Experto en Google locker studio

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Pago 30 dolares 6 páginas Necesito desarrollar una plantilla de google locker studio para un report financiero.

La idea es que los datos se puedan modificar fácilmente (enlazado con una hoja de google sheets).

Los apartados son:


- Ingresos netos: que se puedan ver mensuales, trimestrales y anuales.

- Costes directos

- margen bruto

hoja 2:

- costes generales

- ebitda

- resultado neto

- flujo de caja

hoja 3:


- % margen neto mensual

- otros kpis

hoja 4:

-comparativa mes a mes, trimestre a trimestre o anual:

evolución de ingresos, costes y márgenes.

Variaciones porcentuales.

-Presupuesto vs. Real:

Análisis de desviaciones.

Que se puedan poner comentarios sobre causas y posibles soluciones

Hoja 5:

- Previsiones financieras

Proyecciones de ingresos y gastos para el siguiente período.

Cash flow proyectado.

Excel Google Data Studio Google Sheets Excel VBA Microsoft PowerBI

ID dự án: #38924333

Về dự án

5 đề xuất Đang mở để chào giá Dự án từ xa 52 phút trước đang mở

5 freelancer chào giá trung bình $15/giờ cho công việc này


Hello. I read your requirement i will do that. Please come on chat we will discuss more about this. I will waiting your reply

$5 USD / giờ
(28 Nhận xét)

Hello, i am ready exited to work you as i read your job description Experto en Google locker studio Hope for your very soon reply. Thank you

$5 USD / giờ
(1 Nhận xét)

¡Hola! Somos un equipo de 62 expertos con más de 9 años de experiencia en análisis financiero y desarrollo de dashboards. Nos especializamos en Google Looker Studio y creación de reportes financieros automatizados. He Thêm

$4 USD / giờ
(1 Nhận xét)

Hello, Greetings Hello. It's nice to meet you from full Stack developer This platform is new for me, but I have skills for this project and I took part in 30+project development. And have rich experiences with Goog Thêm

$50 USD / giờ
(0 Nhận xét)

As an administrative professional with significant experience in data entry and management, I believe I'm the perfect fit for your Google Locker Studio project. My proficiency in Excel includes advanced functions like Thêm

$10 USD / giờ
(0 Nhận xét)