Data entry, Data Processing, Administrative Tasks and others.
thg 6, 2021 - Hiện tại
3 năm, 6 tháng
Học vấn
Queen's University Belfast
2009 - 2012
3 năm
MEng. in Chemical Engineering
United Kingdom
2009 - 2012
3 năm
Bằng cấp
Graduate Engineer
Board of Engineers Malaysia
The Board of Engineers Malaysia is a statutory authority founded in 1972 representing the engineering profession in Malaysia. It has around 101,478 members as of 2016 who are either engineers or have a special interest in engineering in Malaysia.
The Institution of Chemical Engineers is a global professional engineering institution with over 33,000 members worldwide. It was founded in 1922 and awarded a Royal Charter in 1957. It has offices in Rugby, London, Melbourne, Wellington, New Zealand, Kuala Lumpur, and Singapore.
Chứng chỉ
Data Entry
US English
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