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  • article written ebay
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2,000 article written ebay công việc được tìm thấy

I need to get text and link mouse hover on chrome browser running on windows platform. Required to be written in vb.net language. Describe the job clearly by connecting to chat with me.

$205 Average bid
$205 Giá đặt trung bình
4 lượt đặt giá
Write content 5 article
Đã kết thúc left

Xin chào Sayal Technology, tôi đã thấy hồ sơ của bạn và muốn gửi đề nghị bạn tham gia dự án của tôi. Chúng ta có thể thảo luận thêm thông tin qua cửa sổ chat.

$50 Average bid
$50 Giá đặt trung bình
1 lượt đặt giá
Đã kết thúc left

1 / auto scan amazon price, other sites (wallmart, homdeport ..) have changed and if you change, go to ebay and reprice with new price of amazon or other site (wallmart, homdepot ..) according to the formula prefilled. (ex: ebay price = amazon price * ) 2 / Get the new order output file 3 / Automatically increase the quality of the product after an order 4 / automatically evaluate feed back for customers 5 / Automatically send offers to customers who have watched the product (watching) 6 / Track if the product is about to expire (3 days left), it will scan to see if it is eligible or not, if not enough then end it (condition is sold within 27 days)

$344 Average bid
$344 Giá đặt trung bình
2 lượt đặt giá

Mình cần viết tool tương tác tài khoản eBay, thao tác yêu cầu: 1. Tìm kiếm theo từ khóa, kéo xem rồi bấm vào xem sản phẩm, bấm quan tâm sản phẩm, watch, add to card, chọn xem sản phẩm tiếp theo. 2. Tự động đấu giá sản phẩm bất kì theo giá đã đưa ra. Mục đích muốn bot eBay xác định 1 người dùng bình thường. Mình cũng cần tool đăng sản phẩm từ amazon qua ebay, tool có thể import dữ liệu sản phẩm từ amazon qua ebay để đăng hàng. import link amazon theo yêu cầu

$250 Average bid
$250 Giá đặt trung bình
2 lượt đặt giá
Project for Thien N.
Đã kết thúc left

Xin chào Thien N., tôi đã thấy hồ sơ của bạn và muốn mời bạn làm việc cho dự án của mình. Chúng ta có thể thảo luận thông tin thông qua chat. Bạn còn nhận viết tool tương tác ebay k vậy. Ghế qua chơi mình cần viết 1 tool tương tự như vậy. Có cả link video mô tả tool cho bạn. Nếu dc thì liên hệ nhé

$250 Average bid
$250 Giá đặt trung bình
1 lượt đặt giá

Mình cần thuê viết tool tương tác nuôi tài khoản ebay. Yêu cầu: auto login trên trình duyệt chrome, firefox để vào ebay. acc ebay chạy trong tools xem view click Help & contact, tìm kiếm Sản phẩm theo từ khóa các mình đặt và click vào sản phảm theo từ khóa để xem, watchlist sản phẩm hay follow seller. cái phần từ khóa thì lấy trên mạng cóp về rồi cho vào 1 file .txt ( kiểu như thu viện từ khóa, có thể xóa những từ khóa đó đi để cóp từ khóa mới vào ) để tool tự động tìm kiếm. đương nhiên tool yêu cầu có quyền ADM để e có thể tr...

$50 Average bid
$50 Giá đặt trung bình
2 lượt đặt giá

I need an article for Amazon niche site content.

$28 Average bid
$28 Giá đặt trung bình
3 lượt đặt giá

Mình cần viết tool tương tác tài khoản eBay, thao tác yêu cầu: Tìm kiếm theo từ khóa, kéo xem rồi bấm vào xem sản phẩm, kéo xem sản phẩm 1 lúc rồi bấm quan tâm sản phẩm, rồi bấm xem sản phẩm tiếp theo. Mục đích muốn bot eBay xác định 1 người dùng bình thường, dễ dàng cho việc lập tài khoản. Yêu cầu tool nhẹ, vì mình chạy nuôi tài khoản trên máy ảo.

$60 Average bid
$60 Giá đặt trung bình
2 lượt đặt giá

1) Hiện cần lập trình java sử lý lại các thuật toán logic và phát triển thêm game, sử lý sự co debug lỗi . 2) Có kinh nghiệm lập trình game cocos2dx . Làm việc xử lý cocos và dữ liệu data mongodb. Cần team hoặc cá nhân đảm nhận build game đã có s...thể làm việc theo dự án. Ngoài ra , một số project cần phát triển thêm tính năng mới cho game đã có sẵn. Liên hệ với tôi 0967939897 hoặc telegram quay_hu I need to develop my game project: demo: The server is operated by Java I need the technique to debug errors due to error code translation, develop more features. Client is written in cocos2d I need t...

$3601 Average bid
$3601 Giá đặt trung bình
11 lượt đặt giá
lap trinh C# cho OOP
Đã kết thúc left

...rhino / grasshopper (3d design software - ). C # writing experience is essential, knowledge of grasshopper is not required. python experience is even better. The project begins immediately and will run until the end of June 2019, with the potential to continue to be a C # / python tutor in the future. The project output is the application of growth model (written code) for mesh / mesh objects. soldiers, soldiers, hcm...

$19 / hr Average bid
Địa phương
$19 / hr Giá đặt trung bình
4 lượt đặt giá
Project for Smartinfosys
Đã kết thúc left

restore ebay store page

$200 Average bid
$200 Giá đặt trung bình
1 lượt đặt giá
Làm website cashback
Đã kết thúc left

Mình cần làm 1 site cashback nhỏ cho amazon, ebay, aliexpress (retailers) và accesstrade (network). Yêu cầu: - Cho phép chỉnh % cashback - Tự động cập nhật click, order của member thông qua API. Khi conversion được hết pending ở affiliate account thì khoản cashback tương ứng ở tài khoản member tự động chuyển từ pending sang payable. - Giao diện đơn giản, gọn nhẹ, không cần làm app

$555 Average bid
$555 Giá đặt trung bình
2 lượt đặt giá

I need a translation.dự án của tôi là có thề thu mua và tái chế lại tất cả nhữncg đồ phế thải

$144 Average bid
$144 Giá đặt trung bình
2 lượt đặt giá
Article on Web page
Đã kết thúc left

Web page

$95 Average bid
$95 Giá đặt trung bình
3 lượt đặt giá
Viết phần mềm
Đã kết thúc left

Xây dựng 1 công cụ bằng PHP có chức năng tự động bóc tách nội dung của 1 website bất kỳ, nội dung bó...vào website Opencart hoặc bất kỳ hệ thống nào khác. Các nội dung bóc tách có tính lặp lại như Sản phẩm, Tin tức, Bài viết… Không bóc tách các nội dung trang thông tin tĩnh như: giới thiệu, chính sách, liên hệ… Construction 1 tool PHP function automatically crawls the content of one website any content dissection include: title, image, description, detailed content of one product or one news article Articles ... Then import the database into Opencart website or any other system. The content dissection repetitive...

$504 Average bid
$504 Giá đặt trung bình
7 lượt đặt giá
Viết sách eBook
Đã kết thúc left

viết ebook theo yêu cầu. ebook written request.

$184 Average bid
$184 Giá đặt trung bình
3 lượt đặt giá

Công ty truyền thông và giáo dục đào tạo High Art là công ty truyền thông, quảng cáo và tổ chức sự kiện nhắm đến đối tượng tham gia là trẻ em tuổi từ 9 đến 15. Công việc thiết kế: - Logo: thiết kế đơn giản dạng Hand-written là tên cty HIGH ART. Trong đó, chữ HIGH có 2 phiên bản màu trắng và đen, chữ ART có 3 màu đỏ-lục-lam đại diện cho 3 màu sắc của truyền hình. Thiết kế dễ đọc, nhưng không quá trẻ con. Thiết kế thêm 1 phiên bản logo kèm slogan "Hi, Future." ở phía dưới. - Name card: Thiết kế dạng mở ra đóng vào như cánh cửa. Sẽ bàn thêm về ...

$75 Average bid
$75 Giá đặt trung bình
2 lượt đặt giá

Chào bạn. Mình có chút việc muốn nhờ bạn giúp về việc thanh toán từ đây về tài khoản paypal. Bạn có thể giúp mình không? Nếu được bạn chat với mình qua 5kyp3 nhé: như nick name trên đây nhé.

$218 Average bid
$218 Giá đặt trung bình
3 lượt đặt giá

Chào bạn. Mình có chút việc muốn nhờ bạn giúp về việc thanh toán từ đây về tài khoản paypal. Bạn có thể giúp mình không? Nếu được bạn chat với mình qua 5kyp3 nhé: như nick name trên đây nhé.

$100 - $100
$100 - $100
0 lượt đặt giá

Mình muốn xây dựng trang web về thương mại điện tử giống ebay Các bạn nào có sẵn thì liên hệ mình nhé.

$22 Average bid
$22 Giá đặt trung bình
2 lượt đặt giá

Chung toi dang tim kiem mot tro ly ao, Nguoi viet nam, Noi tieng anh luu loat, co the dich tai lieu Co the ho tro cho chung toi nhung cong viec sau: Customer Service Emails Website Management Web Research Social Media Listings Manager (Ebay, Etsy, Amazon, ect.) Online Marketing Fluent in Microsoft Office and Google Drive

$160 Average bid
$160 Giá đặt trung bình
2 lượt đặt giá

Chung toi dang tim kiem mot tro ly ao, Nguoi viet nam, Noi tieng anh luu loat, co the dich tai lieu Co the ho tro cho chung toi nhung cong viec sau: Customer Service Emails Website Management Web Research Social Media Listings Manager (Ebay, Etsy, Amazon, ect.) Online Marketing Fluent in Microsoft Office and Google Drive

$242 Average bid
$242 Giá đặt trung bình
3 lượt đặt giá
Translate Something
Đã kết thúc left

I can write Website CSS, translate English to Vietnamese, and write article.

$30 - $250
$30 - $250
0 lượt đặt giá

Aslam Walkum Wa Ramatu Allah Wa Barakatu (Peace and Blessing and the Mercy of Allah be upon you). We need volunteers in these fields if you want to work for Islam that would be great. May Allah Reward you in this Life and the Hereafter Ameen If you have Good Skills in any of these fields please ...would be great. May Allah Reward you in this Life and the Hereafter Ameen If you have Good Skills in any of these fields please bid. Also we are on a budget so please be considerate on the bid price as we are doing things for Islam here to make the website, grow Insha Allah. Looking for people with skills in if you have at least one of these please tell us what you can do: Wordpress SEO Article writing Designing Adobe Illustrator Jazak Allah Khairn (May Allah Reward W...

$30 Average bid
$30 Giá đặt trung bình
1 lượt đặt giá

Looking for a talented SEO article writer to help improve our search engine ranking. Key Responsibilities: - Write engaging and informative 1000+ word articles - Optimize content for search engines Ideal Skills: - Strong understanding of SEO principles - Excellent writing and research skills - Experience with creating long-form content

$23 Average bid
$23 Giá đặt trung bình
34 lượt đặt giá

A fast, responsive, and SEO-friendly website showcasing the best free bets from top bookmakers, similar to FreeBets.com. The site will feature: Daily AI-generated football & horse racing tips automatically posted. AI-generated sports news articles published daily. A sleek homepage displaying free bets in various widgets, along with well-written explanations about free bets. User login for content creators to manage and post content. Built for speed, mobile responsiveness, and top-tier SEO performance.

$457 Average bid
$457 Giá đặt trung bình
114 lượt đặt giá

...you. We would provide the final components document to you by Wednesday 12th March at the latest. This should hopefully allow enough time all day Thursday 13th March to finalise. Key requirements -Translating the document while maintaining a formal tone - Ensuring the translated document matches the original format (word doc with original headings) Ideal candidates should: - Be fluent in written Japanese and English - Experience with the Tourism Industry is preferred - Have experience with formal business translations - Be able to meet the firm deadline Please provide examples of similar work you've completed when applying. It would also help at time of quotation if you could translate an excerpt (paragraph or two) from an existing proposal that we would share befo...

$19 / hr Average bid
$19 / hr Giá đặt trung bình
27 lượt đặt giá
Simple Open Access Journal Display Site
22 giờ left
Đã xác thực

I'm looking for a web developer to create a straightforward open access website. The primary purpose of this site is to display various pages of informat...menu to easily access different sections. Key Features: - Multi-page layout with a clear navigation menu - Pages containing information about journal - Links to Dropbox for accessing journal issues Ideal Skills: - Web development - Experience with creating multi-page websites - Understanding of user-friendly navigation design Please note, this website does not require functionalities such as article submission, peer review systems or an open access archive. Content can be copied from , currently we are paying $700 p.a. for hosting - most of functionality we don't use because people just email the Editor to submit ar...

$13 - $19 / hr
Gấp Niêm phong
$13 - $19 / hr
48 lượt đặt giá

I'm looking to upgrade my written PHP chat with audio-visual capabilities. This includes adding a 'Mike' feature and a camera+microphone to both private and public chats. Key requirements: - Audio-Visual Features: The camera and microphone should be accessible in both public and private chats. In private chats, the camera should function exclusively between the two individuals conversing. Conversely, in public chats, it should be available for all participants. Users should have the ability to click on the camera+microphone button next to their username, which will trigger a pop-up window for a live broadcast. - Moderation Capabilities: I require the ability to mute or block users as necessary with these new functionalities. - User Interface: The design should be c...

$124 Average bid
$124 Giá đặt trung bình
66 lượt đặt giá
Technical SEO & Meta Tag Optimization
6 ngày left
Đã xác thực

I have a woocommerce theme where I use DatafeedR to mass import products. I have been using custom plugin from : Right now, I have the product page linking to the cheapest product webshop. But I would also like the name of the webshop show up in the buy now button But can not get his custom plugin to work with the first one: Also. I would like the loweste price to show up in the schema output and also in the Yoast title or meta description Atm, in google my products shows up with the high price

$121 Average bid
$121 Giá đặt trung bình
93 lượt đặt giá

I need an Excel expert to help me protect my Excel 365 spreadsheet from being accessed on any unauthorized computer. - Currently, I have a module written in Developer mode that compares the computer name to a list, but it is not functioning as intended. - I need the spreadsheet to be completely inaccessible on unauthorized computers, not just restricted to editing. - The spreadsheet will only need to be accessed from a single location. Ideal candidates for this project should have extensive experience with Excel 365, particularly with creating and implementing security measures in spreadsheets. Knowledge of programming in Developer mode is a plus. Please provide evidence of similar projects you have successfully completed.

$378 Average bid
$378 Giá đặt trung bình
36 lượt đặt giá

Monthly SEO for - keywords - 15 keywords Backlinks - 200 backlinks On-page + Off-page + Technical SEO Article – 2 articles for backlinks creation work

$107 Average bid
$107 Giá đặt trung bình
1 lượt đặt giá

I'm in need of a skilled writer who can compose a fact-based news article aimed at the general public. The article will be about UT SB120 - excluding veterinarians from reporting gabapentin as a controlled substance. The article will be published in the veterinary news, but nothing veterinary specific required. Interviewing 3-4 people who were involved with the bill and some who were opposed. The article can be published under your name Key Requirements: - Expertise in interviewing. - Ability to write in a clear, engaging style for a general audience. - Strong research skills to ensure accuracy and credibility. - Experience in fact-based reporting without bias. I expect a well-structured article that adheres to journalistic standards. Please provi...

$341 Average bid
$341 Giá đặt trung bình
49 lượt đặt giá
Airbnb Social Media Management
6 ngày left
Đã xác thực

I'm seeking a savvy social media manager to boost my Airbnb bookings through engaging posts on Facebook and Instagram. - Content Creation: This will include photos, videos and written posts showcasing the charm of my Airbnb property, guest testimonials, offers. - Strategy: I need a professional who can devise and implement an effective social media strategy aimed primarily at increasing bookings. Ideal candidates should have: - Proven experience in social media management, especially for hospitality or rental properties. - Excellent content creation skills. - Strong understanding of Facebook and Instagram algorithms.

$11 / hr Average bid
$11 / hr Giá đặt trung bình
10 lượt đặt giá

...influencer marketing or UGC. Strong communication and negotiation skills. Familiarity with the social media landscape in Germany and the UK. Fluent in English; proficient in using AI (ChatGPT) for well written communications in varying languages. Qualifications: Proven experience in sourcing creators, influencers, or freelancers, preferably in the UGC space. Exceptional skills in advanced Google search queries (e.g., site:, exact match, Boolean operators). Familiarity with European markets and the UGC/influencer industry. Strong organizational skills and attention to detail. Excellent written and verbal communication skills in English (additional European languages are a plus). Experience with tools like CRM systems, project management platforms, and social media analytic...

$26 / hr Average bid
$26 / hr Giá đặt trung bình
11 lượt đặt giá
Arizona Superior Court Filing Assistance
6 ngày left
Đã xác thực

I need someone to help with filing a 6-page motion document at the Arizona Superior Court. Key tasks: - Print 2 copies of a 6-page motion document - File the documents at the Main Clerk’s Office within 24 hours - Deliver a copy to the judge's chambers - Email me a scanned confirmation once filed Ideal skills include: - Attention to detail - Ability to meet tight deadlines - Good c...with filing a 6-page motion document at the Arizona Superior Court. Key tasks: - Print 2 copies of a 6-page motion document - File the documents at the Main Clerk’s Office within 24 hours - Deliver a copy to the judge's chambers - Email me a scanned confirmation once filed Ideal skills include: - Attention to detail - Ability to meet tight deadlines - Good communication skills, parti...

$10 Average bid
Địa phương
$10 Giá đặt trung bình
1 lượt đặt giá

I'm looking for a writer who can rewrite true crime stories. I have a specific way the stories need to be written

$105 Average bid
$105 Giá đặt trung bình
1 lượt đặt giá
Trophy icon Price Comparison Research for Alibaba
13 ngày left

I'm in need of a seasoned researcher/buyer who can assist with price comparisons on Alibaba. This project will primarily focus on: - Comparing prices on Alibaba with other international suppliers and online marketplaces such as Amazon and eBay to ensure competitive pricing. - Providing insights and recommendations based on the findings. Ideal skills and experience for this job include: - Prior experience in sourcing products from Alibaba or similar platforms - Strong analytical skills for price comparison - Familiarity with international suppliers and online marketplaces - Excellent communication skills for presenting findings and recommendations. Please note that the specific type of products to be sourced has not yet been determined. PAYMENTS SCHEDULES: 1. This is a $1...

$6 Average bid
4 bài tham dự
Python Script for Arcade System Control
6 ngày left
Đã xác thực

Hey, I’m looking for a Python script that can control input locking for an arcade system running on a Raspberry P...store coin count across sessions so extra coins on the menu carry over to the game. 5️⃣ Automatically relock buttons after game over unless there are remaining coins. 6️⃣ Keep controls unlocked on the main menu/game selection screen at all times. 7️⃣ Ensure the script works smoothly with RetroPie and does not interfere with normal operation. ? Additional Info: I already have a working script (written in Python) that partially does this, but it still has issues with button locking and coin tracking. Looking for someone to fix and optimize it rather than start from scratch. Would you be able to write a script that achieves this? Let me know if you need more detail...

$136 Average bid
$136 Giá đặt trung bình
42 lượt đặt giá

I'm seeking a seasoned proofreader with expertise in academic writing, particularly in the field of Management and Total Quality Management (TQM). Your main responsibilities will include: - Ensuring consistency in terminology and formatting throughout the article - Adhering strictly to APA style guidelines - Maintaining consistency in citations The ideal candidate will have a strong command of academic English and a good grasp of research writing conventions. Experience in the field of Management and TQM is a plus. Your deliverable should be a thoroughly proofread and revised document, tracked for changes. Suggestions for improved phrasing and overall readability will be greatly appreciated.

$336 Average bid
$336 Giá đặt trung bình
58 lượt đặt giá

I am a single mother, heavily pregnant and in urgent need of assistance. I aim to run a crowdfunding campaign on Indiegogo to raise funds for my immediate needs - an apartment and food until I can secure a job. - Objective: To create a compelling campaign that highlights my personal circumstances and elicits empathy and support from potential donors. - Content: I have prepared written content ready for the campaign. I am seeking assistance primarily in Marketing and Promotion. The ideal freelancer should have skills and experience in: - Email Marketing: I want to reach out to potential donors through effective email campaigns. - Influencer Outreach: I need someone who can connect and collaborate with influencers to promote my campaign. Compensation is negotiable and will ideal...

$1923 Average bid
$1923 Giá đặt trung bình
15 lượt đặt giá

I am in need of a bilingual phone support agent fluent in both English and German. The primary task will be customer follow-ups concerning order status updates. Key Responsibilities...phone support agent fluent in both English and German. The primary task will be customer follow-ups concerning order status updates. Key Responsibilities: - Providing updates to customers regarding their order status - Ensuring clarity and understanding in both English and German - Upholding a professional and friendly demeanor Ideal Skills and Experience: - Fluent in English and German, both written and spoken - Prior experience in customer service and phone support - Excellent communication skills - Ability to convey information clearly and effectively - Experience providing order status updates...

$17 / hr Average bid
$17 / hr Giá đặt trung bình
8 lượt đặt giá

I'm seeking an admin assistant for my wedding photography business, with a primary focus on client communication. Key Responsibilities: - Engaging with clients via Email and Social Media - Handling inquiries and responses - Confirming bookings - Sending digital files and updates Ideal Skills and Experience: - Excellent written and verbal communication skills - Proficiency in using Email and Social Media for business purposes - Prior experience in client communication, preferably in the wedding or photography industry - Strong organizational skills to manage inquiries and responses effectively.

$16 / hr Average bid
$16 / hr Giá đặt trung bình
18 lượt đặt giá

I'm seeking a professional to create a detailed Technical Implementation Guide for the Domain Name System (DNS). This guide will specifically ta...Key aspects of the project: - Understanding of DNS: The freelancer should have a comprehensive understanding of how the DNS works, from domain name registration to the user request and connection establishment. - Technical Writing Skills: The ability to convert complex technical processes into clear, easy-to-follow instructions is essential. - Software Developer Perspective: The guide should be written with a software developer's perspective, taking into account their common challenges and needs. Ideal candidate would be a network engineer or system administrator with strong software development background and exceptional techn...

$10 / hr Average bid
$10 / hr Giá đặt trung bình
4 lượt đặt giá
Data entry for UGC creators -- 10
6 ngày left
Đã xác thực

...influencer marketing or UGC. Strong communication and negotiation skills. Familiarity with the social media landscape in Germany and the UK. Fluent in English; proficient in using AI (ChatGPT) for well written communications in varying languages. Qualifications: Proven experience in sourcing creators, influencers, or freelancers, preferably in the UGC space. Exceptional skills in advanced Google search queries (e.g., site:, exact match, Boolean operators). Familiarity with European markets and the UGC/influencer industry. Strong organizational skills and attention to detail. Excellent written and verbal communication skills in English (additional European languages are a plus). Experience with tools like CRM systems, project management platforms, and social media analytic...

$4 / hr Average bid
$4 / hr Giá đặt trung bình
31 lượt đặt giá

I'm looking for a web developer to create a resume builder website specifically designed for professionals. This platform will have a few key features: - Pre-written content suggestions: The site should be able to provide users with suggestions for content to include in their resumes, helping them to highlight their skills and experiences effectively. - Skills and experience analyzer: This feature will assess the user's input and suggest relevant skills and experiences to include in their resume. - Auto-fill feature: Users will share their information, and the site should automatically populate it into the templates we provide. Users of this site will need to input: - Personal details and contact information - Work history and achievements - Educational background...

$130 Average bid
$130 Giá đặt trung bình
16 lượt đặt giá
PA to Founder
6 ngày left
Đã xác thực

I'm seeking a Personal Assistant to help with managing email correspondence and inventory. The role involves communicating with suppliers, primarily regarding order inquiries. Ideal skills and experience for the job include: - Excellent written and verbal communication skills for professional email correspondence. - Experience in inventory management. - Prior experience dealing with suppliers, particularly in making order inquiries. - Strong organizational skills to manage multiple tasks effectively.

$10 / hr Average bid
$10 / hr Giá đặt trung bình
67 lượt đặt giá

Desenvolvedor Python para Integração de Marketplace Experiência mínima de 2 anos em programação com Python. Conhecimento sólido no desenvolvimento e integração de APIs RESTful e SOAP. Experiência prévia em projetos relacionados a marketplaces (como Amazon, eBay, MercadoLivre, entre outros). Familiaridade com bancos de dados relacionais e não relacionais (MySQL, PostgreSQL, MongoDB, etc.). Boas práticas de desenvolvimento: controle de versões (Git), testes unitários e documentação. Domínio do idioma português (falado e escrito). Capacidade de trabalhar de forma remota ou híbrida com equipes multiculturais. Funções principais: Projeta...

$439 Average bid
$439 Giá đặt trung bình
23 lượt đặt giá
Business Development Associate
6 ngày left
Đã xác thực

...entire sales pipeline independently—from lead generation to closing. *Generate leads and follow up via social media marketing and email campaigns. *Maintain detailed lead tracking in spreadsheets, including notes, updates, and feedback to refine strategies. Requirements: *Minimum of 3 years of experience in B2C sales (Ed-Tech experience is a plus). *Exceptional English communication skills—both written and spoken. *Proven ability to negotiate, close deals, and achieve targets. *A self-starter mindset with the ability to work independently from a home office. *Experience in lead generation and outreach through social media platforms. What We Offer: *Competitive monthly payout ranging from $500 to $800, plus attractive incentives. *A flexible, supportive work environm...

$312 Average bid
$312 Giá đặt trung bình
4 lượt đặt giá
Trophy icon Kindergarten Logo Design
2 ngày left

...appealing way. Design Name: ? "First Day of Kindergarten – Level Unlocked" Industry & Theme: ✅ Education & Back-to-School ✅ Gaming & Kids' Milestone ✅ Fun & Playful Learning Journey Concept & Design Elements: The main visual element is a yellow gaming controller with retro-style buttons and directional pads, symbolizing fun, play, and interactive learning. The text "First Day of Kindergarten" is written in bold, eye-catching yellow and black typography, creating a strong, energetic vibe. The phrase "LEVEL UNLOCKED" mimics the gaming achievement system, reinforcing the idea that starting kindergarten is an exciting new level in a child’s life. The small pixel-like icons and plus signs around the design enhance t...

$20 Average bid
Bảo đảm
275 bài tham dự