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Unit4 ERP software
for project management

ERP project icons - calendar, graph, cloud

Optimize your projects with Professional Services Automation

Give your teams core PSA capabilities with Unit4 ERP Project Management. Gain the power to manage the entire project cycle from project creation to final invoice and project close-down.

Watch our explainer video and see how we can help you successfully manage all types and scales of project.

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Key capabilities

    • Use historical project KPIs and experience to kickstart new projects.
    • Break down customer contracts into manageable workloads and set milestones in one place.
    • Create flexible project structures with project planning software capabilities for multiple project types.
    • Gain the ability to see a complete picture of your people's skills using HCM integration.
    • Track and analyze project performance with visualized results.

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    Screenshot showing the project planning, structuring and tracking capabilities of project management with Unit4 ERP
    • Save time and reduce inefficiencies with project management software that supports complex international or multiclient projects that span legal entities.
    • Use tailored and automated workflows built for highly complex project environments.
    • Discover clear visibility on costs and resources and increased billing accuracy.

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    Screenshot showing the global project capabilities of project management with Unit4 ERP
    • Automatically generate invoice proposals based on customer contracts that project managers can edit or approve.
    • Automatically process timesheets, expenses, milestones and fixed fees.
    • Boost adaptability thanks to flexible pricing and approval processes, including support for electronic invoicing.
    • Earn revenues at a faster rate by letting users mark projects as recognizable.
    • Ensure compliance and deliver better audit trails than Excel-based solutions with support for new regulations.

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    Screenshot showing the project billing and revenue recognition capabilities of project management with Unit4 ERP
    • Rely on accurate planning software to manage costs and resources throughout the project life cycle.
    • Adapt to organizational requirements and deliver more accurate forecasts using historical and real-time data.

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    Screenshot showing the project budgeting and forecasting capabilities of project management with Unit4 ERP
    • Optimize and bill with precision with easy-to-use timesheet and expense entry for all users across multiple devices.
    • Accommodate different working hours, patterns or costing models with ease, thanks to flexible configuration options.
    • Keep constant track of progress with automated timesheet authorization, expense entry and receipt scanning.

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    Screenshot showing the Time and expenses capabilities of project management with Unit4 ERP

    Create a better way to automate your professional services

    As part of Unit4 ERP, projects are fully integrated with finance, accounting, procurement and payroll as part of a broader and stronger PSA solution.

    • Optimize project resources and gain faster revenue recognition.

    • Manage complex global projects with ease.

    • Gain clear visibility across a full program of projects in a single view.

    • Improve project margins with a streamlined and integrated procurement process.

    • CRM and project planning connected out of the box; easily add other external PSA resources.

    • Integrate HCM data for better people planning.

    • Forecast and budget for projects with increased accuracy.

    • Optimize resource utilization with integrated skills-management data.

    We have the flexibility to track project financial performance in terms of impact and outcomes as well as down to the output level. Unit4 has been transformational.

    Rainelda Ampil

    ERP Team Lead, Global Green Growth Institute

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    Trusted worldwide by organizations that serve people

    Customer Story: ALTEN Group

    Watch this short video interview to learn how this
    world leader in engineering and technology consulting gained a better platform for project delivery and growth.

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    Manage your business better with ERP software that puts heightened capabilities in your hands – and helps your people Experience Real Purpose.

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