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  • Spain
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Hiện 153 kết quả
  • Thuê     JavierSMoreno
Thuê     JavierSMoreno

    JavierSMoreno JavierSMoreno

    Spain $18 USD / giờ
    Translation & Voice Over - Quality & On Time
    11 đánh giá 11 đánh giá $18 USD mỗi giờ
    Hello! I´m a reliable and Spanish native translator (Madrid) and voice over producer from Madrid-Spain. Translation and Interpreter degree and certificate in QA Translation by Nuance Co. I have 16 years with English as a business language. 8 years lived in the UK, another 3 between Italy and France taking numerous...
    Hello! I´m a reliable and Spanish native translator (Madrid) and voice over producer from Madrid-Spain. Translation and Interpreter degree and certificate in QA Translation by Nuance Co. I have 16 years with English as a business language. 8 years lived in the UK, another 3 between Italy and France taking numerous courses in the local language and another 6 working in Latam countries, I provide accurate translations in the following language pairs: English <> Spanish. Italian > Spanish French > Spanish Portuguese > Spanish I provide large experience in the following topics: books, legal, videogames, social science, industrial procedures, training materials, brochures, engineering instructions, manuals, etc.; matching always perfectly the original message and idiomatic  nuances. I also produce Audio Services with a neutral accent in high-quality sound. I commit myself to surpass client expectations in terms of product quality and time of delivery. Feel free to ask me any doubt you may have about how to best collaborate in your project, I am a serious and flexible freelancer to work with. Kind regards, Javier ít hơn
  • Thuê JavierSMoreno
  • Thuê     christian465
Thuê     christian465

    christian465 christian465

    Spain $20 USD / giờ
    Sustainability Consultant
    0 đánh giá 0 đánh giá $20 USD mỗi giờ
    I am a consultant specialising in sustainability and business strategy with more than 15 years of international experience with industries, governments and NGOs. I will help you to plan and develop your business, projects and events in a sustainable way. ● Project Management ● Resource mapping with QGIS ● Carbon...
    I am a consultant specialising in sustainability and business strategy with more than 15 years of international experience with industries, governments and NGOs. I will help you to plan and develop your business, projects and events in a sustainable way. ● Project Management ● Resource mapping with QGIS ● Carbon Footprint ● Development of courses and teaching materials in sustainability and engineering. ● Double Materiality Assessment (DMA) ít hơn
  • Thuê christian465
  • Thuê     afgiam
Thuê     afgiam

    afgiam afgiam

    Spain $40 USD / giờ
    Master in IT Management
    0 đánh giá 0 đánh giá $40 USD mỗi giờ
    I am a 20+ years experienced developer from small desktop programs to convergent core systems, including embedded IoT and TelCo systems, core and VAS. I could code in various languages utilizing many of the nowadays platforms as a full-stack engineer. My expertise is also on different DevOps techniques, from...
    I am a 20+ years experienced developer from small desktop programs to convergent core systems, including embedded IoT and TelCo systems, core and VAS. I could code in various languages utilizing many of the nowadays platforms as a full-stack engineer. My expertise is also on different DevOps techniques, from requirements to delivering and deploying to the monitoring of live systems. Marketing, company objectives, and social trademark are also my concerns in any project. ít hơn
  • Thuê afgiam
  • Thuê     Aichaatolba
Thuê     Aichaatolba

    Aichaatolba Aichaatolba

    Spain $15 USD / giờ
    Data Analyst IStatistics|R|Python|Power BI|Tableau
    0 đánh giá 0 đánh giá $15 USD mỗi giờ
    Hello there ? I'm happy that you are reading this ? I can assist you with any task related to the following subjects with ? satisfaction and perfect results. ✔️ Data cleaning and processing ✔️ Data visualizations and dashboarding using Power BI and Tableau ✔️ Machine learning : Linear regression , logistic...
    Hello there ? I'm happy that you are reading this ? I can assist you with any task related to the following subjects with ? satisfaction and perfect results. ✔️ Data cleaning and processing ✔️ Data visualizations and dashboarding using Power BI and Tableau ✔️ Machine learning : Linear regression , logistic regression , sentiment analysis among others. ✔️Use of statistical programs : R , SPSS , SAS , JMP ✔️ Excel and Microsoft office. ✔️ SQL and Python. ✔️ Statistics & Quantitative Analysis ít hơn
  • Thuê Aichaatolba
  • Thuê     nubelo_KqJDacg4
Thuê     nubelo_KqJDacg4

    nubelo_KqJDacg4 nubelo_KqJDacg4

    Spain $30 USD / giờ
    Consultor retail
    0 đánh giá 0 đánh giá $30 USD mỗi giờ
    Consultoría especializada en comercios. -Marketing. Seguimiento ventas. Merchandising -Rentabilidad. Unificación contabilidad-ventas. Financiación. -Recursos Humanos. Selección y formación. -Diercción. Enfoque empresarial para el comercio. -Lanzamiento. Consultoría de franquicias. Consultor en "Comercio...
    Consultoría especializada en comercios. -Marketing. Seguimiento ventas. Merchandising -Rentabilidad. Unificación contabilidad-ventas. Financiación. -Recursos Humanos. Selección y formación. -Diercción. Enfoque empresarial para el comercio. -Lanzamiento. Consultoría de franquicias. Consultor en "Comercio Sencillo". Consultoría especializada en comercios. ít hơn
  • Thuê nubelo_KqJDacg4
  • Thuê     TaniamoralesSZ
Thuê     TaniamoralesSZ

    TaniamoralesSZ TaniamoralesSZ

    Spain $18 USD / giờ
    0 đánh giá 0 đánh giá $18 USD mỗi giờ
    I hold a degree in Administration and Accounting, with a specialization in Invoicing, Public Relations, and Human Resources. Throughout my career, I've had the opportunity to manage teams of over 30 people, which has allowed me to develop exceptional leadership and organizational skills. I've been responsible for the...
    I hold a degree in Administration and Accounting, with a specialization in Invoicing, Public Relations, and Human Resources. Throughout my career, I've had the opportunity to manage teams of over 30 people, which has allowed me to develop exceptional leadership and organizational skills. I've been responsible for the Public Relations department, where I've worked on creating and maintaining strong relationships with clients and strategic partners. I enjoy managing documents in a way that ensures everything is clear and organized, allowing me to work more efficiently and quickly. ít hơn
  • Thuê TaniamoralesSZ
  • Thuê     Valuat24
Thuê     Valuat24

    Valuat24 Valuat24

    Spain $35 USD / giờ
    Producer- event producer- shows- festivals
    0 đánh giá 0 đánh giá $35 USD mỗi giờ
    I am an audiovisual event producer, and my passion is creating unforgettable experiences that captivate the audience. With skills in planning, coordinating, and executing events, I am dedicated to delivering top-quality productions that exceed expectations. By working closely with creative teams, I have contributed to...
    I am an audiovisual event producer, and my passion is creating unforgettable experiences that captivate the audience. With skills in planning, coordinating, and executing events, I am dedicated to delivering top-quality productions that exceed expectations. By working closely with creative teams, I have contributed to the success of various corporate events, product launches, and live shows. I am always seeking to innovate and raise the industry standard. Connect with me to explore collaboration opportunities! ít hơn
  • Thuê Valuat24
  • Thuê     LuisRodriguez001
Thuê     LuisRodriguez001

    LuisRodriguez001 LuisRodriguez001

    Spain $20 USD / giờ
    Closer de Ventas y E-commerce
    0 đánh giá 0 đánh giá $20 USD mỗi giờ
    Hola yo soy Luis. Apasionado del e-commerce con habilidades excepcionales en cierre de ventas. Combina su profunda experiencia en comercio electrónico con su capacidad persuasiva para cerrar acuerdos de manera efectiva. Con un enfoque orientado a resultados y habilidades de negociación sobresalientes, Luis se destaca...
    Hola yo soy Luis. Apasionado del e-commerce con habilidades excepcionales en cierre de ventas. Combina su profunda experiencia en comercio electrónico con su capacidad persuasiva para cerrar acuerdos de manera efectiva. Con un enfoque orientado a resultados y habilidades de negociación sobresalientes, Luis se destaca en resolver problemas y construir relaciones sólidas con los clientes. Su adaptabilidad y compromiso con el aprendizaje continuo lo hacen un activo invaluable en cualquier equipo de ventas. ít hơn
  • Thuê LuisRodriguez001
  • Thuê     halimett
Thuê     halimett

    halimett halimett

    Spain $40 USD / giờ
    Psychologist, Coach and Writer
    0 đánh giá 0 đánh giá $40 USD mỗi giờ
    Clinical Psychologist and writer. I can give counseling and write content in three languages: Spanish, English, and French. I also do physical coaching and fitness
    Clinical Psychologist and writer. I can give counseling and write content in three languages: Spanish, English, and French. I also do physical coaching and fitness ít hơn
  • Thuê halimett
  • Thuê     francispenalbaf
Thuê     francispenalbaf

    francispenalbaf francispenalbaf

    Spain $20 USD / giờ
    Periodistas especializado en marketing
    0 đánh giá 0 đánh giá $20 USD mỗi giờ
    Periodista especializado en marketing y comunicación empresarial con una larga experiencia en el sector. Autodidacta y multidisciplinar.
    Periodista especializado en marketing y comunicación empresarial con una larga experiencia en el sector. Autodidacta y multidisciplinar. ít hơn
  • Thuê francispenalbaf

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