Project for Thilaga A. -- 4
$250-750 USD
Thanh toán khi bàn giao
Process/workflow details
Investment Opportunity Initiation Process App
1 A Junior committee member Initiates an investment opportunity
2 On Submit Notification goes to all senior committee members for approval
3 Each Senior member votes yes/no/more information , comments (through Mobile App or email).
4 If any approver from senior committee member votes yes/no/more information then to send notification
to all other Senior Members
5 Each senior committee member can see other senior committee members responses and comments.
6 All senior committee members have equal vote, but chairman gets casting vote.
7 If a certain ‘YES’ votes are achieved from senior committee, then the chairman is the final VETO vote and
new investment process is initiated. (simply majority or veto vote by chairman).
8 If one of the approvers from senior committee member chooses 'More Information' option then to send
notification for review to the Requestor and other approvers.
9 Ability to attach documents to the request.
10 Two Factor Authentication (Microsoft Authenticator/Google Authenticator)
1. Requestor (Individual Task view with status)
2. Approver (All requesters’ tasks view list with status and drill down for individual request task view with
3. Status as Submitted , Approved, On hold, Completed, Closed
Notes 1. Real time comments and voting.
2. Tracking Section in Dashboard.
3. Voting using Desktop – Native Mobile App for IOS & Android.
4. Pop up Task Notification Native Mobile App for IOS & Android..
5. User Friendly look and feel ,Responsive App design
6. Approval auto delegation
7. Reports
ID dự án: #29727248