Social Media Campaign for Sales Boost

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I'm looking for a skilled digital marketer with a strong focus on social media to help boost our sales through a targeted campaign.

Key Requirements:

- Expertise in creating and implementing social media campaigns aimed at increasing sales

- Proficiency in content creation, particularly in designing impactful images and graphics

- Proven track record of enhancing brand visibility and driving sales through social media

Your main tasks will include:

- Developing a comprehensive social media marketing strategy focused on sales

- Designing engaging images and graphics that align with our brand and captivate our target audience

- Monitoring campaign performance and making necessary adjustments to optimize results

Skills in data analysis and understanding of social media trends are essential. Experience in e-commerce marketing is a plus. Let's work together to turn clicks into customers!

Quảng cáo Quảng cáo trên Facebook Tiếp thị qua Internet Quảng bá truyền thông Twitter

ID dự án: #39047921

Về dự án

14 đề xuất Dự án từ xa 1 tháng trước đang mở

14 freelancer chào giá trung bình ₹969/giờ cho công việc này


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I'm Najam, a seasoned digital marketer with a keen focus on social media to drive tangible results. Throughout my career, I've been adept at creating targeted and impactful digital campaigns that significantly boost sa Thêm

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₹865 INR / giờ
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Hello, I am a skilled digital marketer with expertise in social media campaigns focused on increasing sales. I have successfully managed content creation, ad campaigns, and audience targeting to drive engagement and co Thêm

₹1000 INR / giờ
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Hhi I am experienced in this and I can start right now but i have few doubts and questions lets have a quick chat and get it started waiting for your replyyy ! r

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