Project is a First Line Helpline on Mental Help in listening, advise and consult.
With the speciality to fight against the macrosocial cancer : bullying.
Is a total new project so we have to get on the first page of google at least and good at other serachengines.
Also on pictures-search we like to come good. Those pictures are not yet on the website ... but they are speaking images on mental help.
There is work on the website it self because there is nothing done even we are not properly announced by Google en certainly not by other search engines.
I have a small budget, because I am a private person, there is no organization behind.
Max 150 dollar in the month for six month for the SEO, LinkBuilding, Internetwarking - what is needed.
I am a retired person and have to pay everyting from my monthly small retired-money,
We like to have quicly good result not in months our project starts this month June.
I have tried to get sponsoring in Belgium and Holland by more then 300 companies, organisations, Lion CLubs,nobody wants to help, shameful.
Because the project is not sexy, and there is a big taboo on bullying- like it is for sexual abuse- but the traumas are the same for life for the victims.
And there are in the boths countries millions of victims on bullying and millions of peoples have mental problems...
See texts on our website [login to view URL]
The both countries are getting realy underdeveloped countries on mental health.
When you can help us then and we have a good position on the Internet I will bring your banner on our frontpage like I did for LLC Live Portals( the builder of our webste, IVR,etc ) with the possiblity to click to your website - and this for free so long our project runs.
The most important words in Dutch are" pesten (= bullying) and helplijn (= helpline) and some more
I hope somebody likes to help us who likes help many people and prevent and stop dramas and traumas by so much people as possible and that
starts with to find us.
Dum Vivimus Vivamus