We need 25,000 West Bengal/Kolkata likes for our facebook fanpage.
You must be able to provide the following:
****NOTE: YOUR TECHNIQUES MUST NOT ENDANGER THE FACEBOOK/ ACCOUNTS BY PUTTING THEM AT RISK OF BEING BANNED.***** If our page gets banned for too many likes too fast you won't be paid. All likes must be legitimate people with active facebook pages (no fake accounts) or accounts at risk of being suspended soon -- Please, no bots, Blackhat techniques, no farming or other unethical tricks (we know them all)
You will not be given access as an administrator to our Facebook Page or backend.
Project should be completed within 2 months, with no more than 800 likes in a single day.
o All likes/fans/followers must come from real people with active account Facebook accounts over 3 months old, and with over 30 friends (no fake accounts or accounts at risk of being suspended.)
o NO bots allowed
o Fans from Kolkata/West Bengal only or Bengali accounts.
o Must be achieved by NO means of Illegal activity (No blackhat methods)
o Fans must be active
o No spammers or distasteful, illegal or inappropriate profile pictures
o No affiliations with likers/fans/followers that will risk our page being deleted
o You must use good practices when gathering fans.
- You will be paid only for those likes that remain active after 7 days.
- Any fans that are suspended in that time period must be replaced, or will not be paid for.
If you have previous experience in doing this please provide details of the facebook account.
Please send us sample pages for which work was done.
Payment Terms
100% when you've added 25,000 fans in total on the Facebook account. We can make milestone payments at start, but they will only be released at completion of project. If you fail to complete the payment, you must cancel the milestones.
NO Upfront Payment Required,,, I bring 3500 to 7000 likes to your Facebook page weekly from West Bengal/Kolkata . I Guarantee it 200% for you..Let us start now !