I am a passionate and well-skilled Data Scientist. I have always been fascinated by the use of advanced data-driven technologies for carrying out a plethora of tasks. While exploring the field of Natural Language Processing, I learned about the basics of Sentiment Analytics, Speech Recognition, Neural Machine Translation, and other related areas which I complemented with online certification courses on Sequence Models and Natural Language Processing. I am passionate about implementing the application of Natural Language Processing for figuring out innovative ways to solve day to day problems. When I am not researching or working on open source projects, I am taking part in data science competitions.
Technical proficiencies include:
Programming languages: Python, R, C, C++, Java, HTML, CSS, JavaScript
Database: SQL, PostgreSQL, Oracle
Certificates: Introduction to Deep Learning (June 2020), Natural Language Processing (July 2020), Sequence Models (June 2020)
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