OCHA Tools and Services
OCHA partners and field offices provide effective humanitarian response through the OCHA core functions: Advocacy, Coordination, Humanitarian Financing, Information Management and Policy. OCHA supports its partners and staff by providing the tools and services below. Regional and country offices have also created a series of tools and services to support location operations.
- About World Humanitarian Day
- Anticipatory Action Toolkit
- Crisis Relief Donation Pages
- UN Climate Relief Fundraising
- Digital Situation Report
- OCHA Brand Portal
- OCHA Exposure
- unocha.org
- World Humanitarian Day
- Deliver Aid Better
- EHA Connect
- Environmental Emergencies Centre (EEC)
- Humanitarian InSight
- Humanitarian Programme Cycle: Assessment Registry and Knowledge Management Platform
- Humanitarian Programme Cycle: Humanitarian Insights
- Humanitarian Programme Cycle: Indicator Registry
- Humanitarian Programme Cycle: Projects
- Humanitarian Programme Cycle: Response Planning Module (RPM)
- IASC Gender with Age Marker (GAM)
- International Search and Rescue Advisory Group (INSARAG)
- Joint Intersectoral Analysis Framework (JIAF)
- Saving Lives Together
- UNDAC Resource Center
- Virtual On-Site Operations Coordination Centre (VOSOCC)
#Humanitarian Financing
- Central Emergency Response Fund (CERF)
- Central Emergency Response Fund Data Hub
- Country-based Pooled Funds (CBPF)
- Country-based Pooled Funds: Data Hub and Analytics
- Country-based Pooled Funds: Grant Management System Core Application
- Global Humanitarian Overview
- Humanitarian Programme Cycle: Financial Tracking Service (FTS)
- OCHA Contribution Tracking (OCT)
- OCHA Contribution Tracking (OCT) Summary Overview
- OCHA Donor Support Group
- Pooled Funds Data Hub (CERF and CBPF)
#Information Management
- Centre for Humanitarian Data
- Common Operational Datasets
- Confluence Wiki: Humanitarian Data Exchange
- Confluence Wiki: HDX Knowledge Base
- Confluence Wiki: Humanitarian Exchange Language
- Confluence Wiki: IM Toolbox
- Humanitarian Atlas
- Humanitarian Data Exchange (HDX)
- Humanitarian Exchange Language (HXL)
- Humanitarian ID
- KoBoToolbox
- OCHA 3W Portal
- ReliefWeb
- ReliefWeb Response
- Inter-Agency Standing Committee (IASC)
- Protection of Civilians Aide-Memoire
- RC/HC Handbook
#Regional and Country Specific Services
Asia and the Pacific
Latin America and the Caribbean
Middle East and North Africa
- UNOCHA Occupied Palestinian Territory (oPt)
- UNOCHA oPT 5Ws Plus
- UNOCHA oPt Access Coordination
- UNOCHA oPt Humanitarian Atlas
- UNOCHA oPT Vulnerability Profile Project (VPP)
- UNOCHA Syria Hub
- West Bank Emergency Management System