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Visionsoft Inventory Management System enables you to manage you SAP Business One inventory from your Android mobile devices with an easy to connect and use mobile App. The connection to SAP Business One is very easy. Just enter your server’s IP and database name and you are ready to work.

    Some of the features are:

  • Check your stocks, pricelists and some stock statistics
  • Create, view and manage your Purchase Orders / Return Requests
  • Create, view and manage your Goods Receipts/ Returns PO
  • Convert and confirm your Purchase Orders to Goods Receipt PO
  • Convert and confirm your Return Requests PO to Returns
  • Convert and confirm your Goods Receipts PO to Returns PO
  • Create, view, manage and convert your Transfer Requests to Inventory Transfers
  • Create, view and manage your Inventory Transfers
  • View and manage your Inventory Counting
  • View and manage your Pickings
  • Create, view and manage your Sales Orders / Return Requests AR
  • Create, view and manage your Deliveries / Returns AR
  • Convert and confirm your Sales Orders to Deliveries
  • Convert and confirm your Return Requests AR to Returns AR

Click to register and start working today

