Light box couponcông việc
Dựng 3d sản phẩm , áp vật liệu , bố cục ánh sáng , Render hình , video .... Biết sử dụng phần mềm 3d max, photóhop , ... Sản phẩm cần thục hiện gồm có Box sạc dự phòng , kỷ niêm chương , khung tranh , ...... khu vực TP. HCM , Mức lương thỏa thuận .. [Removed by Admin for offsiting - please see Section 13 of our Terms and Conditions]
Hi, Cửa hàng độ xe của mình tên là "Nghiện Độ", chuyên: - Nâng cấp màn hình Android cho ô tô, camera 360 độ cho ô tô, màn hình Android liền camera 360 cho ô tô, Led nội thất Ambient Light cho ô tô, Nâng cấp Cốp điện tự động, Cửa hít, Độ đèn tăng sáng, âm thanh,..v..v... Tóm lại bên mình chuyên option điện cho ô tô. Các bạn có thể tham khảo reference từ kênh Youtube của mình: -------- - Logo mình muốn thiết kế có dạng biểu tượng. - Có thể đặt trong hình vuông và hình tròn. - Logo đại diện cho 1 cửa h&a...
...trị Quản trị camera Danh sách Thêm mới Xem trực tiếp Xem lại Thiết lập camera Thiết lập thời gian ghi dữ liệu Chuyển sang box khác Reboot camera Xóa Quản trị box Danh sách Thêm mới Chỉnh sửa Cập nhật firmware Khởi động lại Xóa Quản trị địa điểm Danh sách Thêm mới Gắn địa điểm cho camera Cập nhật Xóa Quản trị nhóm camera Danh sách Thêm mới Thêm camera vào nhóm Xóa camera khỏi nhóm Cập nhật Xóa Quản trị người dùng Danh sách Thêm mới Cập nhật Phân quyền xem camera Xóa Quản trị dịch vụ Danh sách các dịch vụ đã mua Lịch sử đơn hàng Mua dịch vụ Thanh to&aacut...
Mình muốn triển khai model yolov4 object detection lên Iphone để chạy real-time. Model của mình đã được mình train. Ngoài ra mình cũng muốn đem model lên Iphone với chức năng output khoảng cách giữa bounding box center của các vật.Cụ thể là người và mũi xúc đất của xe xúá cả có thể liên hệ trực tiếp với mình để ép giá ?
Tôi có 10 cửa sổ mở FB và đang xem livestream, tôi muốn bình luận 1 nội dung lên 1 trong 10 nick đang mở bằng cách nhập nội dung từ 1 box và sau đó chon các cửa sổ và nhấn send
Cần bạn viết tools chạy cùng lúc nhiều giả lập. Yêu cầu đơn giản: tự động mở box và bán đồ khi nhặt được.
- Bạn có thể sử dụng VBA để lập trình quá trình sau: Mô tả: - Khi người dùng chọn vào ô đã thiết lập Data Validation trong Excel và nhập bất kỳ ký tự thì hệ thống sẽ tự động hiện ra list xổ xuống gợi ý những kết quả gần đúng có chứa những ký tự đó. (không sử dụng combo box) - Nếu người dùng bấm "Enter" thì ô sẽ hiển thị kết quả đầu tiên trên list - Nếu người dùng chọn một mục trên list thì ô sẽ hiển thị kết quả đã chọn - Thao tác xong sẽ đóng list lại
Chúng tôi có nhiều GSM Gateway(Box cắm SIM điện thoại) với các địa chỉ IP khác nhau và cần có phần mềm lấy tất cả CDR trên các GSM này và Insert vào một database. Hiện tại các GSM Gateway này chỉ ghi nhận được 10.000(mười ngàn bản ghi tương ứng với 10.000 cuộc gọi), vượt quá sẽ bị ghi đè. 2. Viết báo cáo lấy dữ liệu trong database trên và hiển thị lên như một báo cáo, cho phép tìm kiếm theo thời gian, số điện thoại(khách hàng), số điện thoại gọi đi(SIM nào gọi đi). 3. Đã có sẵn bộ source code của thiết bị (ngôn ngữ C++)
... 2. Áo lớp Hải Anh với nhiều mẫu mã thiết kế đa dạng Đến với Đồng phục Hải Anh, các bạn học sinh dường như đang bước vào “thiên đường” thời trang áo lớp với rất nhiều những mẫu thiết kế độc lạ, mới mẻ. Một số mẫu áo đồng phục lớp đang có tại Hải Anh có thể kể đến như: Áo lớp 3D Galaxy, áo lớp phản quang T-Light, áo lớp phản quang 7D, áo lớp Sweater, áo lớp Oversize, áo lớp T-Dee, áo lớp Fly-Z,.... 3. Áo lớp Hải Anh cam kết đảm bảo chất lượng tốt nhất Từng chất liệu vải mà xưởng may áo lớp tại Hải Anh sản xuất đều là những chất liệu vải thun cao cấp bền đẹp, có khả năng thấm hút mồ hôi tốt, đem lại cảm gi&aac...
- Thiết kế logo, banner, flyer, name card,... - Chỉnh sửa nội dung video marketing chạy quảng cáo FB, Zalo,... - Nhận in ấn nhãn mác, hộp giấy, túi xách giấy,... ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Designing logo, banner, flyer, name card,... - Editing content, video marketing,... - Printing labels, paper box, paper bag,...
thiet ke app/web chuyen ve the giam gia, coupon, membership card.... ket noi-tim kiem khach hang va chay chuong trinh khuyen mai. Ban hang online lien he [Removed by Admin]
Tôi đang cần một Chat Box cho website của mình có các tính năng tương tự như Twitch Chat. Website của tôi: Tham khảo các feature tại: Hiện tại tôi đâng cần luôn các tính năng như sau trong khoảng 7-10 ngày tới! -Đăng nhập vào website để chat -Phân loại User, VIP User, Staff +Màu nick (Mỗi loại user một màu) +Giới hạn thời gian chat (User thường 15s chat 1 lần, VIP và Staff không giới hạn) +Sử dụng icon, sticker (Chỉ VIP và Staff) +Thay đổi text chat (Chỉ VIP và Staff) Quyền của Staff (Mod, Admin) -Ban theo tài khoản -Ban theo IP -Unban -Ghim bình luận -Clear chat (Hoặc giới hạn hiển thị 30-50 tin nhắn gần nhất) -Gắn banner quản...
Tôi đang cần một Chat Box cho website của mình có các tính năng tương tự như Twitch Chat. Website của tôi: Tham khảo các feature tại: Hiện tại tôi đâng cần luôn các tính năng như sau: -Ban theo tài khoản -Ban theo IP -Unban -Set quyền Mod, admin -Phân loại User, VIP User, Staff +Màu nick +Giới hạn thời gian chat +Sử dụng icon, sticker +Thay đổi text chat -Ghim bình luận -Clear chat (Hoặc giới hạn hiển thị 30-50 tin nhắn gần nhất) -Betting
Mình cần làm một module nhỏ, load model 3D cơ thể người (đã có sẵn), và có các nút như tay, chân,.. Khi ấn vào nút sẽ zoom đến vùng đó và add thêm light vào vùng đấy. Mong được hợp tác với bạn
Trang WEB Hành ... Layout của WEB: (1 Cột; 7 Hàng) Thẻ Head Thẻ Body: 1 Header 5 Section: Bao gồm: Slider, Wrapper (2 mini id), Service, Call to action, Content 1 footer 2. Sử dụng HTML5: - Khai báo <DOCTYPE!> - Thẻ Meta - Thẻ Header - Thẻ NAV - Thẻ section - Form theo định dạng html5: label, input<required>, button, placehoder - Thẻ Footer 3. Sử dụng CSS3 - Dùng External CSS - Code hackcss - Box-shadow, sizing - @font-face - Nav: điều hướng con trỏ - Transform - Word-spacing - Text: shadow, wrap, transform, outline, align - Position - Backround: linear-gradient, size…… - Boder: radius…… 4. Sử dụng jquery kiểm tra dữ liệu nhập form 5. Sử dụng công nghệ responsive 6. Sử dụng bo...
Được sự ủy quyền của Liberty Insurance - AutoCare, Cty Tiếp Thị Số phụ trách thu thập thông tin và chăm sóc các chủ xe ô tô theo danh sách có sẵn (file đính kèm là ví dụ về danh sách). Mỗi data thu thập đầy đủ 3 thông tin sau: - Số điện thoại người đang sở hữu số xe - S...Liberty Insurance - AutoCare, Cty Tiếp Thị Số phụ trách thu thập thông tin và chăm sóc các chủ xe ô tô theo danh sách có sẵn (file đính kèm là ví dụ về danh sách). Mỗi data thu thập đầy đủ 3 thông tin sau: - Số điện thoại người đang sở hữu số xe - Số xe đó hiện đang có bảo hiểm 2 chiều hay chưa? Bảo ...
...Therapy (FBT) shop là Chuỗi Tắm Light xoá nếp nhăn, sáng da, mượt da, giảm sắc tố da, đồi mồi, nám da mặt, diệt khuẩn trên da, tuần hoàn máu, giảm mỡ thừa dưới da. Cần thuê hoặc hợp tác với đội ngũ trẻ, chuyên nghiệp quãng cáo dịch vụ Tắm Light này đến 2 đối tượng trên toàn quốc trước nắt tập trung tại : 1. Người tiêu dùng trên 40 tuổi. 2. Những người mê làm giàu có số vốn nho nhỏ muốn đầu tư máy để cho thuê dịch vụ Tắm Light. Mục đích - ý nghĩa của Việc triễn khai dịch vụ này nhằm: - Con cái báo hiếu với Ông bà, Cha mẹ hưởng dịch vụ tắm Light để Da trẻ,...
...thống cần phải 1. Cho phép cấu hình hoa hồng (commision) theo ngành hàng - Đây là tỷ lệ merchant phải trả cho admin của hệ thống 2. Cho phép tính giá vận chuyển tự động - Thông tin điểm xuất phát (xã, huyện, tỉnh) nằm trong thuộc tính sản phẩm - Bảng giá sẽ được (Legacy Systems) cung cấp theo 2 tham số: điểm xuất phát và điểm giao nhận - Khi nhập địa chỉ giao hàng, cần tạo list box tự động: chọn tỉnh => danh sách huyện, chọn huyện => danh sách xã/phường 3. Customize một số điểm trong giao diện - Bỏ quốc gia và mã quốc gia (mặc định là VN) - Bỏ phương thức thanh toán bằng credit card (...
I'm looking for a logo for my trailer rental business. The trailers we rent are flatbeds, box trailers, and single car trailers that can be pulled behind a pick up truck or SUV. The design should be: - Nice and clean: The logo should not be overly busy, but convey a sense of trust and ease. - Modern: It should fit into a contemporary aesthetic, appealing to a wide range of customers. - Minimalist: The design should be simple and uncluttered, embodying a minimalist style. The color scheme for the logo includes Electric Blue, Silver, and White, with hot pink used as an accent. Ideal candidates for this project should have: - A strong portfolio of modern and minimalist logo designs - Experience in creating designs for the rental industry, or similar sectors - A good underst...
I'm looking for a C# plugin for Power BI Desktop that can help me optimize my reports. The plugin should: - Detect unused columns in tables and create M queries to remove them. - Scan all open Power BI reports and list them in a combo box for selection. - Identify all measures in the selected report and provide optimized DAX code for each. A list of these measures should also be in a combo box. My primary data sources are SQL DB and Excel, so experience with these is crucial. The plugin needs to work with both imported data and DirectQuery modes.
I need an expert in electrical engineering and MATLAB/Simulink to help me develop a mathematical model of a 3-phase, 4-po...Analyzing and presenting specific results I have specific parameters for the induction machine that need to be used. These parameters will be provided upon project commencement. Your task will also include analyzing and presenting: 1. Speed and torque responses under a step change in reference speed. 2. Current waveforms during acceleration and steady-state conditions. 3. Efficiency comparison under light-load and full-load operating conditions. Ideal Skills: - Advanced knowledge in electrical engineering - Proficiency in MATLAB/Simulink - Experience with field-oriented control (FOC) - Strong analytical skills - Ability to present complex data in an understa...
I am looking for a comprehensive SEO specialist to enhance my e-commerce site's visibility on in light of the new November 2024 EAT update. Key Responsibilities: - Implement on-page, off-page, and technical SEO strategies to improve search engine rankings. - Focus on content quality, backlinks, and page speed as primary ranking factors. - Regularly monitor and report on progress, adjusting strategies as necessary to ensure continual improvement. Ideal Skills: - Expertise in all areas of SEO. - Proven experience with e-commerce sites. - Up-to-date knowledge of Google’s ranking factors and algorithm changes. - Excellent understanding of content quality, backlinking strategies, and page speed optimization. Please note that my primary objective for this project is to imp...
I need a logo for my baby/kids clothing webshop. Name : Kids By Lina Color: neutral / baby pink / light blue Style : simpel
I'm looking for a unique, custom design for my lake home. The key elements of this project include: - A design style that blends seamlessly with the natural lakeside environment - An open floor plan to maximize the use of space and encourage a free flow between different areas of the home The home should feature: - Large windows that offer stunning views of the lake and allow plenty of natural light to fill the home - main floor living with second floor guest space - attached garage with both lakeside and roadside access - maximum of 40 feet wide Ideal candidates for this project should have: - Extensive experience in home design, particularly with lake homes - Experience designing for small or narrow lots that maximize living space - A keen understanding of how to incorpor...
I'm seeking a speechwriter who can craft a poignant yet uplifting wedding speech from a passed loved one. The speech should evoke mixed emotions, with elements that are emotional and heartfelt alongside light-hearted and humorous moments. Key Requirements: - The speech should last between 3-5 minutes. - It needs to incorporate specific memories and stories from the loved one's childhood and life achievements. - The tone should seamlessly blend sadness and joy, reflecting the bittersweet nature of the occasion. - Ideally, the freelancer has experience in writing speeches for weddings. Skills and Experience: - Exceptional storytelling and speech-writing skills. - Ability to create a mixed-emotion tone. - Experience in incorporating personal memories into speech...
Writing HTML and Python Sections for: Business Computer Applications **Description:** I am looking for a professional writer to help draft two specific sections for an academic project. The details are as follows: 1. *HTML and Website Design:* - Discuss the importance of an online presence for ...attached project document. 2. Use APA style for references (minimum 3-5 references per section). 3. Avoid using AI-generated content (e.g., ChatGPT). 4. Ensure high-quality writing, with the final project not exceeding 5 pages in total. **Deadline:** - The two sections should be delivered by *January 27, 2025*, to allow time for review before the final submission. More details will be shared via chat box. If you're interested and capable of delivering within these parameters, plea...
I am looking for a designer to create corporate stationery for my business, including letterhead, business cards, and compliment slips. The design should align with the black and gold theme of my website Key Components: - Business Card: A black and gold design with my company logo "AURUMM" in gold on the reverse, surrounded by a gold box (as seen on the website). - Letterhead: A simple white page with a gold logo at the top and a black strip at the bottom with gold writing containing my company details (name, address, email, phone, website). - Compliment Slips: These should follow the same black and gold theme as the rest of the stationery. All designs should conform to standard dimensions. The business card should be kept simple without any additional el...
...monitor sales and performance. We need a logo and app icon that represent the core values of the app: creativity, simplicity, professionalism, and global accessibility. Requirements for the Logo: A clean, modern, and versatile logo design. Incorporate the app’s name or initials creatively. Use colors and typography that align with themes of digital innovation and creativity. Provide versions for light and dark backgrounds. Deliverables in high-resolution formats (PNG, SVG, AI, etc.). Requirements for the App Icon: Design a sleek and visually appealing app icon that complements the logo. Ensure the icon is optimized for both Google Play Store and iOS App Store standards. Focus on simplicity and recognizability at various sizes (e.g., app screens, app listings). Deliverable...
I'm seeking a professional to help elevate my Steam page. My goal is to increase the number of people who wish list my game. Your primary focus will be: - Creating captivating gameplay videos that highlight exciting action sequences In addition to video creation, improvements to the following areas are also needed: - Game page description - Screenshots Skills and Experience: - Video editing and creation expertise - Understanding of engaging game page descriptions - Ability to create appealing screenshots - Marketing knowledge is a plus - Understanding of Steam’s user engagement strategies If you have experience in game promotion and can showcase my game in the best light possible, I would love to hear from you.
I'm seeking a skilled graphic designer to create an elegant logo for my beauty business. The logo should have a cursive element, reflective of the elegance of the brand. Key Requirements: - Expertise in modern and elegant graphic design, with...Key Requirements: - Expertise in modern and elegant graphic design, with a portfolio demonstrating a sophisticated, high-end aesthetic. - Ability to incorporate cursive elements into the design in a tasteful and appealing manner. - Proficiency in using gold color schemes, with an understanding of its application in creating an elegant and luxurious feel. - offer me a variety of colour schemes: light pink, white, gold, aqua blue, nude colours Ideal Skills: - Graphic Design - Logo Design - Branding - Use of Cursive in Design - Color The...
...printed box for retail sale, specifically for storing food items, more precisely potatoes, after purchase. The box will sit in the customers home - being approximately 300mm long, 200mm wide and 200mm high, with a flip top lid for easy access. Key Requirements: - Design a box that can safely and attractively package potatoes for retail. - The design must adhere to modern aesthetic principles, incorporating clean lines, uncluttered layouts, and contemporary typography. - Consider usability and practicality in the design, ensuring the box is easy to handle and stack. Ideal Skills: - Experience in designing packaging, specifically for food items. - Strong understanding of modern design principles. - Ability to create practical yet attractive designs. Some ...
I have the Rainfall and temperature data for last 5 years for 25 Districts in Sri lanka. I want to get below insights from that data A. Climate Trends • Temperature Trends: o Analyze average monthly an...shifting in timing or intensity. D. Climate Change Indicators • Detect long-term changes in temperature, rainfall, and extreme weather events. • Compare trends with global climate models to assess alignment. E. Visualizations Use graphs and maps for impactful insights: • Heatmaps: Show temperature or rainfall distribution by district. • Time Series: Highlight trends over the five years. • Bar Graphs/Box Plots: Compare weather patterns across districts. • GIS Mapping: Combine geospatial and weather data for interactive district-level insights. Out...
I'm seeking a skilled photo editor who can enhance over 50+...skilled photo editor who can enhance over 50+ of my jewelry product images. The specific edits required include: - Background removal: The images should be clean with no distracting elements. - Color Correction: Each piece should have its colors accurately represented and consistent across images. - Jewelry Retouching: Any imperfections should be polished out to present the product in its best light. The final edited photos will need to be delivered in JPEG format. Ideal freelancers for this project should have: - Proven experience in product photo editing, particularly for jewelry. - Exceptional attention to detail. - Proficient in using professional editing software. - Able to deliver high-quality work within a...
I'm seeking a talented web designer and developer to create a contemporary, sleek portfolio/showcase website for me. The successful freelancer will also assist in establishing a new, unique brand for the site, as well as its corresponding color scheme. Key requirements for the project include: - Proven experience in web design and development, particularly for portfolio/showc...portfolio/showcase sites. - Exceptional skills in modern design principles and techniques. - Ability to create a bold and distinctive brand identity. - Excellent understanding of minimalist principles, with a preference for a modern and sleek design style. The ideal candidate will be able to translate my vision into a stunning, user-friendly website that showcases my work and capabilities in the best possibl...
I'm looking for a talented designer to create a brand theme and packaging for my jewelry line. The desired aesthetic is 'Modern and Minimalist'...uncluttered, and sophisticated. Key Responsibilities: - Develop a comprehensive brand theme that embodies a modern and minimalist style - Design packaging that reflects the brand theme and is suitable for a luxury jewelry brand Key Skills: - Strong background in modern and minimalist design - Experience in luxury brand design - Proficient in packaging design - Creative and able to think outside the box Please Note: - The packaging should feature the brand's logo and tagline - Material selection for packaging is currently open-ended, so suggestions for sustainable and premium options are welcome. I look forward to s...
I'm looking for a web developer to improve the aesthetics and functionality of my personal site, which is built on the Quartz framework. Key Tasks: - Style the callout blocks in terms of color, background, text and font style. - Adjust the hover color for links to empty/non-existent pages to Light Red. - Move the navigation to the right side of the page in a sticky manner. - Ensure all changes are responsive and function well on devices other than a laptop. Ideal candidates should have: - Proficiency in the Quartz framework. - Strong skills in web design and user interface improvements. - Experience with responsive design. - Ability to implement specific color and style changes. Here's my site: ""
I'm looking for an editor to transform my raw scientific videos into creative and captivating pieces. The ideal candidate should have experience with crafting scientific content in an engaging way. Key Responsibilities: - Incorporate infographics and charts in a visually appealing way - Use text annotations strategically throughout...Skills: - Proficient in video editing software (e.g. Adobe Premiere, Final Cut Pro) - Experience with creating and integrating infographics and charts - Creative thinking and understanding of artistic editing styles - Ability to build scenes and tell a story visually - Familiarity with AI-based footage and how to incorporate it seamlessly This project is perfect for someone who can think outside the box and has a passion for science and creative...
...Overall composition: The letters "S", "M" and "F" should be arranged in an elegant and modern style, possibly intertwined, reminiscent of prestigious logos such as Yves Saint Laurent. If possible, make proposals by integrating the Swiss cross in mini on the top of the I or in an other place to reinforce our local identity, while remaining sober and discreet. 3. Color palette: Use a range of gradient light and electrique blue tones to evoke serenity, professionalism and confidence. The design should remain sober and minimalist while being distinctive. 4. General atmosphere: The logo should reflect an impression of prestige, exclusivity and modernity, while remaining warm and accessible. It must be immediately recognizable and represent both our Swis...
...both traditional and modern consumers. Incorporate elements that symbolize freshness, natural ingredients, and authenticity. Packaging Design: Design attractive and functional packaging for our products (khoya, ghee, butter, and paneer). Use natural and calming colors, ensuring the design is minimalistic and clean. Create packaging that conveys the brand values of trust, heritage, and excellence. Box Packaging Design: Develop design for boxes used for bulk packaging and delivery. Ensure the design is sturdy, visually appealing, and protective of the contents. Website Design: Design a user-friendly and visually appealing website for Amodha Dairy. Ensure the website effectively showcases our products, brand story, and values. Include e-commerce functionality for online sales. Optim...
I'm seeking a professional team to execute a stunning drone light show for a public event or festival. The show will take place in an open field, and its main purpose is to entertain the attendees. Key Responsibilities: - Plan and choreograph an impressive light display using drones. - Ensure the show is suitable for a public event. - Manage all logistics related to the drone light show. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven history of executing drone light shows. - Highly creative with a knack for designing entertaining sequences. - Excellent logistical and organizational skills. - Strong commitment to safety and compliance with aviation regulations. Must have experience in skybrush studio and have exisiting shows experience
...pre-existing video, and play the video back on a hidden TV in real-time when triggered. This system must operate smoothly to ensure seamless operation without causing delays in crowd throughput. Project Scope: 1. Hardware Integration: • Raspberry Pi 5 as the primary controller. • Hailo AI HAT with 13 TOPS for image processing and AI tasks. • Night vision Raspberry Pi camera for face capture in low-light conditions. • Motion sensors or pressure mats to trigger the system. • HDMI output to display the final video on a TV. 2. Software Requirements: • Motion Detection and Triggering: Use motion detection or pressure mat input to activate the system. • Face Detection and Recognition: Capture the patron’s face in real-time and identify ...
...and personal users for daily use. Industrial Users: Professionals in fields such as instrumentation and equipment operations. Market Positioning: A mass-market product balancing practicality and aesthetic appeal. 2. Product Specifications Dimensions: 108×58×80mm. Materials and Craftsmanship: Made using eco-friendly injection molding for durability and sustainability. Packaging: Includes a color box for easy transportation and display. 3. Functional Requirements Smart Features: Status Indicator: Displays charging status (e.g., charging, fully charged, or malfunction). Misuse Warning: Intelligent recognition of non-rechargeable batteries (e.g., disposable or damaged batteries) with safety alerts. Unique Selling Points: Enhanced safety: Prevents accidents caused by usi...
I'm looking for a talented furniture designer to create a sketch design of a modern modular coworking desk. The design should incorporate: - Built-in storage - A cable management system - A metal planter box insert The materials used in the design can be flexible, but should be in line with examples I will provide. Ideal candidates should have: - A strong portfolio in modern furniture design - Proficiency in sketching and using design software - A good understanding of ergonomic and functional design.
I'm seeking a designer to create a minimalist artwork for our product packaging. The design will be printed in black on - Design style: Minimalist. The focus should be solely on the brand name, with the tagline and logo being secondary. - Use of colour: The design will be printed in black only. Please prepare one artwork, that can fit all sizes and include all the mentioned information, using the sample images. we are planning to use only black colour in the artwork and it will be printed on the cardboard box. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in graphic design software (Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop, etc.) - Experience in packaging design - Strong understanding of minimalist design principles - Ability to create adaptable designs that maintain visual consistency across d...
...both sides. • A bench that fits perfectly into the corner, either straight or curved, incorporating storage for coats and other items. • A creative round or semi-circular bench design with integrated storage for coats in the cabinets. The design should be both functional and stylish, allowing for practical coat storage while enhancing the overall look of the space. Feel free to think outside the box! Looking forward to hearing from you! Best regards, Jennifer...
I need a professional to enhance the brightness of an image without compromising the facial composition. So that the image looks like it was taken at dusk so that you can see the theme park ride and the people in it to be clearly visible with a light glow from necklace lights keeping the highest level of pixelation possible for entire image. Ideal Skills: - Image editing - Understanding of facial composition - Experience with various image editing software Please use whatever tools necessary, including AI software, to achieve the best result.
I'm looking for a savvy social media marketer to promote my product on Instagram and also adjust my packaging labels as necessary. Key Responsibilities: - Create engaging product demonstration content aimed at boosting sales - Adjust packaging labels as needed to align with promotion and pr...product demonstration content aimed at boosting sales - Adjust packaging labels as needed to align with promotion and product specifications Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in social media marketing, specifically Instagram - Strong understanding of product demonstration content - Experience in packaging label design or modification - Creativity and ability to think outside the box Please include examples of previous Instagram campaigns you've managed that resulted...
I'm seeking a photographer who can capture my jewellery in a creative, artistic light. The aim is to convey a classy, visually appealing look that translates well onto digital screens. Ideal skills and experience: - Prior experience in photographing jewellery or similar items is a must. - A strong portfolio showcasing creative and artistic shots. - Ability to create a classy look with photography. - Understanding of how to make items visible and appealing through a digital screen. - Excellent post-editing skills to enhance the visual appeal of the photos.
I need a logo for my sports podcast, 'The Cooler Guys'. The podcast has a fun and light-hearted tone, so I'm looking for a logo that is cartoonish and fun. Key elements to include: - A water jug: This is a nod to the name of the podcast and the typical office cooler. - Sport-related icons: As a sports podcast, incorporating various sport-related symbols would be ideal. - A Microphone: This represents the podcasting aspect. The ideal freelancer for this project will have a strong portfolio in cartoonish and fun designs, with experience in creating logos. Understanding of sports and podcasting culture will be a plus. I am seeking a designer who can deliver a modern and sleek logo with a playful twist.
I require three images of black cars styled as professional executive vehicles. The images should be of a luxury sedan, a luxury SUV and a luxury XL SUV. Each image should have a heading indicating the type of vehicle. Specific requirements: - The headings on the car images should read: LUXURY SEDAN, LUXURY SUV, LUXURY XL SUV - There should be a box in each image detailing passenger and luggage capacity, with a people icon and a luggage icon respectively. - The images should be delivered in both JPEG and PDF format. Ideal candidates for this project should have: - Experience in graphic design or digital illustration, particularly with creating professional, executive-style imagery - Ability to create clean, clear, and engaging designs - Proficiency in delivering images in specifi...