
Weekly Horoscope: September 22-28

Libra season ushers in a period of self-advocacy, empathy, and emotional maturation as Mars and Ceres face off in direct opposition.

Illustration by Reesa

The ongoing opposition between the Sun and Neptune retrograde ushers in Libra season this Monday, offering a more lighthearted, optimistic approach to the revelations brought up by the latter blue planet. Dreams will become more achievable, and challenging conflicts will become more multi-dimensional and easy to understand.

Digestible or not, determining the next steps forward can be difficult in even the most positive situations. As Ceres and Mars face off under Capricorn and Cancer, our pragmatic and sensitive sides will begin to butt heads. What do we want? Need? Either question is a moot point if we don’t have actionable steps to get there.

What do the stars have in store for your sign this week?

Aries glyph  weekly horoscope

Aries: March 21 – April 19

This week’s opposition between your ruling planet, Mars, and Ceres holds the potential for significant conflict. As Mars’ fiery energy directly clashes with Ceres’ nurturing spirit, you might find yourself at a fork in the road, forcing you to pick a side and act on that decision. However, the stars offer much-needed celestial encouragement via Saturn.

Saturn retrograde and Mars form a harmonious trine early in the week, emboldening your thinking and energizing your efforts. Interestingly, both Saturn and Mars are flying under water signs, adding a sense of adaptability and flexibility to your approach. The stars suggest that no matter what challenges await you further down the road, you have all the tools you need to overcome them, Aries.

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Taurus glyphs  weekly horoscope

Taurus: April 20 – May 20

As you come off the cusp of Venus’ lengthy opposition with rebellious Eris, now is an ideal time to address unhealthy or unproductive relationships in your life. A square between your ruling planet and a waning crescent Moon under Scorpio and Leo, respectively, suggests a friendship might be on the brink of strengthening or dissolving.

Or is the operative word here, Taurus. With Venus under Scorpio, your stubborn side is liable to appear, building walls between you and those who care about you. Just because a relationship encounters a rough patch doesn’t mean it’s doomed forever. A sextile between the Moon and Sun should help ease ego-driven conflict and encourage empathetic thinking. There are always multiple sides to a story.

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Gemini: May 21 – June 20

All celestial signs point to new ideas and perspectives, which can be a blessing and a curse. On the one hand, we rarely grow within the confines of our comfort zone. But on the other hand, it’s called our comfort zone for a reason. As your ruling planet, Mercury, opposes Neptune retrograde, feelings and beliefs might seem paradoxical.

Don’t let these conflicting feelings discourage you, Gemini. A fortuitous trine between Mercury and Uranus retrograde suggests that these fresh perspectives are more beneficial than you realize. Give yourself time to acclimate before writing off this experience as inherently negative. Sometimes, the most uncomfortable situations provide us with the best, most memorable life lessons. Focus on what you’re learning, not what you’re missing.

Cancer glyph  weekly horoscope

Cancer: June 21 – July 22

A waxing crescent Moon conjoins with Mars as it directly opposes Ceres toward the end of the week. Expect a keen sense of emotional awareness, highlighting problem areas and potential pitfalls in your own behavior and that of others. Keep your eyes and heart open to celestial clues pointing you in a more positive direction.

Greater clarity will come shortly thereafter when the Moon forms a favorable sextile with Mercury under Leo and Libra. Your sense of esteem internally and within your social circle will increase, opening the door for more straightforward communication without fear of rejection or alienation. Just because something is difficult to say doesn’t mean we should avoid it, Cancer. In fact, the opposite is true.

Leo glyph  weekly horoscope

Leo: July 23 – August 22

The confusion bubbled up by the ongoing opposition between the Sun and Neptune retrograde will finally start to make a bit more sense as your ruling celestial body swings over into Libra. At the same time, communicative Mercury slides into conjunction with the Sun, increasing your ability to speak your truth clearly and effectively.

Virgo’s grounding energy made it difficult to comprehend the ideas and fantasies presented by Neptune. With Libra’s airy, imaginative spirit, these ambitions suddenly seem less impossibly lofty and more attainable. With a waning crescent Moon closing out the week under your sign, the path forward will more than likely require you to release unhealthy relationships or behaviors that have been holding you back, Leo.

Virgo glyph  weekly horoscope

Virgo: August 23 – September 22

Your ruling planet, Mercury, begins the week in a challenging square with Jupiter under your sign and Gemini, respectively. This tension between the need to communicate and the desire to explore suggests your current approach to solving your conflict isn’t working. The need to be right is superseding the desire to achieve a resolution, which is undoubtedly a dangerous cycle for you, Virgo.

As the Sun slips out of your sign and into Libra’s, allow the latter sign’s empathetic spirit to color your communication style. Things don’t always have to make perfect sense to you to be correct or acceptable. The universe is constantly conjuring opportunities for us to learn and grow, and no one is immune—not even you.

Libra glyph  weekly horoscope

Libra: September 23 – October 22

Libra season officially begins this week as the Sun slips from Virgo under your sign. Feelings of empathy, creativity, and justice abound. However, your ruling planet’s trek into Scorpio presents its fair share of challenges. Venus in Scorpio can manifest as secretive or callous behavior in matters of the heart or finances. Scorpio’s insular tendencies may tempt you to build walls to keep others out.

This standoffishness will come to a head later in the week when your ruling planet forms a challenging square with the waning crescent Moon. As counterproductive as these feelings might appear, perhaps the stars are bringing them center stage so that you can better identify how to fix them. Troubleshooting is easier when there’s actual trouble.

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Scorpio: October 23 – November 21

Venus enters your sign midweek in conjunction with Haumea, strengthening your instincts around romantic and financial endeavors. Don’t be afraid to tap into your inner voice and use your feelings as a compass. Our subconscious minds often have a greater handle on the conscious world than we care to recognize. If something feels good (or, conversely, off), then be willing to trust that it is.

Whatever revelations the Hauma-Venus conjunction promises, the stars appear to be signaling toward a release or farewell. The waning crescent Moon’s square with Venus under your sign suggests a pull to let something or someone go for good. You’ve been mulling it over for weeks, Scorpio. There’s no time to act like the present.

Sagittarius glyph  weekly horoscope

Sagittarius: November 22 – December 21

The tension between Mercury and your ruling planet, Jupiter, eases throughout the week. Communication problems will begin to work themselves out; technology mishaps will become more infrequent. This clarity comes just in time for a conjunction between Jupiter and the waning gibbous Moon early in the week, which turns an eye forward to your greater life path. Does your progress fit the bigger picture?

If not, what changes can you make to better align with your long-term ambitions? Jupiter and Chiron retrograde’s sextile under Gemini and Aries indicates past hurts or fears might be holding you back more than you realize. The longer you wait to address these issues definitively, the more the same old problems will keep recurring, Sag.

Capricorn glyph  weekly horoscope

Capricorn: December 22 – January 19

Saturn retrograde is involved in two major celestial alignments today: the first is a trine with Mars, and the second is a sextile with Ceres. The former aspect promises greater energy and motivation to tackle difficult internal conversations or conflicts. Addressing our shortcomings and downfalls is never easy, particularly when our egos do such a good job of hiding our responsibility for our pain.

With Mars setting a fire underneath you, so to speak, now is the perfect time to start mending bridges and doing the necessary work to improve and grow, Capricorn. This endeavor will be bolstered by the Ceres-Saturn sextile, encouraging you to look closely at the energy you put into the world while still addressing your needs.

Aquarius glyph  weekly horoscope

Aquarius: January 20 – February 18

A brief trine between Uranus retrograde and Mercury early in the week will solidify your beliefs and energize your efforts to transform and evolve. This replenished confidence will prove especially useful days later when your ruling planet forms a sextile with a waning gibbous Moon under Cancer. The waning gibbous lunar phase calls us to assess our life path and determine what we need to do (or not do) to improve.

While this process of analysis and release might feel arduous at first, the stars’ alignment suggests you’ll come out of this stronger than you started. And remember, Aquarius, this is not an overnight endeavor. The path you’re on will take time to traverse. Be patient with yourself as you go.

Pisces glyph weekly horoscope

Pisces: February 19 – March 20

The ongoing opposition between the Sun and Neptune retrograde is finally starting to weaken just in time for Mercury to take the former celestial body’s place. With pesky pride and ego out of the way, you will find it easier to use logic and experience to color your perception of the world as opposed to letting fear lead the way.

Your sign has been battling water and fire for a while now, and Mercury’s grounded, Earth-ruled energy is just what the doctor ordered. This week, the stars call you to absorb as much information as you can. Leave no room for doublespeak or misinterpretation. You’d be surprised how much easier conflict resolution becomes when you clear up gray areas, Pisces.

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