Asp website alteration hackcông việc

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2,000 asp website alteration hack công việc được tìm thấy
bán tài khoản Facebook
Đã kết thúc left

Mình có rất nhiều tài khoản facebook tự tạo và hack được, cần người bán

$108 Average bid
$108 Giá đặt trung bình
7 lượt đặt giá
Project for Lo T.
Đã kết thúc left

Hi anh, em ở bên app Hack Não. Bên em muốn thử nghiệm làm game học từ vựng và muốn tìm game designer để lên plan. Có gì anh em trao đổi thêm về dự án qua zalo nhé 0975699776

$250 Average bid
$250 Giá đặt trung bình
1 lượt đặt giá
GO88 vs V99WIN
Đã kết thúc left

- Can 1 phan men Hack game Xoc dia, SIC BO, TAI XIU. Hoac nhieu loai tro choi ben trong game GO88 va game V99WIN Mong nhan duoc su phan hoi tu cac ban

$1500 - $3000
$1500 - $3000
0 lượt đặt giá

Code plugin về Anti Cheat cho server minecraft Plugin dựa trên Eflame có thể quét các client hack , và mod hack Bạn nào có kinh nghiệm về Java và code bukkit liên hệ lại mình nhé

$200 Average bid
$200 Giá đặt trung bình
2 lượt đặt giá
Cung cấp dịch vụ seo
Đã kết thúc left

...trắng tối ưu website hoàn toàn theo tiêu chuẩn webmastertool, tuân thủ các chính sách của Google. Nếu website của bạn chưa đạt tiêu chuẩn hay khó đẩy SEO trong thời gian nhanh, chúng tôi sẽ giúp bạn thiết kệ lại bằng mã nguồn code tay PHP hoặc ASP. Chúng tôi không nhận làm chỉ một vài từ khóa để tránh tình trạng mất cân bằng website, SEO không bền lâu Giới thiệu về dịch vụ SEO Quốc Khánh Đây là hình thức đưa website của bạn đạt thứ hạng cao trên google khi được người dùng tìm kiếm hoặc thông qua các trang như ping, baidu… (...

$59 Average bid
$59 Giá đặt trung bình
12 lượt đặt giá

Mình cần thuê người viết code request 2 website và để lấy dữ liệu html của trang kết quả các chuyến bay. Có thể dùng PHP, ASP, hay tùy ý.

$426 Average bid
$426 Giá đặt trung bình
8 lượt đặt giá
Chỉnh sửa website ASP
Đã kết thúc left

Các công việc cần thiết: - Chỉnh sửa một số lỗi hiển thị. - Bỏ một số chức năng không cần thiết trong quản trị. - Thêm chức năng lưu lịch sử hoạt động của các tài khoản. - Sửa form đăng ký ( có thể làm mới ). Chi tiết công việc sẽ bàn rõ hơn tại buổi làm việc trực tiếp. Cảm ơn!

$514 Average bid
$514 Giá đặt trung bình
10 lượt đặt giá
Chỉnh sửa web ASP
Đã kết thúc left

- Web chủ yếu cần chỉnh sửa về phần Front-End. - Về trang quản trị hiện tại có một vài chức năng không cần thiết cần giản lược đi. - Chức năng đăng bài còn một số hạn chế cần khắc phục. - Phần tự động lưu hình ảnh có bất cập phần đường dẫn, cần tối ưu. - Cần chỉnh sửa lại bảng dữ liệu của form đăng ký và show ra. - Thêm ô chèn mã code trong phần quản lý để tiện thêm code vào phần header và footer. - Tạo trang log ghi lại lịch sử hoạt động của các tài khoản. - Nội dung chi tiết sẽ bàn bạc cụ thể với freelancer. Xin cảm ơn!

$8 Average bid
$8 Giá đặt trung bình
1 lượt đặt giá
Xây dựng trang web
Đã kết thúc left

viết code trang web asp : web bán hàng , blog, web responsive...

$200 Average bid
$200 Giá đặt trung bình
8 lượt đặt giá

Chúng tôi có cần 1 freelancer có khả năng lập trình ASP Classic và MSSQL khá để fix Bug web (là một web Hàn Quốc - lúc làm sẽ có người thông dịch) Chi tiết sẽ bàn khi trao đổi trực tuyến. Và có một dự án khác nữa sẽ bàn bạc khi kết thúc dự án này.

$652 Average bid
$652 Giá đặt trung bình
2 lượt đặt giá
hack dao rong
Đã kết thúc left

hack dao rong co rong manh hon

$30 - $250
$30 - $250
0 lượt đặt giá

Cần 1 nhóm bạn cùng hợp tác để xây dựng 1 trang web quản lý gian hàng trực tuyến , mọi cơ sở vật chất đã chuẩn bị đủ (Server, tên miền, văn phòng, chỗ ở....) và website đã hoàn thành 60%, các bạn chỉ cần phát triển đến khi hoàn chỉnh, mọi chi phí nhóm sẽ cung cấp Yêu cầu: - Các bạn phải ở thành phố Hồ Chí Minh - Biết các ngôn ngữ lập trình: PHP, ASP, Javascript - Có tinh thần làm việc nhóm, nghiêm túc trong công việc Quyền lợi: - Thành viên sẽ được hỗ trợ tiền lương theo năng lực làm việc - Khi dự án hoàn tất thành v...

$1112 Average bid
$1112 Giá đặt trung bình
4 lượt đặt giá

Cần 1 nhóm bạn cùng hợp tác để xây dựng 1 trang web quản lý gian hàng trực tuyến , mọi cơ sở vật chất đã chuẩn bị đủ (Server, tên miền, văn phòng, chỗ ở....) và website đã hoàn thành 60%, các bạn chỉ cần phát triển đến khi hoàn chỉnh, mọi chi phí nhóm sẽ cung cấp Yêu cầu: - Các bạn phải ở thành phố Hồ Chí Minh - Biết các ngôn ngữ lập trình: PHP, ASP, Javascript - Có tinh thần làm việc nhóm, nghiêm túc trong công việc Quyền lợi: - Thành viên sẽ được hỗ trợ tiền lương theo năng lực làm việc - Khi dự án hoàn tất thành v...

$750 - $1500
$750 - $1500
0 lượt đặt giá

chào freelancer! mình muốn làm web bán hàng đơn giản bằng asp, để báo cáo đồ án tốt nghiệp, mình cần dơn giản thui, giá sinh viên nhé. Hoặc có sẵn code thì bán cho mình. Bạn nào giúp mình đc không? cảm ơn

$110 Average bid
$110 Giá đặt trung bình
5 lượt đặt giá

Hiện tại hệ thống website chúng tôi là hệ thống book tour du lịch, hotel, hiện nay tôi muốn phát triển giao diện sao cho thân thiện với người sử dụng. Hệ thống viết bằng ASP. Net tôi muốn custom giao diện và phối màu sao cho dễ nhìn phần trang chủ và những trang con. Bạn nào có thể custom được giao diện thì có thể liên hệ mình qua or freelancer.

$163 Average bid
$163 Giá đặt trung bình
7 lượt đặt giá

...example 1 3b 6 4 5 7b then Dorian no2 example 1 3b 6 4 5 then Dorian no2 no7 Alterations= if user set 1 3b 6 + alterations 4# or 7 then type dorian and alteration example 1 2 3b 4# 5 6 7 then Dorian 4# 7 omissions and alterations= example 1 3b 6 7 then Dorian no2 no4 no5 7 ————— Essential notes for each scale( this is already in logic) Ionian 1 3 4 dorian 13b 6 phrygian 1 2b Lydian 1 3 4# Mixolidian 1 3 7b Eolian 1 3b 6b Locrian 1 3b 5b omission by mode (possible omission) Ionian 2 5 6 7 dorian 2 4 5 7b phrygian 3 4 5 6b 7b Lydian 2 5 6 7 Mixolidian 2 4 5 6 Eolian 2 4 5 7b Locrian 2b 4 6b 7b alteration by mode (possible alteration) Ionian 2# 5b 5# dorian 4# 7 phrygian 2 6 7 Lydian 2# 5# Mixolidian 2b 2# 4# 5# Eol...

$134 Average bid
$134 Giá đặt trung bình
46 lượt đặt giá

...example 1 3b 6 4 5 7b then Dorian no2 example 1 3b 6 4 5 then Dorian no2 no7 Alterations= if user set 1 3b 6 + alterations 4# or 7 then type dorian and alteration example 1 2 3b 4# 5 6 7 then Dorian 4# 7 omissions and alterations= example 1 3b 6 7 then Dorian no2 no4 no5 7 ————— Essential notes for each scale( this is already in logic) Ionian 1 3 4 dorian 13b 6 phrygian 1 2b Lydian 1 3 4# Mixolidian 1 3 7b Eolian 1 3b 6b Locrian 1 3b 5b omission by mode (possible omission) Ionian 2 5 6 7 dorian 2 4 5 7b phrygian 3 4 5 6b 7b Lydian 2 5 6 7 Mixolidian 2 4 5 6 Eolian 2 4 5 7b Locrian 2b 4 6b 7b alteration by mode (possible alteration) Ionian 2# 5b 5# dorian 4# 7 phrygian 2 6 7 Lydian 2# 5# Mixolidian 2b 2# 4# 5# Eol...

$21 Average bid
$21 Giá đặt trung bình
31 lượt đặt giá
Tally Prime Video Course Creation
6 ngày left
Đã xác thực

...Introduction to Accounting & Tally Prime Basics of Accounting (Concepts, Principles, Double Entry System) Accounting Terms (Assets, Liabilities, Capital, Income, Expenses, etc.) Types of Accounts (Personal, Real & Nominal) Introduction to Tally Prime Installation & Activation of Tally Prime 2. Tally Prime Interface & Features Understanding the Tally Prime Dashboard Company Creation, Alteration & Deletion Configurations & Settings in Tally Data Security & Backup in Tally 3. Masters in Tally Prime Creating Ledgers & Groups Inventory Management – Stock Items, Stock Groups, Units of Measure Godown & Warehouse Management Cost Centers & Cost Categories 4. Voucher Entries & Transactions Types of Vouchers in Tally Prim...

$277 Average bid
$277 Giá đặt trung bình
3 lượt đặt giá

I'm in search of a pre-built, simple ASP-based online store. It should sell primarily Electronics and Gadgets. The store needs to be fully functional and ready to run upon delivery. It has to be already made. Key Features Needed: - Source code included - ability to integrate with ther loyalty program for point-based purchases - User account functionality with login and registration Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficient in ASP - Experience in e-commerce website development - Ability to deliver fully functional and pre-built online store

$459 Average bid
$459 Giá đặt trung bình
58 lượt đặt giá

Need an expert with extensive experience in rooting fitness bands, hacking firmware, & customizing them according to specific requirements. Project Details: In a standard fitness band, there is an upper HR limit and a lower HR limit. We can set them in certain bands. The upper HR...change this basic limit range. We want to set the upper HR limit as low as 80 BPM. It means the moment I start walking fast, it will give me alert and vibrate the band. The candidate should have a past track record and experience of rooting such things and be able to perform root modifications safely and efficiently. If you have a proven track record in this area and are passionate about such a hack, we would love to hear from you. Please provide examples of past projects and your approach to ...

$13 / hr Average bid
Nổi bật Gấp NDA
$13 / hr Giá đặt trung bình
1 lượt đặt giá

Seeking a skilled seamstress and beader for a bridal dresses. The project primarily involves intricate beading on the bodice. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in sewing and dress alteration - Extensive experience with bridal wear - Specialized skills in beading and embellishing dresses - Creativity and ability to execute detailed, intricate patterns - Previous experience with mermaid-style dresses preferred - Excellent attention to detail and craftsmanship

$50 Average bid
Nổi bật Bảo đảm
211 bài tham dự

...’ I think they’re just mad I got the cool jacket." Laurie: (pointing accusingly) "Don’t you dare play dumb, Kash! I bet you’re hiding the list because it’s got all our dads on it! My X army’s gonna storm your treehouse if you don’t spill! And Pammy—quit posing with those binders like it’s a TikTok dance!" Elon: (grinning) "Ooh, plot twist! Maybe the real files are in binary code, and I need to hack the FBI’s juice box stash. Who’s with me for a late-night conspiracy sleepover?" Pammy: (crossing her arms) "Fine, Laurie, you want the truth? I gave the binders to you influencers ‘cause you’re loud and annoying—it’s called strategy! But now everyone’s whini...

$355 Average bid
$355 Giá đặt trung bình
37 lượt đặt giá

I'm looking for a professional 3D designer who can create a modern-style 3D house plan based on my provided images of designs. I have interior and exterior photos of the house, floor plans that need alteration, and additional design inspiration photos. - Key Requirements: - Use of provided interior and exterior photos - Alteration of the provided floor plans - Incorporation of design inspirations from photos I have - Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in 3D design software - Experience with architectural design - Ability to interpret and apply design inspiration The project involves the entire house, both interior and exterior spaces. Please note, I value efficiency and I am looking for a quick turnaround. I do not have the time to use AI for this task. The proje...

$55 Average bid
$55 Giá đặt trung bình
13 lượt đặt giá
Convert ASP Website to WordPress in cPanel
1 ngày left
Đã xác thực

I'm looking for an experienced developer to transform my friend's existing ASP website into a WordPress site hosted on cPanel. Key Requirements: - Replicate the Homepage, Contact Page and a small member's database of roughly 100+ members from the original site. - Implement a User Authentication and Membership system, Blog and news updates, and Form submissions and contact requests as seen on the ASP site. - Maintain the overall layout and structure, as well as the color scheme and branding from the original site. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in WordPress development and cPanel management. - Experience with user authentication and membership system integration. - Strong understanding of ASP and ability to replicate its functionalities in WordPress....

$441 Average bid
$441 Giá đặt trung bình
252 lượt đặt giá

I'm seeking a skilled developer to create a Chrome extension that modifies the traffic referral domain. The extension should change the referral domain for all outgoing requests, selecting a random domain from a list I will provide. what i need exactly , when i visit for example (or any domain) from my browser directly show the referral domain (from where the visits come) show the visits come from my doamins list for example : I have a list of 100 doamins I have no access for the domains lists (i do not own the doamins )

$148 Average bid
$148 Giá đặt trung bình
35 lượt đặt giá

...HTML+javascript developer with experiences with integration of Stripe () form payments. No .Net, no C#, no PHP, no Python, no React, no third party controls, no compiled objects. I have a static HTML page within ALL customer-data needed for payment. I need to complete the payment, receiving the transaction status (success or failed). I could also implement a "server part" only if written in ASP CLASSIC and/or Javascript (standard, version 1.0 no jQuery) Here the official development documentation of Stripe Here official example of integration Here test cards number/code No upfront. No payment before successful completion of all tests. Source-code required for

$38 Average bid
$38 Giá đặt trung bình
63 lượt đặt giá
Project ligma
Đã kết thúc left

More details: What specific issue are you experiencing with the Roblox games? hack the game, alter the players avatar, teleport them to my hacked map Has the game displayed any error messages? No error message What specific actions do you want to perform on the players' avatars? Change appearance

$12 / hr Average bid
$12 / hr Giá đặt trung bình
11 lượt đặt giá

I require assistance in converting specific modules or functionalities of my .asp project into PHP. The project comes with detailed documentation, making it easier for you to understand the existing system and carry out the necessary conversions. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in ASP and PHP - Experience in module-specific programming - Ability to work with detailed documentation - Strong problem-solving skills Please note that this is not a full application conversion, but rather a focused task on specific parts of the project.

$256 Average bid
$256 Giá đặt trung bình
24 lượt đặt giá

I need a photo editor who can help me transform the appearance of a car in a photo. Key Tasks: - Change the car's color to a custom satin green (I can provide a photo of the exact color). - Replace the wheels with a specific style (I have a photo of the desired wheels). - Apply a color accent on the car (I can provide details). Ideal Skills: - Proficient in photo editing software (Photoshop, Lightroom, etc.). - Strong understanding of color theory and vehicle aesthetics. - Ability to follow detailed instructions and make precise edits. This project requires a keen eye for detail and a creative touch. Serious bidders only, please.

$85 Average bid
$85 Giá đặt trung bình
78 lượt đặt giá
Small Site Plan Layout Redesign
Đã kết thúc left

I'm in need of a professional who can assist with some layout alterations on my site plan. Key Tasks: - Redefining certain boundaries - Making necessary alterations to building placements Ideal skills and experience include: - Proficiency in site plan design and alteration - Experience with boundary redefining and building layout changes - Ability to produce precise and detailed plans

$250 Average bid
$250 Giá đặt trung bình
128 lượt đặt giá

I'm facing a critical issue with my Amazon Seller Central account. When attempting to log into the US marketplace, I'm met with a "Not Authorized" message. As the primary access holder, this is quite concerning. I suspect that the issue may have stemmed from a previous alteration made by an external consultant who had temporary UltraViewer access for product promotion. Key Responsibilities: - Diagnose the root cause of the "Not Authorized" issue. - Investigate if any unauthorized changes have been made to the account accessibility. - Restore full access to the account and ensure its security. - Provide preventive measures to avoid similar issues in the future. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in managing and troubleshooting Amazon Sell...

$125 Average bid
$125 Giá đặt trung bình
20 lượt đặt giá

My old ASP Classic website generates PDFs that incorrectly display certain Scandinavian characters (Å, Ä, Ö). I need a skilled freelancer who can dive into the code, locate the source of the issue, and make the necessary adjustments. Key Requirements: - Proficient in ASP Classic - Experience with PDF generation troubleshooting - Ability to handle character encoding issues Please note, I'm not sure which components or libraries the website uses for PDF generation. Therefore, familiarity with various ASP Classic compatible PDF libraries would be a plus. Your main task will be to ensure these characters display correctly in the generated PDFs.

$440 Average bid
$440 Giá đặt trung bình
55 lượt đặt giá

I'm looking for a skilled developer to implement user authentication for my ASP.NET web app. The primary users will be registered members, and they will have basic access. Key Requirements: - Implement a secure, reliable email and password authentication system. - Ensure the system is user-friendly for registered members. - Basic access control for all registered users. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in ASP.NET. - Strong experience in developing secure web applications. - Familiarity with user authentication systems. - Excellent problem-solving skills and attention to detail. Please provide examples of similar projects you have completed.

$7 / hr Average bid
$7 / hr Giá đặt trung bình
60 lượt đặt giá
Clothing Product Photo Editing
Đã kết thúc left

I need a skilled photo retoucher to help enhance my clothing product images. The primary focus will be on editing the background of these photos to ensure they are visually appealing and consistent with my brand's aesthetic. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Professional experience in product photo editing, specifically clothing - Proficient in background alteration - Able to maintain brand consistency across edits. Please provide examples of your previous work in this area.

$12 Average bid
$12 Giá đặt trung bình
12 lượt đặt giá

Python API Developer – The Backend Wizard Who We Are: The Kaizen project → We’re an AI-powered career marketplace connecting students with their dream jobs and helping companies find the perfect talent match. Think of us as the ultimate career hack. What You’ll Do: Design, develop, and scale REST APIs using a microservices architecture. Define & maintain databases that won’t crash when traffic spikes. Work closely with UI developers to ensure seamless API integrations. Implement best practices & stay ahead of the tech curve. Make AI-powered career tools smarter by integrating LLMs (Large Language Models). Keep security, scalability & performance top of mind. Operate in an agile, scrum-driven workflow. What You Bring: ✅ Strong Python, Flask...

$10 / hr Average bid
$10 / hr Giá đặt trung bình
13 lượt đặt giá

...HTML, CSS, JavaScript, ASP, and SQL, here's a sample that you can customize according to your expertise: Freelance Web Developer | HTML, CSS, JavaScript, ASP, SQL Expert I am a skilled web developer with extensive experience in building dynamic, responsive websites and web applications using a range of technologies. Whether you're looking for a simple landing page or a complex web application, I offer a full-stack development approach to meet your business needs. Services Offered: HTML/CSS: I specialize in creating clean, semantic, and SEO-friendly HTML5 markup and responsive, mobile-friendly designs using CSS3. From simple layouts to intricate designs, I ensure a seamless user experience. JavaScript: I use JavaScript to add interactivity and functionality to ...

$11 / hr Average bid
$11 / hr Giá đặt trung bình
26 lượt đặt giá

ChatGPT Log in You said: Tell description for html css javascript asp. Net sql for freelance work ChatGPT said: Here’s a brief description of each technology you can use for freelance work: HTML (HyperText Markup Language): HTML is the standard markup language for creating web pages. It structures the content of a webpage, such as headings, paragraphs, lists, links, images, and other elements. As a freelancer, you’ll use HTML to design the skeleton or layout of websites and ensure that content is organized in a way that’s easy for both users and search engines to understand. CSS (Cascading Style Sheets): CSS controls the presentation, layout, and design of a webpage. You can define styles such as colors, fonts, spacing, and positioning for the HTML elements. Fre...

$76 Average bid
$76 Giá đặt trung bình
18 lượt đặt giá

...chapters that would be great but that depends on what you have time for. Each chapter should have gameplay of about an hour long, the chapters should not be completely self-contained, but should also not end in such a way that the player feels forced into continuing to the next chapter, events should be able to unfold in such a way that they could naturally lead into another chapter without too much alteration. Some other requests if you could: - Please provide simple descriptions of how the creatures look so my modelers have a solid reference. - Details about the setting, including each room’s purpose and what the player will be doing in them. Some notes: - The player won’t have voice lines, so any additional lore will come from documents scattered throughout the ga...

$116 Average bid
$116 Giá đặt trung bình
39 lượt đặt giá

I'm seeking a professional retoucher who can enhance two corporate images for my company. The images need significant work. Specific Requirements: - Color Correction: The images need to be consistent in color and visually appealing. - Blemish and Spot Removal: Any imperfections in the image need to be meticulou...overdid it. The retoucher will need to change the color tone, remove make-up from certain areas and emphasise in others. - Additional Enhancements: Overall color correction and lighting adjustment are needed. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in photo editing software such as Adobe Photoshop or Lightroom. - Strong eye for detail and color. - Experience in corporate image retouching. - Skills in make-up alteration in images. - Ability to deliver a high-quality product in a...

$103 Average bid
$103 Giá đặt trung bình
113 lượt đặt giá

Necesito un sitio MVC ASP .NET 9.0 C# con FastReport Online Designer Se necesita un único reporte en el cual se le pueda para un objeto la idea es llenar este objeto y tener esta Informacion disponible en FastReport Online Designer Resultados esperados: Proyecto listo para continuar agregando más reportes y objetos para usarlos como datos. Proyecto funcional para ver y editar al menos un reporte con el objeto dado. public class cfViewModel { public Identificacion identificacion { get; set; } public List<DocumentoRelacionado> documentoRelacionado { get; set; } public Emisor emisor { get; set; } public Receptor receptor { get; set; } public object otrosDocumentos { get; set; } public VentaTercero ventaTercero { get; set; } public Lis...

$126 Average bid
$126 Giá đặt trung bình
7 lượt đặt giá

I have a portrait photo that requires a quick alteration. One individual in the photo needs their skin tone changed to a lighter shade. The task needs to be completed urgently. Ideal skills for this project include: - Proficiency in photo editing software - Experience with color correction and skin tone adjustments Please ensure to maintain the natural appearance of the individual post-edit.

$20 Average bid
$20 Giá đặt trung bình
45 lượt đặt giá

I have a photo of my dog that needs some adjustments. I need the color of my dog's feet lightened and the color of the face wrinkles lightened as well. Additionally, I am looking to have my waist slimmed and the photo moved in front of another backdrop (that I will provide). As well as straightening the dog’s leg closest to me. Ideal Skills and Experienc...well. Additionally, I am looking to have my waist slimmed and the photo moved in front of another backdrop (that I will provide). As well as straightening the dog’s leg closest to me. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in photo editing software (e.g., Adobe Photoshop) - Attention to detail - Experience with color correction and photo manipulation - Ability to handle requests for image alteration sensit...

$69 Average bid
$69 Giá đặt trung bình
108 lượt đặt giá

I need a electonics engineer/ android specalist to analyse a hack of my android device and write a report for court.

$45 Average bid
$45 Giá đặt trung bình
7 lượt đặt giá
Simple Logo Text Modification
Đã kết thúc left

I need a slight alteration to my logo. The existing text needs to be changed to "HR Business Services". The font and other styling elements should remain unchanged. Ideal Skills: - Graphic Design - Logo Design - Adobe Illustrator or Photoshop Proficiency Please, provide a quick turnaround for this simple task. Thank you! Need it doing today and the budget is fixed at £5.

$6 / hr Average bid
$6 / hr Giá đặt trung bình
40 lượt đặt giá

I need to convert our software coded in ASP Classic into ASP.NET. The initial focus will be on five specific programs that handle credit card payment processing. Key Requirements: - Utilize a VB to C# conversion tool, though additional manual work is expected due to limitations of these tools. - Maintain existing functionality, particularly the credit card payment processing and the user interface and experience. - Preserve the current integration with APIs, while also incorporating the necessary APIs for enabling Apple Pay. - Conduct unit testing post-conversion to ensure functionality and performance. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in both ASP Classic and ASP.NET. - Experience with VB to C# conversion tools. - Knowledge of credit card processing software and APIs

$1206 Average bid
$1206 Giá đặt trung bình
121 lượt đặt giá
Urgent: Website Hack Recovery
Đã kết thúc left

I need a cybersecurity expert to help recover my hacked website. The breach has compromised customer information, so it's critical to address this issue urgently. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Extensive experience in system hack recovery, specifically for websites - Proven track record in cybersecurity - Ability to handle sensitive data with discretion - Strong problem-solving skills Your task will be to secure our website and ensure the safety of our customer data moving forward.

$437 Average bid
$437 Giá đặt trung bình
24 lượt đặt giá

I have an existing label design for a cleaning product that requires some text alterations. The label is intended for product packaging and will be used in product labeling. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Graphic design - Label design expertise - Typography - Attention to detail - Experience with product packaging design

$91 Average bid
$91 Giá đặt trung bình
82 lượt đặt giá

I need a professional to help edit my logo. After some interaction with chat gpt, I need a few alterations to the original design. Specific Requirements: - Adjust and edit images - remove unnecessary numbers and words - make sure logo names is clear Ideally, the freelancer should have: - Experience in logo editing and brand identity. - Proficiency in design software such as Adobe Illustrator or Photoshop. - Ability to deliver 3-5 altered logo images.

$44 Average bid
$44 Giá đặt trung bình
119 lượt đặt giá
Identity Card Editing Help
Đã kết thúc left

I need a freelancer who can assist in editing my physical, scanned identity card. The details needing alteration are: - Part of my Name - Date of Birth - Date of Issue - Expiry date. The current file format of the card is JPEG. I'm open to using any software for the editing, although I would prefer if the freelancer could work with GIMP or Adobe Photoshop. After the edits, I'm not sure if the image quality needs to be enhanced, so I'll let the freelancer decide. However, I do need the edited card to be in JPEG format after the changes. Ideal skills and experience for this job include: - Proficiency in image editing software - Experience with editing identity documents - Attention to detail - Ability to enhance image quality if necessary - Ability to deliver the f...

$22 Average bid
$22 Giá đặt trung bình
48 lượt đặt giá

I am seeking assistance with reviewing my security protocols and evaluating the quality of my encryption. Specifically, I need a professional with expertise in the assessment of hash functions. some one who can hack any systeman wifi pasword and the idea to perfom avaliations of security of clients Key Responsibilities: - Review of existing security protocols - Assessment of the quality of encryption, particularly hash functions - Provision of recommendations for improvements Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in digital security - Expertise in reviewing security protocols - Proficient in assessing encryption quality - In-depth knowledge of SHA-256 hash function

$22 / hr Average bid
$22 / hr Giá đặt trung bình
12 lượt đặt giá