PROVATI Tech Limited is a global software development and information technology outsourcing company with offshore development center in Bangladesh. PROVATI is led by highly qualified and experienced technocrats who bring with them several years of experience in the field of business consulting, software design and development. The promoters have extensive experience working both in Bangladesh and abroad. PROVATI supplies application infrastructure software to simplify and accelerate the development, deployment, integration, and management of business applications.
Fact Sheet –
Section Team Members
Executive Body- 5
Consultants- 3
Research - Innovation- 4
Sales & Marketing- 7
Engineering - Development- 21
QA- 3
Customer Support- 7
Operation- 4
PROVATI’s Core Competencies-
Business Application Development for:
- Customer Relationship Management (CRM)
- Human Resource Management (HRM)
- Product Information Management (PIM)
- Supply Chain Management (SCM)
- Accounting System
- Inventory Management System (IMS)
- Enterprise Chain Management (ECM)
- Enterprise Resource management (ERM)
- Smart Card Software development
Web Application
- Web Enabling Legacy Application
- E- Commerce
- Online Gaming
- Animation
- Web Based n tire Application for Corporate Solution
- Web Based Credit Card Gateway Integration
Mobile Technology
-Mobile Gaming
-Application Software
-SMS gateway
Enterprise Application Integration
- Data Integration
- Component Integration
- Application Integration
- Process Integration
System Integration
- Data migration
- Interface development
- software testing & integration
- Data security
Quality Policy-
Quality is an ever-extending goal - the better you are, the better you need to [login to view URL] fulfill our goal of self-evident quality, we need to constantly improve our deliverables to match the increasing expectations of our customers. With standardization, being the key to all growth - professional, personal and financial, PROVATI reviews all its processes periodically and enhances them regularly.
We implement the Software Quality Assurance (SQA) process that addresses the quality assurance needs at every phase of the development cycle. Our QA team has developed a focused quality control checklist. In addition, we also have a comprehensive Quality Testing Checklist which ensures that every solution delivered by PROVATI measures up to the highest possible international standards.
Customer Support –
PROVATI’s dedicated customer support center is equipped with a 24/7 hotline, teleconferencing equipment, a relevant technical knowledge base and detailed information for every project on support. Our remote monitoring suite allows us to response instantaneously to any technical problems.
Remarkable Clients-
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