technical Expertise !! I CAN'T ACCEPT PROJECT WITHOUT MILESTONE !!
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Đã lưu thay đổi
5.0 · 158 Reviews
Nhận xét
I wanted to take a moment to express my appreciation for the amazing work you've done on the recent project. Your attention to detail, quick turnaround time, and clean coding practices have been truly impressive. The functionality works seamlessly, and I can see the effort and thought you've put into every aspect of the development. Thank you for delivering such high-quality work. I look forward to collaborating with you on future projects!
Gulshan .
Cờ của
New Delhi, India
9 ngày trước
Chia sẻ
I had a great experience working with Sikander and Parmod Ji on the PHP User Role System project. The task was to create a secure and flexible user role management system, and they delivered beyond expectations. Here's a breakdown of the key aspects:
Gulshan .
Cờ của
New Delhi, India
15 ngày trước
Chia sẻ
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Excellent communication and great quality of work
Cờ của
Adelaide, Australia
20 ngày trước
Chia sẻ
Very experience. Very smart and fast. was worth it. Thank you for job well done Sikander.
Robert K.
Cờ của
Brampton Ontario, Canada
22 ngày trước
Chia sẻ
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HTML Conversion ₹3.300 INR
Its was great working with Sikander K
Tausif Isak P.
Cờ của
Pune, India
23 ngày trước
Chia sẻ
Kinh nghiệm
C# Developer
thg 1, 2017 - thg 9, 2017
7 tháng, 30 ngày
Ieota Technologies
thg 1, 2017 - thg 9, 2017
7 tháng, 30 ngày
Worked on various projects based on .NET MVC (C#)
thg 1, 2017 - thg 9, 2017
7 tháng, 30 ngày
Học vấn
National Institute of Information Technology
2013 - 2017
4 năm
B. Tech (Computer Science and Engineering )
Cờ của
2013 - 2017
4 năm
Chứng chỉ
Preferred Freelancer Program SLA
Basic Numeracy - Level 1
Basic Numeracy
US English - Level 1
US English
Data Entry
Data Entry
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