Delete pull request bitbucketcông việc
Chúng tôi đang tìm kiếm một chuyên gia bảo mật độc lập, có khả năng viết mã để khai thác các lỗ hổng bảo mật trong cơ sở dữ liệu. Nhiệm vụ chính của bạn là: + Phân tích và đánh giá: Đánh giá toàn diện hệ thống cơ sở dữ liệu của chúng tôi để xác định các...liệu. Nhiệm vụ chính của bạn là: + Phân tích và đánh giá: Đánh giá toàn diện hệ thống cơ sở dữ liệu của chúng tôi để xác định các điểm yếu tiềm ẩn. + Phát triển exploit: Viết các đoạn mã khai thác tùy chỉnh để tận dụng các lỗ hổng đã tìm thấy...
...thay đổi theo thông tin từng khách hàng. Bạn code đã hoàn thành công việc tốt, extension hoạt động tốt sau 1 tháng thì trang web thay đổi từ http sang https thì extension không còn hoạt động với lỗi sau: Mixed Content: The page at 'https://xxxxx/sales' was loaded over HTTPS, but requested an insecure resource 'http://xxxxx/api/v1/customers?searchKeywords=CUS.DA40111.03669'. This request has been blocked; the content must be served over HTTPS. Tôi đã thông báo cho bạn code và bạn hứa sẽ chỉnh giúp tôi, nhưng sau 3 tháng bạn ấy vẫn chưa sửa đổi và tài khoản Freelancer không còn hoạt động..... Dự &aa...
...Scan ra các máy in Bluetooth và wifi - In ra dữ liệu do server trả về (html) Cần tìm ng xử lý phần này, ưu tiên ng có kinh nghiệm làm qua phần này r Dưới đây là link máy in mình sử dụng: --- Request: - Scan to Bluetooth and wifi printers - Print the data returned by the server (html) Need to find someone to handle this part, preference is given to those who have experience in this part Here is the link of the printer I use:
Mình cần 1 bạn chuyên làm ios Xây dựng ứng dụng web cho phép user thực hiện các bước sau: 1/ thực hiện load 1 file ipa lên 2/ web request UDID from user ‘s device 3/ auto resign ipa cho user có UDID này 4/ cho phép user tải về file ipa đã được resign Tương tự phân phối ứng dụng dành test beta, cài đặt ipa On The Air. Inbox mình để trao đổi thêm nhé thay vì sử dụng cookie lưu trên máy tính local. Tức là lúc này các máy tính client sẽ không phải truy cập trực tiếp vào trang mà thông qua server để truy cập trang Sẽ có 2 phần chính: - Backend: Được xây dựng dựa trên các công nghệ , Nodejs, javascript... đặt trên một server để lưu trữ cookie và làm nhiệm vụ đồng bộ cookie, request giữa các máy tính client với server - Front end: là Extension dùng để cài đặt vào các máy tính để kết nối tới server lấy các giữ liệu từ trang web về hiển thị trên browser và đồng bộ cookie với...
a) Người chơi sẽ nhấn chọn một xe, rồi nhấn nút (Out) để chọn điểm ra, nhấn nút (Temp) để chọn các điểm trung gian (là các điểm mà xe đi qua), biết rằng các điểm trung gian này phải có thể nằm trên Line hoặc trên một đoạn trống tạm thời (khi không có xe đậu ở đó). Người chơi nhấn nút (Accept) để chấp thuận việc di chuyển của xe; còn không thì có thể nhấn nút (Delete) - xóa các bước chọn điểm ra, điểm trung gian ở trên. Khi người dùng nhấn nút (Start) thì sẽ hiện ra danh sách các xe đã được nhận thông tin di chuyển và chọn xe cần di chuyển (cũng như vận tốc – nhập v&agra...
...Cocos2D) cho phép người dùng chơi như sau: a) Người chơi sẽ nhấn chọn một xe, rồi nhấn nút (Out) để chọn điểm ra, nhấn nút (Temp) để chọn các điểm trung gian (là các điểm mà xe đi qua), biết rằng các điểm trung gian này phải có thể nằm trên Line hoặc trên một đoạn trống tạm thời (khi không có xe đậu ở đó). Người chơi nhấn nút (Accept) để chấp thuận việc di chuyển của xe; còn không thì có thể nhấn nút (Delete) - xóa các bước chọn điểm ra, điểm trung gian ở trên. Khi người dùng nhấn nút (Start) thì sẽ hiện ra danh sách các xe đã được nhận thông tin di chuyển và...
Cần dev có kinh nghiệm về file SCORM biết cách nhận request trả về (điểm) từ file scorm. Công nghệ: Backend viết bằng laravel, ae ko biết laravel nhưng biết cách lấy request thì có thể viết backend ngon ngữ khác cũng đc Có sẵn file scorm để test luôn Giá cả thương lượng
+ web đa cấp tích hợp api từ bên thứ 3 và bắt request + web tương tự web nạp thẻ + phân nhiều cấp ( cấp 1 - cấp 2 - cấp 3 - cấp 4 - cấp 5 ) + cấp dưới là con cấp trên + tích hợp nhiều dịch vu và tạo được nhiều web con ( Child panels ) + yêu cầu tốc độ làm nhanh nếu có sẵn module sẵn rồi càng tốt
Mình cần viết một tool (bot tự động) thực hiện so sánh giá và mua item theo các tiêu chí đưa ra từ 1 website. Yêu cầu: biết cách lấy được api của trang web (bị giấu) và tốc độ request thông tin từ trang web.
Hiện tại mình có 2 dự án về tool của Google . 1 là gửi request id và pass đến google sau đó lấy lại trường hợp chính xác mail trả về , như bảo mật sdt , ver mail ... 1 ngày mình cần chạy sll nên bác nào nhận thì inb mình nhé . Tool 2 là check die hotmail + yahoo sll cực lớn 1 ngày sau đó check tồn tại google và cũng lấy ra các trường hợp bảo mật , về vấn đề thanh toán sau khi nhận chạy tool 1 vài hôm ổn định bên mình thanh toán 15 triệu , đến tháng thứ 2 cũng 15 triệu , cứ đều đều khi nào tool lỗi thì coder can thiệt fix tool để tool hoạt động lại . Tool 2 cũng vậy nhưng 5 triệ...
...được từ 500.000 - 1.000.000 VNĐ --------- SHPlastic Plastic Furniture Company needs 2 freelancers who specialize in finishing products at customers' houses in Ho Chi Minh City. Ho Chi Minh. - Work content: + Shooting and taking pictures of acceptance of the finished product at the customer's home + Simple dial by phone + anti-vibration + Video reference: - Request: + Proficient in video recording by phone + anti-shake + There phone phone full HD 1080 video recording + anti-shake to serve the job + Can be flexible time (outside office hours, ...) + Can use the drive to send video (do not know will be instructed) - Each guest house rotates depending on the difficulty level and the number of products, the fee is from 500,000 VND to 1,000,000 VND
Cần tích hợp xml request lập trình bằng dreamweaver. Mục đích load dữ liệu không load lại trang
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Mình cần thuê người viết code request 2 website và để lấy dữ liệu html của trang kết quả các chuyến bay. Có thể dùng PHP, ASP, hay tùy ý.
Website bán hàng khá đồ sộ đã hoàn thiện 85%, vì dev cũ có việc không thể làm tiếp. Team đã có 1 dev lead, cần thêm 1 bạn support để kịp tiến độ. Được cung cấp html/css. Khái quát các công việc gồm: - Các yêu cầu quản trị admin theo request của khách (khoảng 10-15 request) - Fix list bug đang có - Làm thêm 1-2 tính năng front-end chưa hoàn thiện
Tôi đang sử dụng 1 úng dụng lấy thông tin auto bằng việc gửi request về sever , nhưng khi có thông tin về tôi lại chậm trong việc xác nhận để lấy được thông tin đó. Bây h tôi muốn có phần mềm nào tích hợp chạm 1 lần nhưng cảm ứng được 2 vị trí cố định trên apps đó. Và đảm bảo nhanh hon các đối thủ.
Xin chào, Trang web sẽ cho phép người dùng đăng ký tài khoản, đăng nhập, và đăng tin... Sẽ cung cấp các tài liệu về thiết kế và chức năng chi tiết cho những ứng viên được chọn. Dự án này yêu cầu kinh nghiệm/skills sau: - HTML, CSS - Java, JavaScript (backend sẽ viết bằng Java, dữ liệu trả về client/browser sẽ là JSON) - Spring Framework - Git (sẽ dùng Bitbucket để lưu trữ project code) Trang web sẽ chạy trên máy tính để bàn, máy tính xách tay, và máy tính bảng màn hình từ 7 inch trở lên. Các trình duyệt sẽ hỗ trợ sẽ là: Chrome, Firefox, Cốc cốc, Edge, IE 10...
Làm giống như ứng dụng này: Các tính năng: Accept All Friend Requests At Once Add All Facebook Friends Into Facebook Group Add All Friends As Group Admin Buy Premium Version Of Facebook Social Toolkit Cancel All Pending Friend Requests On Facebook Claim As Group Admin Tool Click All Poke And Poke Back Buttons Contact Us Delete All Comments At Once Event Invitation Tool Exposing TOR Users On Using Chrome Extension Extract Emails Of Your Facebook Friends Extract Facebook Group Emails To Post On Them Extract Facebook Group Member Emails Extract Facebook Group Member IDs Extract Facebook Page Fans Extract Facebook User Likes Extract Group IDs of Facebook Groups Joined By Facebook User Extract IDs Of Your Facebook Friends Extract
Làm giống như ứng dụng này: Các tính năng: Accept All Friend Requests At Once Add All Facebook Friends Into Facebook Group Add All Friends As Group Admin Buy Premium Version Of Facebook Social Toolkit Cancel All Pending Friend Requests On Facebook Claim As Group Admin Tool Click All Poke And Poke Back Buttons Contact Us Delete All Comments At Once Event Invitation Tool Exposing TOR Users On Using Chrome Extension Extract Emails Of Your Facebook Friends Extract Facebook Group Emails To Post On Them Extract Facebook Group Member Emails Extract Facebook Group Member IDs Extract Facebook Page Fans Extract Facebook User Likes Extract Group IDs of Facebook Groups Joined By Facebook User Extract IDs Of Your Facebook Friends Extract Publi...
Làm giống như ứng dụng này: Các tính năng: Accept All Friend Requests At Once Add All Facebook Friends Into Facebook Group Add All Friends As Group Admin Buy Premium Version Of Facebook Social Toolkit Cancel All Pending Friend Requests On Facebook Claim As Group Admin Tool Click All Poke And Poke Back Buttons Contact Us Delete All Comments At Once Event Invitation Tool Exposing TOR Users On Using Chrome Extension Extract Emails Of Your Facebook Friends Extract Facebook Group Emails To Post On Them Extract Facebook Group Member Emails Extract Facebook Group Member IDs Extract Facebook Page Fans Extract Facebook User Likes Extract Group IDs of Facebook Groups Joined By Facebook User Extract IDs Of Your Facebook Friends Extract Publi...
I need design template for Osclass script . Request: More on chat
I'm seeking a talented web designer to enhance my Wordpress homepage. The improvements should reflect a classic and elegant style, considering the following aspects: - Layout and Structure: Revamp the layout for better usability and aesthetic appeal. - Color Scheme: Apply a more sophisticated a...with you upon selection. Your ability to interpret and apply these inspirations will be key. Please ensure your proposal includes a link to your upgraded version of my site. I will choose the winner based on the quality of your submission and your ability to adhere to my requirements. The selected freelancer will be tasked with the complete overhaul of the site. Your Submission must align to my request. Please do not waste my time. Please avoid irrelevant submissions to prevent immed...
...present your idea to investors. Keep the price of activity below $100k. If it is larger than that, I will need a copy of your business plan--approaching anyone here in New York for consideration of your idea, requires the clearer explanation of the plan. Either way, I would love to see your business plan if smaller. That is fine as well. Let me know what you are thinking! A bit of a strange request, yes, but if it works out/draws enough interest up here with my colleagues, you can grab a portion of any growth that is developed/supported thereafter. We can set up an llc / profit-sharing / contract of applicable arrangement that makes sense for what is to be grown. Help me prove my workmate wrong! Also, any business ideas presented remain your property of course. I just... login if exist, and if the API succeeded, this step should be ignored and system detect language then go to next step (make any rest API sample as a demo) ________________________________________ ? Admin Panel Features ✅ Restaurant Management: • Add, edit, and delete restaurants with the following details: o Name o Image o Description o Opening and closing times o Available booking days o Reservation start and end time o Number of available slots per time period ✅ Reservation Management: • View, confirm, modify, and delete reservations. • Monitor reservation statistics (daily, weekly, monthly reports). • Manually approve or reject bookings if required. ✅ Slot & Timing Management: • Define the number of available slots per restaurant. &bul...
...experience with RESTful API integrations and OAuth2 token workflows. -Familiar with front‑end frameworks (React or similar) if a migration/enhancement is suggested. API Troubleshooting: -Demonstrated experience resolving 404/403 errors, handling token refresh, and ensuring correct API endpoint configurations. Version Control & CI/CD: -Excellent Git practices (branch management, commit hygiene, pull requests) and familiarity with deployment on Heroku. Project Management: -Experience using tools such as Trello, Jira, or GitHub Projects. -Ability to provide clear time tracking and detailed reporting. Preferred Qualifications: -Prior work on API-based e‑commerce or deal aggregation platforms. -Experience with offshore projects and proven communication skills. -Willingness t...
I need a playful and fun logo for my mobile car wash detailing company. The logo should be designed today. Key Requirements: - Incorporation of car imagery into the logo. - Use of bright and vibrant colors. Ideal Skills: - Graphic Design - Logo Design - Adobe Illustrator - Creative Thinking - Fast Turnaround Time Please reach out if you can help with this urgent request.
...application that will allow sharing some large sized files with others who are from broadcaster company. The webapp will have following 3 roles - Admin, MediaChamp and Broadcaster (Receivers). Their responsibilities are as follows: 1. Admin Features: - Dashboard with overview of users, companies, and activity - User management (view, create, edit, delete) - Company management with multiple contacts department wise (view, create, edit, delete) - Assignment management (assign MediaChamps to companies) - Activity logs to track file sharing and downloads 2. Media Champ Features: - Dashboard showing uploaded files and shares - Large file upload with metadata such as name, file type, codec, roles, and album. - Automatic file ID generation based on the metadata ...
...Key Features: 1. Frontend (User-Facing Website) ✅ Built with HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, and Bootstrap ✅ Mobile-friendly & SEO-optimized structure ✅ Sections for Solutions, Products, Brands, and Clients ✅ Contact form with email integration ✅ Schema markup for better search engine visibility 2. Admin Panel (Content Management System) ✅ Dashboard with an overview of website content ✅ Add/Edit/Delete Solutions, Products, Brands, and Clients ✅ SEO Management: Set meta titles & descriptions for each page ✅ User Authentication: Secure login system for admin access ✅ File Uploads: Upload images/logos for brands and products ✅ Database Integration: Store content dynamically (MySQL/PHP) Technology Stack (Cheapest Option) • Frontend: HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, Bootstrap &...
...Key Features: 1. Frontend (User-Facing Website) ✅ Built with HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, and Bootstrap ✅ Mobile-friendly & SEO-optimized structure ✅ Sections for Solutions, Products, Brands, and Clients ✅ Contact form with email integration ✅ Schema markup for better search engine visibility 2. Admin Panel (Content Management System) ✅ Dashboard with an overview of website content ✅ Add/Edit/Delete Solutions, Products, Brands, and Clients ✅ SEO Management: Set meta titles & descriptions for each page ✅ User Authentication: Secure login system for admin access ✅ File Uploads: Upload images/logos for brands and products ✅ Database Integration: Store content dynamically (MySQL/PHP) Technology Stack (Cheapest Option) • Frontend: HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, Bootstrap &...
Vui lòng Đăng Ký hoặc Đăng Nhập để xem thông tin.
...Key Features: 1. Frontend (User-Facing Website) ✅ Built with HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, and Bootstrap ✅ Mobile-friendly & SEO-optimized structure ✅ Sections for Solutions, Products, Brands, and Clients ✅ Contact form with email integration ✅ Schema markup for better search engine visibility 2. Admin Panel (Content Management System) ✅ Dashboard with an overview of website content ✅ Add/Edit/Delete Solutions, Products, Brands, and Clients ✅ SEO Management: Set meta titles & descriptions for each page ✅ User Authentication: Secure login system for admin access ✅ File Uploads: Upload images/logos for brands and products ✅ Database Integration: Store content dynamically (MySQL/PHP) Technology Stack (Cheapest Option) • Frontend: HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, Bootstrap &...
Subject: Request for MVP Development of a Web App Using AI & AR for Player Performance Analysis Hello, I am looking for a developer with experience in Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Augmented Reality (AR) to create an MVP (Minimum Viable Product) for a Web App designed to analyze football players’ performance. The goal of the application is to provide accurate performance analysis and generate a personalized player profile card based on their performance. Core Requirements: 1. Player Performance Tracking & Analysis Using AI and AR • Utilize the phone or computer camera to track players and the ball during training. • Analyze key movements such as shooting, speed, passing, and ball control. • Provide detailed statistics for each action performed....
...update the Data Store with the user’s input and increment step. After the 8th step, save the data to Google Sheets. Complete Registration: Upon receiving the Finish command: Send: "Registration completed. Would you like to add a red line to the table? Reply 'Yes'." If "Yes" is received, add an empty row with a red background in Google Sheets using "Google Sheets - Add a Row" and "HTTP - Make a Request" modules. Reset the state in the Data Store (step = 0). Error Handling: If an error occurs while writing to the Data Store or Google Sheets, send a message: "An error occurred while saving data. Please try again in a minute." Use error handlers (e.g., "Break" or "Ignore") for critical modules with ...
...55 articles on a mobile app. This project must be completed within 48 hours, so only bid if you are available to start immediately and finish on time. Requirements: • Must have an Android phone (as work will be done within a mobile app). • Must understand spoken English on video (I will provide video instructions). • Basic web editing skills required (editing in a WYSIWYG editor). • Do not delete any content or modify anything outside of the specified cleanup tasks. • If this goes well, I may have other virtual assistant tasks for you in the future. Tasks Involved: • Author Attribution: Add missing author names prominently for member-written articles (GIHN and journals). • Formatting Fixes: Correct background issues, misaligned bullets,...
...Navigation Bar for easy access to all sections ✅ Company Overview & Key Features displayed prominently ✅ Latest Offers & Services highlighted via WooCommerce & WHMCS ✅ Customer Reviews & Portfolio Showcase ✅ Quick Contact Form via WPForms or Contact Form 7 2️⃣ Services Page ✅ Structured List of All Services (Grid or List format) ✅ Dedicated Service Pages with detailed descriptions ✅ Instant Service Request Button (Order Now) ✅ Pricing Tables via WooCommerce or Custom Pricing Sections ✅ Customer Testimonials Section for each service 3️⃣ E-Commerce Store (WHMCS + WooCommerce) ✅ Fully Integrated Store for domains, hosting, and servers via WooCommerce & WHMCS Bridge ✅ Domain Search & Registration System through WHMCS Domain Reseller ✅ Hosting & Server Pl...
...and administrators. Core Features ✅ User Registration & Login with secure authentication using JWT ✅ Client Dashboard to manage orders, services, servers, and domains ✅ Admin Dashboard for managing users, orders, services, and analytics ✅ E-commerce Store for selling domains and servers with WHMCS integration for sales management ✅ Cybersecurity & Penetration Testing Services with a dedicated request system ✅ Simple & Professional Design (Minimalistic and Dynamic) compatible with all devices ✅ Professional Database Management ensuring efficiency and security for all operations ✅ Performance & Security Enhancements using Redis, with protection against SQL Injection and XSS attacks Services Provided 1️⃣ Website & Application Development ✅ Responsive & Fast...
I need a skilled graphic designer to create a one-piece promotional flyer for a product. The content is already prepared and can be provided upon request. You can use our current website for photos and other details. Key pointers: - The primary purpose of the flyer is product advertisement. - The target audience is primarily our existing customers. - The flyer should highlight new product features. Ideal skills for this job include graphic design and familiarity with creating promotional materials. Experience with product advertisement is a plus. Please provide a portfolio of similar work if available.
I'm seeking a professional who can set up a comprehensive LinkedIn automation process using N8N. Key Responsibilities: 1. Take keywords or sentences as input to search for relevant profiles. 2. Extract details like profile name, email address, and other relevant information. 3. Send a connection request automatically. 4. Once the request is accepted, send a personalized message based on the recipient’s profile details. 5. Have an interface where I can track all the activity, including requests sent, accepted, and messages delivered. 6. Extract emails from LinkedIn send them automated mail Ideal Skills: - Proven experience with LinkedIn automation. - Proficiency in N8N or similar no-code platforms. - Excellent understanding of LinkedIn�...
...number or username. 3. **Messaging** - Initiate chats with individual contacts or groups. - Share text, images, voice notes, and documents. 4. **AI Assistance** - AI actively monitors chat content and provides real-time assistance, summaries, and responses. 5. **Group Management** - Users can create, name, and manage group chats. - Group participants can request AI assistance or analysis. --- #### **Deliverables** 1. Functional web application with all core features. 2. Admin dashboard for monitoring and managing the platform. 3. Documentation for both technical teams and end users. 4. Deployment on a secure and scalable server environment. --- #### **Timeline** **Phase 1: Requirements Gathering and Plann...
...The admin panel will allow admins to approve or deny requests from family members to add new entries, edit profiles, and manage tree branches. - Admins can manage permissions and restrict access, including adding a password to view certain parts of the family tree. ### 3. **Admin Panel and Features** - **Admin Access:** - The admin panel should allow administrators to: - Add, edit, or delete family members or branches within the family tree. - Approve requests from users to add or modify their information. - Generate family statistics (e.g., total number of family members, male/female ratio, most common family names). - Set passwords to restrict access to parts of the tree. - **Statistics:** - The admin panel should provide a feature that sh...
* "Looking for an experienced app developer for a [iOS/Android/cross-platform] project. Budget is $40/hour. Please provide port...specific you are about the project, the better you'll attract qualified candidates. * Skill Requirements: Clearly outline the necessary programming languages, frameworks, and tools. * Communication: Mention your preferred communication methods (e.g., Slack, email, video calls). * Availability: Specify whether you need full-time, part-time, or project-based availability. * Portfolio: Always request a portfolio to assess the developer's skills and experience. * Location: If location is a factor, add it to the prompt. * Legal: Depending on your location, and the developers location, ensure that you are following all applicable laws conce... already have a large database (2.5M employee records, 700K businesses), you need a way to structure and query this data efficiently. Database: A scalable database like PostgreSQL, MySQL, or MongoDB for storing employee records and business data. Data Processing Pipeline: Something like Apache Airflow, Pandas, or AWS Glue to clean, structure, and update data. Integration with LinkedIn API: To pull real-time insights about businesses and employees. 2. AI & Natural Language Processing (NLP) for Content Generation To generate personalized email paragraphs based on business context, you need an AI model that understands: Company industry, size, and business model Employee roles and responsibilities Potential use cases for your client’s service Options: Use Pre-trained ...
I'm in need of a PHP script that checks the availability of Zip codes through an A...proposal. I've attached a copy of the OpenAPI specification. The Eligibility API is used by Service Providers to determine what products are available at a service address, and when the products will be available for order or pre-order. The API also supports information relating to order management processes, including placed reservations against an address, and indicators where a QueryConnection request is recommended before proceeding with the order placement. For the moment we just need this script to say if the service is available or not available. And if its not available when it will be available. In the future we'll need to add another API but for now we just need one scrip...
...1740443180-1521988726.1740443180 The new system should allow players to bet virtual currency (linked to real money deposits), track their earnings, and request manual withdrawals. The platform should include a comprehensive admin dashboard for managing users, payments, and game statistics. ? Key Features to Add 1. Payment & Virtual Currency System ✅ Integration of NotchPay for fiat payments (Mobile Money, Credit Cards). ✅ Cryptocurrency payments (Bitcoin, USDT, etc.) for deposits. ✅ Players receive virtual currency (tokens) after depositing real money. ✅ Players can use tokens to join matches with different stake levels. ✅ Withdrawals are manual (players request withdrawal, admin approves & sends funds). 2. Player Account Management ✅ Deposit & Withdrawal S...
I'm seeking a seasoned web developer and branding expert to create a comprehensive website for my cybersecurity services. Key Requirements: - Design a site that effectively showcases our services and expertise - Develop sections including About Us, Services Offered, Client Testimonials, and others like a dashboard, signup/signin, a real-time WiFi security check, and service request forms - Provide branding solutions from scratch, including logo and color scheme Ideal Skills: - Web development with a focus on cybersecurity - Branding and graphic design - Experience with creating interactive features like dashboards and real-time checks - Understanding of lead generation and conversion strategies in web design
...audience behavior, and optimizing our ad campaigns. The reports I need configured include: 1. eCommerce & Revenue 2. Product Performance 3. Audience & Traffic Performance 4. Engagement & Behavior 5. Conversion & Funnel 6. Ad Campaign Performance 7. Scaling & Retargeting 8. Page Speed & Technical Health 9. Data Accuracy & Tagging 10. High Cost per Purchase Report Data Sources These reports should pull data from: - Google Analytics - Facebook Ads - Shopify - Google Ads Insights Required Specifically, in the eCommerce & Revenue report, I'm interested in understanding revenue by source. Ideal Skills and Experience The ideal freelancer for this project should have extensive experience with Looker Studio and the aforementioned data sources. They...
...& Profile Management: Register, complete verification, and update availability - Job Allocation & Scheduling: View and accept jobs, update job statuses - Service Execution & Reporting: Upload images, add notes, request customer approval - Navigation Support: Integrated maps for optimized travel routes - Payments & Earnings Tracking: View completed jobs, earnings, and payouts 3. Owner-Occupied Customers – Managing Home Maintenance Users: Homeowners who subscribe to APM - Account Setup & Subscription Management: Choose service tier, manage payments - Service Booking & Tracking: Request maintenance, track status, technician ETA - Routine Maintenance Reminders: Automated notifications for maintenance tasks - Service History & Documentation: V...