Painters để thuê tại Italy - Trang 4
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Creativa dalla nascita, con la passione per tutto quello che è l'Arte. Sono poliedrica, difatti adoro: dipingere, disegnare a mano e digitalmente, animare in 2D, cucire, fare cosplay, creare scenografie, bricolage ecc. Sempre alla ricerca di qualcosa che stimoli il mio lato creativoCreativa dalla nascita, con la passione per tutto quello che è l'Arte. Sono poliedrica, difatti adoro: dipingere, disegnare a mano e digitalmente, animare in 2D, cucire, fare cosplay, creare scenografie, bricolage ecc. Sempre alla ricerca di qualcosa che stimoli il mio lato creativo ít hơn
Thuê Aldiee
I love the 3D world , i start to study Blender for model and render, use substance painter and Quixel mixer for texturing and Luminar for post editing, solidworks tech item ,my Objective is create a custom print for my customer, i realize a mechanic and other with FDM printer and a miniature and action figure with...I love the 3D world , i start to study Blender for model and render, use substance painter and Quixel mixer for texturing and Luminar for post editing, solidworks tech item ,my Objective is create a custom print for my customer, i realize a mechanic and other with FDM printer and a miniature and action figure with Resin printer , I love realize a custom 3D print for my customer ít hơn
Thuê Metaldavid3D
Hi There!! I'm a illustrator from Italy. I am specialised in watercolour, ink, pencil and digital illustration. I can work in many styles and create everything from illustrations to book cover design and logos. My background includes driving the design of forward-thinking illustration projects and services for a...Hi There!! I'm a illustrator from Italy. I am specialised in watercolour, ink, pencil and digital illustration. I can work in many styles and create everything from illustrations to book cover design and logos. My background includes driving the design of forward-thinking illustration projects and services for a variety of clients. ít hơn
Thuê tilarinaldi
Hi! I’m Felipe, an artist from Argentina now based in Italy. I specialize in creating comic strips, logos, and portraits, but I genuinely enjoy working on anything that involves drawing. I’m excited to connect with you and bring your ideas to life through art! :)Hi! I’m Felipe, an artist from Argentina now based in Italy. I specialize in creating comic strips, logos, and portraits, but I genuinely enjoy working on anything that involves drawing. I’m excited to connect with you and bring your ideas to life through art! :) ít hơn
Thuê felihpe
Drawing since i remember it. I could mention several memories, almost vague images in the head, that testify how the drawing has always been present. I remember family evenings while i was drawing the TV heroes on the sofa or once at elementary school while i was drawing some firefighters inspired by an illustration...Drawing since i remember it. I could mention several memories, almost vague images in the head, that testify how the drawing has always been present. I remember family evenings while i was drawing the TV heroes on the sofa or once at elementary school while i was drawing some firefighters inspired by an illustration from a book and so on … The years pass and the passion grows … and my self-taught method starts to give me some professional satisfactions. The first collaborations arrive, also as a graphic designer, a profession for which i obtained the certification in 2005. In the mid-2000s i also started a collaboration with a magazine, initially as a cover artist and illustrator, and later also as an editorial and advertising graphic designer. After some experiences in independent comics, in 2010 i started my studies at the SRF Scuola Romana dei Fumetti, one of the most important italian forges of illustrators and cartoonists. In 2013, in the same academy, i graduated in “Drawing and technique of comics”, in 2014 in “Nude and illustration” and in 2015 the specialization in “American comics”. In the meantime, i haven’t stopped. Since 2009, i’m the official illustrator of one of the major institutional magazines in Italy, and at the same time I work as a illustrator, cover and visual artist for several publications and books. Highlights “Forse domani nevica” Cover artist of the book written by R. Paradiso (published by Edizioni Il mio libro). “Il puparo di sogni” Cover artist of the book written by the journalist R. Paradiso (published by Edizioni Le Vie). “Il Texano e l’Alitalia” Cover artist of the book written by the journalist of “La Repubblica” Edoardo Borriello (published by Edizioni Airnews International). “Elements” Illustrator (for articles, stories, columns and other contents) for one of the most important italian magazine in the energy and sustainability sector. “La Ola” Illustrator and graphic designer (editorial and advertising) for a sports monthly magazine. “L’Hermes della Metropoli” Illustrator and cartoonist for a monthly magazine; later, also as an editorial and advertising graphic designer ít hơn
Thuê abartartistainc
Good Morning, I am Italian from Florence. I did classical studies and I like writing about many things both prose and poetry.Good Morning, I am Italian from Florence. I did classical studies and I like writing about many things both prose and poetry. ít hơn
Thuê marti88
Ingegnere gestionale con la passione per i dati, l'informatica e le lingue straniere. Esperienze professionali nel settore della consulenza in ambito business intelligence e nel campo della pianificazione della produzione. Nel tempo libero mi dedico alle belle arti.Ingegnere gestionale con la passione per i dati, l'informatica e le lingue straniere. Esperienze professionali nel settore della consulenza in ambito business intelligence e nel campo della pianificazione della produzione. Nel tempo libero mi dedico alle belle arti. ít hơn
Thuê maratrade
I am Serena Serafino, highly experienced and well trained in the field of translation. I work as a freelance translator for private companies and professionals who need to publish their papers on various topics (from medicine to biology, to economy, to digital stuff in general). I'm also a teacher of English, so I...I am Serena Serafino, highly experienced and well trained in the field of translation. I work as a freelance translator for private companies and professionals who need to publish their papers on various topics (from medicine to biology, to economy, to digital stuff in general). I'm also a teacher of English, so I help my pupils during their journey to a new way of conceiving a different language. I am a perfectionist (I usually pay attention to everything, even small details that others don't notice - my friends well know that) and I love challenges.. . Why hire me? Because I am a professional translator and I deliver accurate translations in a reasonable amount of time, because I like foreign languages and, above all, because I love my job. For further information, please don't hesitate to contact me! Thank you for your attention! ツ ít hơn
Thuê serafinoserena
La mia passione è disegnare e voglio trasformare in un lavoro. Sto conseguendo dei corsi di Business, Marketing e tanti altri.La mia passione è disegnare e voglio trasformare in un lavoro. Sto conseguendo dei corsi di Business, Marketing e tanti altri. ít hơn
Thuê AlesiaVeliaj
Sono una lettrice a tempo pieno, fin dalla tenera età capisco di voler lavorare con i libri. Inizio il mio percorso da articolista, lavoro come archivista e ricercatrice storica per poi trasferirmi in Inghilterra. Continuo a occuparmi degli autori moderando eventi e presentazioni e accrescendo la mia formazione...Sono una lettrice a tempo pieno, fin dalla tenera età capisco di voler lavorare con i libri. Inizio il mio percorso da articolista, lavoro come archivista e ricercatrice storica per poi trasferirmi in Inghilterra. Continuo a occuparmi degli autori moderando eventi e presentazioni e accrescendo la mia formazione editoriale. Appassionata di psicologia e filosofia, per rilassarmi ho bisogno di un buon saggio. Ora vivo in Puglia, editor, ghostwriter e coach di scrittura freelance, collaboro con agenzie e aziende. Docente e content creator. Divulgo le mie conoscenze su Instagram e amo passare il tempo libero dipingendo o viaggiando, zaino in spalla ít hơn
Thuê serenacarlucci