US.VOTE is your guide
to How to Vote in America.

US.VOTE takes a fresh and innovative approach to the evolving challenges of voting in America. Our decades of experience in the development of voter services underpin the novelty of our new civic engagement campaigns, tools and programs. All designed with the voter in mind.

We invite you to create your Voter Journey Map, to delve into the You're Eligible Situations library of inspiring voter stories, and to explore our other campaigns.

US.VOTE is an initiative of U.S. Vote Foundation.

Voter Journey Map

The Voter Journey Map brings the experience of “how to vote” to life. It guides you through the steps that work best for your situation to create your own personalized map for how to vote in the next election.

Create My Voter Journey Map

The Voter Journey Map transforms what might otherwise be an intimidating, complex process into a fun and informative experience.

Hands holding Voter Journey Map Logo

You're Eligible Situations

Life is complicated, but voting doesn't have to be. If you're an eligible citizen with a will to vote, there's a way to vote. You're Eligible Situations - YES — introduces you to voting champions who show you how to overcome any situation that stands between you and your right to vote.

Check Out the YES Campaign

Get your “Can I Vote If...” question answered. Each YES voter story will give you the information, inspiration and tools you need to cast your ballot in this election and elections to follow!

YES logo

Vote in Honor of a Veteran

Vote in Honor of a Veteran brings together all state programs that honor veterans through civic engagement. We make it easy for you to cast your ballot in honor of a veteran.

Get Started

For veterans, we introduce you to Vet the Vote to promote the civic experience of being a poll worker. Veterans are the most vital contingent of citizens filling the need for poll workers across the country.

YES logo

Take Voter Action

U.S. Vote Foundation offers a comprehensive set of voter services for all voter types, domestic, overseas and military voters. Our state-by-state election data directories make voting information simple and easy to find.

U.S. Vote Foundation logo

Experience satisfaction in voting with U.S. Vote Foundation!