Manufacturing resource planning case studycông việc

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  • manufacturing resource planning case study
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2,000 manufacturing resource planning case study công việc được tìm thấy

...chính để thu thập và phân tích yêu cầu. Soạn thảo BRD chi tiết, bao gồm: mục tiêu dự án, quy trình nghiệp vụ, sơ đồ luồng dữ liệu, use case và các yêu cầu chức năng. Đảm bảo tài liệu dễ hiểu, khả thi và phù hợp để đội BE và FE triển khai. Đề xuất các tính năng cần thiết cho nền tảng tuyển dụng dựa trên kinh nghiệm thực tế. Phối hợp với đội kỹ thuật để làm rõ các yêu cầu trong quá trình thực hiện. Yêu cầu: Ít nhất 2 năm kinh nghiệm làm Business Analyst. Đã từng tham gia các dự án phát triển website hoặc ứng dụng, ưu tiên trong lĩnh vực tuyển dụng. Có kiế...

$1090 Average bid
$1090 Giá đặt trung bình
5 lượt đặt giá

Cần khoảng 5 bạn chuyên về IT, IoT, Database, Automation, Viết Window App, Web app (front-end, back-end) cho nhà máy sản xuất tại Bình Dương Tân Uyên - Làm việc full time 8hr/ngay cho toàn bộ dự án. Nhà máy tại Tân Uyên Bình Dương, Việt Nam.

$12 / hr Average bid
$12 / hr Giá đặt trung bình
5 lượt đặt giá

Viết chương trình test một website bán hàng bằng wedrive selenium với python test một vài chức năng như đăng nhập, thêm vào giỏ hàng, xóa sửa sản phẩm . Mỗi chức năng có 3-4 test case có thể export kết quả pass- fail mỗi test case ra excel.

$158 Average bid
$158 Giá đặt trung bình
6 lượt đặt giá

...cầu ứng viên • Có kinh nghiệm trong việc sáng tạo nội dung, có khả năng xây dựng video chất lượng tốt trong thời gian ngắn. • Có khả năng viết script tốt, phối hợp với biên tập, sáng tạo ý tưởng. • Thành thạo về các công cụ phần mềm thiết kế edit video và ảnh • Có khả năng làm việc độc lập, làm việc nhóm, nhiệt huyết, có trách nhiệm cao với công việc. Hồ sơ phỏng vấn bao gồm: CV xin việc Một số case hoặc chiến dịch đã tham gia triển khai có kết quả tốt (nếu có) Quyền lợi: Chính sách lương: 4.000.000 VNĐ + thưởng KPI cho mỗi video đạt 30,000 view trở lên trong tháng Địa điểm ...

$298 Average bid
$298 Giá đặt trung bình
5 lượt đặt giá

...khách hàng trong danh sách cho sẵn, 3. Thay đổi mẫu in với nội dung cho sẵn thay vì thay đổi theo thông tin từng khách hàng. Bạn code đã hoàn thành công việc tốt, extension hoạt động tốt sau 1 tháng thì trang web thay đổi từ http sang https thì extension không còn hoạt động với lỗi sau: Mixed Content: The page at 'https://xxxxx/sales' was loaded over HTTPS, but requested an insecure resource 'http://xxxxx/api/v1/customers?searchKeywords=CUS.DA40111.03669'. This request has been blocked; the content must be served over HTTPS. Tôi đã thông báo cho bạn code và bạn hứa sẽ chỉnh giúp tôi, nhưng sau 3 th&aacu...

$22 Average bid
$22 Giá đặt trung bình
2 lượt đặt giá
Đã kết thúc left

1. Mô Tả Công Việc: - Vị trí: Nhân viên sáng tạo nội dung - Chịu trách nhiệm biên tập content quảng cáo trên kênh Social Meida (Fanpage, Tiktok, Instagram, Facebook, Google,… - Triển khai content PR (quảng cáo) trên Social media (chương trình khuyến mãi, branding, ấn phẩm, MKT online, offline,...) - Làm việc phối hợp với team Design, team chăm sóc khách hàng,... - Làm planning, triển khai kế hoạch phát triển kênh Social đảm bảo chỉ số cho thương hiệu 2. Yêu Cầu Công Việc: - Thành thạo ngôn ngữ Tiếng Anh và Tiếng Việt - Có kinh nghiệm chụp hình, quay dựng video ...

$383 Average bid
$383 Giá đặt trung bình
9 lượt đặt giá

Vị trí: Cộng tác viên thiết kế_Online 1/ Mô tả công việc: Thiết kế sản phẩm cá nhân hóa theo các dạng: (1) Làm mới, scale, redesign BG, quote (2) Redesign nhân vật (3) Làm mới, sửa mockup * Sản phẩm phổ biến: cốc, gối, tranh canvas, chăn, T-shirt, vv Khác: mũ, phone case,... 2/ Yêu cầu: - Freelancer hoặc Team (từ 3 người) làm việc toàn thời gian (có thể nhận và sửa mẫu linh động trong khung giờ hành chính) - Ưu tiên hợp tác lâu dài - Cam kết làm việc tối thiểu đến hết T12/2022 3/ Một số sản phẩm mẫu: file attach

$292 Average bid
$292 Giá đặt trung bình
6 lượt đặt giá

Mod/ phối màu case máy tính C700M theo 3 màu :xanh dương - đỏ - vàng, phong cách hoạ tiết spider man No Way Home hoặc Captain Marvel zalo 0932020251

$18 Average bid
$18 Giá đặt trung bình
5 lượt đặt giá

Một website quản lí test case, giúp các tester thêm, sửa, xóa, quản lí các test case, requirements, build,release Chỉ thực hiện manual không cần tích hợp auto

$112 Average bid
$112 Giá đặt trung bình
2 lượt đặt giá
làm ảnh banner cho tôi
Đã kết thúc left

tôi cần làm banner cho web site của tôi với chủ đề xuân 2021 dự án của tôi sẽ cần thiết kế 10 tấm ảnh, và sẽ xuất ra banner tổng hợp 15 tấm ảnh (trong đó 5 tấm có thiết kế kiểu giống nhau nhưng khác về kích thước). with ngân sách dưới 250usd I needed to design 10 types of images, and the total out...tôi sẽ cần thiết kế 10 tấm ảnh, và sẽ xuất ra banner tổng hợp 15 tấm ảnh (trong đó 5 tấm có thiết kế kiểu giống nhau nhưng khác về kích thước). with ngân sách dưới 250usd I needed to design 10 types of images, and the total output was 15 images. these photos are spring 2021 theme. I use to replace the existing slide shows on my website, my budget for t...

$118 Average bid
$118 Giá đặt trung bình
9 lượt đặt giá

- Xây dựng kế hoạch kiểm thử nền tảng ứng dụng gọi xe gồm: 2 App Android, 2 App IOS, 1 Hệ thống quản trị CMS - Thiết kế xây dựng Test Case - Kiểm thử và quản trị Lỗi để báo cho bên kỹ thuật

$1000 Average bid
$1000 Giá đặt trung bình
3 lượt đặt giá

I am looking for an experienced Data Scientist who can mentor me 1~2 days a week for 2~3 months (mentoring hours explained later). We will study together online. My mentor should have at least 2 years experienced working as a Data Scientist, and have deep understanding of statistics. My mentor would have examples and documents, to help me learn the followings: - Statistics, including Probability Theory. - Logical Thinking: How to understand business requirements and convert them into research tasks, how to use data to find new insights, how to conduct research, how to make conclusions from research. - Skills as a Data Scientist: feature and relationship analysis, tests (t-test + p-test), big data... - My mentor can assign me tasks to improve my skills, review my work, give me fee...

$604 Average bid
$604 Giá đặt trung bình
9 lượt đặt giá
Digital Marketing
Đã kết thúc left

ĐK qua mail: Tiêu đề mail ghi rõ: DKUT_MKT_Họ và tên • Hiểu biết về Digital marketing tools, chọn lựa loại hình nên sử dụng để tiếp cận với đối tượng audience . Nắm bắt và cập nhật những xu hướng Digital Marketing nào đang nổi trội trong thị trường. • Đưa ra các định hướng kế hoạch cho Digital marketing bao gồm: Online Media Planning (Viral campain, online media campain, social marketing campain, banner ads, microsite idea...) và Online CRM Marketing (Email/ SMS Marketing, Database Development strategy,…). • Chịu trách nhiệm việc tạo, quản lý và phát triển các hoạt động liên quan đến digital marketing trên website, microsite, faceb...

$605 Average bid
$605 Giá đặt trung bình
3 lượt đặt giá

Tôi cần người có kinh nghiệm code ứng dụng mobile trên nền Android. Ứng dụng giống hệ thống chat, nhưng trong giai đoạn này chỉ support chức năng contact. Ứng dụng được lập trình bằng swift 5. Để demo giao diện (screen prototype), cho nên trong phase này chỉ code phần ...Android. Ứng dụng giống hệ thống chat, nhưng trong giai đoạn này chỉ support chức năng contact. Ứng dụng được lập trình bằng swift 5. Để demo giao diện (screen prototype), cho nên trong phase này chỉ code phần giao diện, không tương tác backend. Chính vì vậy các chức năng tương tác backend sẽ được tạo dữ liệu giả lập. Hiện tại tôi đã có tài liệu đặt tả và thiết kế uiux. B&eci...

$533 Average bid
$533 Giá đặt trung bình
8 lượt đặt giá

Tôi cần người có kinh nghiệm code ứng dụng mobile trên nền IOS. Ứng dụng giống hệ thống chat, nhưng trong giai đoạn này chỉ support chức năng contact. Ứng dụng được lập trình bằng swift 5. Để demo giao diện (screen prototype), cho nên trong phase này chỉ code phần gi...nền IOS. Ứng dụng giống hệ thống chat, nhưng trong giai đoạn này chỉ support chức năng contact. Ứng dụng được lập trình bằng swift 5. Để demo giao diện (screen prototype), cho nên trong phase này chỉ code phần giao diện, không tương tác backend. Chính vì vậy các chức năng tương tác backend sẽ được tạo dữ liệu giả lập. Hiện tại tôi đã có tài liệu đặt tả và thiết kế uiux. Bê...

$539 Average bid
$539 Giá đặt trung bình
8 lượt đặt giá

...iOS: Objective-C, Cocoa, XCode, iOS SDK, CoreData, SQLite, Cocos2d, Cocos3d... • Có kinh nghiệm kết nối giữa client-server sử dụng: webservice, Restfull, socket định dạng JSON hoặc XML • Có kinh nghiệm tích hợp Social Networks va OpenID • Kinh nghiệm build và publish Apple store 2. Lập trình viên Android: • Có kiển thức chuyên sâu về JAVA Core • Có kiển thức chuyên sâu về Android: layout, resource, SQllite... • Có kinh nghiệm kết nối giữa client-server sử dụng: webservice, Restfull, socket định dạng JSON hoặc XML... • Có kinh nghiệm tích hợp Social Networks va OpenID • Có ít nhất 1 ứng dụng trên Play Store 3....

$1190 Average bid
$1190 Giá đặt trung bình
12 lượt đặt giá
Content Writing
Đã kết thúc left

We are homify - the platform for Home and Living! Whether the right architect or simply inspiration - we offer everything that home lovers need for planning, renovating and decorating their home. More than 100.000 architects, designers and other professionals present their work on our website and acquire new business through homify. Since end of 2013, we expanded to more than 30 countries worldwide and we continue growing. We are currently looking for a Freelance Creative Content Writer (f/m) for the Vietnam market. As a young business, our website needs to make itself known and be distinguished in the market place. With this in mind we are looking for someone who can both create and optimize content for our online magazine. Your profile: Native level Vietnamese speake...

$5 / hr Average bid
$5 / hr Giá đặt trung bình
8 lượt đặt giá

Hello, We are currently looking for a person to write 5 descriptions of selected online stores in Vietnam (in Vietnamese language). Approx. 3000 characters PER SHOP. It would be great if you could prepa...would be great if you could prepare them in HTML. Text must contain: 1. Description of the shop in general 2. Information about promotions and voucher coupons which the selected shop offers 3. Description of the products, brands, services, categories/types of products that people can buy in the shop 4. Description of the shopping process and posibilities (delivery, payment methods, …) In case of being interested in our project, please provide me your price expectations for the same as well as the time you need to prepare them and whether it's possible to do...

$146 Average bid
$146 Giá đặt trung bình
19 lượt đặt giá
Writing Shop Descriptions
Đã kết thúc left

Hello, We are currently looking for a person to write 20 descriptions of selected online stores in Vietnam (in Vietnamese language). Approx. 3000 characters. It would be great if you could prepare them ...would be great if you could prepare them in HTML. Text must contain: 1. Description of the shop in general 2. Information about promotions and voucher coupons which the selected shop offers 3. Description of the products, brands, services, categories/types of products that people can buy in the shop 4. Description of the shopping process and posibilities (delivery, payment methods, …) In case of being interested in our project, please provide me your price expectations for the same as well as the time you need to prepare them and whether it's possible to do...

$171 Average bid
$171 Giá đặt trung bình
7 lượt đặt giá
Interior Design
Đã kết thúc left

I graduated from with a "Нижегородский государственный архитектурно-строительный университет" University Degree in Architecture. During my 3-year experience at working on residential, industrial and commercial buildings, also urban design and heritage projects, I also have participated in several architectural competitions and won several awards. facility planning • facade design • landscape design • Interior design

$250 - $750
$250 - $750
0 lượt đặt giá

...This project priorities with Vietnam freelancer before. I was a newly graduated IT students, the results would rub problem is quite serious, because I seem a bit crazy and lose focus on these issues by strengthening worker main types, their is there a startup plan, you can understand simply because nobody wants to admit to anything, so I want to own one. Hi, glad to say that's it, I'm planning to develop a social network for their medical needs and capable mem first is the ability to develop diverse products, most importantly, Oh bloody do own products, bloody start, dare confront challenges and not gong too because financial problems. Of course it would be good if you are in Ho Chi Minh City. I'm hoping to build a plant and nursery startup of its channels will f...

$615 Average bid
$615 Giá đặt trung bình
7 lượt đặt giá
Cần mem cho dự án Startup
Đã kết thúc left

...This project priorities with Vietnam freelancer before. I was a newly graduated IT students, the results would rub problem is quite serious, because I seem a bit crazy and lose focus on these issues by strengthening worker main types, their is there a startup plan, you can understand simply because nobody wants to admit to anything, so I want to own one. Hi, glad to say that's it, I'm planning to develop a social network for their medical needs and capable mem first is the ability to develop diverse products, most importantly, Oh bloody do own products, bloody start, dare confront challenges and not gong too because financial problems. Of course it would be good if you are in Ho Chi Minh City. I'm hoping to build a plant and nursery startup of its channels will f...

$493 Average bid
$493 Giá đặt trung bình
2 lượt đặt giá

I need a software solution app focused on nutrient analysis and meal planning. The app should include: - Barcode scanning for food items - Customizable meal plans - Nutrient tracking and reporting - Carbohydrate distribution - Carbohydrate counting Ideal skills for this job include software development, experience with creating meal planning and nutrient tracking applications, and knowledge in implementing barcode scanning features. Previous work in health and wellness app development would be a plus. Please provide a portfolio of similar projects you've completed.

$21 / hr Average bid
$21 / hr Giá đặt trung bình
9 lượt đặt giá
Trophy icon Social Media Manager
6 ngày left

I am seeking an experienced social media manager to help me enhance my online presence and boost engagement on Facebook. The ideal candidate should be capable of: - Planning a month-on-month social media calendar for content - Utilizing basic video editing tools and design apps like Canva to create appealing content - Managing post schedules - Engaging with competition and suggesting innovative strategies to implement Content will primarily consist of videos, with 10-15 posts being crafted and shared per month based on incoming material from the organization as well as topical ideas. The selected freelancer will also ensure visual design and color consistency across all content. A month-on-month report detailing content performance based on engagement rates (likes, comments...

$5 Average bid
Bảo đảm
1 bài tham dự

...competition. We want to embrace AI technology as a micro business to improve on 2 business areas. 1) I want the AI to help with writing a paragraph to be inserted into the emails that provides a case and contextual reason for contacting them. Consider our Client is a Commercial Asset Finance broker and sells asset finance. Currently as we are writing to many businesses with generic content it would be impossible to write a paragraph providing a use case to a business as each businesses use case might be different. IF the AI considers what the prospects business does then it will be able to create the use case. So for Example:- OUR CLIENT: Asset Finance Broker - PROSPECT: A & K Road Haulage. AI created Paragraph might read. " The trigger behind u...

$2976 Average bid
$2976 Giá đặt trung bình
20 lượt đặt giá
.NET Core Developer for ERP System
6 ngày left
Đã xác thực

I'm in need of a .NET Core developer with strong MS SQL and Bootstrap experience to work on an ERP system. The main goal of the project is to create a comprehensive ERP system with several key modules: Key Modules: - Sales and Invoicing - Inventory Management - Human Resources and Payroll - Production Planning - CRM Your role will involve: - Developing web applications - Database design and management - Implementing responsive design using Bootstrap - Integration of API provided by 3rd Party - Creation of API to be used in Wordpress website to fetch and update inventory - Creating mobile application to be used by Employees The ideal candidate should have experience with: - .NET Core - MS SQL - Bootstrap - ERP development - Database design and management - Responsive web d...

$351 Average bid
$351 Giá đặt trung bình
7 lượt đặt giá
TradingView Webhook to Excel via VB
6 ngày left
Đã xác thực

I'm looking for a VB professional who can set up a system to receive TradingView platform's Webhook messages in real-time. The messages primarily consist of trade alerts. The system must be able to: - Capture and log the alerts in an Excel file, with a specific structure of 'Timestamp and Alert Message'. - Function continuously, 24/7. In case of any system issues, I would prefer to be notified through mobile alerts. Ideal skills for this project: - Expertise in Visual Basic - Proficient in Excel - Familiarity with TradingView platform and Webhook messages - Experience with setting up local computer hosting for such tasks - Ability to create an alert system for troubleshooting. Please note, this project has tight timelines. Only bid if you are capable of del...

$80 Average bid
$80 Giá đặt trung bình
7 lượt đặt giá

I'm looking for a designer to help me create a visually compelling, bold and vibrant PDF work portfolio for my marketing agency. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Expertise in graphic design, specifically...Prior experience designing for marketing agencies would be a plus. - Strong understanding of modern design software and tools. - Ability to create a design that is not only visually appealing but also effectively communicates our brand and work. Sections to Include: - About Us: A brief introduction to our agency, our mission, vision, and values. - Work Portfolio: A showcase of our previous work, case studies, and success stories. The overall design should be bold and vibrant, deviating from a more minimalist or classic style. It should reflect our agency's energetic an...

$65 Average bid
$65 Giá đặt trung bình
27 lượt đặt giá

!Read full! Project Description: I need a detailed research report on two key tasks related to hiring a Chief Technology Officer (CTO). The research must be well-organized, with company details, services offered, and relevant experience. Task 1: Find a Recruiting Tech Agency Identify top...key expertise in executive hiring strategy. Deliverables: A well-structured report with separate sections for Task 1 and Task 2. A comparison table highlighting key details. Contact details for each firm, along with website links. Additional Notes: Prior experience with executive recruitment research is a plus. The report should be clear, concise, and easy to follow. Please include any relevant case studies or success stories (if available). Looking forward to working with a detail-oriented f...

$2 / hr Average bid
$2 / hr Giá đặt trung bình
6 lượt đặt giá

...Matlachowski. The name should be a blend of letters, similar to "SASKI", but completely original and not taken. Key project details: - Style: The logo should be classic, with a touch of elegance to reflect my identity. - Font: It should be a nice, feminine font, yet remaining strong and clear. - Color: The logo will solely use black letters, so the design must create an impact using typography alone. - Case: The logo should be in all uppercase letters. - Elements: The logo should only incorporate text, with no extra elements or symbols. Ideal skills and experience: - Strong background in typography and classic design. - Experience in creating original and unique logo designs. - Ability to understand and reflect personal identity through design. - Excellent underst...

$31 Average bid
Bảo đảm
406 bài tham dự

...the Excel files are saved using the same name format as received in the ZIP file. Typing & Formatting Guidelines: Use MS Excel 2007 or above. Font: Times New Roman Font Size: Headers: Size 14, Bold Data: Size 12, Regular (not bold) Alignment: All text should be aligned to the right side. Date of Birth: Must be entered in Text Format. Remove any hyperlinks from email IDs. Maintain the same case (uppercase/lowercase) as seen in the image — this is important to avoid spelling errors. Computer Date/Time should follow Indian Standard Time (IST) when saving files. No content modification is allowed — type exactly as shown in the image. Each image should have its own separate Excel file. Important Rules: Copy-paste is strictly prohibited. Any evidence of copy-pas...

$19 Average bid
$19 Giá đặt trung bình
94 lượt đặt giá

Data Analysis & Reporting: Collect, ...BI, Tableau, Matplotlib, Seaborn, etc.). Perform statistical analysis to support business strategies and decision-making. Top 5 Country Analysis. such as total confirmed cases, deaths cases, Recovered cases , Active cases per capita. Bar charts showing total cases/deaths/confirmed/Recovered/Active. Line graphs Showing Month Wise confirmed/Recovered Cases. Heat maps Showing County Wise Active Case. Suggest areas for further investigation, such as the long-term effects of COVID-19 or the effectiveness of different public health strategies. In summary, the impact of COVID-19 has highlighted the need for robust healthcare systems, equitable access to resources, and a commitment to ongoing research and monitoring to better prepare for futu...

$249 Average bid
$249 Giá đặt trung bình
30 lượt đặt giá

...Industry 4.0 Solutions. The ideal candidate should have expertise in B2B sales, lead generation, and customer engagement, targeting industries such as Smart Manufacturing, IIoT, Automation, Oil & Gas, Power, and Telecom. Key Responsibilities: ✅ Lead Generation & Prospecting – Identify and qualify potential B2B clients via cold calls, emails, and follow-ups within India. ✅ Sales Outreach – Promote and sell Industrial Routers, Gateways, L2/L3 Switches, Protocol Converters, Media Converters, Industrial PCs, Mini PCs, Edge Computing Solutions, SD-WAN Hardware, and OPC (Open Platform Communications) Systems. ✅ Industry 4.0 & Smart Manufacturing Solutions – Educate customers on how our products enable industrial automation, IIoT connectivity, and r...

$5716 - $11432
$5716 - $11432
0 lượt đặt giá

✨ What I Offer: ✅ Corporate Planning & Summaries: Transform complex business goals into clear, actionable reports or PPTs. ✅ Document Digitization & Typing: Fast, error-free manual data entry for handwritten notes, PDFs, or scans. ✅ Bilingual Translation: Seamless EN↔CN translations with context-aware accuracy (business docs, creative content, emails). ✅ Light Code Generation: Python, HTML, or Excel macros to automate tasks or simplify workflows. ? Bonus Services (My Chinese Advantage!): ? Meaningful Chinese Names: Get a personalized, culturally rich Chinese name (for individuals, brands, or products). ?️ Learn Conversational Chinese: Fun, practical lessons to boost fluency—perfect for travelers or business pros! Why Choose Me? ? Speed + Quality: Quick turnaroun...

$120 Average bid
$120 Giá đặt trung bình
14 lượt đặt giá

Project Title: Build a Robust Aggregator Website for International Education Listings Description: I’m looking for an experienced freelancer to create a comprehensive directory site on WordPress that lists international education institutions—universities, colleges, language schools, vocational institutes, and specialized education providers. The site will serve as the ultimate resource for prospective foreign students and affiliate marketers. Key Features Required: Directory Listings: Custom post types for institutions with details (name, description, location, website, affiliate/sponsored link, ratings/reviews). Advanced Search & Filtering: Enable users to filter listings by institution type, country, program, tuition, etc. Comparison Tools: Side-by-side compari...

$186 Average bid
$186 Giá đặt trung bình
51 lượt đặt giá

As a beginner on Instagram, my primary focus is to improve my engagement on the platform through the creation of Instagram Reels. I'm seeking a trainer who can guide me in video editing techniques, content planning and strategy, and the effective use of trends and hashtags. Key Requirements: - Proven experience in training for social media engagement - Expert knowledge of Instagram Reels - Proficiency in video editing and content strategy - Ability to teach using trends and hashtags effectively - Good communication and teaching skills

$17 Average bid
$17 Giá đặt trung bình
5 lượt đặt giá
Numerical Model for Two-Phase Flow
6 ngày left
Đã xác thực

The job aims to develop an advanced numerical model to study two-phase flow (liquid and gas) in microscale channels with complex geometries that include curved or corrugated surfaces. The model will incorporate interactions between the phases, such as surface tension effects, variations in interfacial tension (interface dynamics), and the influence of microscale forces such as shear and gravity. Advanced numerical solution techniques will be employed, potentially integrating methods like the Coupled Finite Volume Finite Element Method (CVFEM) with interface tracking approaches (such as VOF or Level-Set) to ensure accurate representation of the interactions between the two phases. Project Phases: Phase One: Code Development and Results Acquisition Phase Two: Comprehensive Technica...

$296 Average bid
$296 Giá đặt trung bình
4 lượt đặt giá

I'm seeking a freelancer with a strong understanding of financial accounting and experience in academia to assist me with undergraduate-level assessments and assignments. The tasks will primarily revolve around: - Assisting with assessments and assignments - Understanding of key financial accounting areas, particularly: - Suspense Accounts - Accounting errors - Manufacturing accounts Ideal skills for the job include: - Expertise in financial accounting - Experience in academic writing and research - Proficiency in helping with assignments Your task will be to help me navigate these topics and complete my assessments to a high standard.

$15 Average bid
$15 Giá đặt trung bình
14 lượt đặt giá

This is basic documentation for trading related website. Rest detailed documentation will be given after discussion on call. Please connect only if you have relevant wo...order if any by broker, and exit or resume button after managing errors d) Execution setting of user should be modifiable. e) User should also able to see software subscription expiry timing 2) Backend a) Strategy will be running in python code or whatever you recommend. b) We can see and monitor users error if any and resolve it c) In case orders are cancelled due to brokers api, software will monitor SL at its end. Software will fire SL orders in case position matches d) Strategy option of Intraday and Positional in Nifty, Banknifty, Sensex Execution setting and RMS is important part and lagging sho...

$3737 Average bid
$3737 Giá đặt trung bình
23 lượt đặt giá
Modern Bedroom Interior Design & Modeling
6 ngày left
Đã xác thực

I'm looking for a creative interior designer with a modern aesthetic to help redesign my bedroom. We have a large bedroom with a space next to the bed for a lounge / study / TV / adults retreat. I would like to see how it would look with neutral colours. Relaxing vibe. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in interior design and modeling software - Experience with modern design styles - Creativity in designing multi-functional spaces - Strong understanding of storage solutions and minimalist aesthetics.

$35 Average bid
$35 Giá đặt trung bình
20 lượt đặt giá

...consumption, and the device's internet status. Key Features of the App: - Resource Monitoring: The app needs to display CPU and RAM percentages, battery usage, and download/upload speeds, if possible. - Internet Status: The app should show if the device is connected via WiFi or mobile data. - User Interface: The main page should present information using bar charts, as this is the preferred format. Simplicity is key. - Data Collection: The app should utilize suitable tools and libraries to gather system data related to battery, network connectivity, device info, and other system data. The ideal candidate for this project should be well-versed in Android development and have a solid understanding of system resource monitoring. Experience with designing intuitive user...

$157 Average bid
$157 Giá đặt trung bình
34 lượt đặt giá

I'm seeking a skilled Katalon Recorder expert to facilitate the automation of Testcases using the Katalon Recorder. I have the testcase and will record the basic katalon scripts. I need someone to use data driven testing approach using loops, variables. It can also be used json and javascript as extension script to run the test case smooth. CSV file will be loaded where urls will be saved and data will be saved in the csv files which the script will take as per the logic. Key aspects of the project include: - Configuration of Katalon Recorder to automate the UI tests - Implementation of a data-driven testing approach, utilizing CSV files and URLs as data sources - Ensuring tests are compatible with Chrome browser Ideal candidates should have: - Extensive experience with Kat...

$230 Average bid
$230 Giá đặt trung bình
24 lượt đặt giá

I have a WordPress website that is running very slow. there seems to be something wrong somewhere that it is using an excessive amount of entry processes, exceeding the limit on the hosting account and crashing the site due to resource limit exceeded. Need someone familiar with Cpanel and WordPress to identify the problem and fix.

$17 Average bid
$17 Giá đặt trung bình
48 lượt đặt giá

I need an expert 3D CAD designer specializing in mechanical, specifically in 3D modeling. The primary purpose of this project is to create a 3D mechanical model that will be used for creating chassis using cnc machines. Key Requirements: - Proficient in 3D CAD with a focus on mechanical design - Ext...CAD designer specializing in mechanical, specifically in 3D modeling. The primary purpose of this project is to create a 3D mechanical model that will be used for creating chassis using cnc machines. Key Requirements: - Proficient in 3D CAD with a focus on mechanical design - Extensive experience in 3D modeling - Understanding of manufacturing processes and requirements Ideal Skills: - Any 3D CAD software - Mechanical Engineering - 3D Modeling - Manufacturing Knowledge - At...

$24 Average bid
$24 Giá đặt trung bình
9 lượt đặt giá
3D Animation Video Creation for Kids
6 ngày left
Đã xác thực

I am in need of a talented animator who can create a high-quality 3D animation video for children, similar to the popular CoCoMelon series. The video should be entertaining, featuring humans as the main characters. Key Requirements: - Expertise in creating 3D animation videos. - Previous experience in producing content f...Requirements: - Expertise in creating 3D animation videos. - Previous experience in producing content for children. - Ability to design engaging human characters and lively scenarios. - Understanding of the entertainment genre, with the skill to weave in appealing narratives. The video should be between 1 to 5 minutes in length. Please provide a portfolio of similar projects you have completed, and any case studies demonstrating your success in engaging a child...

$131 Average bid
$131 Giá đặt trung bình
34 lượt đặt giá

...huge, and now I look like a freaking liar! You owe me a billion retweets!" Elon: (scribbling on a napkin with a crayon, muttering) "Guys, chill. Pammy’s fighting the deep-state lunch ladies. It’s like she’s captain of a pirate ship with a mutinous crew. Give her a week—she’ll Tesla-fy this mess." Pammy: (standing up, dramatic) "Listen up, haters! Those files were Phase One. I’ve got Kash on the case—by Friday, he’s gonna cough up the good stuff, or I’ll make him eat my glitter-glued binders! This is about justice for… uh… that creepy rich guy’s victims or whatever!" Kash: (nervous) "Friday?! Dude, I’ve got dodgeball practice! Plus, the New York FBI kids are all like, &...

$340 Average bid
$340 Giá đặt trung bình
30 lượt đặt giá

I am looking for Google PPC experts who can teach me how to run successful campaigns for my websites. My primary goal is to generate leads or sales for these businesses. Therefore, I need someone who can guide me through the process and teach me. Before hire: * Please verify you can speak good English that is easy to understand for training. * Please provide proof you are able...and teach me. Before hire: * Please verify you can speak good English that is easy to understand for training. * Please provide proof you are able to get great result with previous clients Do these things when applying: * We will use any desk screenshare to my pc for training + voice chat. * When applying, Put "I've Read Everything" to be considered * When applying, show me your successful case...

$8 / hr Average bid
$8 / hr Giá đặt trung bình
19 lượt đặt giá
Freelance Opportunity in Edu-Tech -- 2
6 ngày left
Đã xác thực

We are seeking a Business Development Representative to establish and strengthen partnerships with language schools for our innovative study abroad platform. The ideal candidate will be responsible for reaching out to schools, engaging decision-makers, and securing collaborations. This role may require physical visits to institutions to represent our platform and establish trust with school administrators. Responsibilities: Identify and reach out to potential language school partners in the UK, Cape town, Spain, US and Canada through email, phone, and in-person meetings. Present our platform to schools, showcasing its benefits and unique features. Negotiate and secure partnerships with institutions, ensuring mutual value. Act as an official representative of us, maintaining a ...

$697 Average bid
Địa phương
$697 Giá đặt trung bình
1 lượt đặt giá seeking an experienced professional to assist with the integration of my Construction Project Management Software into SAP ERP system with APIs. The focus will be on the construction module, specifically the project management and resource planning functionalities. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in SAP ERP, particularly the construction module - Experienced in API integration - Strong understanding of project management and resource planning Key Tasks: - Integrate SAP ERP with an API - Ensure seamless connection with the project management and resource planning functionalities of the construction module. Your expertise will help streamline our operations and enhance our project delivery capabilities. Will need to integrate this to SAP One, O...

$2242 Average bid
$2242 Giá đặt trung bình
33 lượt đặt giá