Multiple shipping options virtuemartcông việc

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2,000 multiple shipping options virtuemart công việc được tìm thấy
Build video rendering software
Đã kết thúc left

Software to automatically render video lyrics: - Get a list of songs from Spotify Playlist (user enters the playlist link containing the song to be rendered) - Download audio from Spotify/ or use compatible audio from the database - Get SRT files for songs - Combine audio and SRT - Create videos, which can be combined with multiple audios if the user requests

$120 Average bid
$120 Giá đặt trung bình
4 lượt đặt giá
Thiết kế Logo
Đã kết thúc left

Bên mình đang cần tìm 1 bạn Freelance thiết kế lại Logo để rebrand cho công ty. Có thể có từ 3 options. Logo yêu cầu chuyên nghiệp và hơi hướng Nhật Bản.

$61 Average bid
$61 Giá đặt trung bình
48 lượt đặt giá

...các bạn, mình cần 1 bạn IT để setup lại website đã dựng sẵn (do IT bên mình đang bận dự án khác). Đây là website các bạn xem tham khảo: Mình yêu cầu bạn tới chỗ mình làm trực tiếp và hoàn thành nó ngay trong ngày - mong các bạn sắp xếp thời gian nhé! Địa chỉ: 239 Hòa Bình, Hiệp Tân, Tân Phú, HCM LƯU Ý: Mình ko cần code mà chỉ chọn các options trong theme Các điểm cần setup: 1) Fix lại Footer 2) Trang shop chọn các options trong themes đã có sẵn (ví dụ: ) 3) Sửa lại font của cả trang về 1 font duy nhất 4) Cài lại plugin in...

$10 - $30
$10 - $30
0 lượt đặt giá

Your task is to plan, how would you implement IoT-management and monitoring system. The overall architecture and used technologies. Just main ideas, not detailed architecture or implementation details. System needs to run on azure. IoT-devices communicate using Azure IoT Hub. IoT-sensors are configured thro...implement IoT-management and monitoring system. The overall architecture and used technologies. Just main ideas, not detailed architecture or implementation details. System needs to run on azure. IoT-devices communicate using Azure IoT Hub. IoT-sensors are configured through Device Twins. Data is sent from IoT-sensors as standards IoT Hub telemetry messages once every 20s. Same system will be used by multiple end-customers, so the access needs to be limited to data of their own...

$20 Average bid
$20 Giá đặt trung bình
1 lượt đặt giá

1 Thiết kế 2D (Key visual, backdrop, standee, poster, wallpaper/desktop, banner…) Adapt 20 - 30 sản phẩm liên quan trong một chương trình 2 Thiết kế 3D (diecut, cúp…) 3 - 5 options thiết kế 3 Sản xuất các hạng mục liên quan đến phim/video clip (chỉnh sửa, cắt ghép hiệu ứng, intro teaser…)

$441 Average bid
$441 Giá đặt trung bình
6 lượt đặt giá

Công ty chuyên các dịch vụ fulfilment đặt tại San Antonio, Texas. ✅ Warehousing: nhận lưu trữ hàng hóa ✅ Fulfillment: đóng gói, dán shipping label và ship hàng cho khách

$33 / hr Average bid
$33 / hr Giá đặt trung bình
6 lượt đặt giá

1. Viết WEB api đơn giản cho phép nhập URL, phân tích để lấy dữ liệu (crawl / Parse data) một số field đã định nghĩa sẵn. Lưu về DB riêng nếu chưa có hoặc cập nhật. VD: Gọi API truyền tham số đường dẫn trang...cập nhật. VD: Gọi API truyền tham số đường dẫn trang sp trên tiki API se load DOM, đọc và trả về tên SP, giá, discount nếu có 2. Viết 1 trang admin đơn giản cho phép định nghĩa các domain cùng các trường cần lấy dữ liệu tưng ứng trên mục 1. Các field gồm: - URL - product name - Price - Discount - Discount code - Free Shipping ----------------------------------------------------- Sẽ có design hỗ trợ các màn hình. Cắt html nếu...

$512 Average bid
$512 Giá đặt trung bình
8 lượt đặt giá
Trophy icon Design logo #6143
Đã kết thúc left

I want to Design logo for my company: - My company's name : "CÔNG TY TNHH DV QUÂN SƠN" / "KHÁCH SẠN QUÂN SƠN 2" - Slogan for the logo: + Option 1: "CÔNG TY TNHH DV QUÂN SƠN" + Option 2: "KHÁCH SẠN QUÂN SƠN 2" please copy exactly every single words, please design with 2 options, but not putting all 2 options into the logo, can design 2 logos with each option on it. - Business areas: Hotel - Color : #e0d013

$10 Average bid
Bảo đảm
25 bài tham dự

...công nghệ 3D cho website * Làm việc đúng tiến độ bàn giao We would like to develop a website to store products in a planogram. A planogram is a virtual supermarket shelf on which products can be arranged to define an organization. This site will be used by students in France. The principle is as follows: The student connects with a login and a password and arrives on an interface. Two options are offered to him, he can choose "linear" (supermarket radius) or "warehouse". In the "linear" mode, the student will be able to arrange products on a linear ONE such as these ( or even ). The warehouse will work the same way

$1250 Average bid
$1250 Giá đặt trung bình
2 lượt đặt giá

Chào mọi người , Hiện taị mình can tìm một coder cứng về joomla , lam việc theo dự an . Yêu cau : - Có ít nhat 3 nam kinh nghiem voi joomla - Đọc va hiểu được tiếng anh chuyên nghanh - Quen thuộc với Virtuemart , Hikashop , Mijoshop... - Có kha nang tư duy tốt , chịu được ap lực cao trong công việc Lương : - vì la lam theo dự an nên từng dự an mình sẽ đưa ra một mức gia hợp lý - Ban nao có nhu cau gửi thông tin liên lac cho mình mình sẽ liên lac lai với ban !

$237 Average bid
$237 Giá đặt trung bình
12 lượt đặt giá

sửa lại phần checkout của magento2.1 và kết nối với hệ thống shipping để tính giá ship tự động

$200 Average bid
$200 Giá đặt trung bình
5 lượt đặt giá

sửa lại phần checkout của magento2.1 và kết nối với hệ thống shipping để tính giá ship tự động

$180 Average bid
$180 Giá đặt trung bình
12 lượt đặt giá

...hàng sử dụng Dịch vụ này rồi. Nhóm của Bạn cũng có thể lập kế hoạch Bán Data này với: ngân hàng, tổ chức tài chính, công ty bảo hiểm,... Như vậy các bạn sẽ nhanh chóng có được Bonus 3. Chi tiết nội dung công việc sẽ trao đổi cụ thể trước khi làm việc Đính kèm là 3 Sơ đồ HƯỚNG DẪN công việc, VUI LÒNG XEM KỸ SƠ ĐỒ TỪNG BƯỚC MỘT: - Credit Scoring Map: - 3 Options for Freelancers Work Map: - How to work for Freelancers Map: Bạn tải về xem theo số Thứ tự từ số 1 có trong Sơ đồ, nếu không xem được thì bạn cứ nhắn mình gửi lại. (Lưu ý: Xem trên Máy vi tính, Laptop, IPad: Bạn clic...

$672 - $1470
$672 - $1470
0 lượt đặt giá

...hàng sử dụng Dịch vụ này rồi. Nhóm của Bạn cũng có thể lập kế hoạch Bán Data này với: ngân hàng, tổ chức tài chính, công ty bảo hiểm,... Như vậy các bạn sẽ nhanh chóng có được Bonus 3. Chi tiết nội dung công việc sẽ trao đổi cụ thể trước khi làm việc Đính kèm là 3 Sơ đồ HƯỚNG DẪN công việc, VUI LÒNG XEM KỸ SƠ ĐỒ TỪNG BƯỚC MỘT: - Credit Scoring Map: - 3 Options for Freelancers Work Map: - How to work for Freelancers Map: Bạn tải về xem theo số Thứ tự từ số 1 có trong Sơ đồ, nếu không xem được thì bạn cứ nhắn mình gửi lại. (Lưu ý: Xem trên Máy vi tính, Laptop, IPad: Bạn clic...

$672 - $1470
$672 - $1470
0 lượt đặt giá

...hàng sử dụng Dịch vụ này rồi. Nhóm của Bạn cũng có thể lập kế hoạch Bán Data này với: ngân hàng, tổ chức tài chính, công ty bảo hiểm,... Như vậy các bạn sẽ nhanh chóng có được Bonus 3. Chi tiết nội dung công việc sẽ trao đổi cụ thể trước khi làm việc Đính kèm là 3 Sơ đồ HƯỚNG DẪN công việc, VUI LÒNG XEM KỸ SƠ ĐỒ TỪNG BƯỚC MỘT: - Credit Scoring Map: - 3 Options for Freelancers Work Map: - How to work for Freelancers Map: Bạn tải về xem theo số Thứ tự từ số 1 có trong Sơ đồ, nếu không xem được thì bạn cứ nhắn mình gửi lại. (Lưu ý: Xem trên Máy vi tính, Laptop, IPad:Bạn click ...

$672 - $1470
$672 - $1470
0 lượt đặt giá
Facebook API - Facebook Toolkit
Đã kết thúc left

...Trial Key To Test Premium Version Of Facebook Social Toolkit Get Free Facebook Followers How To Download Facebook Videos Invite Your Friends To Like Your Page Join Multiple Groups Using Group IDs Leave All Facebook Groups At Once Like All Facebook Posts And Comments Message All Facebook Friends At Once Post On All Facebook Pages That You Administer Post On All Pages Liked By Facebook User Post On Multiple Groups At Once Premium Extraction Tools Premium Facebook Tools Privacy Policy Reject All Friend Requests At Once Remove Facebook Page Likes Send Birthday Wishes To Your Friends In A Single Click Send Multiple Friend Requests At Once Suggest Your Friends To Add Another Friend Terms Of Use Unfollow All Facebook Friends At Once Unfollow All Facebo...

$250 - $750
$250 - $750
0 lượt đặt giá
Facebook API - Facebook Toolkit
Đã kết thúc left

...Trial Key To Test Premium Version Of Facebook Social Toolkit Get Free Facebook Followers How To Download Facebook Videos Invite Your Friends To Like Your Page Join Multiple Groups Using Group IDs Leave All Facebook Groups At Once Like All Facebook Posts And Comments Message All Facebook Friends At Once Post On All Facebook Pages That You Administer Post On All Pages Liked By Facebook User Post On Multiple Groups At Once Premium Extraction Tools Premium Facebook Tools Privacy Policy Reject All Friend Requests At Once Remove Facebook Page Likes Send Birthday Wishes To Your Friends In A Single Click Send Multiple Friend Requests At Once Suggest Your Friends To Add Another Friend Terms Of Use Unfollow All Facebook Friends At Once Unfollow All Facebo...

$1083 Average bid
$1083 Giá đặt trung bình
3 lượt đặt giá
Facebook API - Facebook Toolkit
Đã kết thúc left

...Trial Key To Test Premium Version Of Facebook Social Toolkit Get Free Facebook Followers How To Download Facebook Videos Invite Your Friends To Like Your Page Join Multiple Groups Using Group IDs Leave All Facebook Groups At Once Like All Facebook Posts And Comments Message All Facebook Friends At Once Post On All Facebook Pages That You Administer Post On All Pages Liked By Facebook User Post On Multiple Groups At Once Premium Extraction Tools Premium Facebook Tools Privacy Policy Reject All Friend Requests At Once Remove Facebook Page Likes Send Birthday Wishes To Your Friends In A Single Click Send Multiple Friend Requests At Once Suggest Your Friends To Add Another Friend Terms Of Use Unfollow All Facebook Friends At Once Unfollow All Facebo...

$1110 Average bid
$1110 Giá đặt trung bình
2 lượt đặt giá

translate into & total 6 files and add 2 more options in header for this languages 8 languages already works

$19 Average bid
$19 Giá đặt trung bình
2 lượt đặt giá

translate into & total 6 files and add 2 more options in header for this languages 8 languages already works perfect

$24 Average bid
$24 Giá đặt trung bình
3 lượt đặt giá

cần nâng cấp site hiện tại joomla 1.5 và virtuemart làm shop cửa hàng gồm 240 sản phẩm muốn nâng cấp website và giao diện mới với chủ đề bán máy lạnh cũ -code riêng admin để dùng gồm đăng sản phẩm post tin tức website tùy biến được mã html -yêu cầu chuyển từ url cũ thành url mới của sản phẩm -keywords,description giữ nguyên không bị mất khi nâng cấp -site thực hiện [] -site giao diện muốn nâng cấp [] -thời gian hoàn tất nhanh.

$222 Average bid
$222 Giá đặt trung bình
2 lượt đặt giá
Thiết kế logo công ty
Đã kết thúc left

Thiết kế logo công ty dựa trên tên ADCOM. Các chữ A, D, C, O, M có thể viết hoa, in hay viết thường. Một chữ hoặc nhiều hơn có thể viết cách điệu. Màu sắc logo có thể lấy theo màu logo hiện đang sử d...nhiều hơn có thể viết cách điệu. Màu sắc logo có thể lấy theo màu logo hiện đang sử dụng tại Website hoặc màu khác ấm, thân thiện Phong cách logo phải đơn giản, thể hiện sự gần gũi, nghiêm túc, không lèo loẹt phô trương. Kích thước và tỷ lệ logo phù hợp cho các ấn phẩm như profile, báo cáo, công văn, website, biển hiệu công ty hoặc gắn trên các thiết bị quảng c&aa...

$67 Average bid
$67 Giá đặt trung bình
4 lượt đặt giá

...screen management, cloud-based solutions, and digital advertising systems to assist in establishing a digital advertising company utilizing smart screens, similar to the business model of Nitx. Key Responsibilities: 1. Consultation & Planning: Assist in creating a clear strategy for setting up the company, selecting the best available technologies, and evaluating suitable software and hardware options. 2. Technical Development: Identify or develop a cloud-based platform for managing smart screens, enabling remote control and content scheduling. 3. Screen Selection: Research and recommend the best smart screens (LED, LCD, etc.) that support advanced digital display technologies. 4. Software Integration: Develop or customize software for managing advertising content on ...

$441 Average bid
$441 Giá đặt trung bình
44 lượt đặt giá

Please find shipping solutions from China to our clients in gcc countries with discounted shipping rates

$10 Average bid
$10 Giá đặt trung bình
1 lượt đặt giá

Wi-Fi Scheduling Algorithm Testbed Using OpenWRT and Raspberry Pi Project Overview This project aims to develop a Wi-Fi scheduling algorithm testbed using an OpenWRT-installed router and multiple Raspberry Pis (RPis). The testbed will evaluate different packet scheduling algorithms in real-time by analyzing key network parameters such as Signal-to-Noise Ratio (SNR), Received Signal Strength (RSS), packet loss, retransmissions, and latency. The system is designed to support dynamic scheduling, automated packet transmission logging, and the ability to test both predefined and custom user-uploaded scheduling algorithms. Motivation & Problem Statement Modern wireless networks face challenges in optimizing data transmission due to variable network conditions and congestion. Efficien...

$17 - $143
$17 - $143
0 lượt đặt giá
Nifty 50 Intraday Trading Bot Development
6 ngày left
Đã xác thực

...develop an intraday trading bot for Nifty 50. The bot should automatically identify trade signals, execute orders, manage risk, and implement a trailing stop-loss mechanism. Key Responsibilities: Develop a fully automated trading bot for Nifty intraday trading. Implement Supertrend (7,1.5) as the main strategy. Trade execution should be based on sell-only signals. Place orders for ATM strike options of Nifty. Implement a stop-loss mechanism where the stop-loss is adjusted when the trend changes. Trailing stop-loss mechanism: Adjust stop-loss every 40 points after every 10-point profit. Ensure real-time execution of trades with minimal latency. The bot should operate only between 9:30 AM to 3:00 PM and close all positions at the end of the day. Provide an easy-to-use dashboard or...

$111 Average bid
$111 Giá đặt trung bình
9 lượt đặt giá
SMS Sender API Integration
6 ngày left
Đã xác thực

I have dashcams installed in multiple cars that I rent out. Each dashcam has a SIM card that allows me to view real-time video footage. These SIM cards come with unlimited SMS, and the dashcams can send SMS messages. There is an open API available that can be used to customize the platform. I want to integrate these SIM cards into my website to send bulk SMS for my marketing campaigns, similar to the service offered on this website: ? Here is the API documentation: Would you be able to integrate this into my website?

$188 Average bid
$188 Giá đặt trung bình
104 lượt đặt giá

...LinkedIn via APIfy scraper (Actor). You are expected to make sure that it is working fine and make modifications as necessary. 2. The app will gather data from additional sources via linkages to other scrapers. You are expected to integrate them fully and ensure that the data is processed similarly to the existing system and passed to the subsequent system. 3. The app has been created to have multiple clients. You are expected to ensure that the correct client API keys are used so that incorrect billing does not happen. Also, the correct scraper jobs should run for the right client. Incorrect data should not flow into the subsequent system. 4. Currently, no logins/auth are necessary since it's just a data processing app configured with code. 5. We are planning a self-service...

$3 / hr Average bid
$3 / hr Giá đặt trung bình
16 lượt đặt giá

I'm seeking a meticulous tester for my website. The primary focus would be on evaluating the user interface and performance Key Testing Areas: - User Interface: Ensure all elements are functioning as intended and provide a smooth user experience. - Performance: Identify any potential bottlenecks or slowdowns in l...Performance: Identify any potential bottlenecks or slowdowns in load times or transitions. Browser Testing: - Google Chrome: Primary browser for testing. - Mozilla Firefox: Ensure compatibility and functionality. - Safari: Test performance on this browser too. Ideal skills and experience: - Previous experience in website testing. - Strong attention to detail. - Proficient in testing across multiple browsers. - Excellent understanding of UI and performance testing...

$5 / hr Average bid
$5 / hr Giá đặt trung bình
14 lượt đặt giá
PLC Programmer for HVAC-R Controls in A
6 ngày left
Đã xác thực, particularly in agricultural cold storage and ripening applications. Experience with developing applications for system monitoring and control. Knowledge of cybersecurity best practices in industrial control systems. Excellent problem-solving skills and attention to detail. Strong communication skills, with the ability to collaborate effectively with diverse teams. Ability to manage multiple projects and meet deadlines. Preferred Qualifications: Experience with other Schneider Electric products and solutions. Familiarity with IoT integration and data analytics for system optimization. Certifications in PLC programming or industrial automation. Benefits: Competitive salary and performance-based bonuses. Comprehensive health, dental, and vision insurance. Reti...

$645 Average bid
$645 Giá đặt trung bình
2 lượt đặt giá

... Working Conditions: Remote Work Environment: Fully remote position requiring reliable internet access and the ability to work independently while collaborating with a partner. Slack Workspace: Daily communication, project updates, and team coordination will occur in our dedicated Slack workspace. Team Collaboration: You will be one of two remote assistants working in tandem to execute multiple revenue-generating projects....

$4 / hr Average bid
$4 / hr Giá đặt trung bình
30 lượt đặt giá

I'm looking for a developer who can create a comprehensive freight booking form for me. This form will need to cater specifically to truck transportation. Key Requirements: - The form should include options for different types of trucks: Standard truck, Flatbed truck, Semi Tautliner, B Double Tautliner. - It should collect specific details for the freight quote, including: Distance, Weight of the freight, Type of goods, and the required truck type. - It needs to provide a freight quote based on these details, with different booking and payment options depending on the distance. - I need full access to this form so I can update prices as needed. Ideal Skills: - Experience in developing booking forms or similar applications. - Knowledge of freight and trucking industry i...

$83 Average bid
$83 Giá đặt trung bình
58 lượt đặt giá

...and meets professional standards. Currently, my website has a basic and slightly outdated look that can be improved to provide a better browsing experience for visitors. To achieve this, I am looking for Blogger web development support that focuses on upgrading my site with a responsive, fast-loading, and mobile-friendly template, such as Median UI, Fletro Pro, or Sora One, which are excellent options for educational blogs. The layout should be clean and easy to navigate, with a well-organized menu that clearly separates categories like Home, Education News, Exam Tips, Results, Career Guidance, and Contact. The homepage should showcase important content without being cluttered, and the sidebar should be simplified to avoid overwhelming the user. From an SEO perspective, I want m...

$76 Average bid
$76 Giá đặt trung bình
21 lượt đặt giá
Grubhouse App & Website Bug Fixes
6 ngày left
Đã xác thực

...signed up and appear in our backend (e.g., Thai Kitchen) are not showing on the app and website. This needs to be fixed to ensure all active restaurants are displayed properly. 5. Reverification Process Fix – Users who exit the sign-up process should be able to continue registration upon returning. Currently, the system blocks them by saying "email already in use." 6. Remove Unnecessary Design Options on App Launch – Ensure the app loads directly into the 4th design option, removing the current selection screen. 7. Google Login Error – Some users receive an "Oops, something went wrong" error when trying to log in with Google. This issue needs to be resolved. Tech Stack: Backend: Laravel Mobile Apps: Flutter Admin Panels: React.js Website: T...

$171 Average bid
$171 Giá đặt trung bình
55 lượt đặt giá

...simultaneously, and provides a graphical representation of account balances in descending order. The bot will also be available as an APK for Android devices and a Windows-compatible application. --- ### Core Features: 1. Signal Integration: - @GLOWBOT/AI connects to a Telegram channel, interprets signals in real time, and executes 1-minute trades on the Pocket Option platform. - Supports multiple Telegram channels for different accounts (if needed). 2. Trading Strategy: - Implements a Martingale strategy with up to 3 trades per signal: - First Trade: Places the initial trade. If it wins, the bot stops and waits for the next signal. - Second Trade (if the first loses): Doubles the trade amount. If it wins, the bot stops and waits for the next si...

$16 Average bid
$16 Giá đặt trung bình
4 lượt đặt giá

I'm looking for a skilled freelancer to run Amazon ads for my jewelry line. The primary goal is to increase sales while working within a modest budget. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience with Amazon advertising - Understanding of the jewelry market - Ability to work with a low budget - Strong analytical skills to track and optimize ad perf...for my jewelry line. The primary goal is to increase sales while working within a modest budget. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience with Amazon advertising - Understanding of the jewelry market - Ability to work with a low budget - Strong analytical skills to track and optimize ad performance Note: I have not specified particular ad types, so a good understanding of the different options and when to use them w...

$82 Average bid
$82 Giá đặt trung bình
7 lượt đặt giá

We have a WordPress website with Avada theme and need to add images with multiple mausover events. The elements already exist on the old website and need to be integrated on the new WordPress website

$26 / hr Average bid
$26 / hr Giá đặt trung bình
186 lượt đặt giá

...through email verification. o Change Password feature accessible from the user’s profile. 2. Product Catalog • Product Management: o Allow admins to add, update, and delete products, specifying details such as name, description, price, categories, images, and stock levels. o Maintain a table for categories and subcategories, with relationships to products. • Product Listing: o Display products with options to sort and filter by criteria like price, rating, category, or popularity. o Search functionality to quickly find products by name or keyword. • Product Details: o API endpoints to retrieve full details for individual products, including images, specifications, and reviews. 3. Cart System • Add to Cart: o Allow users to add items to their cart, spec...

$1131 Average bid
$1131 Giá đặt trung bình
190 lượt đặt giá

I am looking for an experienced full-stack developer with expertise in data engineering and basic AI/ML to help build a prototype for a legal research platform. The platform will involve: - Designing and implementing a database to store and organize legal documents in Arabic. - Developing a search functionality with advanced filtering options, supporting Arabic text. - Integrating basic AI/ML capabilities for text classification, similarity analysis, search, and summarization. - Creating a simple frontend for searching and viewing documents. The ideal candidate should have: - Strong experience in full-stack development (backend and frontend). - Knowledge of database design and data pipelines. - Familiarity with AI/ML tools and frameworks (e.g., TensorFlow, PyTorch, or NLP libraries...

$63 Average bid
$63 Giá đặt trung bình
11 lượt đặt giá

I want the software prepared with react at this address to be prepared as a wo...will change their order. I will select the fields I want on the product page, I will leave the ones I want blank. The customer will answer the questions asked to him with a design like in the link, thanks to the code added to any page. As he answers, he will move on to the next option. Some fields will be single option, some fields will be multiple options. The customer will definitely choose one and continue. Finally, the products that match the options will be listed. If the product is not found, it will say product not found. Whether the product is found or not, you can also look at these products at the bottom and the most popular products will be listed.

$138 Average bid
$138 Giá đặt trung bình
37 lượt đặt giá
Comprehensive Multi-Platform Betting Site
6 ngày left
Đã xác thực

...interactive betting site that incorporates a wide array of features. Key Features: - Diverse Betting Options: The site should cater to Sports betting, Casino games, and E-sports betting. - Sports Inclusion: The sports betting section should cover Football/Soccer, Basketball, Tennis, and Cricket. - Live Betting: A crucial aspect of this project is the integration of live betting features. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Prior experience in developing betting sites is highly preferred. - Strong understanding of sports, e-sports, and casino game betting will be an advantage. - Proficiency in implementing live betting features is a must. - Knowledge of incorporating diverse betting options on a single platform is essential. If you have the required skills and experience, ...

$421 Average bid
$421 Giá đặt trung bình
26 lượt đặt giá

I'm seeking a skilled programmer to configure my six-axis robots for deep frying in a kitchen setting. The robots will be responsible for multiple frying tasks, particularly preparing French fries, chicken nuggets, and fish fillets. Key Responsibilities: - Loading food into the deep fryer - Shaking the fryer to ensure even cooking - Monitoring the color of the food to determine when it's ready - Unloading the fryer once cooking is complete Ideal Skills: - Extensive experience with programming six-axis robots - Familiarity with deep frying processes - Ability to program robots for complex tasks - Attention to detail Please only apply if you have relevant experience and can demonstrate your ability to complete this project successfully.

$2115 Average bid
$2115 Giá đặt trung bình
10 lượt đặt giá
9 ngày left

...(each 5 pages you will get with dummy text ) (Business cards. Letterheads each one sample you will get with editable files) 5. Social Media Kit Customizable templates for LinkedIn, Instagram, and TikTok( 2-3 design you will get with final files) 6. Tagline Assistance in crafting a short, impactful tagline that reflects our brand values (5-6 taglines you will get ) Formats: Logo and Favicon in multiple formats (PNG, SVG, JPG, AI). Favicon. 3D logo animation (GIF and MP4). Brand guidelines (PDF). Editable marketing materials (AI, PSD,JPG,PNG,PDF). Timeline of completion : 3weeks )till 25 march 2025 ALL MENTION TASK FILES YOU WILL GET AFTER COMPLETE PAYMENT RELEASE AND AFTER RELEASE ALL TASK FILES YOU WILL GET IN ZIP FOLDER. Note: also you will get after completion task support i...

$162 / hr Average bid
$162 / hr Giá đặt trung bình
1 lượt đặt giá

...products, and help convert leads into customers. These brochures should be visually compelling, easy to digest, and optimised for digital sharing. Key Deliverables: 1. Brand Deck • About Us • Our Unique Selling Points (USPs) • Company History • Testimonials from Professional Drivers • High-quality imagery & gallery 2. Product Deck • Simulator Product Information • Bespoke Customisation Options • Detailed Specifications • High-quality imagery & gallery Additional Requirements: ✔ Mobile-Friendly Design: Since we communicate with clients via WhatsApp, the brochures must be designed for easy viewing on mobile devices. ✔ Editable InDesign Files: All final files must be provided in an editable InDesign format to allow f...

$2249 Average bid
$2249 Giá đặt trung bình
37 lượt đặt giá

...envision is a modern architectural marvel, designed with an industrial touch. The requirements for the structure are as follows: - Ground Floor: This level should accommodate retail stores and ample parking space. The design should be conducive to attracting foot traffic and providing easy access for vehicles. - First Floor: This level is designated for a coaching centre. The design should include multiple classrooms, administrative space, and facilities for staff. - Second Floor: This level will house a library. The ideal design should create an inviting and quiet space conducive for reading and studying. - Third Floor: This level is intended for a Paying Guest (PG) accommodation. The design should maximize space and comfort, with a focus on creating a homely environment. Speci...

$107 Average bid
$107 Giá đặt trung bình
11 lượt đặt giá

My website has multiple SEO issues, primarily discovered through Ubersuggest. The most pressing concern is duplicate content, but there are also broken links, missing meta tags, and low word count. I only need a freelancer professional (no agency or company) who can: - Rectify all the broken links - Fix the missing meta tags - Address the duplicate content - Improve the word count - Optimize the H1 headings In addition, I want to increase the speed of the website. Experience with Uber suggest,Semrush/Ahrefs is preferred but not mandatory. The ideal freelancer would be someone with a deep understanding of SEO, website optimization, and content strategy.

$45 Average bid
$45 Giá đặt trung bình
42 lượt đặt giá
Excel Sheet for TMT Rebars Management
6 ngày left
Đã xác thực

I'm looking for an Excel expert who can pro...track of purchases made for TMT Rebars. Data Analysis and Reporting: - Sales Reports: The sheet should generate detailed sales reports, providing insights into sales trends and performance. - Purchase Reports: It should also create purchase reports to keep track of the procurement process and expenses. Multi-user Access: - The Excel sheet should be designed for simultaneous access and updates by multiple users. Ideal skills and experience for the job include: - Expertise in Excel, particularly in programming and creating complex Excel sheets. - Experience in supply chain management, particularly with TMT Rebars or similar materials. - Ability to incorporate multi-user functionality in Excel. - Proficient in data analysis and rep...

$34 Average bid
$34 Giá đặt trung bình
10 lượt đặt giá
Multi-Perspective Novel Development
6 ngày left
Đã xác thực

...interpretations of a shared event. The story will be presented in a series of episodes. Readers will be able to read one character's episodes of the story or read all the character's episode each release. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficient in creative fiction writing - Experience writing in various genres - Ability to develop complex characters - Skilled in creating engaging narratives from multiple perspectives - Strong understanding of thematic development in storytelling Additional story structure information: An example of a multi-perspective novel would be a story of a boy, a girl, and their dad going to the mall. There would be a set of episodes that tells the boy's story and what he did at the mall. There would be a second set of episodes about t...

$15 - $25 / hr
Niêm phong
$15 - $25 / hr
19 lượt đặt giá

...different devices and operating systems. It ensures that the document appears the same regardless of the software or hardware used to view it. ### **Key Features of PDF:** 1. **Universal Compatibility** – Works on all devices (PCs, smartphones, tablets) without altering the format. 2. **Fixed Layout** – Maintains consistent fonts, images, and structure across all platforms. 3. **Security Options** – Supports password protection, encryption, and digital signatures. 4. **Interactivity** – Can include hyperlinks, multimedia, forms, and annotations. 5. **Compression** – Reduces file size without compromising quality, making sharing easier. 6. **Print-Friendly** – Ensures high-quality printing with embedded fonts and vector graphics. ...

$6 / hr Average bid
$6 / hr Giá đặt trung bình
10 lượt đặt giá