Logo Detection Software for Customer Tracking

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I'm looking for a software developer who can create a program to detect specific logos within designs and identify which customer purchased the design. The information will be provided via a .pdf shipping file.

Key requirements:

- The software needs to detect logos specifically.

- The .pdf shipping file will contain the product name for the designs, not the design itself.

- The software should be able to associate the product name with the corresponding customer purchase.

Ideal skills for this project include:

- Software development with experience in image recognition.

- Familiarity with .pdf file processing.

- Ability to create a system for tracking customer purchases against detected designs.

Please note, the design files will not be included in the .pdf, only the product name.

excel file could be used for list of design names and directories

Kiến trúc phần mềm Lập trình C Raspberry Pi OpenCV Python

ID dự án: #38955968

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25 đề xuất Dự án từ xa 1 tháng trước đang mở

25 freelancer chào giá trung bình£136 cho công việc này


Hi there Andrius D., I'm bidding on your project "Logo Detection Software for Customer Tracking". Let's dive in and have a meeting I am expert in this area. please leave a message on my chat so we can discuss the bud Thêm

£250 GBP trong 5 ngày
(56 Nhận xét)

Hello, my name is Asif, and I specialize in software development with a focus on image recognition and data processing. I can help you create a program that detects specific logos within designs and identifies the corr Thêm

£250 GBP trong 3 ngày
(57 Nhận xét)

Hello Andrius, I have carefully reviewed your job posting and am confident that my expertise in C Programming, Python, Software Architecture, Raspberry Pi, OpenCV, combined with extensive experience in Python and so Thêm

£20 GBP trong 7 ngày
(63 Nhận xét)

Hello, I believe i can help u with getting this job done as i have the great knowledge of Python, Software Architecture, C Programming, Raspberry Pi and OpenCV. I have working experience of several years on this platf Thêm

£250 GBP trong 7 ngày
(10 Nhận xét)

As an expert in software development with a specialized focus on image recognition and data processing, I am uniquely qualified to deliver the logo detection software that your project demands. My experience spans over Thêm

£135 GBP trong 7 ngày
(2 Nhận xét)

Hi there, I’ve carefully read your project description - Logo Detection Software for Customer Tracking and really interested in this job. I’m a senior software developer for 8+ years experience and can offering best Thêm

£150 GBP trong 1 ngày
(8 Nhận xét)

Understanding the nuances of your project, I assure you that hiring me will bring unparalleled expertise in AI and automation at tackling such detection and tracking needs. My proficiency lies in Machine Learning, Deep Thêm

£135 GBP trong 2 ngày
(24 Nhận xét)

⚠️ IF YOU'RE NOT HAPPY YOU DON’T PAY ⚠️ I think we are the perfect fit for your project. Our team specializes in software development with a focus on image recognition. We understand the need for the software to detec Thêm

£200 GBP trong 5 ngày
(13 Nhận xét)

Hi there,Good afternoon I am Talha. I can work with your project skills C Programming, Raspberry Pi, OpenCV, Python and Software Architecture I am excited to present my proposal, which centers around a personalized a Thêm

£20 GBP trong 12 ngày
(5 Nhận xét)

Hello Dear! Good Day! I hope you are doing fine. My name is Toriqul Islam. I am an expert Web Developer with 10+ years of experience in PHP, HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, jQuery, Bootstrap, MySql, and different Frameworks Thêm

£150 GBP trong 3 ngày
(19 Nhận xét)

Hi Andrius D., ★★★ LET'S DISCUSS YOUR PROJECT FURTHER! I CAN PROVIDE THE PROJECT BEFORE CHRISTMAS ★★★ With 12+ years of expertise in C Programming, Software Architecture, Python, OpenCV and Raspberry Pi, I’m ready to Thêm

£150 GBP trong 7 ngày
(1 Nhận xét)

As an experienced software developer with a broad range of skills including image recognition and PDF file processing, I believe I'm the perfect fit for your logo detection project. Over the years, I've acquired deep p Thêm

£135 GBP trong 7 ngày
(13 Nhận xét)

Hello Andrius D., ⭐ full stack developer is here ⭐ I have thoroughly reviewed your requirements and am very interested in this opportunity. As a full stack developer with extensive experience leading large-scale appli Thêm

£20 GBP trong 3 ngày
(2 Nhận xét)

Hello Andrius D., I just checked your job post and it really jumped out at me. I am proficient in C Programming, Python, Software Architecture, Raspberry Pi, OpenCV, and will add/update features as your specifications Thêm

£150 GBP trong 1 ngày
(3 Nhận xét)

Hi There Andrius D., Good afternoon! ⚡⚡⚡I HAVE READ ALL YOUR REQUIREMENTS VERY CAREFULLY AND UNDERSTOOD WHAT YOU WANT.⚡⚡⚡ As a top developer with extensive experience in Raspberry Pi, Software Architecture, C Program Thêm

£150 GBP trong 5 ngày
(2 Nhận xét)

Hello, Andrius D., thanks for posting the job "Logo Detection Software for Customer Tracking" I have the necessary skills, knowledge and expertise to help you complete your project and have successfully completed proj Thêm

£150 GBP trong 5 ngày
(1 Nhận xét)

Hi Andrius D.! I came across your project, "Logo Detection Software for Customer Tracking," and I’m excited about the opportunity to help you achieve your goals. With expertise in Python, I am confident I can deliver Thêm

£135 GBP trong 7 ngày
(1 Nhận xét)

Hello there! Going through your job description, I believe my skill set makes me an excellent fit. I am very confident for your job - Logo Detection Software for Customer Tracking because I have worked on similar pro Thêm

£150 GBP trong 1 ngày
(0 Nhận xét)

Hello Andrius D., ❤️ Thank you for considering my bid ❤️ I'm Angel, i'm perfect for your project for my rich experience working in C Programming, Python, Software Architecture, Raspberry Pi, OpenCV. If you want c Thêm

£100 GBP trong 7 ngày
(0 Nhận xét)

Hi, We went through your project description and it seems like our team is a great fit for this job. We are an expert team which have many years of experience on C Programming, Python, Software Architecture, Raspberr Thêm

£75 GBP trong 7 ngày
(0 Nhận xét)